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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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YYZ said:
I don't know which is more annoying, TWIT or Diggnation, jesus christ what kind of idiots give those guys an audience?

Well... I did... until the Motorstorm = N64* on Diggnation and April '06 was my last listen to TWiT, again mostly due to Dvorak.

*What made it worse was they had an HD-DVD ad lead-in for the podcasts at the time while slamming BR & PS3.


Xisiqomelir said:
What the fuck is this podcast? :lol

-"PS3 sucks as a gaming platform"
-"PS3's BD playback is bad"
-"Business as usual but it was BACKROOM DEALS!"

EDIT: Oh fuck Dvorak's on it, no wonder

No, it was Calacanis that was saying all of this, and everyone else was disagreeing. Jason sounded like such a moron when he started saying those things.


shidoshi said:
He was also the guy who called the Saturn the worst game console ever, so... you know...

No wonder :lol

xemumanic said:
No, it was Calacanis that was saying all of this, and everyone else was disagreeing. Jason sounded like such a moron when he started saying those things.

I think the "BACKROOM DEALS" thing was that chick who sounded like she was on ketamines.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
OG_Original Gamer said:
Does having one of the those highspeed MONSTER HDMI cables make any difference in quality of the picture? I was checking out some cables in Circuit City and Best Buy, and was wondering if it was worth spending $100.00 on a sigle cable. Particularly for 1080p.


Digital is all or nothing. Ever see pixelation from a scratched DVD? Something like that happens when just 1 pixel is wrong. Rather than transmit a whole number representing color per pixel, many decoders are given the numeric difference in value from one pixel to the next.

Whoever told you high speed is fucking lying to you. HDMI is a standard. Although you may need to determine the version you need in case you need something that's newly supported. They're all the same speed. It's analogous to selling you a "high definition" standard def TV, and giving you a gold plated brand on the monitor.

Save your monies:



xemumanic said:
No, it was Calacanis that was saying all of this, and everyone else was disagreeing. Jason sounded like such a moron when he started saying those things.

Thought it was Don Reisinger.
YYZ said:
I don't know which is more annoying, TWIT or Diggnation, jesus christ what kind of idiots give those guys an audience?
TWiT is the most subscribed audio podcast by far on the internet and Diggnation is the equivalent for video. I used to watched Diggnation until Alex and Kevin essentially became complete shills and Digg.com was sucking in every way. So I dropped it. I think TWiT is pretty good actually. The problem is these shitty guests. The guy who was all up in arms about HDDVD losing this week was Don Reisenger from Cnet. Molly Wood from Cnet also helped spread some FUD on other topics. However, I'm really loving Calacanis on TWiT. He brings a lot of insider info and thinks like a millionaire (because he is one durr). Plus he's funny and interesting and doesn't hide bias like these Cnet idiots. I know the audible ads are turning people off but I'm always interested in new things to read anyway. They just need to a work a better rotation. I like the Laporte/Dvorak/Calacanis/Norton combo. They can replace Norton with Heron/Chang if they can't get him. Or just work a three way combo with Dvorak/Laporte/Calacanis. Laporte plays essentially the Garnett Lee role but without fanboying it up and he's level headed about everything. Him and Dvorak knew that HDDVD was a dead fish and I think he was sincerely incredulous during that whole podcast where Ryan Block and the others said HDDVD was not dead. Dvorak is better in audio then he is in print because he doesn't bait people or anything like that. It's just a cynics POV.


polyh3dron said:
Another fun meltdown thread, or MOAR LULZ

Marky_D_Sahdd said:
Dear WalMart:
I am looking at your recent decision to remove HD DVD products from your shelves with a great deal of suspicion. On top of giving your stores a monopolistic stand, this being a massive step toward strangling competition, but your reasoning reeks of insincerity and dishonesty. So your chain is too lame to handle more than one type of product at a time? Then let's be at least consistent about it, and take it across the board:
1.) The SONY PSP: Presently, there have been more than 67 mil units of Nintendo's DS game system sold. The SONY PSP has sold less than 32 mil., according to VG Chartz. The public has clearly spoken on this matter: All SONY PSP products should be removed from your stores.
2.) The SONY PS3. Still running a lackluster 3rd place behind the Nintendo wii and the MS Xbox 360, the PS3 has at least been able to outsell the PS2 in recent weeks, but still, the worldwide base is only 9.9 million, compared to 16.9 million for the Xbox 360 and 21.5 million for the wii. The public has clearly spoken, here, and they do not want the PS3. It should be removed from your stores.

