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Hi. Let's talk about Off-Topic. And Each other.


Requiescat In Pace
Staff Member

The decision to close Off-Topic at the time was made for many reasons, but none of them were because we didn't want people to participate or to make people feel like their contributions weren't appreciated. As others have mentioned we had constant account suicides, DDoS attacks, users posting hate speech, and a lack of available moderators to handle everything. Off-Topic and OT Discussions also started out (especially in the early days) as a sort of informal chat room where users felt comfortable sharing their person details online because, well, 2004 was a different time - and it became clear after the incident that people were using the site's archives to doxx and specifically target certain members of our community based on posts that were available there. We felt that the safety of our members at that time was paramount to any other concerns.

This is why we decided to "start fresh" initially, since re-opening the off-topic even after a short amount of time would invite this sort of bad behavior to continue. For a while we were taking requests to move individual threads over to the new Off-Topic while we went about scrubbing personal details from the old database (at the request of doxxed users and other concerned parties) in an attempt to strike a balance between user safety and usability. Again, we didn't want to devalue people's hard work and site contributions. After the fervor had died down, we moved the old OT threads back to where they live now minus a couple of posts that users had contacted us and asked us specifically to remove.

We understand that this process may not have been conducive to NeoGAF's day-to-day activities at the time. We knew it would affect the users who weren't interested in the drama, but in the end it was a no win / "this is why we can't have nice things" scenario. The system was definitely in flux while we worked behind the scenes to figure out the best ways to move forward - what our moderation policies would be moving forward, whether or not we should allow political discussion on the site, even whether or not we should have an Off-Topic discussion board at all given the state it was in at the time. I feel like the decisions that have led us to where we are today are working out well, but at no point in time were we actively telling people to go elsewhere or making decisions like this one for no reason.

If these communities would like to come back to NeoGAF, we would openly welcome them back as long as they are willing to follow the site rules like everyone else. If not, or if they're simply happy staying put where they are for the time being, that's okay too. The internet is a big place, and we've got a lot of awesome new faces around here and there are some great discussions going on again so I have no doubt these types of community threads will start cropping back up here in no time.


Long read but interesting. Didn't know much about history of GAF. And I'm glad you want open discussion to happen and not an echo chamber. And you are right about having to get out of our comfort zone which even I am guilty of.


Some decided to leave before.

Some hadn't decided to leave, but didn't feel welcome or that they felt free to discuss what they wanted to, due to new forum rules.

If you read all of my post youll see where it was announced after the site came back online that OT and the community OTs would be nuked, stsrt fresh, and that social and political discourse would not be allowed.
Again, what communities? What discussions did people want that they couldn't if the rule was in place? Currently, I don't think there are any changes to the rules, so my point still stands that people left and aren't looking back even though nothing has changed with the rules. In fact, things have gotten better with the new forum tech.

Joe T.

It's encouraging to see things here are moving in the right direction. I'll echo the thoughts others have already expressed, this forum is much better off without the constant animosity and group think that now fester elsewhere.


As always, I am grateful to be a part of GAF. I am also really, really glad that the enema occurred. Flush out the crap and keep the GAFcolon healthy! Here's to you all jrs and members!


It got to a point where I started to become depressed from reading OT. Everywhere you looked were threads about Trump. Always Trump, Trump, Trump. I despise Trump, but I'm not an American, so I won't really identify with this outrage culture. Reset OT is starting to become the same Trump outrage culture place. It's really draining me mentally.

But I have to say, I also don't like how there's suddenly a lot of Trump sympathizers on GAF. Then again, if we can engage in actual discussions in here I'm fine with it.

I think this outrage culture is unhealthy in the sense that it demonizes everyone who's supporting Trump. While I think it's important to show these people why supporting Trump is a really bad idea, just throwing insults at them won't make them change their minds. Civil discussion is where it's at.


It got to a point where I started to become depressed from reading OT. Everywhere you looked were threads about Trump. Always Trump, Trump, Trump. I despise Trump, but I'm not an American, so I won't really identify with this outrage culture. Reset OT is starting to become the same Trump outrage culture place. It's really draining me mentally.

