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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
kaching said:
Over and over I find myself wishing I lived where there were Fry's nearby.
Its not all its cracked up to be. They are usually very far away. And their pricing is about the same as best buy for HD software.
I always buy from amazon.

oh brimstone. :lol :lol
"arguing against choice" :lol

That's the slimiest bit of propaganda I've heard in a while. How about "arguing against having to buy two players to watch any given movie"?


True anecdotal story...

I have a not to bright cousin that works at best buy and is a HD-DVD supporter. He owns over 5000 DVDs and could probably tip the sales ratios single handedly. :lol I would think with his knowledge of both formats (he works in the home theatre dept.) and how the 'war' is going he would get blu-ray, but apparantly the 5 free discs and slashed HD-DVD prices reeled him in. I don't think he is high up enough to know about best buys future plans, but you would think he would at least have some idea... take all this with a grain of salt, like I said he is not to bright.

Warm Machine said:
As for on demand HD downloads, what device are people expecting to use to do this? It still sounds like there is a hardware solution there to make it happen. Is it a case of a HD Cable PVR that downloads these movies and can current PVRs do this?

Well there is the 360, but I was not that happy with my HD rental from there. Could of been the movie (braveheart :lol ) but the quality was just not what I expect (or am already used too) with a disc format. My current PVR decodes and records HD, but not on demand. I can't imagine when/if they roll out HD on demand that the quality will be any better than the 360 service.


Flo_Evans said:
True anecdotal story...

I have a not to bright cousin that works at best buy and is a HD-DVD supporter. He owns over 5000 DVDs and could probably tip the sales ratios single handedly. :lol I would think with his knowledge of both formats (he works in the home theatre dept.) and how the 'war' is going he would get blu-ray, but apparantly the 5 free discs and slashed HD-DVD prices reeled him in. I don't think he is high up enough to know about best buys future plans, but you would think he would at least have some idea... take all this with a grain of salt, like I said he is not to bright.

Maybe if he didn't spend all that time watching movies he'd be brighter. Him and my ex would do well together. I still haven't met someone so obsessed over films...

Assuming $10/ dvd, the guy spent $50,000 at least on movies? WTF?


djkimothy said:
Maybe if he didn't spend all that time watching movies he'd be brighter. Him and my ex would do well together. I still haven't met someone so obsessed over films...

Assuming $10/ dvd, the guy spent $50,000 at least on movies? WTF?

He is a hardcore collector. He has a shit-ton of comics and action figures too :lol Alot of them he gets his employee discount on and alot he bought off ebay.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Days like these... said:
Now for those of you arguing against choice I'm pretty sure if the ables were turned you guys would be all for choice so don't be hypocrites.
Go find another group to pin your strawman to. I haven't got a problem with choice per se, but the studios aren't themselves supporting choice universally, now are they? By all accounts, this market can't sustain choice of format, so it's in everyone's best interest to see an end to this format war sooner rather than later.

I would see your point if Toshiba stopped making/selling players, retailers stopped selling HD DVD movies and studios stopped putting out movies for the format. Then even I'd say yeah it's dead I can see why they chose to stop renting movies for HD DVD but that has yet to happen.
Why, how generous of you - only if all evidence of a product is eliminated will you agree it's dead. So Minidisc isn't dead as far as you're concerned, right?


Flo_Evans said:
True anecdotal story...

I have a not to bright cousin that works at best buy and is a HD-DVD supporter. He owns over 5000 DVDs and could probably tip the sales ratios single handedly. :lol I would think with his knowledge of both formats (he works in the home theatre dept.) and how the 'war' is going he would get blu-ray, but apparantly the 5 free discs and slashed HD-DVD prices reeled him in. I don't think he is high up enough to know about best buys future plans, but you would think he would at least have some idea... take all this with a grain of salt, like I said he is not to bright.

At my friend's local Best Buy, he's down in Jersey, there are 3 separate dedicated Blu-ray set ups. None for HD-DVD. There is a Samsung/Blu-ray combo. Panasonic 1080p Plasma/blu-ray combo and a Sony 60" SXRD and Blu-ray combo. HD-DVD is nowhere to be found. It's been this way for the past month according to him.

