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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Post Count: 9999
lupin23rd said:
For those of you who are fully on board the HD train, what did you do with your DVDs?

I'm thinking of getting rid of most of my collection (for a number of reasons including moving to Blu-Ray) and wondered what the best way to get a good return on them is. Private sale? Pawn shop? Do any rental shops buy back DVDs? Bonus points if you guys know any chains in Canada that give a good return on used DVDs.


Unless there are titles I no longer have use for, I'm keeping my DVD's.

As certain titles are released on BD, I may replace my DVD release and attempt to get rid of it then ... but it will only be for some titles. For example, do I really need a HD version of something like Stripes unless it has some incredible extras?

That said, for most new releases that are day and date I'll get the BD version unless there are special circumstances (ie. the original films quality makes HD not a big deal ... or its a genre that doesn't really benefit).


Post Count: 9999
lupin23rd said:
Fifth Element looks like it's getting re-released on 07/17. I did hear rumors there would be a free return for an upgrade campaign but not sure if that was legit.


Oh the date was confirmed? Sweet thanks!!!

I'm looking forward to getting it. I may still keep my Superbit version of the DVD though. It's a good reference disk for testing DVD players and TVs.


VanMardigan said:
Why doesn't GAF have a rolleyes emoticon? It's like you can sense the bitterness through the posts here. Oh noes, the flash game ruined my movie!! :lol

It goes without saying that if the tables were turned, the extra features would be seen as giving the BR version the edge. The transparency is painfully obvious.

I've been pretty consistent on this point, in that I don't really give a crap about extras unless it's a specific film with A LOT of extra content - and about the only things that fall into that category are the Lord of the Rings films and the Roger Ebert commentary on Dark City.

I certainly don't need some interactive game on my films to make a film worthwhile to watch, that's because I'm a fan of films and so long as the film itself is presented well I've been pretty content with any disc. I can count on one hand the amount of DVDs I have that I've actually watched the extras on, so you can "sense the bitterness" all you want, that won't change the fact that I'm not bemoaning some incidental little game that I won't be getting on the Blu-Ray version anymore than I'll give a damn about playing any of the equally crappy ones that show up once the BD-J stuff is done.


has anyone picked up the fountain on blu-ray? according to dvd.ign's review the dvd transfer was quite bad, so i'm wondering how the blu-ray one holds up.


snorggy said:
has anyone picked up the fountain on blu-ray? according to dvd.ign's review the dvd transfer was quite bad, so i'm wondering how the blu-ray one holds up.

The blu ray transfer isn't that great either


From Warner Bros.:

Something interesting people have noticed on this recent ad from WB is the lack of a blu-ray logo. Must have some java stuff that makes WB wait on the blu-rary release ala Batman Begins or Matrix.


Cheebs said:
From Warner Bros.:
Something interesting people have noticed on this recent ad from WB is the lack of a blu-ray logo. Must have some java stuff that makes WB wait on the blu-rary release ala Batman Begins or Matrix.
Well, it doesn't have a regular DVD logo on it, so maybe they're going to promote the editions separately? Either way, **** **** **** **** **** flash game bullshit or PIP, they better not delay this shit for months after the DVD/HD DVD releases. I'll wait for it regardless but Blade Runner is one of my favorite films of all time and I will be pretty unhappy if the millions of people buying the DVD and the seven people buying the HD DVD get it months earlier than Blu-ray supporters because of some garbage features that 99% of the userbase doesn't want.


has calmed down a bit.
I went to sleep last night, so I didn't get to respond to the posts:

that game on the 300 HD DVD sounds stupid as shit and I'm sure it will play like it (shit)

No, we'd pretty much be talking about how ****ing stupid flash games were even if they were on Blu-ray because, get this... they're pretty ****ing stupid.

I'm not bemoaning some incidental little game that I won't be getting on the Blu-Ray version anymore than I'll give a damn about playing any of the equally crappy ones that show up once the BD-J stuff is done.

There's also PiP commentary, which can add a lot, because if you've seen stuff like King Kong, the commentary isn't always just the person talking, but they show set pieces, behind the scenes stuff, etc. I know that the Blu Ray leaning group is obligated to NOT care about this kind of stuff, but it's a definite advantage if you're objectively looking at both releases.