But I have to say, I also don't like how there's suddenly a lot of Trump sympathizers on GAF. Then again, if we can engage in actual discussions in here I'm fine with it.

I think this outrage culture is unhealthy in the sense that it demonizes everyone who's supporting Trump. While I think it's important to show these people why supporting Trump is a really bad idea, just throwing insults at them won't make them change their minds. Civil discussion is where it's at.
You never know if Trump supporters on forums are actually Trump supporters or just meme trollers.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.


I'm not trying to bring that whole thing up again, but like mattiewheels I'd like to know what's the official word on that whole accusation thing?


From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.

I think there had to be a fear of missing out and some virtue signaling (current terms i hate) that was going on for some - not saying her for sure but some. If I can get in on the praise and love online because I was touched or fucked with too why not? Even if all the stuff she said was true I can see it through his eyes and I don't consider it anything more than a misunderstanding. But it felt like this place was so ultra left at the time that they couldn't ban the owner of the site for something innocuous so they all left and caused a stink.
From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.

I'm not trying to bring that whole thing up again, but like mattiewheels I'd like to know what's the official word on that whole accusation thing?

There is no "official word," as there were no charges or police report. In light of the woman deleting her post that initiated the outrage, Tyler has claimed victory, albeit a pyrrhic one being reshaped into a positive with terminology like "Reset Enema."

As far as what actually happened during the event in the shower, and the subsequent relationship afterwards, you will have to draw your own conclusions based upon what we already know.
From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.
I am no historian on the topic. But i feel like it was a accusation that was deleted before Evilore or the site knew about it. I could be wrong. But i think it was "a since deleted post" if you will.

As to why someone would lie, there is a few old sayings. "Believe nothing you hear and half of what you see". "There are three sides to every story... yours, mine, and the truth". Sometimes 2 people can witness the same event and remember it differently.

She told a story that he exposed himself to her, was rejected and he was a dick to her. And that incident led to the eventual brake up of her and her boyfriend. At first that sounds shitty. However once questions had been asked we find out that the aftermath was different then she led us to believe. She broke up with her boyfriend and started some kind of relationship with Evilore. That relationship ended at E3. All this took place in under 90 days I believe. And all that information was from her I believe.

The human mind is weird. Its very possible that she does believe Evilore was the reason for her prior relationship ended. Perhaps she feels that if he wasn't around, she wouldn't have been friends with him? Or maybe her boyfriend wouldn't have been suspicious or worried if he wasn't in her life? Or perhaps she was unfaithful and felt very guilty, leading to a brake up? Or maybe she put all the eggs in the Evilore basket and it wasn't all that for him?

She wouldn't be the first person to not take responsibility and accountability for their actions. Its easier to blame someone else then yourself.

I never understood the thought process of many here at the time. Believing that any questions asked as victim blaming. How does one acquire information without asking questions? Finding out that she was banging Evilore does change the accusation, even if old Gaf didn't want to admit it.

Ive seen it on this site enough times to know the thought process tho. Im sure if anyone wanted to search and see it, they could. If a celebrity is accused its better to assume guilt. If they are guilty then they need to go away. If they aren't guilty its ok they got money and they will be fine. But its better to be safe than sorry.

Ill stop before i ramble on lol.


Since this seems like a continuation of the Left Eats it's Own thread, I wanted to air out my only reservation about what's been expressed so far in these appeals to get people engaged with the site again. For the record, I understand that bish covered his tracks and was punished after the incident was uncovered. I get how the moderation team became a monster of its own and that personal problems behind the scenes inhibited EvilLore from taking it head on. I even totally agree that the meltdown was out of control and taking things offline while the contractors got in place was probably for the best.