3.) All 1080p HDTVs. Public confusion is slowing the adoption of the HD format. A lot of this confusion has to do with scan rates. Most consumers think that 1080p must be better than 720p, but they don't understand why. So they buy the cheaper sets. By the thousands, in fact. In fact, US broadcast standards don't even support 1080p. a fact you don't ever advertise to your customers. Still, it doesn't matter. In order to speed up the adoption of HD standards, there must be only one format available, and the public has spoken. 1080p must go.

4.) All Sony TVs. While we're on the subject: Sony vs. Visio? Forgetaboutit. Just follow what the public has told you and ditch the SONY sets.

So it follows that, to pursue your reasoning involving your decision to refuse service to customers like myself and over a million others who, like me, have chosen HD DVD for at least part of their home entertainment systems, you need to remove any SONY products from your shelves. Anything else smacks of duplicity and deceit.

A few years ago, Kmart was the nation's number one retailer. But they became arrogant and started stocking what they wanted to sell, rather than what consumers wanted to buy. As a result, the chain is still trying to dig itself out of decades of continual decline as a retail chain and the public perception that it is a joke.

This decision reeks of that kind of corporate incompetence. You say you listened to consumers? What consumers? Because you sure as hell didn't listen to any of us.

HD DVD: 260+, and 10 pre-orders (Click here to see them all)

I feel so bad about the Warner announcement, I just went out and bought 10 more hd dvds!! And I have a bunch more on the way from Amazon!!

Reading through the whole thread provides some insight into the tenacious irratiionality of these HD DVD supporters. Oh and lulz too.

holy shit :lol


mackaveli said:
toshiba annoucement tomorrow?? made by Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida?? could be later today if they go by Japan time and its around 4am tuesday right now i think.




xemumanic said:
No, it was Calacanis that was saying all of this, and everyone else was disagreeing. Jason sounded like such a moron when he started saying those things.

Yeah it was pretty much just one guy that told those things and he got called out on some of them. It's just weird that Leo doesn't know about the BD remote for the PS3.

I like listening to TWIT especially the episodes with the English guy I don't remember his name.


Post Count: 9999
teh_pwn said:

Digital is all or nothing. Ever see pixelation from a scratched DVD? Something like that happens when just 1 pixel is wrong. Rather than transmit a whole number representing color per pixel, many decoders are given the numeric difference in value from one pixel to the next.

Whoever told you high speed is fucking lying to you. HDMI is a standard. Although you may need to determine the version you need in case you need something that's newly supported. They're all the same speed. It's analogous to selling you a "high definition" standard def TV, and giving you a gold plated brand on the monitor.

Save your monies:


Actually, you're wrong on many accounts ... but this isn't the thread to go into error-correction, etc.
Nicodimas said:
You see, HD-DVD was murdered, by a syndicate of companies bent on higher profit.

Damn right they were bent on higher profit. That's what happens when you actually have a successful format/product that doesn't bleed money out of every orifice. Toshiba definitely would have enjoyed higher profit if it hadn't taken huge losses on every player. Toshiba was the one who was greedy, trying to go it alone in order to get any potential profit to them alone rather than split profits with every other major CE manufacturer. HD-DVD was murdered by Toshiba's own ambition/greed.
Onix said:
Actually, you're wrong on many accounts ... but this isn't the thread to go into error-correction, etc.