And in that scenario you would probably be the one downplaying it ;)
You don't know me, and not surprisingly, you're wrong.

the seven people buying the HD DVD get it months earlier than Blu-ray supporters because of some garbage features that 99% of the userbase doesn't want.

Oh I see, you're somebody I'm supposed to ignore. What a joke post that was. Good thing there are tons of other folks to have good discussion with here.

edit: While were on the subject of extras, I don't understand how having extras is suddenly seen as diminishing the value of the disc. DVD's were all about extras, with folks double dipping. I know there are people who genuinely don't care about extras, but I can't help but wonder if at least some of the bile directed at interactive extras is due to their crippled nature on Blu Ray. From personal experience, I can appreciate how the extras on HD DVD add to the value for titles I own. In King Kong (which is a very long movie), having glimpses into the filmmaking process as the movie is playing was wonderful. You see the old-school cars, then a PiP screen shows you how they assembled the cars, how they prepared the sets, how the cgi filled in the rest of the city beyond the set, etc.

And, even if I never used any of the extras, having them there is in no way a negative.


VanMardigan said:
Oh I see, you're somebody I'm supposed to ignore. What a joke post that was. Good thing there are tons of other folks to have good discussion with here.
It's called a joke, but I guess you have so many sticks crammed so far up your ass that you wouldn't be able to see it. But if you want to ignore me, awesome: I haven't found any of your replies to me to be of any level of quality whatsoever thus far so I doubt I'll be missing anything at all.


has calmed down a bit.
Chemo said:
It's called a joke, but I guess you have so many sticks crammed so far up your ass that you wouldn't be able to see it. But if you want to ignore me, awesome: I haven't found any of your replies to me to be of any level of quality whatsoever thus far so I doubt I'll be missing anything at all.

What was the joke, the part about seven people picking up the HD DVD, or the part about 99% of people not caring about extras? Cause both were laughable.


has calmed down a bit.

Matrix Reviewed!!! As expected, it's TOP OF THE LINE:

Given the mixed reaction the original transfers of all three initially received when first released on standard-def DVD, the good news is that Warner has clearly gone back and remastered the trilogy, minting new high-def masters. Doing a direct compare with the original discs, the results are immediately obvious. One of the many impressive aspects of the set as a whole is its consistency -- despite the four-year gap between 'The Matrix' and its two sequels, I could scarcely tell any difference between them. Cue up any sequence of any of the flicks, and prepare to be suitably wowed.

The most immediately noticeable upgrade is detail. Though I felt the previous DVDs certainly looked good, all the black-on-black of the 'Matrix's trend-setting visual aesthetic often faded into inky mush in standard-def. Not so in high-def, where fine texture is a revelation. For example, during the scene in the first 'Matrix' when Neo and Trinity blast their way into the bank, the supple details of the clothes and the shiny black leather is so good I wanted to freeze-frame and just revel in its ultra-realism. One other compare was particularly revealing -- there is a push-in shot through a grill that the cops are ensconced behind, and on the DVD, it looks pixilated and jagged -- but on the HD DVD, I never saw a single moment where the image broke up or looked stair-stepped. This is the kind of three-dimensional, picture-perfect image high-def is all about.

This is really fantastic stuff -- 'The Matrix' trilogy easily earns an exemplary five-star video rating.

Since its original announcement, there has been some controversy regarding this set's full tech specs. Warner never released a complete breakdown of which audio formats would make the cut, so speculation has run rampant. Happily, the studio has opted to include full-blown Dolby TrueHD 5.1 surround tracks (48kHz/16-bit) for each film, as well as optional 640kbps Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 surround mixes. I was just as impressed with the audio as I was the video -- this one absolutely rocks the house.

Since it's likely the BR release will be identical, we can ALL rejoice. :D


Cheebs said:
From Warner Bros.:

Something interesting people have noticed on this recent ad from WB is the lack of a blu-ray logo. Must have some java stuff that makes WB wait on the blu-rary release ala Batman Begins or Matrix.


VanMardigan said:
What was the joke, the part about seven people picking up the HD DVD, or the part about 99% of people not caring about extras? Cause both were laughable.
The seven people, obviously. And I didn't say people don't care about extras. Stop intentionally misinterpreting what I said for the sake of your cause. Many, many people in this very thread have already said that if it comes between receiving a title on time or receiving a title with PIP or other junk that requires Java that they would take the title on time. The extras on Blade Runner... the real ones, of course: documentaries, commentaries, multiple versions of the film... these are all hotly desired by fans of the film. All could be present in a Blu-ray release of the film day and date with the HD DVD release... if it's delayed, it's because they're trying to work in Java-related features that, if you look back through the pages of this very thread, most of the Blu-ray supporters here do not care about or want. Sure, there are a few, but the dominating opinion here is, "We just want the movie."