What I really don't understand and have not seen answered yet is why Besada was allowed to moderate for so long. We had leaked PMs of how, in his own words, he was tracking users whose opinions he disagreed with, calculating the opportune time to ban them, and admitting he would advocate for these bans to be permanent. In a way, this is more insidious than bish taking out his post-election frustrations on random members because of the level of deliberation and premeditation involved. Even if those PMs never came to light, everyone knew he was openly policing threads for undesirable opinions, irrespective of how benign their content or phrasing were. I seem to remember EL personally shutting down topics when posters tried to revisit these PMs. Even if I'm misremembering that, Besada's continued tenure was an absolutely indefensible position and it's hard to take ownership seriously when they say they genuinely thought this was a problem but couldn't do anything about it.

I honestly don't care about the personalities - the conduct going forward will speak louder than any explanation. But this is the one hanging oversight I still can't square with these confessions. I agree the vibe of GAF is already miles ahead of where it was a few months ago. It's crazy watching how many topics get locked over there, users getting banned for making appeals to respectful decency, and moderation dictating how people are allowed to think about topics from the top down. We were in that position for a really long time and now we have incontrovertible proof of how much worse things could get if it were not for the split. I want to help get this place on track again and, IMO, it all starts with a good gaming section. I've been trying to play a more productive role there. One of these threads on gaming side might not be such a bad idea, to redidcate this place as the premier public square for gaming industry discussion.


From that OP, the official word on Evilore’s accuser is that she was a liar? And I guess he threatened her to recant with legal action, or maybe a settlement? I don’t understand why someone would lie about a situation like that, and what they would even stand to gain from it. It’s disappointing to see this as the final word, and not some kind of acknowledgement and a sign that you’re trying to do better.
These are the kind of posts that annoy me and why I admire the French coming out against the metoo movement.


Why in the world would Evilore apologize for the situation and "try to do better"?

For one, even if every last thing she stated was true (which hardly ever is with a person retelling a story), he invited her to a trip at a hotel in New Orleans? I believe. First of all, if a guy invites you to a hotel with him he is probably looking to hook up with you. Second of all, you should never be accepting that if you are in a committed relationship. This was not a business endeavor. This was a pleasure trip.

Does this mean he could not have assaulted her at this point? No. What it does mean is that this was not random. Her relationship was likely not on very solid ground to start with. She had some feelings in some way to him to have accepted such a trip.

Also, at the hotel they proceed to get drunk together via their own choices. By her own telling, she drank to the point of throwing up, so we can assume she was not drinking alone and that Evilore drank significantly also. However, she also implies that she did not drink to the point that her memory was hazy at all and that she had a clear recollection of events throughout the night and had clear control over her thought process. (Contradictory).

Then she claimed that he got naked and asked to join her in the shower obviously in an attempt to have sex with her. She told him no. He left as asked.

Okay, this is not assault. This is not rape. That is a clear thing that needs to be understood. You could argue he exposed himself at best. However, what it is, by her own claim, is mixed signals leading to a come on that was rejected. Not knowing a single thing that was said between the two which may have spurred this moment on and made him make this move, we already know she accepted a pleasure trip to a city away from home to a hotel with a guy and proceeded to get drunk together with that person. That is sending mixed signals.

So he tried. He struck out. And he stopped. If anything, that right there is why this should not be a metoo anything. This is supposed to be about being brave and coming out about assault and rape to be brave and show men it is wrong.

Afterwards, he got salty about it. Wasn't nice to her. And that was that. Newsflash, men generally are not in a good mood after getting rejected by a girl they like. It is pretty exemplified when the girl who rejected you did so after you just paid for a hotel for them and so on.

Men are allowed to be upset about being rejected. Not everyone is nice when upset. Being upset is not a crime. It is a normal human emotion.

At no point was he accused of doing anything other than being mean afterwards.

There really is nothing to apologize if everything she said is true. He wasn't accused of drugging her drink. He wasn't accused of trying to rape her. He wasn't accused of fondling her private areas. He wasn't accused of anything really other than coming on to a girl and being rejected. Albeit maybe he came on in not the best way or a bit strong, but by self-admittedly they were both drinking. People tend to not think clearly and remove inhibitions when drinking.

