Remy said:I have my doubts that the real cover for No Country For Old Men would put Tommy Lee Jones' name under Josh Brolin, and vice versa.
Snah said:Gattaca = Must Get.
No Country for Old Men = will get when it comes down in price. Ending sucked total.
avaya said:Posted by Grubert at HDD. Those 1000 indie movies are in fact low bit-rate VC-1 titles burned to DVD+R DL.
Microsoft and amazon's '1,000 HD DVD Indies Project' update: DVD+R DL
So I will pull a Michael Bay here and state my opinion. HD DVD is my format of choice. I don't expect to sell as many HD DVDs as I would a regular DVD. What I am interested in is delivering my work with the best audio and picture quality available so it represents the way that it was meant to be shown. I shot it in HD. I want people to see it in HD on an HD DVD. I support HD DVD, so my project is only appearing on HD DVD at this time. Maybe I can get a few of my friends to buy HD DVD players to play my disc. It's not like the players aren't cheap enough now.
Plus I have found that I have been more successful overseas than I have been here at home in America. HD DVD lets me get those sales as well.
jjasper said:Wait a second. Won't a VC1 on a DVD+R play on the PS3 (and other Blu Ray players)?
SlaughterX said:Circuit City has the A3 for $100 and the A30 for $150 on clearence, get em while you can!
SlaughterX said:Circuit City has the A3 for $100 and the A30 for $150 on clearence, get em while you can!
SlaughterX said:Lol, so bitter.
Ignatz Mouse said:Which is likely to be a long, long time.
Costco also has them cheap.
SlaughterX said:Circuit City has the A3 for $100 and the A30 for $150 on clearence, get em while you can!
Nicodimas said:I sense Fear.
I sense ignorance.
Nicodimas said:Maybe that is it especially with the Hd-dvd is dead bandwagon ..have to agree.
Nicodimas said:I sense Fear.
Nicodimas said:Maybe that is it especially with the Hd-dvd is dead bandwagon ..have to agree.
polyh3dron said:3rd Gen HD DVD Players are now marked as Clearance items at Circuit City:
Also, Executive Editor of CNET recommends to its HD DVD supporting readers to "sell, sell, sell!"
SlaughterX said:Lol @ good deals. $400 players FTW!
Earlier today a bunch of my new room-mate's friends were at my house helping her move stuff in while me and some of my friends were watching Planet Earth on BD. Gradually they stopped lugging furniture and gathered around the TV with ever-increasing amounts of awe and wound up watching a whole episode. Lots of questions about Blu-ray, how much my HDTV cost, etc. Aah, the power of good demo material in the flesh!miyamotofreak said:JUST WATCHED MY FIRST BLU-RAY OMFG!
XMonkey said:Hey look, another person who doesn't know what he's talking about.
OokieSpookie said:Actually they have the A3 and the ax3 clearanced , the a3 is a 299 player and the ax3 399 so it seems to me that they know exactly what they are talking about.
XMonkey said:Not what I was implying with the post :lol
Actually they have the A3 and the ax3 clearanced , the a3 is a 299 player and the ax3 399 so it seems to me that they know exactly what they are talking about.
Nicodimas said:Maybe that is it especially with the Hd-dvd is dead fact..have to agree.
Nicodimas said:Your info is outdated. Toshiba changed its retail prices..alot some time ago:
400 bucks is preety much the intro level player/only player to really consider at the ps3,
An A-30 is esentially equal player wise to this at more than half the cost off!
If the A-3 sold 90k in one day 100 bucks.
If anyone is wondering what Blu-ray flick blew my mind away (no pun intended), it was sunshine.Gary Whitta said:Earlier today a bunch of my new room-mate's friends were at my house helping her move stuff in while me and some of my friends were watching Planet Earth on BD. Gradually they stopped lugging furniture and gathered around the TV with ever-increasing amounts of awe and wound up watching a whole episode. Lots of questions about Blu-ray, how much my HDTV cost, etc. Aah, the power of good demo material in the flesh!
miyamotofreak said:If anyone is wondering what Blu-ray flick blew my mind away (no pun intended), it was sunshine.
mackaveli said:i sent my email on new years eve and i read people posting that they sent emails around christmas time and they were getting replacement envelopes to send back the disc before they get the replacement.
I however got an email stating that they sent the replacement disc and made no mention of a replacement envelope so i hope that is the case.
I believe if you write down the stock # on the disc of pirates then you don't have to send in your old one. Cause thats all i wrote down on my email and it seemed to work.
BigDug13 said:Considering that most HD-DVD players are superior upconverting players, why do people who argue that HD-DVD is dead still think that $100 is a bad deal for this player? If you have no desire to buy bluray ever, even if HD-DVD dies, why isn't it still a great deal to have one of the best upconverting DVD players on the market for $100 that will also play things like Planet Earth and Battlestar Gallactica with HD picture and sound?
Bluray is winning so all HD-DVD players are not worthy of purchase? Sorry, but my HD-XA2 will continue to be my SD-DVD player of choice even if every HD-DVD studio throws in the towel.
Christopher said:that's actually really neat what disney is doing.