Please stop pretending that I said I don't care about extras on releases. I was talking specifically about IME-related stuff and you know it.


has calmed down a bit.
To chemo:

I wouldn't worry then, if that's the case. Only the newer day/date releases and the newer catalog titles have received the iME stuff as far as I can tell. For the most part, the older catalog titles don't get those. The iME stuff has usually been PiP commentaries and behind the scenes stuff, so unless they drag back the cast on the really old catalog titles, I don't see it happening.

Stuff like Road Warrior and Dog Day Afternoon didn't have any iME stuff on it.


Gold Member
Chemo said:
The seven people, obviously. And I didn't say people don't care about extras. Stop intentionally misinterpreting what I said for the sake of your cause. Many, many people in this very thread have already said that if it comes between receiving a title on time or receiving a title with PIP or other junk that requires Java that they would take the title on time. The extras on Blade Runner... the real ones, of course: documentaries, commentaries, multiple versions of the film... these are all hotly desired by fans of the film. All could be present in a Blu-ray release of the film day and date with the HD DVD release... if it's delayed, it's because they're trying to work in Java-related features that, if you look back through the pages of this very thread, most of the Blu-ray supporters here do not care about or want. Sure, there are a few, but the dominating opinion here is, "We just want the movie."

Please stop pretending that I said I don't care about extras on releases. I was talking specifically about IME-related stuff and you know it.

Again, I think it's because it's something HD-DVD has a BRD does not. If the tables were turned, the BRD people in this thread would be shoving it in the face of everyone as an example of BRD's technical superiority. But since BRD doesn't have it, and they've likely never used a title with the HDi features, they downplay it as something they don't want.


ManaByte said:
Again, I think it's because it's something HD-DVD has a BRD does not. If the tables were turned, the BRD people in this thread would be shoving it in the face of everyone as an example of BRD's technical superiority. But since BRD doesn't have it, and they've likely never used a title with the HDi features, they downplay it as something they don't want.

That isn't entirely true, there are some of us that own/have owned HD DVD players and used the interactive stuff and still don't care for them.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
ManaByte said:
Again, I think it's because it's something HD-DVD has a BRD does not. If the tables were turned, the BRD people in this thread would be shoving it in the face of everyone as an example of BRD's technical superiority. But since BRD doesn't have it, and they've likely never used a title with the HDi features, they downplay it as something they don't want.
And yet here you are, always pointing out how blu-ray people would do this or would do that always speculating as to what they would do.
I have said it before and I'll say it again, i dont give a **** about extras or interactivity, give me the damn movie.

Oni Jazar

Cheebs said:
From Warner Bros.:

Something interesting people have noticed on this recent ad from WB is the lack of a blu-ray logo. Must have some java stuff that makes WB wait on the blu-rary release ala Batman Begins or Matrix.[/QUOTE]

They *better* not delay the Blade Runner Blu-ray disc or the bitter tears will come!!!! OMG I need this movie now.

Regarding extras: All of this talk about HD DVD and BD with regards to extras is silly, not because it's not important (I like extras), but because it's not a set advantage for HD DVD, it's a temporary advantage. In the near future before the end of the year, BD will be set with all the interactive features that anyone could ask for and more. Check out the JAVA/FOX presentation that I linked previously. Studios *ARE* working on this and are waiting for the players/spec to arrive to test.

It's great that HD DVD titles are using such interactive featuers but it's not like the BD spec won't be capable of this soon. Hell if BD could never match the interactivity of HD DVD I would defintely question the format's future. But it can not only match it but exceed it with time given that BD-J is a full programing langauge as opposed to HDi which is a markup language. Once this issue gets settled we're back to the set advantages for BD - higher disc space & higher bitrates.


Oni Jazar said:
They *better* not delay the Blade Runner Blu-ray disc or the bitter tears will come!!!! OMG I need this movie now.

