I don't think Hillary would call for a recount. Even if she legitimately won some of the states, there was still overwhelming alot of states she didn't win. I'd let America live with its choice for better or worse, unless they could prove more states were involved in voter fraud.
Hillary would still lose if you gave her those two states. Michigan is out of the question according to Nate Silver.
davai davai
Because it's not just about getting Hillary elected. If there are signs the election was tampered with, it's worth investigating for what it means in the big picture. It won't suddenly resolve itself by the next election.
You should have just edited the title appropriately then. I would have been the first to admit the title was subpar.The article does not present evidence that Clinton was presented with anything; it does not present signs of anything, merely an allegation; the thing being described is not especially vote hacking; there's nothing in the article about recounts being mulled (also it's not the campaign's prerogative to recount, only to ask for one); and the mechanism to detect what is being alleged is not a recount, it's an audit of the voting machine. Basically, even before the rather convincing dismantlements of the allegations in the thread, nothing in the title represents the actual substance of the facts being reported.
The source article's title is far more accurate to its contents:
"Activists Urge Clinton Campaign to Challenge Election Results in 3 Swing States"
The "dark place" being a general trend in the midwest, owing to high percentages of white non-college voters, towards the candidate who has done the most of any candidate over the last 28 years to court white non-college voters through explicitly racial and economically populist appeals?
Wisconsin, not MichiganTo those saying : Just do it! Google Scott walker recall. Dems tried to get a terrible governor removed, it didn't work and made him more popular despite running Michigan into the ground. We could blow any shot at 2018 if we do this and find nothing.
Unless they have some actual evidence besides some squirrely polls.
So the reason people are not demanding an audit in California, which has by far the most votes of any state, is...
You should have just edited the title appropriately then. I would have been the first to admit the title was subpar.
Criticizes Trump for saying he might not accept election results - Cheers when election results are not accepted and no concession speech is given (until the next day).
Criticizes Trump for suggesting the election is rigged, using flimsy evidence - Takes seriously a claim that the election was rigged based on flimsy evidence.
Politics, woo.
So it's going to happen right??
Criticizes Trump for saying he might not accept election results - Cheers when election results are not accepted and no concession speech is given (until the next day).
Criticizes Trump for suggesting the election is rigged, using flimsy evidence - Takes seriously a claim that the election was rigged based on flimsy evidence.
Politics, woo.
Awwww...poor Dems/Libs. Keep fighting the good fight tho...
Only one candidate has been proven to have contact with Russia during his campaign.Awwww...poor Dems/Libs. Keep fighting the good fight tho...
The thing that's been making me suspicious is the polls really got everything pretty correct outside of FL, NC, PA, MI, WI, OH, and IA, who also happen to all be republican run states that have come under fire in the past for having the most easily hacked machines.
It's also odd that hillary can win the national vote by 2 percentage points and still lose the tipping point state by 1.2 points. That really has never happened before. In 2000, it way closer, and understandable that one huge state going slightly against you would lose you the Electoral College, but this screwing of EC votes is something else.
For now I'll trust it, but I certainly want to verify.
Lots of Americans are either happy with this result (and if they voted they should be), or they simply are non-confrontational; they have some values they subscribe to, but they care more about safety than they care about what is right or justice. So even if they realise something is wrong, they'll happily be silenced if it means the country doesn't have a natural conflict in itself. In many ways this is the mindset that fueled trump's traction.Needs to be done. What harm could this possibly do? The same harm that the protests did? That same harm that talking about Clintons' popular vote lead is 1.7 Million at this point?
Who cares about unity. If the election was rigged it was rigged and it should be looked into. 4 years of Trump is enough harm to this country, and not trying anything and everything to fight back against it is more liberals being pussies and letting people walk all over them.
What's right is right. And at the very LEAST look into it. Maybe you don't find anything then move on.
Why account for race and education?
Sounds like "when I fudge the numbers the evidence of the election being rigged disappears".
I wonder if people in countries where they get to deal with corruption and rigged elections have to deal with shit like this too. I'm not saying there is water to this claim yet, because who knows. But seriously....this mentality helps ensure that if anything shady or corrupt were going on not shit would be done about it.Awwww...poor Dems/Libs. Keep fighting the good fight tho...
Why account for race and education?
Sounds like "when I fudge the numbers the evidence of the election being rigged disappears".
Only one candidate has been proven to have contact with Russia during his campaign.
Putting in 'Clinton campaign' instead of 'Hillary Clinton' didn't occur to me until after the fact; I inferred 'mulling' since the article didn't mention a decisive response from the campaign and then went on to list the deadlines for deciding whether or not to call for recounts in the specified states.It was just a straight lie. I'm surprised it wasn't locked instantly. Where did you hear that Hillary "is mulling" over recounts from?
Lots of Americans are either happy with this result (and if they voted they should be), or they simply are non-confrontational; they have some values they subscribe to, but they care more about safety than they care about what is right or justice. So even if they realise something is wrong, they'll happily be silenced if it means the country doesn't have a natural conflict in itself. In many ways this is the mindset that fueled trump's traction.
I wonder if people in countries where they get to deal with corruption and rigged elections have to deal with shit like this too. I'm not saying there is water to this claim yet, because who knows. But seriously....this mentality helps ensure that if anything shady or corrupt were going on not shit would be done about it.
Voter supression is a real thing.
Trump talked about voter fraud when he said it was rigged. Voter fraud is a non issue. Flimsy evidence huh
The thing that's been making me suspicious is the polls really got everything pretty correct outside of FL, NC, PA, MI, WI, OH, and IA, who also happen to all be republican run states that have come under fire in the past for having the most easily hacked machines.
It's also odd that hillary can win the national vote by 2 percentage points and still lose the tipping point state by 1.2 points. That really has never happened before. In 2000, it way closer, and understandable that one huge state going slightly against you would lose you the Electoral College, but this screwing of EC votes is something else.
For now I'll trust it, but I certainly want to verify.
It's also odd that hillary can win the national vote by 2 percentage points and still lose the tipping point state by 1.2 points.
But challenging the result would cause more problems than it solves.
And to think that before the election we all having joyous cheer imagining what kind of petulant whining the Trump camp would make when they inevitably lose the election.
She ran up and is still running up the score big time (big league?) in California. Similar situations with deep blue states going deeper than ever at the same time the battlegrounds shifted just enough to flip make this situation not odd at all.
Republicans didn't come out to vote here in CA. They would have if they knew this was a popular vote election.
She ran up and is still running up the score big time (big league?) in California. Similar situations with deep blue states going deeper than ever at the same time the battlegrounds shifted just enough to flip make this situation not odd at all.
Republicans didn't come out to vote here in CA. They would have if they knew this was a popular vote election.
It's almost like her campaign did nothing but hold rally's and fundraisers in California and New York and completely ignored middle America.
You get more votes where you campaign and spend the most time in. It's fucking weird how that works.
Agreed. So going by 2016 rules it'll be true.This being true would be scarier than Trump winning legitimately.