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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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has calmed down a bit.
B-Ri said:
nope, i refuse to support HD-DVD. This could have been long over if universal just sucked it up and went neutral. If Blu-Ray loses, at the rate of desperation toshiba is cutting the HD-DVD players price, ill just get it for $10 should (which i doubt will happen) blu-ray drop from the race. :lol

Too bad I wasn't referring to you, cause that response was totally on cue. :(

Exclusive sale, strictly for the HD DVD format. Specials category will
only contain this format, with reduced prices and lower shipping rates.

Blu-ray supporters, your sale is on the 13th. See you there!

June 11th Sale Includes:
Imports and Pre-orders
360 Games

-Shipping will be reduced on Canadian, US and International orders.
Shipping is based on order size.

If something sells out such as an odd or hard to find import, the stock
will be brought in on a priority shipment, and shipped out like wise.
This would be a 2-3 day timeframe before it ships out to the customer.
I'm not anticipating this, but I like to keep everyone informed.

One of the mains things I'm trying to do, is establish a little bit of
customer loyalty...which will take time. The sale will have some killer
deals matching or beating Amazon. Some may be a buck or two more than
Amazon, but will beat Future Shop, Best Buy etc. I want to give great
service and prices to avoid having long time customers go somewhere else
to save a dollar. But there will be some great deals. Some title
purchases will also include freebies, such as a complimentary sdvd.
sign up for the Forum while your at it, and get to know your fellow
Addicts. You never know, Forum membership and posting, may lead to more
giveaways . I believe my Alberta time is GMT, and is currently 4:37pm. Sale
starts at midnight.

J. Krahn HD Addicts
I'm curious to see what effect this will have. The HD DVD folks have been saying first to $199 will win. If this doesn't work, I'm trying to think of another possible excuse. :D

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
DarkJediKnight said:
I'm curious to see what effect this will have. The HD DVD folks have been saying first to $199 will win. If this doesn't work, I'm trying to think of another possible excuse. :D

If this doesn't work I'm afraid the hi def format will be ruled by Ps tripple fans. Blu ray is their fierce last stand and all they have left to cling to seeing as how they''ve lost the war on the other front.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Days like these... said:
If this doesn't work I'm afraid the hi def format will be ruled by Ps tripple fans. Blu ray is their fierce last stand and all they have left to cling to seeing as how they''ve lost the war on the other front.


Days like these... said:
If this doesn't work I'm afraid the hi def format will be ruled by Ps tripple fans. Blu ray is their fierce last stand and all they have left to cling to seeing as how they''ve lost the war on the other front.
or or

Days like these... said:
If this doesn't work I'm afraid the hi def format will be ruled by Ps tripple fans. Blu ray is their fierce last stand and all they have left to cling to seeing as how they''ve lost the war on the other front.



has calmed down a bit.
dkj's post was equally retarded and snarky, but I didn't expect gifs for the guy on the home team.

Anyhow, I don't see how any of this is bad if you're into HD content. Go grab yourself a player and quit whining about price drops, for crying out loud. Trust me, none of us here have any effect on the format war. You buying the player and getting 5 free movies is not suddenly going to cause Disney/Fox to make HD DVD movies.


After seeing the 199 HD A2 player price, this is my obligatory post bitching about how MS won't drop the price of their stand alone drive to 99 dollars.

Do it MS.


has calmed down a bit.
Just ebay everything when/if the format war ends. That's what I plan to do. It's not a huge investment either way. You're only getting Universal titles and probably some WB/Paramount releases that are better on HD DVD. meh, whatever.

I can't believe, though, that we're in frickin JUNE and the price is at $199. Remember when we all thought it would take until at least this holiday season for that? I think this format war has been awesome for consumers who want to take the dip right now.
With the price already down to $199 during a sale in June, I predict that it will be possible to get a $149 HD-DVD player during Black Friday this year. I also believe that the Wal-Mart HD-DVD deal is still happening, and that we will see the Wal-Mart HD-DVD players before the end of the year.

It will be interesting to see how the rest of the year plays out.
I wish I knew how long it would take to get that $199 A2 from Crutchfield...

I'm going to be picking up an A2 one way or the other this week (before the deal ends) and selling my 360 add-on (don't trust the 360's system life). I don't have an upconverting DVD player either, so that will come in handy.

And I don't think Blu-Ray manufacturers need to respond until they start getting outsold by HD DVD on a consistent basis (movie sales that is).


