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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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netflix no longer carries hd dvd? there's a bunch of hd dvd from netflix in my queue, in my house, and on the page to browse and add to queue.

Ok, I read...
"Netflix said it would phase out the other major high-definition format, HD DVDs, by the end of the year."

i bought a cheap hd dvd player because it wasn't much more than a dvd upconvert and i could rent shit form netlflix. i guess i'll still be able too for a while. i know buying a blu-ray player is inevitable, by the end of the year, but i'm glad it's not right this second, aside from the fact i want one.


DeathNote said:
netflix no longer carries hd dvd? there's a bunch of hd dvd from netflix in my queue, in my house, and on the page to browse and add to queue.

You better learn how to read....


Xater said:
You better learn how to read....
don't be a fucking little douche bag.

there are people, in this goddamn forum saying "Now that Netflix no longer carries HD DVD" which, to say the least, misinforms.

i just now backtracked and read the official statement, where i edited my post.

thank you very much for your help. glad i can count on you.


DeathNote said:
don't be a fucking little douche bag.

there are people, in this goddamn forum saying "Now that Netflix no longer carries HD DVD"

i just now backtracked and read the official statement, where i edited my post.

thank you very much for your help. glad i can count on you since you.

+ no new titles are purchasedby them.


Xater said:
+ no new titles are purchased by them.
you replied with that to me because? when someone stops carrying something completely (most extreme case scenario) or phases something out... that in their self implies no new titles being purchased... captain obvious.


has calmed down a bit.
DeathNote said:
i bought a cheap hd dvd player because it wasn't much more than a dvd upconvert and i could rent shit form netlflix. i guess i'll still be able too for a while. i know buying a blu-ray player is inevitable, by the end of the year, but i'm glad it's not right this second, aside from the fact i want one.

I got an email from Netflix putting forth their stance. Basically, they're not buying any new ones and will replace the HD DVD stuff that's "saved" on your queue to dvd, plus any movie that gets scratched and they're not replacing will also be changed to "dvd" on your queue. Pretty shitty behavior.

I just switched to BB Online yesterday. I really don't feel like waiting to see American Gangster, Beowulf, Bee Movie, etc. in HD, and I'm probably not really buying any of those either.


DeathNote said:
you replied with that to me because? when someone stops carrying something completely (most extreme case scenario) or phases something out... that in their self implies no new titles being purchased... captain obvious.

Obvious for you but not for alot of HDDVD fanboys.

And I think you should stop being a douche.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Surprised no one posted this yet. Get ready to pay more for those Blu-ray rentals from Netflix...

NetFlix CFO Hints at Higher HD Rental Prices

Home Media Magazine
February 6, 2008

Netflix Inc. CFO Barry McCarthy said the online rental pioneer would consider raising the price for high-def DVD rentals if a clear winner emerged in the format war between HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc.

Speaking Feb. 6 at an investor conference in San Francisco, McCarthy said cable channels charge premiums for HD content, a strategy Netflix could emulate once a high-def packaged-media winner was established in the market.

'If a winner emerges in that format war and a large percentage of the subscriber base rents HD DVD or Blu-ray … then we will weigh options for increasing the price,' he said. 'First someone needs to emerge as the winner.'

McCarthy said the online DVD rental business has continued to grow despite reports of the decline of packaged media.

He said with 100 million DVD players in U.S. households, consumption of disc entertainment was not going away.

'If you think they are going to stop renting DVDs tomorrow, you really need to lie down until that thought passes and you wake back up,' McCarthy said.

He said online streaming of movie rentals remains largely an incremental business, which he said played into Netflix’s business model aimed at offering both electronic and physical product.

The CFO said for electronic rentals to erode DVD rentals consumers must be able to access content directly to the TV, not the PC, and there must be widespread access to studio content.

McCarthy said implementation of such services require an open operating system and inexpensive hardware, both of which he said do not exist.

He cited Apple TV and Amazon’s Unbox, in addition to a pending Netflix-enabled set-top box from LG Electronics, all of which he said would not achieve consumer adoption as quickly (five years) as DVD players did.

'It is a long time coming before we have critical mass and DVD titles available for online distribution,' he said.

He said the jury was out regarding how big the online DVD rental market can be. The CFO said Netflix would top 8 million subscribers this year and expectations are from 12 million to 20 million subs by 2012.

He said streaming of rental movies, including the company's Watch Now service, remained an experiment.

'The business definitely is in transition,' McCarthy said. 'The important question is: Can we make money at it?'


DoubleTap said:
With everything that's happening, I can't believe i'm still waiting for a proper fire sale for HDDVD's.

