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Hillary Clinton Selects Tim Kaine As VP

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Junior Member
I just don't get how you could say both sides are bad. Look at the platform the GOP put out last week. Look at the speech Trump gave last night! At the very least Hillary is the status quo-- maybe not great, but hello, not a fascist white nationalist. Have some freakin' perspective! The platform the dems put forth is the most progressive in their history and Hillary is the most liberal democrat ever nominated. We're moving in the right direction. I know some people want to move faster. But she is no turd sandwich. And trump is not a douche. He's a threat to our country.
FDR would take the cake as the most liberal for me. Other than that I agree with your thoughts.
Eh.. it's like missionary position compared to the goatse-like pounding action that the Trump-Pence banner evoked.

It's kinda sad in that this is the first signage that I can think of that didn't have Hillary on it. I still have my 2008 primary signs and my 2016 signs too. :(


Junior Member
What you said is true, however, that has nothing to do with not voting. Not voting LITERALLY does nothing to the outcome. Obviously people should vote to encourage the outcome the prefer, but let's just spread lies, eh?
Yes it does? Republican president means that Trump won't veto anti obamacare legislation. It's very hard to overcome a veto


Junior Member
First they announced policies against the LGBT community, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not a member of the LGBT community

Then they announced policies against a woman's right to choose, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not a woman.

Then they announced policies against immigrants, and that did not make me change my vote—
Because I was not an immigrant.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to vote to help me.
The "they came for me" moment was when the republican convention screamed "blue lives matter." I feel so unsafe to live in this world as a black man who has had a history of being harassed by police officers for no reason.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'd say this is the most pessimistic as of now, which would result in a Trump win if I'm not mistaken.

Here's the problem:

#1: Hillary is up by double digits in Wisconsin
#2: Because of the anti-LGBT BS the north carolina state governnment pulled this year, youth turnout in charlotte and raleigh is probably going to be extremely high in NC this year, would not be surprised to see it go blue again.
#3: Hispanics and the young cuban vote in Florida.
#4: Trump's numbers don't seem to be improving at all in Ohio.
Taking virginia off the table for trump would be huge for clinton. Saves her if she loses some of the smaller midwest states or even possibly ohio.

If she can take 2 of 3 virginia, ohio, or florida she's pretty much got it on lock.

Kaine was definitely a good pick imo.
I'll eat my underwear if Ohio goes to Trump. Voted Obama in 2008 and 12. I don't see a path to victory for trump.

Trump's spent a chunk of this primary flipping off Ohio. While it's true the "actual" election just kicked off, I've seen only a handful of Trump signs in areas where I saw tons of Republican signs in past elections.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
How does an anti-abortion politician get a good rating from planned parenthood?

Because he votes for abortion policies.

If you can't separate the following:
1. Your personal views
2. The views of your constituents
3. The objective best decision for your constituents (specifically, the people who vote you into office or live in your jurisidiction).
4. The objective best decision for your country (these are your constituents too, they just aren't the people who vote you into office. A Senator from New York makes decisions which affect people of all US states and territories, not just the people of New York)

And if you can't juggle all of these considerations in making an official policy stance, then you aren't doing your job.

No legislator should 100% of the time vote in accordance with their personal beliefs, or 100% of the time with the beliefs of their state/district. They should vote 100% of the time with what is objectively the best course of action. That may not align with their feelings or ideology.

(Which is why it's ridiculous when the GOP does things like unanimously voted against Obamacare when the alternative was...doing nothing and maintaining the status quo)
Because he votes for abortion policies.

If you can't separate the following:
1. Your personal views
2. The views of your constituents
3. The objective best decision for your constituents (specifically, the people who vote you into office or live in your jurisidiction).
4. The objective best decision for your country (these are your constituents too, they just aren't the people who vote you into office. A Senator from New York makes decisions which affect people of all US states and territories, not just the people of New York)

And if you can't juggle all of these considerations in making an official policy stance, then you aren't doing your job.

No legislator should 100% of the time vote in accordance with their personal beliefs, or 100% of the time with the beliefs of their state/district. They should vote 100% of the time with what is objectively the best course of action. That may not align with their feelings or ideology.

