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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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"GAF's biggest wanker"
Definitely got to leave the thread open at least a few days after the official PR. I expect tech pundit reporting to have some great eulogies for HDDVD. First and last time these guys cared so much about Toshiba.
I think the last post of the thread should be an epic retelling of all the madness that was the format war, like a greatest hits montage that will probably need to span at least 2 posts.

Then lock it up and send it to the archive.


actually, can we just copy and pasted what people said about HD-DVD this date 1 year ago?

I think it's funny to look back and see what all the predictions were :)


y'all should be ashamed
Tideas said:
actually, can we just copy and pasted what people said about HD-DVD this date 1 year ago?

I think it's funny to look back and see what all the predictions were :)

Ooh, I like this idea. :lol


Armitage said:
This thread is like 600 pages, archive it and start fresh so new people don't feel like they have to run a gauntlet to join the discussion.
A new thread would eventually get that way too.
Early adoption FTL. I was on the fence when it came to purchasing the HD DVD add on for the 360 for many, many months. I almost made that jump at least three times. I'm so glad that I didn't though. Great news for Sony.

I wonder how much the HD DVDs and HD DVD add on will be discounted to. Any predictions?
I guess eventually companies can just stop making dvd discs and and players and just release blu-ray players and discs, since you don't technically need to have hd to watch them...they'll just look like regular dvds. Of course this I would expect to be atleast 2-3 years away...


MickeyKnox said:

That guy with the glasses from Diggnation is such a retard.


Ehhhh, people make a big deal out of that Diggnation clip but I think they were being a little tongue in cheek at the time. It's obvious that they were just looking for a joke. That isn't to say that they weren't pretty obviously Red in other episodes and stories.

As noted in the responses to the original clip, for whatever reason it does seem like the entire TechTV crowd had a pretty big hard-on for HD-DVD. Shit, you might as well expand that to include all of the enthusiast media. Just look at that Wired article, where they've so seamlessly shifted from "HD-DVD will kill BluRay" to "Digital Downloads will kill BluRay".

When the Toshiba news came down on Saturday, I was at first looking forward to the new episode of This Week In Tech, since a lot of their crew tried their hardest to downplay the Warner news and claim that the battle wasn't over yet. I thought this week's episode would be a fun exercise in eating crow, but it's pretty obvious they will just shift to the usual anti-BluRay talking points. Upscaling, Digital downloads, blah blah blah. It looks like the new TWIT just came out, so I guess we'll see.


Kittonwy said:
That guy with the glasses from Diggnation is such a retard.

whys he a retard? youre the one who posts rawr all the time as if retarded.

anyway, lmfao at not having anything to talk about since everything is over so you post youtube clips of diggnation.

ps3 fanboys never quit even after theyve won.
The whole digital downloads thing will take over is so retarded beyond belief and I can't believe so many people believe it. No one is buying $300 set top boxes only to have to pay $5 more to rent something for a day. That's retarded. People still don't have broadband. Most of us still have shit broadband (less than 6/2 mbps). Piracy becomes much bigger if all is digital. No one can have all the content or else just becomes the iTunes vs. Amazon fiasco we have today. Independent works are another thing. And DRM? If people are scared of BR DRM how the FUCK are they going to support digital downloads?
Oh and on the latest episode of The Totally Rad Show, Alex said Uncharted had bad graphics :lol. That's a fanboy if I ever saw one. I so wish for Jonathan London to replace him on TRS.
MaX_PL said:
whys he a retard? youre the one who posts rawr all the time as if retarded.

anyway, lmfao at not having anything to talk about since everything is over so you post youtube clips of diggnation.

ps3 fanboys never quit even after theyve won.