No kidding. $15 titles is hardly the 'fire sale' I've been looking for. I was getting movies for that price during the war (or less.)

I'm waiting for $10 shipped and jumping on the few other movies I want that I don't have yet.


has calmed down a bit.
djkimothy said:
Bu-bu-bu-but the sales were supposed to end now that Blu-ray won.

This is such a stupid comment to make at this point. It baits stupid responses, at best. Besides, B2G1 is not as nice as B1G1. And to top it off the selection is tiny. I do wish we got more of those. I'm going to look and see what I can pick up, since I haven't bought a BD movie in a few weeks.

edit: that selection sucks (for me). Does anyone own Rambo and can give some impressions on the PQ/AQ?

netflix said:
Speaking Feb. 6 at an investor conference in San Francisco, McCarthy said cable channels charge premiums for HD content, a strategy Netflix could emulate once a high-def packaged-media winner was established in the market.

Great, so that's why they're in a hurry to crown a winner...so they can charge more. Stupid thing is, I just hope they up their inventory. All HD disc online renters know the #1 problem is the availability of discs. They have now cut HD DVD stock and are looking to raise BD prices. All the while, what I REALLY care most about, title availability, hasn't been addressed.


Ponn01 said:
Anyone know what that website address is to check on your 5 free hd-dvd movies?

I pm'ed one of you a few weeks back who had accessed the site, but you never wrote back ya bastard.

I sent in my stuff to Toshiba in early Nov and still haven't seen my free movies. Time is running out!


VanMardigan said:
This is such a stupid comment to make at this point. It baits stupid responses, at best. Besides, B2G1 is not as nice as B1G1. And to top it off the selection is tiny. I do wish we got more of those. I'm going to look and see what I can pick up, since I haven't bought a BD movie in a few weeks.

I recall some gaffers saying that the sales would end. This just makes them eat the crow that they deserve.


ManaByte said:
As for Song of the South, it's still being slated as a 25,000 copy Disney Treasures tin release and then a BRD exclusive release six to twelve months later.

How do I make sure I can get one of those 25,000 copies?


Post Count: 9999
VanMardigan said:
That's not the point. I already have the hardware, and the movies are being released, so what's the point of not buying them if you're netflix? The demand is CLEARLY there for the few they already have, since most HD movies are "long wait" anyway. Bah, I'm done with that. I already switched to BB Online and will hope that they at least hold out until Para/Dreamworks and Uni go neutral. So it's water under the bridge.

VanMardigan said:
I got an email from Netflix putting forth their stance. Basically, they're not buying any new ones and will replace the HD DVD stuff that's "saved" on your queue to dvd, plus any movie that gets scratched and they're not replacing will also be changed to "dvd" on your queue. Pretty shitty behavior.

That isn't 'shitty behavior' ... and is the reason I had expected.

Movie rentals companies actually have to regularly replace discs. The problem with a 'dead format', is that their is a limited pool of renters that is not increasing in the size they need. Obviously you can't expect the same people to rerent movies on a regular basis, so there isn't an incentive to replace discs at a certain point.

Once BB decides HD DVD is not longer viable, they will do the exact same thing.


VanMardigan said:
I just switched to BB Online yesterday. I really don't feel like waiting to see American Gangster, Beowulf, Bee Movie, etc. in HD, and I'm probably not really buying any of those either.

American Gangster is worth a purchase. I'm not sure if I'm buying any new HD-DVD movies but if I do, that will be at the top of the list.


nods at old men
VanMardigan said:
This is such a stupid comment to make at this point. It baits stupid responses, at best. Besides, B2G1 is not as nice as B1G1. And to top it off the selection is tiny. I do wish we got more of those. I'm going to look and see what I can pick up, since I haven't bought a BD movie in a few weeks.
You did click on the other genre links to see the rest of the movies right?

Not just what was on that first page.


DeathNote said:
don't be a fucking little douche bag.

there are people, in this goddamn forum saying "Now that Netflix no longer carries HD DVD" which, to say the least, misinforms.

i just now backtracked and read the official statement, where i edited my post.

Which is what you should always do in a thread like this when you read something like that - backtrack a few pages and look for the answers first. Don't get pissy at him just because he made a valid suggestion.


Some sort of non-Press Release response.


"It’s unfortunate to see a valued partner like Best Buy make the decision to push consumers toward Blu-ray," Jodi Sally, marketing VP for HD DVD camp leader Toshiba, said in an email. "We’re also aware of the NetFlix decision to only stock Blu-ray movies for rental going forward. Given these developments, Toshiba will continue to study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers, particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD players."