Edit: That Metro NY headline is big, because it's handed out at every subway station for free. IIRC weekday ridership is close to 5m right now.
So when on demand does roll out it'll probably be service provider and hardware based. How is that any smarter or easier than another optical disc format? Sounds like it has the exact same issues in terms of getting people interested in it that both current formats have. Only diff is you don't have to get to a rental or buying location to get the movies.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Ignatz Mouse said:
"arguing against choice" :lol

That's the slimyist bit of propaganda I've heard in a while. How about "arguing against having to buy two players to watch any given movie"?

You.re pretty douchey and make blu-ray supporters look bad. So if HD DVD were ahead you'd be perfectly fine with Blockbuster's decision to not carry Blu-ray even thouigh nothing's been decided yet?
Days like these... said:
even thouigh nothing's been decided yet?

What exactly does this mean? Who the hell decides when "it's been decided"? Wouldn't events such as Blockbuster's decision be an action that leads to a final decision?


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
distantmantra said:
What exactly does this mean? Who the hell decides when "it's been decided"? Wouldn't events such as Blockbuster's decision be an action that leads to a final decision?


Warm Machine said:
It is really strange though that while there are 1.5million PS3s out there and the number of HD-DVD players out there is substantially smaller that there is such a discrepancy in software sales. I know, I know, sore subject but its effect is real.

Not quite..

BluRay is 2/3rds of the software market right?
And there are 1.5 million pS3s + bluray players in the US?

While there are 400k-500k HD-DVD owners (solo + addon)

Given that a substantial portion of PS3s aren't even being used as Bluray devices.. I dont think the discrepancy between PS3-HDDVD to Bluray software - HD-DVD software is that large at all..

Bluray holds at worst 75%(but probably less due to people not using their Ps3 for bluray) or the hardware market and 66.7% of the Software market.. I dont think a 9% difference is that bad..
Days like these... said:
You.re pretty douchey and make blu-ray supporters look bad. So if HD DVD were ahead you'd be perfectly fine with Blockbuster's decision to not carry Blu-ray even thouigh nothing's been decided yet?

If it were ahead as much as BluRay is now, absolutely yes. I bought my player knowing it was a gamble, and I'd rahter have all the titles on one format than see this drag out longer. The player cost is a small, small fraction of what I'll spend over the life of the format in software. Especially as prices come down, as they are.

I'm pretty douchey-- that makes my day.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
kaching said:
Why, how generous of you - only if all evidence of a product is eliminated will you agree it's dead. So Minidisc isn't dead as far as you're concerned, right?

You want to talk about strawmen take your minidisc analogy. Is sony still producing/supporting it (oops sore spot). Are record companies still supporting it? Is it still being sold in stores?


distantmantra said:
All I see is my quoted post. Is there supposed to be a picture or something?

LOL, yah dominoes. His subtle message has been lost.

Maybe Target will be the next piece? Not it matters to me. I don't think any of this has any bearing in Canada. :/


First tragedy, then farce.
captive said:
Its not all its cracked up to be. They are usually very far away. And their pricing is about the same as best buy for HD software.
I always buy from amazon.

This is just completely untrue. Frys is so much cheaper than BB that its not even close.

For "normal" HDDVDs the movie price at Frys in 20 bucks.. Best Buy is 25-28 dollars.

For "combo" HDDVDs Frys is 25-28 bucks, while best buy is 32-38 dollars.

I allways save 5 bucks a movie at Frys. As far as Frys being very far away.. doesnt that have more to do with where you live? :lol

Frys = awesome.

Plus, they have a cafe with awesome hotdogs and big games are usually 40 bucks on release day instead of 60...
djkimothy said:
Maybe Target will be the next piece? Not it matters to me. I don't think any of this has any bearing in Canada. :/

Target would have to significantly expand their HD titles to have any effect. They carry about 10 titles for each format at full MSRP.


Post Count: 9999
distantmantra said:
The NPR show Day to Day is discussing the Blockbuster decision today. I'm surprised this is getting this much mainstream attention.

I'm not. This isn't something like an Amazon sales thread.

This is the biggest movie rental chain not only 'choosing' a format, but stating the rational is because it is doing better.

