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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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I personally think PiP and Internet connectivity are such minor features that the BDA would have been better off locking the spec at 1.0 than introducing multiple profiles. The old talking point of "With HD DVD you can download the latest movie trailers over the Internet and watch PiP commentary tracks! Blu-ray doesn't offer that!" was met with a collective yawn. And PiP could still be done with 1.0 anyway. It would be less efficient, but BD-50s have the space to spare. The only drawback to locking the spec at 1.0 would have been no web content. Well, and possibly the ability to do 3D movies down the road with the second 1080p decoder, but that's just speculation at the moment.

Many BD supporters naively assumed that introducing 1.1/2.0 was good for the format, even though they didn't care about the features personally, because it would silence the critics. But all it did was replace the old talking point with the new talking point that "BD is an unfinished format! Don't buy a player because the new disks won't work!" which is more effective than the old talking point IMO. Many people have been tricked into believing that new disks won't work on old players at all, which isn't true of course, but it's difficult to explain the profiles to people, and even the PR people for Blu-ray are doing a bad job of it.

BTW, I think this quote from the Consumerist article says it all.

But with the exception of the Playstation 3, current Blu-ray disc players were built without future-compatibility capabilities, so come this October owners won't be able to take advantage of features like Internet connectivity or enhanced interactivity (whatever that means—details are sketchy).

They don't even know what these features mean, but they're pissed that 1.0 players don't have them.


Post Count: 9999
Azrael said:
I personally think PiP and Internet connectivity are such minor features that the BDA would have been better off locking the spec at 1.0 than introducing multiple profiles. The old talking point of "With HD DVD you can download the latest movie trailers over the Internet and watch PiP commentary tracks! Blu-ray doesn't offer that!" was met with a collective yawn. And PiP could still be done with 1.0 anyway. It would be less efficient, but BD-50s have the space to spare. The only drawback to locking the spec at 1.0 would have been no web content.

Many BD supporters naively assumed that introducing 1.1/2.0 was good for the format, even though they didn't care about the features personally, because it would silence the critics. But all it did was replace the old talking point with the new talking point that "BD is an unfinished format! Don't buy a player because the new disks won't work!" which is more effective than the old talking point IMO. Many people have been tricked into believing that new disks won't work on old players at all, which isn't true of course, but it's difficult to explain the profiles to people, and even the PR people for Blu-ray are doing a bad job of it.

I don't think it really is an issue. Obviously both talking points are effectively moot at this point (with HD DVD in reality, dead)

J6P won't be purchasing one until the prices come down anyway ... and at that point, they will all basically be 2.0 (or at least 1.1). For the early adopters/enthusiasts purchasing them now ... most know what they are getting into.



Onix said:
I don't think it really is an issue. Obviously both talking points are effectively moot at this point (with HD DVD in reality, dead)

Just because HD DVD is dead doesn't mean consumers will buy Blu-ray, and Sony-hating tech journos (are there any other kind?) will say anything they can to discourage them from doing so.

J6P won't be purchasing one until the prices come down anyway ... and at that point, they will all basically be 2.0 (or at least 1.1).

Actually, I don't think 2.0 will ever be universal. 1.1 is the final standard, 2.0 is optional. I doubt there will be any 1.0 players on shelves a year from now, but there will always be 1.1 and 2.0 players, so not all players will play all bonus content.


I'd have to agree; I don't think 2.0 will ever be a universal standard for BD players simply because of the added components (HDD and ethernet). Profile 1.1 is likely to be the prominent one with the rest being 2.0 at a premium price.

Chittagong said:
I just saw someone buying a standalone Panasonic Blu-Ray player for 599e in our local supermarket. I wanted go and punch him.

How's the picture quality on it?


Post Count: 9999
Azrael said:
Just because HD DVD is dead doesn't mean consumers will buy Blu-ray, and Sony-hating tech journos (are there any other kind?) will say anything they can to discourage them from doing so.

But again, by the time J6P cares about BD, it will mostly be irrelevant (at least 1.0)

Actually, I don't think 2.0 will ever be universal. 1.1 is the final standard, 2.0 is optional. I doubt there will be any 1.0 players on shelves a year from now, but there will always be 1.1 and 2.0 players, so not all players will play all bonus content.

Even if it isn't, the CE companies will be smart enough to advertise the players that have Ethernet on the box. The people that actually have Ethernet by their TV will take that into consideration. The people that don't need it, won't use it as a deciding factor in their purchase ... the people that do want it, will.

Not having 1.1 in some players would be confusing to a lot of consumers ... but 2.0, that's very easy to advertise as a feature. They just need to say something like 'internet connectivity for downloadable extras and online gaming/content'. That is something that people can easily understand as a feature ... and determine whether they give two shits or not.


SRG01 said:
I'd have to agree; I don't think 2.0 will ever be a universal standard for BD players simply because of the added components (HDD and ethernet).