The whole digital downloads thing is hilarious, just because it goes against almost every single HD-DVD talking point from the last year. All the web-enabled bullshit that they pushed is nonexistent with digital purchases. All the video encodes are going to be mega-compressed crap intended to foster faster downloads. BluRay sucked because it was region locked? Ask European XBL users about their choices for downloadable content.
miyamotofreak said:
Oh and on the latest episode of The Totally Rad Show, Alex said Uncharted had bad graphics :lol. That's a fanboy if I ever saw one. I so wish for Jonathan London to replace him on TRS.

Saying Uncharted having bad graphics?
Wow, that's some mighty powerful cataracts, so Blu-ray/HD-DVD wouldn't have done him any good anyway.
MaX_PL said:
whys he a retard? youre the one who posts rawr all the time as if retarded.

anyway, lmfao at not having anything to talk about since everything is over so you post youtube clips of diggnation.

ps3 fanboys never quit even after theyve won.

Hey guys look!
Maxie is here to bring the usual douche baggery and trolling that the thread has so been missing lately!


Somebody wanted a summary of this whole 2 year long debacle ? I was thinking of drawing a simple comic to recap the entire format war a simple and perhaps humorous fashion. Who'd be down for that?


I agree. Digital is good for rentals, but like most people, I still like to own physical media. Music is one thing, video is another. Plus we need special features. I love special features. It'll be a long while before media is dead.

Long live 5 inch round shiny discs!


That Eiffel song is still stuck in my head XD

Looking forward to picking up Transformers. But Advent Children definitely my most wanted BRD movie. Hopefully SE release it soon.
Tesco Blu-Ray exclusive...


THE world’s top retailers are moving to end the confusing battle over the next generation of DVD players. On Friday Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, finally backed the Blu-Ray DVD format developed by Sony. Tesco, Britain’s top retailer, is considering a similar move. Sony’s Blu-Ray has been gathering momentum over rival HD DVD format in recent months after a long confusing battle that manufacturers and retailers have blamed for slow sales of the new generation of high-definition DVD format.


border said:
Ask European XBL users about their choices for downloadable content.

Yesh downloads of HD movies is pretty much not a choice for any European. An extra issue is that I like my movies in the original language and all those digital services are always dubbed.

I want my discs.

Edit: If this thread has to die we should send it of with the Toshiba PR + a best of from Nicomidas. Personally I think it should continue as the official Blu-ray thread. You can close the HD movie thread because then it willö be unnecessary.
Pressing plants dropping hd-dvd lines....

Spokane, WA (PRWEB) February 18, 2008 -- The only indie multi-format high definition disc pressing plant, Blue Ray Technologies, will drop its HD-DVD lines without waiting for the widely-reported and anticipated announcement of Toshiba's retreat from HD-DVD.

"This is a victory for the consumers, who can now move in to the stunning high def disc world and build collections with confidence," said industry expert Erick Hansen, a DVD pioneer and chairman of Blue Ray Technologies. "Toshiba can take heart in that there is no shame: it was a battle well-fought and that they have several adaptable technologies and backup plans."

In fact, no orders had come in to the full-service disc manufacturer for HD-DVDs, even partial orders along with Blu-ray clients looking to service both markets, since November. The indie film companies that BRT serves had seen the death of the HD-DVD format long before last week's announcement that Walmart, Blockbuster and Netflix were dropping the format - and even before Warner Bros. announced in January at the CES show they were going Blu-ray only.

"This week we will dismantle our HD-DVD lines and will be adding new equipment to bolster our Blue-ray manufacturing," said Hansen explaining, "Despite our name and preference, we always offered HD-DVDs as a service to our customers. Now we will reconfigure part of that equipment to make DVDs and CDs," said Hansen. "The indie film companies moved quicker than the studios and gradually stopped mixed orders in favor of Blu-ray late last year."

Hansen explained "They preferred the larger capacity and full 1080p quality of the Blu-ray discs going forward. We saw this but since I have been saying HD-DVD was DOA for four years, we still had to wait for the industry to catch up to the inevitable. HD-DVD is dead, all that is left is the burial."