(Which is why it's ridiculous when the GOP does things like unanimously voted against Obamacare when the alternative was...doing nothing and maintaining the status quo)

Well said.


I'm starting to dig this pick reading more about him, this coming from a Hillary supporter who wanted Warren. I fell too much into the "boring ass white guy" trap, and while he's not the most exciting guy around, he's not as bad as everyone said he was. I'm looking forward to what he's got at the DNC.


I particularly like that he took a year off of school to do a mission in Honduras and has a son in the military. I didn't know that, or that he worked as a civil rights lawyer in housing in Virginia.


I'm starting to dig this pick reading more about him, this coming from a Hillary supporter who wanted Warren. I fell too much into the "boring ass white guy" trap, and while he's not the most exciting guy around, he's not as bad as everyone said he was. I'm looking forward to what he's got at the DNC.

I'm a policy analyst, so anytime someone is excited about government, I'm excited. I'm really curious to see what he is able to do behind the scenes for a Clinton administration. I love the fact that most of her serious potential picks were all familiar with bureaucracy and how to work within the lines of government. I can't wait to see what she has in mind for a cabinet.


Are we to believe those angry old white people sat at home and didn't go out to vote against the black "Muslim" the last two cycles?

I think that Clinton is far more hated by rank and file Republicans than Obama could ever be. But you're right in that it probably evens out when you consider that some rank and files won't vote for Trump.

Anyway I hope you're right.


I think that Clinton is far more hated by rank and file Republicans than Obama could ever be. But you're right in that it probably evens out when you consider that some rank and files won't vote for Trump.

Anyway I hope you're right.
Mmm...maybe? But I think Obama is more disliked among the casual Republicans. Think about swing voters who will go Obama -> Romney -> Clinton, who particularly live in the South, are white women and are suburban.


This is going to perfectly set up Ye's presidential run in 2020

America doesn't know what's coming fam


just getting home now. It's a fantastic pick. Haters be damned. First and foremost, fuck anyone that criticizes this pick because he's supposedly boring. Stick that shit up your ass. Kaine is a genuinely good guy, which is a rarity in Washington, and most importantly, I have no doubt that he's as qualified a public servant/possible POTUS as anyone out there. The guy was already qualified when he was in the final three to be Obama's veep and since then he had a successful run as DNC chair and as one of VA's senators.

He's about a billion times better than the likes of Trump, Pence or anyone in the GOP and I'm convinced people will come around once they learn more about him. I can't wait for his rollout tomorrow.
Guilt tripping people to vote for your candidate isn't cool.

Neither is guilt tripping people into humoring your non-vote in a sufficiently polite way or else you'll really go through with not voting this time!, and yet only one of these kinds of person ever complains about the other.

(Generally, it's not the one actually participating in the political process.)
Just read about Kaine's housing discrimination work. His kids go to a 75% AA School, he attends a black Church. He is like the White Obama in terms of policy positions. Only place where he differs is personally anti-abortion.

Great Pick.
He looks like he could be the father of Andy Richter.

how about Galecki?


just getting home now. It's a fantastic pick. Haters be damned. First and foremost, fuck anyone that criticizes this pick because he's supposedly boring. Stick that shit up your ass. Kaine is a genuinely good guy, which is a rarity in Washington, and most importantly, I have no doubt that he's as qualified a public servant/possible POTUS as anyone out there. The guy was already qualified when he was in the final three to be Obama's veep and since then he had a successful run as DNC chair and as one of VA's senators.

He's about a billion times better than the likes of Trump, Pence or anyone in the GOP and I'm convinced people will come around once they learn more about him. I can't wait for his rollout tomorrow.

I agree. Seems like a great pick to me. Might not be as flashy as others, but seems really solid.
Guilt tripping people to vote for your candidate isn't cool.

Neither is guilt tripping people into humoring your non-vote in a sufficiently polite way or else you'll really go through with not voting this time!, and yet only one of these kinds of person ever complains about the other.

(Generally, it's not the one actually participating in the political process.)

Like, I get that people wanna be coddled by the supporters of the candidate they aren't too hot on. "My guy lost, so y'all better be nice or else I won't vote for your guy!"

But I don't have time for niceties considering the other guy is literally an existential threat to racial minorities, anyone not making six figures, everything good governance stands for, you fucking name it
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