That sounds pretty dire... and is more or less them admitting they have no clue what to do moving forward.

They need to just find a way to slap a Blu-ray drive into the existing HD-DVD player form factor, and start selling for a profit. Undoubtedly, they'll get at least a few HD-DVD diehards with Toshiba loyalty to follow.

The other CNET response sounded very much like a quote of the fake one, but is supposed to be legit. That "at least they will continue to carry HD DVD and offer consumers a choice at retail" quote, was not exactly the best way to spin something.

Also, apparently, there's another big announcement coming in the very near future to go along with Netflix and BB announcements, according to that Penton insider guy.


dresses business casual
Anyone who expects B1G1 to be an blu-ray/hd-dvd norm is out of their mind. Obviously these sales are used to increase market penetration, but they are not the long-term business model that will be used. How often do you see B1G1 on a broad range of DVDs? I do not see them anywhere near as often as for blu/hd.

While a B2G1 sale isn't as good as B1G1, it does bring the average price down to ~$15/title. How much does it cost for 2 people to go see a movie in the theater? Anywhere from $16-20 not including food or babysitter if a couple has kids.

P.S. Is anyone else having problems with the discount being applied? I go all the way to the final screen and still no discount. Grr...


Jim said:
Also, apparently, there's another big announcement coming in the very near future to go along with Netflix adn BB announcements, according to that Penton insider guy.

Yep! vv

Penton-Man said:
I assume by now you guys have read the BestBuy announcement today.

I don’t want to steal anyone’s thunder so, I shall only say that there is More to Come.

There is no hidden meaning with the capitalized letters.

I just meant that there should be an additional nail in coffin that is forthcoming. The *business decision* has been made, I’m just uncertain of the timing for the announcement.


This is an interesting opinion piece:


Interesting quote:

It is interesting to note that we are under embargo on some of these announcements, as they are planned to be made at the end of Q1 or in Q2. Given the situation, we can say that a handful of smaller movie studios told us that they would be supporting Blu-ray exclusively, but decided to hold back such an announcement as they were sitting on a pile of HD DVDs they still wanted to get rid of.

Page 2 says that Toshiba have some Plan B joint venture going with Samsung to quickly get into Blu Ray if they have to.


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, it's a very good sale, I just missed the tabs up top. I forwarded the link to my wife so she can pick what movies she wants. She's a pretty huge fan of HD movies now, and a snob too. She hesitates to watch SD movies. :lol


VanMardigan said:
Netflix tells it to me like it is:

NetFlix actually responded to my question of if they are going to start stocking up on BRD versions of new releases. It's obvious they will, but I just wanted to see if they'd throw something else in there.

Thank you for your email. Mr. Swasey makes every effort to read each and
every email that is sent to him, but is unable to personally reply to
all of them.

We truly believe that focusing on a single format will enhance our customers' high-def experience. We we'll be able to allocate inventory to one format, rather than two, which will provide our customers with a wider array of titles and better availability (shorter wait time).

Kristy Grey
Netflix, Inc.
Wonder what the other big announcement is? Studio or retailer? I know Paramount is planning to switch to blu-ray, but Toshiba has them locked down until May I think...Maybe Circuit City blu-ray exclusive?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DJ_Tet said:
American Gangster is worth a purchase. I'm not sure if I'm buying any new HD-DVD movies but if I do, that will be at the top of the list.
I disagree. I had high expectations for Denzel + Crowe in an organized crime movie. It was long and rather dull, and in the end i felt like i had already seen it since i have seen the godfather and scarface.

The most interesting part IMO was at the end when they told you in text all the real life facts about the guy and how much money he made(an insane amount for selling heroin at 10 bucks a pop).

I was also disappointed in We Own the Night, which is out or coming out on blu-ray.


DrXym said:
Page 2 says that Toshiba have some Plan B joint venture going with Samsung to quickly get into Blu Ray if they have to.

Yeah TSST, their joint optical drive unit. Sony has the same capability to go HD-DVD any time with Sony NEC Optiarc, same for Hitachi with LG-Hitachi.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DrXym said:
This is an interesting opinion piece:


Interesting quote:

Page 2 says that Toshiba have some Plan B joint venture going with Samsung to quickly get into Blu Ray if they have to.
That small movie studio that has a ton of hd dvds they want to get rid of sounds like Weinstein. I can only hope cause i want almost every movie they have put on hd dvd!


Post Count: 9999
FFObsessed said:



captive said:
That small movie studio that has a ton of hd dvds they want to get rid of sounds like Weinstein. I can only hope cause i want almost every movie they have put on hd dvd!