He said "We are waiting this week for the other shoes to drop from Universal and Paramount/DreamWorks, the last studios to support HD-DVD over Blu-ray -- and word from Microsoft, who used the now-obsolete format as an add-on to their Xbox game console."


BoboBrazil said:
Tesco Blu-Ray exclusive...


THE world’s top retailers are moving to end the confusing battle over the next generation of DVD players. On Friday Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, finally backed the Blu-Ray DVD format developed by Sony. Tesco, Britain’s top retailer, is considering a similar move. Sony’s Blu-Ray has been gathering momentum over rival HD DVD format in recent months after a long confusing battle that manufacturers and retailers have blamed for slow sales of the new generation of high-definition DVD format.

So that's Walmart of the UK gone as well then. HMV should be next major one.
BoboBrazil said:
Pressing plants dropping hd-dvd lines....

Spokane, WA (PRWEB) February 18, 2008 -- The only indie multi-format high definition disc pressing plant, Blue Ray Technologies, will drop its HD-DVD lines without waiting for the widely-reported and anticipated announcement of Toshiba's retreat from HD-DVD.

"This is a victory for the consumers, who can now move in to the stunning high def disc world and build collections with confidence," said industry expert Erick Hansen, a DVD pioneer and chairman of Blue Ray Technologies. "Toshiba can take heart in that there is no shame: it was a battle well-fought and that they have several adaptable technologies and backup plans."

In fact, no orders had come in to the full-service disc manufacturer for HD-DVDs, even partial orders along with Blu-ray clients looking to service both markets, since November. The indie film companies that BRT serves had seen the death of the HD-DVD format long before last week's announcement that Walmart, Blockbuster and Netflix were dropping the format - and even before Warner Bros. announced in January at the CES show they were going Blu-ray only.

"This week we will dismantle our HD-DVD lines and will be adding new equipment to bolster our Blue-ray manufacturing," said Hansen explaining, "Despite our name and preference, we always offered HD-DVDs as a service to our customers. Now we will reconfigure part of that equipment to make DVDs and CDs," said Hansen. "The indie film companies moved quicker than the studios and gradually stopped mixed orders in favor of Blu-ray late last year."

Hansen explained "They preferred the larger capacity and full 1080p quality of the Blu-ray discs going forward. We saw this but since I have been saying HD-DVD was DOA for four years, we still had to wait for the industry to catch up to the inevitable. HD-DVD is dead, all that is left is the burial."

He said "We are waiting this week for the other shoes to drop from Universal and Paramount/DreamWorks, the last studios to support HD-DVD over Blu-ray -- and word from Microsoft, who used the now-obsolete format as an add-on to their Xbox game console."

My Favorite Meltdown So Far

Lestat said:
Either look at http://eproductwars.com/dvd/ or the graphs here on highdegdigest.com and one will see that Blu discs sales are either flat or declining despite there being 10.5 million PS3s out there and despite all the biased press in their favor!

It is clear consumers don't want Blu and I applaud them.
Do not support DRM restricted, slow, inefficient, overpriced, incomplete technologies like Blu-ray.

Support upscaled DVD. It is cheap, it loads instantly, it's copyable, there are tens of thousands of DVDs out there, it is fully integrated with PCs.

If I was Toshiba, during their meeting tomorrow, I would raise player prices to make a normal profit and maintain the technology. They worked very hard on this wonderful HD DVD technology and giving up like this is not appropriate.
Refocus on what makes money i.e., DVD, then slowly build HD DVD with combo discs and promoting the new players as upscalers first, HD 2nd. Also develop HD DVD burners as PC storage.


Don't be all depressed and blue; The future is not Blu, it's the Internet.
New Sony slogan: "The Future is Blu. And remember, shit floats"
This Phalanx o' Lulz is to you sir...

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Sometimes it's really not hard to understand why those hardcoe HD-DVD guys support their format so hard. I mean just look at Lestat he got this marketing/economy stuff totally figured out like a pro.
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