This is probably the biggest news in the format war so far ... at least from a PR and media perspective.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
StoOgE said:
This is just completely untrue. Frys is so much cheaper than BB that its not even close.

For "normal" HDDVDs the movie price at Frys in 20 bucks.. Best Buy is 25-28 dollars.

For "combo" HDDVDs Frys is 25-28 bucks, while best buy is 32-38 dollars.

I allways save 5 bucks a movie at Frys. As far as Frys being very far away.. doesnt that have more to do with where you live? :lol

Frys = awesome.

Plus, they have a cafe with awesome hotdogs and big games are usually 40 bucks on release day instead of 60...
These dont look much better priced than any other brick and mortar i frequent. Not to mention the money i save on gas from not driving 25 minutes north to get to Frys.
Dont get me wrong i love frys, its freaking awesome, but for me 10% off with no tax and free shipping from amazon pretty much beats anything a store here can do.


First tragedy, then farce.
Onix said:
This is probably the biggest news in the format war so far ... at least from a PR and media perspective.

Plus, you can bet Sony/BRD groups PR firm is calling everyone to let them know just how big this news is.
djkimothy said:
Is that right? Well, then. That's piddly. :/

And they're typically older release titles like X-men 3, Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Talladega Nights. The Seattle store did get Ghost Rider, but only two copies from what I saw.


First tragedy, then farce.
captive said:
These dont look much better priced than any other brick and mortar i frequent. Not to mention the money i save on gas from not driving 25 minutes north to get to Frys.
Dont get me wrong i love frys, its freaking awesome, but for me 10% off with no tax and free shipping from amazon pretty much beats anything a store here can do.


Well, at least for HDDVD Frys has Amazon prices (without the 10% discount if you got in on that). I dont live too far away, so I just as soon get movies day and date if I can by driving to Frys. Sometimes they run out of stock, but usually I can go after work on Tuesdays and pick anything I want up for 20 bucks.

I dont keep up with BRD pricing since I dont have one. I know they are more expensive generally, I just assumed Frys rocked for those too.


First tragedy, then farce.
distantmantra said:
And they're typically older release titles like X-men 3, Superman Returns, Batman Begins, Talladega Nights. The Seattle store did get Ghost Rider, but only two copies from what I saw.

Yeah, HDDVD is about the same.. the one near me has Casino, Training Day, Superman, and then a few new releases (40 year old Virgin, Letters from Iwo Jima (for 40 bucks!). Target at this point is barely involved in this format war.. and them going "exlusive" really wouldnt matter unless they also expand their selection and improve pricing.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Ah i cant believe thedigitalbits.com is down at a time like this.

Also i swear i have seen the "blockbuster can change its inventory we will continue to monitor rental patterns etc" 50 times by HD DVD fans clinging to a shred of hope.


Post Count: 9999
Days like these... said:
You.re pretty douchey and make blu-ray supporters look bad. So if HD DVD were ahead you'd be perfectly fine with Blockbuster's decision to not carry Blu-ray even thouigh nothing's been decided yet?

I personally would rather have BD win since I believe it has useful technical advantages.

That said, if the roles were reversed ... I rather would have Blockbuster pick HD DVD if that meant a quicker end to the format war. A protracted war exponentially increases the risk that both formats fail, and us being forever stuck with DVD and gimped HD downloads.

Homey don’t play ‘dat. Such a situation is simply unacceptable to me.
NPR had a nice little piece on this incident, declaring the format far from over. One of the market analysts they spoke with said they wouldn't be surprised if HD-DVD tries to make some exclusivity deal with another rental company in the next week or two.


distantmantra said:
NPR had a nice little piece on this incident, declaring the format far from over. One of the market analysts they spoke with said they wouldn't be surprised if HD-DVD tries to make some exclusivity deal with another rental company in the next week or two.

Throwing money down the drains is becoming a popular business tactic these days ey?


Post Count: 9999
And what chain would bite?

The only way they would is if it is either very short term, or has some sort of reasonable break-out clause based on sales data.

That is just a silly response. Does anyone believe Hollywood Video is going to go sign some sort of deal that prevents them from renting BD movies long-term? :lol


distantmantra said:
NPR had a nice little piece on this incident, declaring the format far from over. One of the market analysts they spoke with said they wouldn't be surprised if HD-DVD tries to make some exclusivity deal with another rental company in the next week or two.

