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Hillary Clinton Selects Tim Kaine As VP

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You shouldn't have even bothered. Horrible shop.



That's not my point. My point is that not voting doesn't change the outcome. Take exactly what you said and apply it with a professed conservative and the Republicans. Same thing.

Your hypothetical only holds if you have no preference between the two candidates. That is, if you feel the outcome of the election has no bearing on future governance because the candidates wouldn't act any differently on the issues you care about.

Given the professed future policies of each candidate this would be a bizarre way of thinking unless you have a very narrow band of issues that you care about, but whatever. The more general point is that in your hypothetical, if you have a preference for one candidate but choose not to vote for some other reason, you have in fact altered the election.
What are you talking about, lol.

I'm talking about all people in general. Obviously if you want the democrats to win, you'd want all non-voters to vote democrat, lol. However, undecided voters not voting will not affect the outcome, either way.

Why did you generalize when I'm talking to people literally directly in this thread.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
lol lol lol so much laughter around here.

Foodtaster is basically saying he sees no difference in a Trump or Clinton Presidency.
So you about your full of shit right? Because the hypothetical of Trump- or any GOP candidates being hurt by people not turning out doesn't exist in reality.

what about conservatives who are not voting? is hilary not being helped?

Why did you generalize when I'm talking to people literally directly in this thread.

Oh I was just pointing out that in general, not voting doesn't change the outcome.


If you don't live in a swing state, it makes no difference whether you vote for Hillary or not. Weigh the candidates, ignore the fearmongering, vote your conscience.

(and even if you do, it's ultimately Hillary's responsibility to earn enough votes to win, but that's another can of worms)

I live in Georgia. I voted for Obama for all the good it did.
That's not my point. My point is that not voting doesn't change the outcome. Take exactly what you said and apply it with a professed conservative and the Republicans. Same thing.

But it DOES say about what you value. To you, an America with Trump vs. Hillary as its commander in chief is equitable.

Feel free to not vote. Or vote for Stein/Johnson. It's your right, and we'll all fight for you to have that right. But just do us a favor and don't claim that you're concerned with protecting the disadvantaged and righting injustices from here on out.

Actions speak louder than words.


how boring. this is why i'll vote trump. nothing is more exciting than being beaten by police batons as he issues martial law on january 20th 2017.
Just the idea of the supreme court picks that would get through makes me sick to my stomach. I can't fathom why anyone claiming to be progressive would hesitate to do all they can to stop it.

Because deep down they actually don't give a shit about Progressive legislation.


Your hypothetical only holds if you have no preference between the two candidates. That is, if you feel the outcome of the election has no bearing on future governance because the candidates wouldn't act any differently on the issues you care about.

Given the professed future policies of each candidate this would be a bizarre way of thinking unless you have a very narrow band of issues that you care about, but whatever. The more general point is that in your hypothetical, if you have a preference for one candidate but choose not to vote for some other reason, you have in fact altered the election.
Further- conservative leaning voters are significantly better at actually going out to vote.


First they announced policies against the LGBT community, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not a member of the LGBT community

Then they announced policies against a woman's right to choose, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not a woman.

Then they announced policies against immigrants, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not an immigrant.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to vote to help me.
But it DOES say about what you value. To you, an America with Trump vs. Hillary as its commander in chief is equitable.

Feel free to not vote. Or vote for Stein/Johnson. It's your right, and we'll all fight for you to have that right. But just do us a favor and don't claim that you're concerned with protecting the disadvantaged and righting injustices from here on out.

Actions speak louder than words.

you're being silly. i'm just stating a fact. not voting doesn't change the outcome. some of your ppl are way too emotional. I bet most of you don't even vote in non presidential elections, lol. anyway, I'm voting hilary, but let's not spread straight up lies >_>


Lol I sure did. And their attacks were super effective in bringing me around to their way of thinking.

No they weren't.

Call me selfish or whatever you want. For me, I believe in the power of a vote and at the end of the day I need to feel like I've used mine responsibly. Since neither of these tickets resonate with me the best statement I can make on election day may be to reject what I've been presented with altogether. (or, more likely, write in my own choice) I do find myself in agreement (and disagreement) with both sides on specific issues/stances so it's not as though I have nothing to take into consideration, but neither ticket presents the level of integrity that I feel comfortable with endorsing. Heck, even a VP nod to Booker would've brought me that gut feeling of "inspiration" that would push me in a certain direction.

But as I stated, I'll continue to follow the proceedings -- and I'll do so with an open mind. The "bad" just isn't enough to make me vote for the other guy. They'll need to present me with the "good" to secure my vote.

EDIT: And I sincerely apologize for derailing the thread.
I think this is bad though.

I'm not guilt tripping you, for what it's worth. I just think a 'requirement' of 'inspiration' is pretty stupid. Complain that the election is a reality show, then complain that the candidates aren't flashy. Complain about the candidates lying about their promises, gravitate towards false promises that sound 'good' and 'inspiration'. Complain that the government doesn't represent you, but proceed to not vote.

In politics there is rarely a clear cut division between 'good' and 'bad', so thinking of the presentations like so is fairly childish and naive.

Ultimately "I am morally better than the choices" sounds like a lazy excuse and a contradiction. Because to me, a part of living a moral life, especially in this election, is just performing the basic civil duty of voting.