Then she blamed him for her and her boyfriend breaking up over it because she was afraid to tell him. But, I am pretty sure going away to a hotel with another guy would have ended that relationship upon being known from the start. It basically implies that their relationship really ended because she was lying throughout it. There wasn't a level of trust in their relationship.

This is also before all the other details came out. That they later dated for a small amount of time and had consensual relations during it.

I mean, what should he apologize for and being better himself for?

There was nothing here from the start going by her own story completely. That is before even taking in at all his story (which should not be handwaved).
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You missed the part where they actually talked about it afterwards and made up. A victim doesn't get an apology and a discussion on why it's wrong after the incident.

Of course, someone from pre-ResetEnema GAF argued that victims of sexual harassment are psychologically affected to stick with the sexual harasser. Such a bullshit convenience to use that against a person.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Very happy to see this forum picking up again.
I've been around almost as long as Evilore, but knew very little of this history. Very impressive stuff.


Resetera was already almost launch ready a couple days after the shitstorm. Gaf was barely back up and running and still facing constant troll attacks.

Of course most people didn't actively participate in the bullshit, they just went where the community went. But that vocal minority, oh boy. An embarrassing amount of current era regulars immaturely exited this site via vile posts that were deleted.

And it's definitely more than a little curious that era was launch ready so fast with a full staff and competent back end, etc. I'm not saying the mutiny was premeditated, but everything happened VERY quickly, and it's almost a miracle gaf even still exists after the exodus and accompanying war.

I see vague implications of a conspiracy now that the incident is some time in the past. I was in the discord where resetera was formed and it was a complete mess. It takes about an hour to set up a forum with modern off the shelf software (and some people did that, but those places died quickly). Resetera took days to launch, after several delays, because they were having stupid debates about logos and color schemes and formulating a ridiculously paranoid rollout of signup codes. It all happened organically and not especially fast.
People already decided to leave before any of what you say.

And what kind of communities are you talking about? I only know straight-up locks happened for some sports OTs. We have tons of of opportunity for political discussion. I don't see Trump threads getting locked.

As far as I can tell, the OT community section here is still mostly dead. You can bitch and laugh about ResetERA's political and controversial topics, but they're still light-years ahead of being an actual community than what GAF's OT is currently at.

Even Gaming side has started to recover. I would like to see more helpful and informational |OT| threads and social threads. Hell even a new thread in the community section that actually makes it past page 2.


I see vague implications of a conspiracy now that the incident is some time in the past. I was in the discord where resetera was formed and it was a complete mess. It takes about an hour to set up a forum with modern off the shelf software (and some people did that, but those places died quickly). Resetera took days to launch, after several delays, because they were having stupid debates about logos and color schemes and formulating a ridiculously paranoid rollout of signup codes. It all happened organically and not especially fast.
Fair enough. As I said, I didn't think it was premeditated, but wouldn't fault anyone looking from the outside and being a little suspicious.


As far as I can tell, the OT community section here is still mostly dead. You can bitch and laugh about ResetERA's political and controversial topics, but they're still light-years ahead of being an actual community than what GAF's OT is currently at.

Even Gaming side has started to recover. I would like to see more helpful and informational |OT| threads and social threads. Hell even a new thread in the community section that actually makes it past page 2.

Then make them ...


As far as I can tell, the OT community section here is still mostly dead. You can bitch and laugh about ResetERA's political and controversial topics, but they're still light-years ahead of being an actual community than what GAF's OT is currently at.

Even Gaming side has started to recover. I would like to see more helpful and informational |OT| threads and social threads. Hell even a new thread in the community section that actually makes it past page 2.
No doubt they have more people, and more people generate more posts. It's hard to say if all of those posts are useful, but a lot of people who handled the PC building thread and all sorts had left. Hopefully more people will pick them up.
Then make them ...
I pretty much tell this to anyone who keeps saying so and so is dead.


As far as I can tell, the OT community section here is still mostly dead. You can bitch and laugh about ResetERA's political and controversial topics, but they're still light-years ahead of being an actual community than what GAF's OT is currently at.