All these people saying the HDMI cable doesn't matter must not use USB 2.0. It's pretty much the same idea, higher speed HDMI cables may not be useful now as there aren't any applications to use them currently, but when we start seeing more advancements in video, such as higher coulour bit rates, it will matter.
Despite Red's inability to make any real public statement, Japanese publication Nikkei has it that Toshiba president Atsutoshi Nishida will be announcing the final discontinuation of HD DVD tomorrow, as well as halted sales of hardware and media by March (as in days from now). Apparently Toshiba will pull its units from retail shelves, but has no intention to give burned early adopters any refunds (no kidding?); it sounds like the ceasefire will include the bare PC drives as well, so those hoping to keep using HD DVD as a personal data storage medium probably won't have much luck. Apparently the announcement will come alongside Toshiba's plans to build new semiconductor fabs, which we're sure they'll try to spin as an advancement that far overshadows the hill of beans (read: hundreds of millions) they've lost in the format war.

WOW! It's a systematic elimination of HD DVD altogether, meaning, you won't find a single HD DVD product at your local stores in a few weeks.
DarkJediKnight said:
WOW! It's a systematic elimination of HD DVD altogether, meaning, you won't find a single HD DVD product at your local stores in a few weeks.

Pulling the media from the store shelves? That doesn't make sense!


DarkJediKnight said:
WOW! It's a systematic elimination of HD DVD altogether, meaning, you won't find a single HD DVD product at your local stores in a few weeks.

That's a lot of obsolete inventory to choke on, I guess retailers like Walmart just aren't interested in being stuck with a bunch of HD-DVD players/discs on clearance.


DarkJediKnight said:
WOW! It's a systematic elimination of HD DVD altogether, meaning, you won't find a single HD DVD product at your local stores in a few weeks.

While on one hand I understand why this will be happening if it indeed does, if I was, oh I dunno, Paramount or Universal, I'd be PISSED right now. Unless they were let out of their exclusivity a while back, AND Toshiba let them know that this would be happening at the very least last month, then those two companies are being completely hung out to dry. And HD-DVD titles they had planned will have to be scrapped, and they'll have had little to no time to play their move to Blu-ray (or, in Paramount's case, back).

Paramount has a few Blu-ray titles sitting around (Transformers, Blades of Glory, older titles that disappeared) to at least have something for now, but Universal now finds itself not only with no Blu-ray titles ready to start putting out, but what HD titles they do have ready completely DOA.

(Again, this is assuming that all of this is happening on as short of notice as it sounds.)


speculawyer said:

Pulling the media from the store shelves? That doesn't make sense!

Makes perfect sense. No product means no returns, no support, no consumer bitching from the idiot who just came out from under his rock and bought a player for 11.99 and expected it to be a relevant product.


shidoshi said:
While on one hand I understand why this will be happening if it indeed does, if I was, oh I dunno, Paramount or Universal, I'd be PISSED right now. Unless they were let out of their exclusivity a while back, AND Toshiba let them know that this would be happening at the very least last month, then those two companies are being completely hung out to dry. And HD-DVD titles they had planned will have to be scrapped, and they'll have had little to no time to play their move to Blu-ray (or, in Paramount's case, back).

Paramount has a few Blu-ray titles sitting around (Transformers, Blades of Glory, older titles that disappeared) to at least have something for now, but Universal now finds itself not only with no Blu-ray titles ready to start putting out, but what HD titles they do have ready completely DOA.

(Again, this is assuming that all of this is happening on as short of notice as it sounds.)

Well it's not like PAramount and Universal can't use their HDDVD encodes of the movies. They pretty much just have to author new discs. I would not like to see this happening but it might happen.


shidoshi said:
While on one hand I understand why this will be happening if it indeed does, if I was, oh I dunno, Paramount or Universal, I'd be PISSED right now. Unless they were let out of their exclusivity a while back, AND Toshiba let them know that this would be happening at the very least last month, then those two companies are being completely hung out to dry. And HD-DVD titles they had planned will have to be scrapped, and they'll have had little to no time to play their move to Blu-ray (or, in Paramount's case, back).