GameFan Alumnus
I haven't researched this too closely, but is the 360 HD-DVD player the better investment over the Toshiba A2? The 360 can do 1080p over VGA or HDMI (Elite), but the A2 can only do 1080i over HDMI, right?
Eggo said:
I haven't researched this too closely, but is the 360 HD-DVD player the better investment over the Toshiba A2? The 360 can do 1080p over VGA or HDMI (Elite), but the A2 can only do 1080i over HDMI, right?

The 360 can't put out 24fps 1080p (at least not currently, from what I understand). If I had both of these players, I'd still feed my Pioneer the 1080i and let it convert to 24fps (which is not perfect but preferable to the alternatives IMO).

It all depends on how good your outboard or in-set processing is. 1080p isn't panacea.
I was at Futureshop yesterday and they had a Blu-Ray/ HD-DVD stand from Warner with movies for $20cdn. I bought Constantine, Goodfellas, and Last Samurai on HD-DVD.

Also picked up Sky Captain and my god I enjoyed watching it far more at home in HD than I did in the theater.


has calmed down a bit.
Eggo said:
I haven't researched this too closely, but is the 360 HD-DVD player the better investment over the Toshiba A2? The 360 can do 1080p over VGA or HDMI (Elite), but the A2 can only do 1080i over HDMI, right?

It's a trade off either way. The add-on can't output anything beyond DD 5.1/DTS/2 channel PCM.


It appears that the pricing for the A2 was incorrect on Crutchfield's site. They messed up and for some reason there were 2x$100 rebates (one from Crutchfield and one from Toshiba) instead of just one. The good news is apparently they are going to honor the orders that went through but the price is back to $299.99.

Edit: Although it appears they are backordered like hell and have no idea when they will ship them, but I can wait.

Press Release Source: HD DVD Promotional Group

Consumers Drive Record Sales of HD DVD Players to Capture 60% of HD Set-Top Market
Monday June 11, 3:01 am ET
HD DVD Achieves Highest Attach Rate of Any Next-Gen Format

LOS ANGELES, June 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Three weeks into its aggressive spring retail and marketing campaigns, the North American HD DVD Promotional Group today announced HD DVD is significantly ahead in the dedicated consumer electronics player market with 60% of all high definition set-top players sold. At the same time, high definition movie sales for HD DVD reached an all time high for the month of May, exceeding 75,000 movies the last week of May alone.

Overall high definition sales hit a record last week as well, hitting $5.2 million in actual consumer spending, which was 31% higher than the previous record for the two formats. This highlights the growing consumer appetite for HD content across the board.

Sales of dedicated consumer electronics players are a critical indicator in the adoption of the high definition formats, given the high attach rates to these players. With the successive price drops by Toshiba, weekly player sales doubled in April when the price dropped from $499 to $399, doubled again during the first week of the latest promotion in late May, and increased again last week.

"Toshiba's latest promotional efforts are clearly resonating with consumers and showing that price is king when it comes to hardware," said Craig Kornblau, chairman of the North American HD DVD Promotional Group. "Behind the increase in sales for hardware and movies, you're seeing fundamentally lower manufacturing costs and ease of authoring for HD DVD. That's the type of model that can scale."

Consumers have purchased 150,000 dedicated HD DVD consumer electronics players which are holding a 4 to 1 movie attach rate over competing formats. The Toshiba HD-A2 model has also reached the top-seller mark among all DVD players on Amazon.com, and is officially the best-selling next-gen DVD player model to date.


Worships the porcelain goddess
What kind of loss is Toshiba taking on those $199 players? Doesn't that piss off other HD-DVD hardware makers because they aren't willing to eat the same loss to compete? Just screams fire-sale to me.


Kintaro said:
What kind of loss is Toshiba taking on those $199 players? Doesn't that piss off other HD-DVD hardware makers because they aren't willing to eat the same loss to compete? Just screams fire-sale to me.

1) They aren't $199 it was a mistake
2) There aren't any other HD DVD makers right now


has calmed down a bit.
Kintaro said:
1) Oops
2) I can see why.

I don't see that as much different from the BD manufacturers who have to compete with Sony and the Ps3. It's obvious their standalones aren't selling. And now with the new Sony player at $499, anybody other than Sony and Toshiba might as well throw up in their towels and call it a day rather than manufacture any HD movie players.

Is there a HDMI out on the HD-DVD drive?

No, all the outputs are on the 360, so you can do 1080p through VGA or HDMI plus upconversion depending on the model of 360 that you own. The video side of the add-on is NOT an issue, IMO.