Even Gaming side has started to recover. I would like to see more helpful and informational |OT| threads and social threads. Hell even a new thread in the community section that actually makes it past page 2.
Yeah it's a little sad visiting some of the OT's here in off-topic and the more community based threads in gaming effectively being dead but the only thing that can be done by those here is to post in them and update them to try and get more people involved and build them back up.

Even if the communities are quite now there's nothing stopping anyone from posting in them or, if they feel like it, creating fresh new ones, there's an OT volunteer thread over on gaming side to help with the latter.
Yo I guess 'Lore doesn't want to fight me for charity.
Such a shame. I'm certain he's a higher belt than I am with more striking experience.
The #MeToo incident in my opinion seemed like the straw that broke the camels back, because there were other things/actions that already had people on edge.

More specifically, Evilore responded to everything back in October and November in probably the worst way possible. He should have simply stated "these allegations are not true and that's all I'm going to say about it" and left it at that. Instead he opted to throw the entire moderation team and probably more than half of GAF's active userbase at the time under the bus and attempt to nuke half the site in the process. He created animosity where there wasn't any and basically forced people to find a new place to simply converse, and by the time he backpedaled and brought back OT and OT Community the damage was already done. And since he and a good contingent of NeoGAF's new smaller userbase are seemingly still unable to get over it (ResetEnema, really?) doesn't exactly encourage people to come back or exist on both sites simultaneously.
Yuuup. I was willing to give him a shot if he had given a well thought out and believable response, but there were a lot of issues before then. He's accepted and learned nothing, and now can claim some sort of moral superiority by saying he's created a more "free" place by surrounding himself with people that don't really have any issues with him. The original OT gave helped give him a salary that let him fuck around all over the world for the rest of his life doing nothing if he wanted to, and he torched it as soon as he got #metooed because he thought the OT was having problems "for a really long time". Yeah right. This place will always be a bit of a shell and deserves to be.

EDIT: Maybe the above was a bit overly harsh, I understand that the forum was probably in chaos the day of and any decision would have been a hard one. I still have pretty big issues with EL's narrative of "I really hated Off Topic for a really long time and I really felt a change needed to made". If the metoo situation wouldn't have happened nothing would have been done because the checks were coming in every month. I'm going to go ahead and say that EL's original hate of OT originated from the ass grabbing thread that he eventually locked, and I'm guessing still stands his ground on. I'm glad that things have been getting better, but all this stuff didn't 'just happen'.
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I saw how you treated that mod Iapetus who said he didn't like violence. He was humiliated and piled on while you encouraged it and demodded him for his sensible views. You nuked many accounts who wrote the same shit that you have written here.

Don't put the blame on others. You are entirely responsible for the implosion of this forum. It was a long time coming. The mods weren't paid, the posters created free content but you acted like a hotshot CEO doing whatever you want, and you are surprised by the hatred?

It's the law of karma. Arrogance leads to the downfall of man.

NeoGAF will never be the same again, the worker bees are gone.


Gold Member
EviLore EviLore Thank you for your post. I'm seeing a nice mixture of new blood and some people who decided to not suicide their account come back. I feel that this site is on an upswing and I'm looking forward to seeing where GAF as a site is a year from now.


I have no idea how you can address the accusations against you (especially if you're going the legal route), but I feel that you have to address them further than dismissing them as you being caught up in the #metoo movement.

I fully appreciate it's completely unfair to you. This #metoo movement has turned into the Salem Witch trials. Just an accusation is enough to destroy people.

Personally (until all the facts come out) I feel that you're going through the Aziz type treatment.

Dr. Claus

I saw how you treated that mod Iapetus who said he didn't like violence. He was humiliated and piled on while you encouraged it and demodded him for his sensible views. You nuked many accounts who wrote the same shit that you have written here.

Don't put the blame on others. You are entirely responsible for the implosion of this forum. It was a long time coming. The mods weren't paid, the posters created free content but you acted like a hotshot CEO doing whatever you want, and you are surprised by the hatred?