Paramount has a few Blu-ray titles sitting around (Transformers, Blades of Glory, older titles that disappeared) to at least have something for now, but Universal now finds itself not only with no Blu-ray titles ready to start putting out, but what HD titles they do have ready completely DOA.

(Again, this is assuming that all of this is happening on as short of notice as it sounds.)

Universal hung themselves out to dry when they decided to support HD-DVD, they should have joined the winning team.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Second said:
I wonder what party Sony is having right now.

Her comes the €€€ for them.

While i'm sure sony if happy that their PS3 Inclusion is vindicated, they are not the only company that is happy by this series of events.

After all, Blu-ray is not a sony-only format.


Suikoguy said:
While i'm sure sony if happy that their PS3 Inclusion is vindicated, they are not the only company that is happy by this series of events.

After all, Blu-ray is not a sony-only format.

Yeah, the BDA is huge.

Sony/Phillips are the inventors though.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Xater said:
It's just weird that Leo doesn't know about the BD remote for the PS3.
Considering how thin he spreads himself, it's not surprising. All of these guys have weird blind spots in their awareness of the tech industry.


Post Count: 9999
Xater said:
Yeah it was pretty much just one guy that told those things and he got called out on some of them. It's just weird that Leo doesn't know about the BD remote for the PS3.

Maybe he does know about it :(


Second said:
Yeah, the BDA is huge.

Sony/Phillips are the inventors though.

Actually it goes.

Nichia > Sony co-license exclusively the diode technology.

work with Pioneer

work with Philips

many years go by

work with Matsushita

Matsushita bring's their friends Sharp, Hitachi, Mitsubishi and TDK. Samsung get an invite and they all go and collude on their vision.


Post Count: 9999
DarkJediKnight said:
WOW! It's a systematic elimination of HD DVD altogether, meaning, you won't find a single HD DVD product at your local stores in a few weeks.

Holy crap 0_0

So my next Protege Tablet will probably have a BD drive? :lol


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Wow, so once they decided to drop it, they want to make it like it never happened?

Good point shidoshi \/

Either they have known for awhile, or Toshiba is about to make two adversaries.
Hopefully Universal and Paramount have been preparing for this since the Warner announcement.


Xater said:
Well it's not like PAramount and Universal can't use their HDDVD encodes of the movies. They pretty much just have to author new discs. I would not like to see this happening but it might happen.

The encode, possibly. But unless they're ready to put out completely bare-bones releases, all of the menus, extras, etc. are going to have to go through some amount of tweaking (if not a full recoding).

As a Blu-ray supported, the day that HD-DVD no longer exists period is the day that 100% of effort can be put into pushing and supporting Blu-ray, so I like the idea of that. But if Toshiba is really going to totally pull any remnant of HD-DVD from stores in the very near future, that gives Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks absolutely no time to plan for a smooth transition to the other side.

Plus, man... you think HD-DVD fanboys are annoying now? They're going to completely go nuts and turn into suicide bombers if indeed HD-DVD completely disappears in a few weeks.


Post Count: 9999
shidoshi said:
but Universal now finds itself not only with no Blu-ray titles ready to start putting out, but what HD titles they do have ready completely DOA.

I wouldn't bet on that ...

shidoshi said:
As a Blu-ray supported, the day that HD-DVD no longer exists period is the day that 100% of effort can be put into pushing and supporting Blu-ray, so I like the idea of that. But if Toshiba is really going to totally pull any remnant of HD-DVD from stores in the very near future, that gives Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks absolutely no time to plan for a smooth transition to the other side.

You're making an interesting assumption about this. It has been leaked that Toshiba's pull-out plans were started basically right after the Warner announcement. Due to their position in the HD DVD governing body, Paramount and Uni would have been told about this pretty much right away.

They have been making their transition plans since then. I would expect them to release PR with some BD release dates this week.


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