At this point the only other rental companies of significance are Netflix and Movie Gallery, I wonder which they would go after.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Days like these... said:
You want to talk about strawmen...
Just to be clear, the strawmen comment was made in reference to your accusation that a certain group here were being hypocritical about choice, but I notice you've chosen not to directly respond to that point - you have nothing to say for studios themselves not fully supporting "choice" with their current offerings?

take your minidisc analogy. Is sony still producing/supporting it (oops sore spot). Are record companies still supporting it? Is it still being sold in stores?
There's nothing wrong with my Minidisc analogy. You said you'd only agree that HD-DVD was dead if manufacturers stopped making hardware AND studios stopped making software AND retailers stopped selling existing products. By those stringent qualification to declare format death, Minidisc is not dead, because a manufacturer still makes the hardware and retailers still sell that hardware.


Post Count: 9999
kaching said:
There's nothing wrong with my Minidisc analogy. You said you'd only agree that HD-DVD was dead if manufacturers stopped making hardware AND studios stopped making software AND retailers stopped selling existing products. By those stringent qualification to declare format death, Minidisc is not dead, because a manufacturer still makes the hardware and retailers still sell that hardware.

I think his issue with the analogy is that studios do not release albums on the format, which makes the situation different. Arguing about finding the perfect analogy will get us nowhere however.

To make things easier, I submit UMD as a replacement analogy. PSP is still being sold, movies are still being released by studios, and stores still carry some software.


Post Count: 9999
methane47 said:
Rockstar is RENTING THE DLC? WTF Rockstar?


Wait ... that 50million figure is in reference to what MS is paying for GTA4 DLC?!?!?

:lol :lol :lol HOLY SHIT :lol :lol :lol



I chose, HD DVD.. the add-on was too sexy to pass up.

But, I already get HD DVD through Blockbuster online. So this means jack **** to me..

at this point anyway.


I notice that Axelmusic.com is now showing a near 50/50 HD-DVD/Blu Ray split which is quite incredible considering 3 months ago Blu Ray wasn't even able to get 20%. When you consider that they are a UK based site selling import disks, with many non-region free BD its an impressive shift.


jjasper said:
At this point the only other rental companies of significance are Netflix and Movie Gallery, I wonder which they would go after.

Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, sits on Microsoft's board. Bill Gate's likes his "disruptive technologies."


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Onix said:
I think his issue with the analogy is that studios do not release albums on the format, which makes the situation different. Arguing about finding the perfect analogy will get us nowhere however.
Onix, you're missing my point. I'm not looking for a "perfect analogy" nor am I arguing that HD-DVD is dead or that Minidisc isn't. I'm just taking issue with the strict definition of format death that Days has decided to whip up just for the sake of spinning the situation as positively as possible for HD-DVD. I'm pretty damn sure he wouldn't adhere to that same definition if the tables were turned on BD and I'm calling him on it.


has calmed down a bit.
LJ11 said:
Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, sits on Microsoft's board. Bill Gate's likes his "disruptive technologies."

If Netflix boosts their HD DVD inventory, I'm switching. BB online is pathetic when it comes to HD DVD (and, from what I heard, Blu Ray).
I just got an email from Columbia House that they'll start carrying Blu ray and HD-DVD titles this fall. Good to know, since I need to buy one more title by next May to fulfill my membership obligation.


I don't see Netflix backing HD-DVD exclusively. Hastings is on board for the inevitable digital distribution system that will be making its way across Vista PC's several years down the line. I can see the writing now, "Only on Windows Vista." Just my hunch.


has calmed down a bit.
distantmantra said:
I just got an email from Columbia House that they'll start carrying Blu ray and HD-DVD titles this fall. Good to know, since I need to buy one more title by next May to fulfill my membership obligation.

If they can keep the prices low, I'll actually buy something from them. I haven't even looked at them after I fulfilled my obligations.
VanMardigan said:
If they can keep the prices low, I'll actually buy something from them. I haven't even looked at them after I fulfilled my obligations.

Every once in a while they have great discount sales. For everyday purchases, I'd never consider using them.
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