I don't think a HDD is required, just a port that an external storage device can be connected to, so all a 2.0 player needs hardware wise is a USB port and an ethernet port. I don't really get why there is even a 1.1 and 2.0 profile, because the differences in hardware costs must be trivial. At least going from 1.0 to 1.1, there is the not insignificant cost of a second decoder. Even if the firmware isn't ready, they could have just included an ethernet port on the 1.1 players and shipped them as "2.0 ready" or something like that for a few dollars more to manufacture.
Kolgar said:
Uh, I liked it. Very... different. With Christina Richie chained to a radiator in her panties for a good part of the movie, it's weirdly sexy/funny too.

And there's a part where Sam Jackson jams out on a gui-tar in a local po-dunk bar, and it's pretty rockin'.

It's a story of redemption, I guess, and pretty entertaining. The PQ is absolutely fantastic--much better than I ever expected from a movie like this.

I was thinking of picking it up in the new Amazon sale, just because it's so unusual.

Not for everyone, but I enjoyed it.

Cool thanks. I might pick it up along with Hellboy BD and Blades of Glory HD.

Picked up Zodiac HD and 3:10 to Yuma BD today at Best Buy. If only all the HD/BD new releases were priced like the Lionsgate films (3:10 was 27.99 CAD), much easier to swallow than a movie priced at $35-40 CAD.
ManaByte said:
Just picked up The Aviator, The Patriot, Hellboy, The Rock, and Pixar Shorts.

The Rock Blu-Ray includes the extras from the Criterion Collection DVD/LD
seriously? $24.99 purchase validated! :)

I'm surrently wishing I had a mac so I could get one of those cool screenshots up but for now I just have an excel file. So far I have about 65 discs. The only movies I've gotten rid of were three of the free ones and Deja Vu, which was technically free since I got it in the same auction as The Prestige.


bune duggy said:
seriously? $24.99 purchase validated! :)

I'm surrently wishing I had a mac so I could get one of those cool screenshots up but for now I just have an excel file. So far I have about 65 discs for a total of $1,360.27 (not including taxes). The only movies I've gotten rid of were three of the free ones and Deja Vu, which was technically free since I got it in the same auction as The Prestige.

Use MediaMan for PC...it was posted a couple of pages back



Gold Member
bune duggy said:
seriously? $24.99 purchase validated! :)

I hope it bodes well for the BRD Armageddon in that it will hopefully be both the Director's Cut AND have the Criterion Collection extras, that way I can get rid of the non-anamorphic Criterion DVD.

I haven't listened to it on the BRD yet, but the Criterion commentary for the Rock was really good. Bay details the sequel he wanted to do, which sounds a bit like National Treasure 2.


Gold Member
Holy shit. Go out and buy The Rock right now. Not only does the video blow away the old bare bones DVD and the no-anamorphic Criterion, but the audio is OMFG CALL THE DAMN COPS I AM UNDER ATTACK awesome.


I watched Live Free or Die Hard unrated last night. I didn't think it would make that big a differencec but the movie is just better. The mild language in the PG-13 version seems so forced and not McClane. The unrated version seems more believable and natural.
ManaByte said:
The Rock Blu-Ray includes the extras from the Criterion Collection DVD/LD
WOOT! I am glad to hear this since I just picked it up at BB this morning. In a weirdly sentimental way it made me feel like I have finally now moved to the next AV gen as The Rock was the very first title I ever bought on DVD about ten years ago.

I also picked up Sunshine and Ocean's Thirteen - was really interested to discover that the audio director/writer commentary is an "HD exclusive" - pretty basic DVD feature that seems to have been deliberately held back from the regular DVD version. That's an interesting new tactic...


Gary Whitta said:
Anyone know if Solaris (Soderbergh) has a BD release scheduled?

Supposedly there is a release scheduled for this year that will end up being the Director's Cut version that never made it to DVD. I can't seem to remember where I read this though. It may be bullshit but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it's one of my favorite movies.


ManaByte said:
Holy shit. Go out and buy The Rock right now. Not only does the video blow away the old bare bones DVD and the no-anamorphic Criterion, but the audio is OMFG CALL THE DAMN COPS I AM UNDER ATTACK awesome.

The Criterion "The Rock" DVD was anamorphic, but the Blu-ray does look much better.


Gold Member
Gary Whitta said:
I also picked up Sunshine and Ocean's Thirteen - was really interested to discover that the audio director/writer commentary is an "HD exclusive" - pretty basic DVD feature that seems to have been deliberately held back from the regular DVD version. That's an interesting new tactic...

Exactly why there is no two-disc DVDs of Ratatouille or Cars. Disney is holding all the extras for Blu-Ray. Oh, and you want to buy a non-limited edition of Son of the South? You have to have Blu-Ray. They're going to do a 25,000 copy Disney Treasures issue of it, and once those are gone the only way to own it is on Blu-Ray.
I've heard it's excellent; haven't had a chance to check it out myself.
ManaByte said:
Exactly why there is no two-disc DVDs of Ratatouille or Cars. Disney is holding all the extras for Blu-Ray. Oh, and you want to buy a non-limited edition of Son of the South? You have to have Blu-Ray. They're going to do a 25,000 copy Disney Treasures issue of it, and once those are gone the only way to own it is on Blu-Ray.
they're what? OMG, I've only seen this like twice when I was little. They're actually releasing it? Oh man.