Regarding extras: All of this talk about HD DVD and BD with regards to extras is silly, not because it's not important (I like extras), but because it's not a set advantage for HD DVD, it's a temporary advantage. In the near future before the end of the year, BD will be set with all the interactive features that anyone could ask for and more. Check out the JAVA/FOX presentation that I linked previously. Studios *ARE* working on this and are waiting for the players/spec to arrive to test.

It's great that HD DVD titles are using such interactive featuers but it's not like the BD spec won't be capable of this soon. Hell if BD could never match the interactivity of HD DVD I would defintely question the format's future. But it can not only match it but exceed it with time given that BD-J is a full programing langauge as opposed to HDi which is a markup language. Once this issue gets settled we're back to the set advantages for BD - higher disc space & higher bitrates.

Exactly...Blu-Ray's major disadvantages are TIME related(hardware price will go down in time, BD-J/Profile 1.1 etc will improve in time) whereas HD-DVD's major disadvantages are SPEC related(capacity/bitrate).


has calmed down a bit.
OmniGamer said:
Exactly...Blu-Ray's major disadvantages are TIME related(hardware price will go down in time, BD-J/Profile 1.1 etc will improve in time) whereas HD-DVD's major disadvantages are SPEC related(capacity/bitrate).

*reads over Matrix review*

Yeah, I'm not worried about HD DVD's capacity. One year in, it certainly doesn't look like a crippled format.


OmniGamer said:
One year in...such a telling length of time.

Seriously, it only took a few months till Blu-Ray took over. :/

And why is this still a Bluray takeover watch thread? Hasn't it already taken over?


has calmed down a bit.
OmniGamer said:
One year in...such a telling length of time.

Maybe you can give me a reason why I should be worried about HD DVD's capacity. Otherwise, 5 star audio and video tell me that the format is not crippled despite lower specs. I'm not saying there aren't going to be improvements in audio/video, but I don't see why HD DVD can't continue to improve there either.


First tragedy, then farce.
OmniGamer said:
Exactly...Blu-Ray's major disadvantages are TIME related(hardware price will go down in time, BD-J/Profile 1.1 etc will improve in time) whereas HD-DVD's major disadvantages are SPEC related(capacity/bitrate).

What major disadvantage? Its a disadvantage on paper. If HDDVD bandwidth is sufficient for delivering lossless audio and reference quality video, what else do you need? Its like having a 3 car garage and two cars. Sure that third space is there, but what good is it really doing?

Show me ANYTHING on BRD that hasnt been matched on HDDVD. Lossless audio and extremely clean 3d images have been acomplished with HDDVD's "small" bitrate capacity.. plus, capacity is a time issue, the larger disc is coming out and Toshiba has said the ethernet ports required on all the players can lead to firmware updates to take advantage of the triple layer disc. Even if BRD comes out with a triple layer disc, existing players without ethernet ports cant be updated to read them.

Also, lack of ethernet port being required isnt a TIME related disadvantage, and neither is a non unified hardware base. BDJ may come out, but not all players can use it and not all player have to use it. If BRD wins, whats the likelyhook of studios putting alot of effort into interactive features when many of the players cant even play them? If HDDVD wins, EVERY player supports iHD and has an ethernet port. Likelyhood of uptake in interactive features and web access is greater.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
StoOgE said:
What major disadvantage?

Show me ANYTHING on BRD that hasnt been matched on HDDVD. Lossless audio and extremely clean 3d images have been acomplished with HDDVD's "small" bitrate capacity.. plus, capacity is a time issue, the larger disc is coming out and Toshiba has said the ethernet ports required on all the players can lead to firmware updates to take advantage of the triple layer disc. Even if BRD comes out with a triple layer disc, existing players without ethernet ports cant be updated to read them.

Also, lack of ethernet port being required isnt a TIME related disadvantage, and neither is a non unified hardware base. BDJ may come out, but not all players can use it and not all player have to use it. If BRD wins, whats the likelyhook of studios putting alot of effort into interactive features when many of the players cant even play them? If HDDVD wins, EVERY player supports iHD and has an ethernet port. Likelyhood of uptake in interactive features and web access is greater.

Sounds like someone's a little touchy on this subject ;)


First tragedy, then farce.
commish said:
Sounds like someone's a little touchy on this subject ;)

Im not touchy, Im just pointint out fallcies. Alot of people like to pretend HDDVD is some sort of inferior format because they have BRD players. Ive seen both, they are for all intents and purposes equivellent in audio and video quality. Movies look better than they do at my local cinema outside of color depth (and niether format is going to use "Deep Color" so that doesnt really matter.. If either format had that in its specs, my support would be completely behind them).. and the audio is better than the local cinema as well, thats all I want. If I can watch a movie in my home and replicate or beat the movie theater experience, Im happy.