First tragedy, then farce.
Isnt this like the third store to screw up the HD-A2 sale and price it at 200 bucks? :lol

Personally, I think the A2 is just as gimped as the 360 add on. I use the add on in my living room, and while its pretty nice.. it just doesnt compare to the XA-2 in the home theater.


has calmed down a bit.
mabuza said:
i cant believe they're actually happy about selling 75000 movies a month

That was for the LAST WEEK of May, not the whole month. Apply the ratios and that means Blu Ray sold less than 100k that week. Should they be sad too? :lol


Eggo said:
I haven't researched this too closely, but is the 360 HD-DVD player the better investment over the Toshiba A2? The 360 can do 1080p over VGA or HDMI (Elite), but the A2 can only do 1080i over HDMI, right?

360 add on also does last gen audio (dolby digital, dts) but none of the next gen audio codecs(Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, dts HD Master Audio)

AFAIK, it is the only HD-DVD product on the market that supports *NONE* of the advanced audio codecs....

You are better off with a Toshiba A2 if you are intrested in the HD-DVD format....

Oni Jazar

When they're talking about standalone players are they not including the PS3 ... yet when they're talking about attach rates they are including the PS3?


Oni Jazar said:
When they're talking about standalone players are they not including the PS3 ... yet when they're talking about attach rates they are including the PS3?
Of course. Is there any other way to make this situation look good for HD DVD? The market share charts are always blue Pac-Mans.


So stand alone looks like this according to HD DVD group:

150,000 stand alone HD DVD players
100,000 Blu Ray players w/o PS3

75,000 movies for HD DVD
112,500 for Blu Ray

Interesting. I don't think it is crazy to think that 50,000 PS3's have be purchased with the primary focus being Blu Ray play back.


First tragedy, then farce.
Kleegamefan said:
360 add on also does last gen audio (dolby digital, dts) but none of the next gen audio codecs(Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, dts HD Master Audio)

It does output a higher bitrate DD5.1 than DVD allows for.. so, its not "last gen audio". Its certainly not as good as the lossless stuff or DD+, but its an improvement.


GameFan Alumnus
beermonkey@tehbias said:
The 360 can't put out 24fps 1080p (at least not currently, from what I understand). If I had both of these players, I'd still feed my Pioneer the 1080i and let it convert to 24fps (which is not perfect but preferable to the alternatives IMO).

It all depends on how good your outboard or in-set processing is. 1080p isn't panacea.

What does this mean exactly? I've seen it mentioned before but did not really understand it. Are you saying if I get the 360 HD-DVD add-on and run at 1080p via VGA, movies will run at less than 24 fps? If so, what will this look like in terms of general viewing? A choppy picture that is missing frames that were intended to be there?

Currently, next-gen audio is not a priority for me. My receiver is a few years old, so I doubt it has HD-audio. Also, I don't have the funds to upgrade my sound system, as I'm looking to get a PS3 and HD-DVD player shortly.
Oni Jazar said:
When they're talking about standalone players are they not including the PS3 ... yet when they're talking about attach rates they are including the PS3?

That's freakin' awesome.

So if you spin it the other way...

Blu-Ray has the highest attache rate of standalones, *and* has millions more players on the market!


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Eggo said:
What does this mean exactly? I've seen it mentioned before but did not really understand it. Are you saying if I get the 360 HD-DVD add-on and run at 1080p via VGA, movies will run at less than 24 fps? If so, what will this look like in terms of general viewing? A choppy picture that is missing frames that were intended to be there?

Currently, next-gen audio is not a priority for me. My receiver is a few years old, so I doubt it has HD-audio. Also, I don't have the funds to upgrade my sound system, as I'm looking to get a PS3 and HD-DVD player shortly.
1080p/24 isnt a big deal unless your TV accepts it.
the hd dvd addon is going to output at 30 or 60 frames per second and it will look fine.

If you do have a TV that accepts the 1080p/24 signal then definitely get a standalone hd dvd player.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Ignatz Mouse said:
That's freakin' awesome.

So if you spin it the other way...

Blu-Ray has the highest attache rate of standalones, *and* has millions more players on the market!

Yeah that's pretty sad, you can't have it both ways


First tragedy, then farce.
I know this isnt really BRD/HDDVD releated..

but if anyone wants a new TV, my friend just got the new 50" Panny Plasmas (TH-50PZ700U) and it is absolutely amazing looking. I have a Pio ProFHD1 and his new TV absolutely wipes the floor with it.. its the best looking set Ive ever seen.. black levels are CRT quality, IMO. Color reproduction is great. and its only 2800

Im going to get one myself, but Im waiting for the 750 series to come out later this month/early next... it adds better red color reproduction and a "reference" setting that allows for nearly spot on greyscale/gamma and color settings.. for only 400 bucks more.
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