• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Hi. Let's talk about Off-Topic. And Each other.

If you think you're gearing up for some sort of high-brow ideological warfare, maybe you should nail down your command of basic English first.
"I'm gonna do something they've never experienced: agreeing with myself!"

You sound like an angry, impotent individual whose only self-worth comes from how much you imagine you're aggravating or inconveniencing anonymous strangers.
You're going to write this post off instantly since it doesn't cater to your ego, but know that this much is genuine concern and empathy: Disconnect from the internet for a while; it's skewing your priorities and hurting your ability to be human.

I know, right? He's better off joining GameFAQs since there's a bunch of simple-minded trolls just like GE/EG/NAS.


I know, right? He's better off joining GameFAQs since there's a bunch of simple-minded trolls just like GE/EG/NAS.
There are trolls everywhere. GameFAQs is a good forum. I dislike the insinuation there that it isn't. A lot of NeoGAF went there instead of Reset too after your forums had its issues.
I know, right? He's better off joining GameFAQs since there's a bunch of simple-minded trolls just like GE/EG/NAS.

Are you replying to a poster talking directly to you and then responding as if you yourself are a different person talking about yourself in the 3rd person?

This is strangely unhinged behavior, seems like you forgot to log back into an alt account before posting?

Don't do this stuff, it just makes you look really bad.
In his defense he probably is.
In one post he claims to be a black woman.

In another one he is suddenly a guy called James.

Yeah, that post was on Era and in my Black Panther thread here.

Didn't even give it the time of day.


Ooook, I just got...this in my Private Messages and it's too...like, legitimately disturbing to not share.
Keep in mind that I'm not editing my own responses out of this comment chain - I didn't reply at all.
He's just...holding a conversation with himself.

Dumb enough to even take me seriously. Do you really think I give a shit about my "image" on an internet forum? The fact that you couldn't tell that I was trolling you with that '3rd-person' reply tells me you don't have neither the social skills nor the sense of humor of an average individual.

Yeah, exactly. Dimwit can't even tell that I'm trolling him hard with that reply to his reply. I love venting on the internet and I do it through trolling, don't you agree?

Fuck me, you're right....

P.S. tell you boys over on ResetERA I'm coming back.

This is some serious "Haha, I made you guys think I was retarded" shit.
Dude, you think you're playing some triple-layered mindgame confusion-fu shit, but really you're just flailing around like some kind of brain damaged narcissist with no impulse control or self-respect.
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Ooook, I just got...this in my Private Messages and it's too...like, legitimately disturbing to not share.
Keep in mind that I'm not editing my own responses out of this comment chain - I didn't reply at all.
He's just...holding a conversation with himself.

This is some serious "Haha, I made you guys think I was retarded" shit.
Dude, you think you're playing some triple-layered mindgame confusion-fu shit, but really you're just flailing around like some kind of brain damaged narcissist with no impulse control or self-respect.

"P.S. tell you boys over on ResetERA I'm coming back."

Is the kid serious?
He sent me one too for some reason, I think this was shortly before he was banned.

Yesterday at 5:26 PM
How big is your mouth? Can I tell you the truth? I'm in love with you.

Well...that certainly confirms that he's desperately looking for attention :/

Dr. Claus

Some of them, I assume, are good people.

There are quite a few that are great people that avoid any and all political speak as they can, or use it specifically for a news site. They had done the same during OldGaf between '11-'17. They are just drowned out by the... less than stellar folk which seem to permeate most of the talk.
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There are quite a few that are great people that avoid any and all political speak as they can, or use it specifically for a news site. They had done the same during OldGaf between '11-'17. They are just drowned out by the... less than stellar folk which seem to permeate most of the talk.
Agreed but what I was going for there was also a Trump joke based on his comments about Mexican immigrants. Badum tssss.


Since this seems like a continuation of the Left Eats it's Own thread, I wanted to air out my only reservation about what's been expressed so far in these appeals to get people engaged with the site again. For the record, I understand that bish covered his tracks and was punished after the incident was uncovered. I get how the moderation team became a monster of its own and that personal problems behind the scenes inhibited EvilLore from taking it head on. I even totally agree that the meltdown was out of control and taking things offline while the contractors got in place was probably for the best.

What I really don't understand and have not seen answered yet is why Besada was allowed to moderate for so long. We had leaked PMs of how, in his own words, he was tracking users whose opinions he disagreed with, calculating the opportune time to ban them, and admitting he would advocate for these bans to be permanent. In a way, this is more insidious than bish taking out his post-election frustrations on random members because of the level of deliberation and premeditation involved. Even if those PMs never came to light, everyone knew he was openly policing threads for undesirable opinions, irrespective of how benign their content or phrasing were. I seem to remember EL personally shutting down topics when posters tried to revisit these PMs. Even if I'm misremembering that, Besada's continued tenure was an absolutely indefensible position and it's hard to take ownership seriously when they say they genuinely thought this was a problem but couldn't do anything about it.

I honestly don't care about the personalities - the conduct going forward will speak louder than any explanation. But this is the one hanging oversight I still can't square with these confessions. I agree the vibe of GAF is already miles ahead of where it was a few months ago. It's crazy watching how many topics get locked over there, users getting banned for making appeals to respectful decency, and moderation dictating how people are allowed to think about topics from the top down. We were in that position for a really long time and now we have incontrovertible proof of how much worse things could get if it were not for the split. I want to help get this place on track again and, IMO, it all starts with a good gaming section. I've been trying to play a more productive role there. One of these threads on gaming side might not be such a bad idea, to redidcate this place as the premier public square for gaming industry discussion.

Bolivar with another quality post here. It's because of people like him that I'm here.

As an outside lurker I saw GAF OT as a hateful, left-wing, godless sewer that viciously attacked anyone outside of the liberal spectrum. I knew I wouldn't survive 10 days if I dared to join and express my views openly. That's about how long I lasted on the internet's latest bowel movementEra.

I'm delighted that I can freely speak on GAF now. Thanks to the site owner and mod team for this new toleration of diversity of viewpoints. I sincerely mean it.
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From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.

Call me cynical but stealing one of the largest communities on the Internet seems like a reasonably solid incentive to lie and it's precisely what I told my wife at the time. Not the first time I've seen it, either. Things like that don't just happen. Not in a couple of days.

People lie and cheat all the time. They wanted to make money. A lot of money.
Call me cynical but stealing one of the largest communities on the Internet seems like a reasonably solid incentive to lie and it's precisely what I told my wife at the time. Not the first time I've seen it, either. Things like that don't just happen. Not in a couple of days.

People lie and cheat all the time. They wanted to make money. A lot of money.

There is already a person in this thread that says they had first-hand knowledge of the disorganized effort to start ResetEra. If you float a conspiracy theory, I'm going to ask for the receipts.
There is already a person in this thread that says they had first-hand knowledge of the disorganized effort to start ResetEra. If you float a conspiracy theory, I'm going to ask for the receipts.

If you are given the so-called "receipts", will you accept the fact that the exodus was long planned from before the incident even happened?

Mr. Grumpy

Grumpy see, Grumpy do.
Please, let's try and keep this thread on topic. Any thoughts and feelings for other communities are best fed back to those specific communities, those sort of comments don't really contribute to threads like this.

Thank you.
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