dave is ok
aztek is ok
Sure, they're not automatically beholden. But look at Obama for an example, he took a ton of money from Big Pharma (much more than Clinton, even) and he gets into office and passes historic health care legislation that completely ignores drug prices. No mention of them whatsoever. America is paying double or triple what the rest of the world does and Obamacare doesn't bother going after them even after he campaigned on drug importation from Canada among other things.Maybe it's because I'm not in politics, but when people say, "XYZ donated money to their campaign so don't count on it." is that at all legitimate.
From what I understand people donate to essentially "buy" a listening ear. Many wealthy people donate maximums to both sides for this ability. That doesn't mean the candidate has to listen or even agree with them.
Why would any candidate reject a donation. It seems to me like you could easily say, "Thank you for your donation, I have heard you out, and I am moving a different direction." That happens in business and I'm sure politics as well.
Maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine that someone donating funds automatically means that they will never go against their interest.
Now you have companies like Turing or Mylan allowed to do basically whatever the fuck they want, and the only thing stopping them is the bad media coverage and outrage from the internet.