ManaByte said:
Holy shit. Go out and buy The Rock right now. Not only does the video blow away the old bare bones DVD and the no-anamorphic Criterion, but the audio is OMFG CALL THE DAMN COPS I AM UNDER ATTACK awesome.

I can't believe it's taken so long to come to America. I've had the UK version for months and I said exactly the same thing :D The audio really is that good...it's one of those rare audio tracks where I:

a, fear that my pretty hardcore speakers are going to die due to the soundtrack

b, it's going to do permanent damage to my internal organs
German Studio Constantin Film AG is now Blu-ray exclusive.

Deutsche Constantin Film to back Blu-ray Discs

Following the Hollywood-based Warner Bros. studio's decision to discontinue HD DVDs, German film production and rental company Constantin Film AG has also decided to offer high-definition movies on Blu-ray Disc only in the future. The company announced March 1, 2008 as its cut-off date.

Constantin had clearly modelled its decision on international developments, emphasised Constantin executive Franz Woodtli. The ongoing disagreement about the succession of DVD technology had caused considerable consumer insecurity in 2007 and had thus delayed the introduction of high definition technology into the mainstream, said Woodtli.

Sallokin said:
Supposedly there is a release scheduled for this year that will end up being the Director's Cut version that never made it to DVD. I can't seem to remember where I read this though. It may be bullshit but I'm keeping my fingers crossed, it's one of my favorite movies.
Mine too plus I seem to have lost my regular DVD copy.
Christopher said:
Apparently Disney is going to release Finding Nemo this year.


I wonder how their classic films will look in HD.

Before Ratatouille there is a preview for Sleeping Beauty that shows them side by side, the difference is amazing.
it takes the price off the most expensive one so yeah. Though if you get a jerk clerk, well. Also, I got the 10% coupon they mailed me to work at the same time so if you got one of those you might take it too. standard YMMV disclaimers apply, though.

this week alone I bought 10 movies because of that coupon. Well, 9 if you disregard the freebie 3:10 I got. :lol


Gold Member
bune duggy said:
I've heard it's excellent; haven't had a chance to check it out myself.
they're what? OMG, I've only seen this like twice when I was little. They're actually releasing it? Oh man.

They aren't talking about it until right before the release. Maya Angelou and Jesse Jackson have said in the past that they will spark a worldwide Disney boycott if they ever released the movie. Disney is still terrorized of that, so they aren't going to talk about the release until just before it's out. There's a chance it'll be in this year's wave of Treasures, although it could slip even though they've been working on it for almost six months now.
Gary Whitta said:
No, I tried that last week, it only applies to non-discounted BDs :(

i just found the coupon, it doesnt say non sale movies. special order and clearance. The movies do not say clearance. That is something you can get a manager on.
At the BDA press conference at CES, I'm pretty sure the Disney executive made some off the cuff remark of Song of the South being released to BD or something to that effect.
Broadbandito said:
i just found the coupon, it doesnt say non sale movies. special order and clearance. The movies do not say clearance. That is something you can get a manager on.
Meh I'm not usually the kind to haggle over stuff like that, although a battle of wits against a BB manager would be a bit like a fist-fight with one-armed man. I just used the coupon for something else instead.
Gary Whitta said:
Meh I'm not usually the kind to haggle over stuff like that, although a battle of wits against a BB manager would be a bit like a fist-fight with one-armed man. I just used the coupon for something else instead.

yea im gonna go browse. I got the 10% off coupon as well and on CAG it is said to work with both. 20 off the most expensive movie and 10% off the other 2


Gold Member
polyh3dron said:
At the BDA press conference at CES, I'm pretty sure the Disney executive made some off the cuff remark of Song of the South being released to BD or something to that effect.

No, he specifically said they would not talk about it there. Before the Q&A started, he prefaced everything by saying they would not be talking about Song of the South there.


Thanks for the heads up on that Media Man application. :D

Here's my BR collection. I only have 28 HD DVDs, but I'll put them together later.

Broadbandito said:
yea im gonna go browse. I got the 10% off coupon as well and on CAG it is said to work with both. 20 off the most expensive movie and 10% off the other 2
yeah, that guy's nick is bune. hmm. :lol


red dot = bought it without ever having seen the movie.
Yellow dot = still haven't seen the movie. Since I graduated and I now have a ton of free time while I search for a job, I should catch up on these fairly quickly.

also, how reliable is Amazon at these things?


Here's my HD-DVD collection...pretty small compared to my Bluray one but I'm buying more. With the amount of panic-driven fire sales on HD-DVDs on trading forums, it's never been a better time to build up a HD-DVD collection:D

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