It's the law of karma. Arrogance leads to the downfall of man.

NeoGAF will never be the same again, the worker bees are gone.

I will have to disagree to a point. You are correct that NeoGaf will never be the same again - assuming the "same" is the authoritarian left leadership/moderation that plagued this forum from '11-'12 until late last year. I and the vast majority still around do not want such a horrid community/mindset to return.

I do believe Gaf will grow again and become a better community because of its "resetenema" that Evillore had mentioned. The data already shows this to be the case. As time goes by, more topics will be created and news will spread. ResetEra already has a nasty reputation, driving people away in droves (either through the poor moderation as mentioned previously, or through word of mouth). Gaf has only improved since and is on track to continue doing so.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Yo I guess 'Lore doesn't want to fight me for charity.
Such a shame. I'm certain he's a higher belt than I am with more striking experience.

Yeah okay, Roger Gracie. Any anonymous internet person challenging me to a livestreamed MMA exhibition is 10000% prepared to whip my ass. ;b
Gaf used to be freight train of posts by a limited number of users spouting same nonsense, private jokes and sometimes pages of single posts (hype, etc).
Better pace now, and posts in threads are mostly all worth reading. Viewpoints from the left, right, centre, flat earthers or whatever are all welcome, as situations, circumstances and conversations should always evolve.

I used to hold my opinions (formed after due research and reflection at the time) as THE word and I had a Frank conversation with a Filipino colleague about Duterte and he presented points and facts I wasn't privy to due to the lack of coverage and information available to me at the time. I still think as a person he's not good, but not my place to lecture the people he's ruling over. So live and let live and all that jazz.
Present your points, opinion and leave the rest up to people. They can either take it, leave it or add something that moves the conversation forward.

Was supposed to be a short message, but I ramble. It's good your a fighter, Ty. Cheers.
Dude, Tyler. This site needed to excise a ton of garbage, and it is a better place for it. I'm on the other site as well, and OT there is a complete rotten cesspool of political echoing. You either believe what they believe, or you get completely dogpiled until a mod warns or bans you. I avoid posting in OT threads there, it is a complete mess...and the mods are having to constantly babysit every political thread. There are so many mod bans with the stated reason as "disingenuous posting" that it isn't even funny. That is their fallback crutch for anyone that doesn't agree with the masses...they must be "posting disingenuously".

It's the exact same dogpile that happened here to you. You either agreed with the masses and left NeoGAF to join the echo chamber on another site...or you're obviously a monster if you stay here. It's sad really..
Check out my post about Resetera on the introduction to Gaf thread.

Tyler, this may be one of the greatest and most honest posts ive seen on any gaming forum and it fucking sucks what happened to you and the ungratefulness of that community who chose to execute you through trial by public opinion. Horrible to say the least and even if this site doesn't have as much traffic as before, there's still this sense of calmness and sensibility that isn't common anymore on gaming forums. ResetERA is a site that deceived me and I chose to go against it and its mods because of their facade. Looking forward to becoming a full member of GaF so that I can make some good threads.
I am so happy to be able to post here and not feel like I'm stepping on egg shells. Please let us continue to be judged by our arguments alone and our civility towards other users; independent of our personal beliefs and opinions. It's the golden key to a moderate and welcoming environment.

It truly feels like the early 2000's again, and that's wonderful. 2010's have been such a crappy and divisive decade.
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Yeah okay, Roger Gracie. Any anonymous internet person challenging me to a livestreamed MMA exhibition is 10000% prepared to whip my ass. ;b

I've been out of the gym for almost 3 years after getting my purple belt.
How about a grappling super fight? I'm sure I can sell it to Garcia promotions.


Check out my post about Resetera on the introduction to Gaf thread.

Tyler, this may be one of the greatest and most honest posts ive seen on any gaming forum and it fucking sucks what happened to you and the ungratefulness of that community who chose to execute you through trial by public opinion. Horrible to say the least and even if this site doesn't have as much traffic as before, there's still this sense of calmness and sensibility that isn't common anymore on gaming forums. ResetERA is a site that deceived me and I chose to go against it and its mods because of their facade. Looking forward to becoming a full member of GaF so that I can make some good threads.