My only issue with BRD right now is BRJ and how its implemented. I want interactive features in my movies. If the blu ray group can show me BRJ works the same across all future players and that support for it is going to be as strong as current HDi support on HDDVD, I dont care what format wins.

Until that time, Im pushing for HDDVD.


StoOgE said:
Also, lack of ethernet port being required isnt a TIME related disadvantage, and neither is a non unified hardware base. BDJ may come out, but not all players can use it and not all player have to use it. If BRD wins, whats the likelyhook of studios putting alot of effort into interactive features when many of the players cant even play them? If HDDVD wins, EVERY player supports iHD and has an ethernet port. Likelyhood of uptake in interactive features and web access is greater.

Can't they just put the update on the disk? They should do that anyway since a lot of people don't have access to the internet at their TV.

Oni Jazar

StoOgE said:
Also, lack of ethernet port being required isnt a TIME related disadvantage, and neither is a non unified hardware base. BDJ may come out, but not all players can use it and not all player have to use it. If BRD wins, whats the likelyhook of studios putting alot of effort into interactive features when many of the players cant even play them

If the PS3 can be updated to BD-Live profile as it likely will, then the majority of Blu-ray players (talking 90% at least) will support the interactive features fully. Once the cheaper players come out at the end of this year or next BD 1.1/Live profile is guaranteed given the OCT mandate. I think that's a good enough incentives for companies to include such features.


First tragedy, then farce.
jjasper said:
Can't they just put the update on the disk? They should do that anyway since a lot of people don't have access to the internet at their TV.

I suppose they could do that, but it could be a customer support nighmare.. J6P isnt going to download it from a website and burn it to a disc to update his player.. and mailing them to everyone could cost alot..... but its a possibility, just not nearly as clean of a solution as autoupdates.

they could have a workaround for it, but they really should have required an ethernet port standard.. it couldnt possibly cost that much, and it just makes too much sense. I honestly think HDDVD launching forced BRD to launch earlier than they wanted and they didnt get alot of this stuff hammered out like they would have liked.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oni Jazar said:
If the PS3 can be updated to BD-Live profile as it likely will, then the majority of Blu-ray players (talking 90% at least) will support the interactive features fully. Once the cheaper players come out at the end of this year or next BD 1.1/Live profile is guaranteed given the OCT mandate. I think that's a good enough incentives for companies to include such features.

do all future players have to be BRJ compliant once it goes live? Because at some point when one of these formats hits mass market apeal, PS3 wont be the number 1 player by a landslide.. it'll be mostly cheap chinese players sold at Target/Walmart/Best Buy for 100 bucks.. and my fear is if they can cut the feature to save money, they will cut the feature.


StoOgE said:
I suppose they could do that, but it could be a customer support nighmare.. J6P isnt going to download it from a website and burn it to a disc to update his player.. and mailing them to everyone could cost alot..... but its a possibility, just not nearly as clean of a solution as autoupdates.

they could have a workaround for it, but they really should have required an ethernet port standard.. it couldnt possibly cost that much, and it just makes too much sense. I honestly think HDDVD launching forced BRD to launch earlier than they wanted and they didnt get alot of this stuff hammered out like they would have liked.

J6P isn't going to have internet at his TV, both formats should have all required updates on the Blu Ray/HD DVD disks that require them similar to PSP firmware updates

Oni Jazar

StoOgE said:
do all future players have to be BRJ compliant once it goes live? Because at some point when one of these formats hits mass market apeal, PS3 wont be the number 1 player by a landslide.. it'll be mostly cheap chinese players sold at Target/Walmart/Best Buy for 100 bucks.. and my fear is if they can cut the feature to save money, they will cut the feature.

Compliance with BD Profile 1.1 will be mandatory for player models introduced to the market after October 31, 2007



Gold Member
jjasper said:
J6P isn't going to have internet at his TV, both formats should have all required updates on the Blu Ray/HD DVD disks that require them similar to PSP firmware updates

That cannot work with HD-DVD or BRD. With the PSP, every single title ever released on the format must go through Sony first and thus is easily able to include a firmware update as part of the game. That is not how it works with DVD and videos, where studios are free to make their own discs without having to go through someone else.