More importantly, if you can't stomach a politician without a 'wholesome good', then your value to voting downticket is low. Yet downticket matters so much, but the candidates are not entirely better than Hillary, particularly if you live in a conservative area. If that's the case, then how would you ever reconcile your "good" and "bad" to the downticket? In your case, "voting morally or not at all" is why the Republicans have such a stronghold in Congress to begin with.

I'm pretty tired of the likes of voters like you who think they're so righteous but at the same time are the reason why we cannot pass progressive legislation.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If you don't live in a swing state, it makes no difference whether you vote for Hillary or not. Weigh the candidates, ignore the fearmongering, vote your conscience.

(and even if you do, it's ultimately Hillary's responsibility to earn enough votes to win, but that's another can of worms)

This standard should be applied consistently. It's illogical to say people in swing states should...not vote their consciences while people who do not should vote their consciences. The reality is that you should vote for policies that are attractive to you regardless of where you live.
I feel like the inability for a decent number of people to not just go out and at least vote against Trump highlights beautifully why MLK thought it wasn't the racist who were the real issue but the people supposedly on your side who just sit on their hands and do nothing.


This discussion is seriously babby's first political science voting models.

Yes, technically a random draw from the distribution of voters does not impact the outcome if he or she abstains.

This is not reality.
This discussion is seriously babby's first political science voting models.

Yes, technically a random draw from the distribution of voters does not impact the outcome if he or she abstains.

This is not reality.
Hey pal, I'm really excited about the class I just took.
Conservatives always vote, even when turnout is low. That's part of the reason Congress is so fucked up right now.

sure, that might be true. but that's not what I'm referring to the general case. I think everyone should vote democrat, but to say not voting helps one candidate or another is just a straight-up lie.


Nothings really going to stop me from voting for Hillary, but Kaine's....boring.

Maybe he'll be good against Pence. Maybe the boring will play well against Trump. Perhaps he'll be electric on the campaign trail, I mean he's pretty popular in VA. But I'm not excited yet.
Please vote. :( A lot of people would be amazed at how many state/local issues/elections are decided within a very narrow margin of voters. Not voting definitely has an effect on things.


Yeah. That's why she chose such a noteworthy person of color as a running mate!

So you think she should have pandered with a minority pick instead of selecting the best person to do the job of Vice President, when Clinton herself is one of the strongest minority outreach politicians in the history of the U.S.? Through well earned activism and public support at that.


It was the perfect pick for this very reason.

He will help her win Virginia because it's his home state and it will also help her win Florida because he can appeal directly to the Latino community.

To be honest, in terms of votes on swing states she probably couldn't have picked better.


They hate the current TPP, but can't wait to show us TPP v2.0!

...This would be bad, why, exactly?

Are we against any and all trade now, even with improved terms that fix issues people may have?

While I'm at it, what issues do you have with the TPP?


sure, that might be true. but that's not what I'm referring to the general case. I think everyone should vote democrat, but to say not voting helps one candidate or another is just a straight-up lie.

Well, who are we talking about? If an individual would vote Dem if they voted at all but chooses not to vote, they are helping the Republican candidate. If an individual would vote Republican if they voted at all but chooses not to vote, they are helping the Dem candidate.

If you mean in general, this is also not true, because Dems are disproportionately likely to not vote. If you were to increase turnout across the table, the Dems would benefit more.
I'll do whatever the fuck I can to keep a facist bigot out of office.

Except, name calling and doing shit like saying someone is a coward usually has the psychological effect of pushing people out your camp rather than into it. Seriously, a lot of people hardening stances around here. I bet you'd rather that person who says he's staying home do that rather than vote Trump because their own party decided to do nothing but scream at them.


Maybe Kaine can use his fluent Spanish to activate all the Mexican sleeper cells ready to strike.

Trump was wrong. They are sending their best.
...getting back to Kaine, I see a lot to like about him, but his (and Clinton's) measured support of TPP worries me. Even if they reject it as it is now I don't know that I have faith in her administration not to change a few details and give it another go shortly into her tenure.

Kaine being a white guy is a no-brainer. The minority vote is essentially sewn up, Hillary needs someone to reach out to disenfranchised white men and Kaine seems rather liked and relatable in that regard.
This is just not true. What's the point of such silly hypothetical. You can create the reverse situation and say that non-voters helped Hilary. lol.

Republicans fall in line, Democrats fall in love. The majority of power position seats in this country are filled with Republicans because Democrats or would be's don't show up in non presidential elections. Republicans consistently show up to vote for people, often against their best interest even, because their party is easily manipulated by fear.

Lower turnout almost always benefits Republicans.


Maybe Kaine can use his fluent Spanish to activate all the Mexican sleeper cells ready to strike.

Trump was wrong. They are sending their best.

Kaine actually moonlights as an MMA fighter. His full moniker is Tim Kaine Velasquez.


Except, name calling and doing shit like saying someone is a coward usually has the psychological effect of pushing people out your camp rather than into it. Seriously, a lot of people hardening stances around here. I bet you'd rather that person who says he's staying home do that rather than vote Trump because their own party decided to do nothing but scream at them.

You're exactly right.
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