I'm pretty sure the only reason you're here is because you got banned for slamming/baiting MCU fans and made a salty response thread after your original thread got locked.
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I mean, it is wrong, and he's not exactly objective.

Plus he tried to get back on the site with an alt.
His perception of era is probably pretty accurate, whether or not he acted like a dick at all for his part. Obviously you disagree; pretty much the only posts you've made here in the past few months are (a) defending oldGAF, (b) defending Era, (c) shitting on newGAF and/or its users, or (d) some combination thereof.

EDIT: To be clear, if he was in fact over on Era blatantly to troll, then yeah that's shitty. Not saying I'm in favor of that. Didn't see the topics/posts in question.
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I need to learn to make some cool graphics so that I can make some OTs for games I am looking forward to.
I should mention I'd be willing to create graphics for OT's, and just larger topic pieces if needed for anyone to mention. Just tell me what needs to be made and I'll whip it up.


Darkness no more
I should mention I'd be willing to create graphics for OT's, and just larger topic pieces if needed for anyone to mention. Just tell me what needs to be made and I'll whip it up.
Thanks! That is very generous of you. I may take you up on that in the future:

I'm pretty sure the only reason you're here is because you got banned for slamming/baiting MCU fans and made a salty response thread after your original thread got locked.

Nah, it wasn't a salty thread; I wanted a safe space for Nolanista/Batman fans and I was banned because of it.
His perception of era is probably pretty accurate, whether or not he acted like a dick at all for his part. Obviously you disagree; pretty much the only posts you've made here in the past few months are (a) defending oldGAF, (b) defending Era, (c) shitting on newGAF and/or its users, or (d) some combination thereof.

EDIT: To be clear, if he was in fact over on Era blatantly to troll, then yeah that's shitty. Not saying I'm in favor of that. Didn't see the topics/posts in question.

I only started to troll ResetERA when they started banning me for no good reason (said things that were against the status quo). Then i realized they don't deserve my respect if they don't respect my opinion on something even if it goes against the status quo. I never said anything too controversial.
I mean, it is wrong, and he's not exactly objective.

Plus he tried to get back on the site with an alt.

What alt are you even talking about? You mean EnthusiasticGamer? ;)

I'm gonna come back to ResetERA whether they like it or not with another alt-account. This time, i'm gonna truly do something they never experienced before in their entire lives: agreeing with me on controverisal issues.


Hipster Princess
What alt are you even talking about? You mean EnthusiasticGamer? ;)

I'm gonna come back to ResetERA whether they like it or not with another alt-account. This time, i'm gonna truly do something they never experienced before in their entire lives: agreeing with me on controverisal issues.

Come on, forum wars are pretty childish.

The last time I specifically joined a forum to shit on it was when I was 10 years old.

All you are doing is confirming their beliefs.
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I never left this site. I was surprised that it was shut down for days. Hopefully it won’t happen again. I like this new direction we are heading anyway


Come on, forum wars are pretty childish.

The last time I specifically joined a forum to shit on it was when I was 10 years old.

All you are doing is confirming their beliefs.
In his defense he probably is.
In one post he claims to be a black woman.

In another one he is suddenly a guy called James.


I'm gonna come back to ResetERA whether they like it or not with another alt-account. This time, i'm gonna truly do something they never experienced before in their entire lives: agreeing with me on controverisal issues.

If you think you're gearing up for some sort of high-brow ideological warfare, maybe you should nail down your command of basic English first.
"I'm gonna do something they've never experienced: agreeing with myself!"

You sound like an angry, impotent individual whose only self-worth comes from how much you imagine you're aggravating or inconveniencing anonymous strangers.
You're going to write this post off instantly since it doesn't cater to your ego, but know that this much is genuine concern and empathy: Disconnect from the internet for a while; it's skewing your priorities and hurting your ability to be human.
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