Thats an interesting suggestion. You should bookmark your suggestion and claim credit if it comes true!

Other candidates courtesy of here:


DreamWorks 7 1.90 %
Paramount 41 11.11 %
Universal 145 39.30 %
Warner 126 34.15 %
Weinstein 11 2.98 %
DVD International 9 2.44 %
Magnolia 7 1.90 %
Concert Hot Spot 5 1.36 %
Discovery Channel 6 1.63 %
Rhino 6 1.63 %
Image 6 1.63 %

Warner and Discovery are already gone, so maybe Dreamworks is another candidate.


captive said:
I disagree. I had high expectations for Denzel + Crowe in an organized crime movie. It was long and rather dull, and in the end i felt like i had already seen it since i have seen the godfather and scarface.

The most interesting part IMO was at the end when they told you in text all the real life facts about the guy and how much money he made(an insane amount for selling heroin at 10 bucks a pop).

I was also disappointed in We Own the Night, which is out or coming out on blu-ray.

I've found that high expectations aren't really worth anyone's time. It wasn't the best movie I've seen all year, but the performances by Washington and Crowe were still top-notch. Throw in a surprise performance from Josh Brolin and you have a movie worth owning in my opinion. The cinematography was well-done as well. There are more to movies than plot, which admittedly didn't go as far as I was hoping.

Not sure why you qualified with a blu title unless you were afraid of being a troll. I'd hope anyone in this thread can speak on movies coming out for either platform without being labeled as a troll, but apparently that isn't the case.


Does anyone have any idea if the Pixar shorts Blu-ray is going to be released as a standalone in the UK?

They released is as a double feature with Ratatouille yesterday, but I'll be damned If I'm spending £25+ on a film I don't really like the look of in order to get the "bonus" disc.


Burai said:
Does anyone have any idea if the Pixar shorts Blu-ray is going to be released as a standalone in the UK?

They released is as a double feature with Ratatouille yesterday, but I'll be damned If I'm spending £25+ on a film I don't really like the look of in order to get the "bonus" disc.

It's been out in germany since October. Kinda weird that you guys didn't get it.


Burai said:
Does anyone have any idea if the Pixar shorts Blu-ray is going to be released as a standalone in the UK?

They released is as a double feature with Ratatouille yesterday, but I'll be damned If I'm spending £25+ on a film I don't really like the look of in order to get the "bonus" disc.

You don't like the look of Ratatouille?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
BoboBrazil said:
Maybe Circuit City blu-ray exclusive?
That wouldn't mean much, if they did. The 3 CC's in my area have the HDDVD and BD movies out on the smallest racks they can find and they practically seem to be hiding them from customers. Unless CC going format exclusive were accompanied by a much more significant store presence for the format, it would be a completely worthless announcement.


RaidenZR said:
You don't like the look of Ratatouille?

Nah. The last few Pixar films have been a bit generic. I think, what with Dreamworks and Disney's in-house teams moving to CG, the novelty has well and truly worn off for me and the idea of paying full price for yet another "big stars tediously voice unexciting CGI models" feature leaves me a bit cold.

I'll probably watch it eventually, but I'm certainly not paying launch price for it.


Burai said:
Nah. The last few Pixar films have been a bit generic. I think, what with Dreamworks and Disney's in-house teams moving to CG, the novelty has well and truly worn off for me and the idea of paying full price for yet another "big stars tediously voice unexciting CGI models" feature leaves me a bit cold.

I'll probably watch it eventually, but I'm certainly not paying launch price for it.

see if you can get it in a deal somewhere... its easily their best one since Toy Story


ok guys, this is a bit off topic, but i didnt want to make another tread about it, but here is my question....

i want to make a standard dvd movie, but the thing is i need a software converter. i have all these movie files in quicktime .mov format, wmv format, avi format, and other formats. I DO NOT want to make it to a data dvd, but an actual normal movie dvd. Its kind of like making it to a vcd-cd for dvds, can you guys recommend any software? i dont want to pay like $200 for it, but $50 seems pretty reasonable.


MeowMeow said:
ok guys, this is a bit off topic, but i didnt want to make another tread about it, but here is my question....

i want to make a standard dvd movie, but the thing is i need a software converter. i have all these movie files in quicktime .mov format, wmv format, avi format, and other formats. I DO NOT want to make it to a data dvd, but an actual normal movie dvd. Its kind of like making it to a vcd-cd for dvds, can you guys recommend any software? i dont want to pay like $200 for it, but $50 seems pretty reasonable.

That's actually totally off-topic. :lol

I am guessing you are using Windows? Then I think Nero should be able to handle most video formats and turn them for into a dvd.
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