First tragedy, then farce.
ManaByte said:
That cannot work with HD-DVD or BRD. With the PSP, every single title ever released on the format must go through Sony first and thus is easily able to include a firmware update as part of the game. That is not how it works with DVD and videos, where studios are free to make their own discs without having to go through someone else.

plus, every disc would have to have firmware updates for every player from every man... and what happens if Fox (or anyone) borks the firmware update on a disk and bricks alot of players. You have to go through the CE company for the update.. and other than Sony none of them make players and movies. Ethernet isnt a perfect solution, buts its the most elegent.

Glad to here that BRD is going to require BRJ going forward. Sucks for people who allready bought players that will never work, but thats what early adopters get. As long as whoever wins I get my interactive features.


ManaByte said:
That cannot work with HD-DVD or BRD. With the PSP, every single title ever released on the format must go through Sony first and thus is easily able to include a firmware update as part of the game. That is not how it works with DVD and videos, where studios are free to make their own discs without having to go through someone else.

hmm good point.


First tragedy, then farce.
The Main Event said:

PQ= 10
AQ= 10

Extras= 8
Film Value= 6

Too bad Warner decided to release The Matrix Trilogy on an inferior format *rollseyes*

bitrate starved, AM I RITE? Just imagine what an extra 20 Gigs would have done... I bet they could have made the sequals not suck with that kind of space.

Its a good thing the sequals have good action scenes in them.. Im pumped for the first movie next week.. not so much the other two. But the car chase in reloaded and the assualt on zion should *look* phenomenal.


has calmed down a bit.
captive said:
whooo wee the trolls are out in full force today.

fantastic retort to the arguments presented

Plus, is this even trolling? Isn't this now the de facto thread for discussing Blu Ray/HD DVD?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
VanMardigan said:
fantastic retort to the arguments presented

Plus, is this even trolling? Isn't this now the de facto thread for discussing Blu Ray/HD DVD?
What's there to retort?
HD DVD people around here are acting like the Matrix is the first HD DVD to have ****ing awesome video and audio. They(you included) are acting like you forgot about all the other HD DVD titles that are really good and that the Matrix is some savior and proof that HD DVD can produce good PQ and audio.
Some of you HD DVD fans get your knickers in such a wad when someone says that HD DVD doesnt have the full list of specs that blu-ray has like higher bitrate transfer etc.
Who gives a **** seriously, if you like HD DVD go watch HD DVD, if you like BRD go watch BRD(thats what i do). If you are fortunate to have both then enjoy them both.
But you know what, this retarded cheerleading of both sides is old and tired and maybe we should try and focus on getting one format so at least we have some sort of high def format, unlike what happened to music with SACD and DVD-A.
I dont know about any of the rest of you but pre-recorded hd content is far better than the compressed streaming crap we get on HD programming and lord knows we are no where near any type of digital distribution of high definition content.


fortified_concept said:
HD-DVD supporters should stop mentioning the "WOWESOME PIP FEATURES!!11" in

It's becoming pathetic.

But PIP! Its so awesome! More important than studio support!!


has calmed down a bit.
captive said:
blah blah blah

Yet you chose to make a lame post about trolls instead. I'm sure that will help the cause around here. And fc, it's the same talking points on both sides, ALL THE TIME. Take exception to it all or nothing, so you don't sound like a hypocrite.


has calmed down a bit.
Should we talk about the huge week due up next week instead?

* The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Universal)
* The Complete Matrix Trilogy (Warner)

* Flags of Our Fathers (DreamWorks)
* Freedom Writers (Paramount)
* Letters from Iwo Jima (Warner)
* M:I-2 (Paramount)
* Mission: Impossible (Paramount)
* The Skeleton Key (Universal)
* Smokey and the Bandit (Universal)
* The Ultimate Matrix Collection (Warner)

Blu Ray
* Apocalypto (Buena Vista)
* Closer (Sony)

* Flags of Our Fathers (DreamWorks)
* Freedom Writers (Paramount)
* Letters from Iwo Jima (Warner)
* M:I-2 (Paramount)
* Mission: Impossible (Paramount)
* Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (Buena Vista)
* Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (Buena Vista)

Good week for both camps, but because of flash games and PiP, I'll have to give HD DVD the edge. :p
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