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Hillary Clinton Selects Tim Kaine As VP

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semen stains the mountaintops
Just read about Kaine's housing discrimination work. His kids go to a 75% AA School, he attends a black Church. He is like the White Obama in terms of policy positions. Only place where he differs is personally anti-abortion.

Great Pick.

I love that he is anti-abortion and yet doesn't support laws that would hinder women from getting them, now that's someone I can get behind.


just getting home now. It's a fantastic pick. Haters be damned. First and foremost, fuck anyone that criticizes this pick because he's supposedly boring. Stick that shit up your ass. Kaine is a genuinely good guy, which is a rarity in Washington, and most importantly, I have no doubt that he's as qualified a public servant/possible POTUS as anyone out there. The guy was already qualified when he was in the final three to be Obama's veep and since then he had a successful run as DNC chair and as one of VA's senators.

He's about a billion times better than the likes of Trump, Pence or anyone in the GOP and I'm convinced people will come around once they learn more about him. I can't wait for his rollout tomorrow.

Exactly! For some reason, a number of people in the progressive left think that what's needed is an 'exciting' pick, when what we really need is a competent one. Kaine hits all the marks: strong left record (even when it comes to abortion, which he is personally opposed to yet still consistently votes pro-choice), executive experience, well liked by Democrats and even some Republicans, fluent Spanish speaker in an election year where the Latino/a vote is so important, and popular in a key swing state. If being boring is his biggest sin then I think we're in really good shape.


I'm holding out hope that because of shifting public opinion we see a move towards decriminalization at least

I don't even smoke, it's just shitty to demonize pot smokers
I can see mom choosing to lean right on the one issue I actually care about. If Obama couldn't make it happen, she certainly will not. Though I guess it's better than having a Trump administration with the king of anti marijuana Chris Christie.


force push the doodoo rock
The more I learn about Kaine the more I like him. And he looks like David the Gnome.

My take now that I've had time to digest is that the obvious stuff, like boosting support in Virginia, governing experience and all that is nice, but I think what Kaine adds is legitimacy and a down to earth quality that Hillary was missing.

He looks blue collar, he fights for minorities, he's religious but doesn't force his beliefs on others, he is fluent in Spanish but not just that he's had experience with actual latino culture. He has a good record on the issues and is for the most part clean.

While everyone can see Pence as Trump's pet monkey, Kaine is obviously someone on equal footing with Hillary, not just the one guy that actually said yes.

Trump is fire and brimstone
Hillary is cold and calculating
Pence is dull and dumb
Kaine is warm and welcoming

His appeal is that while you may not like Hillary, you'll probably like Kaine. And that's a pill I think most people will be able to swallow. He will link Hillary to common folks and I think we will see that bear out next week.

Mr. X

What a laser targeted pick.

He is similar to Biden in some ways and fluent in Spanish, which will be good since Latino and Hispanic turn out will be a huge factor, demographics I believe are largely Catholic.

Univision and Telemundo interviews are going to be lit aren't they?


you can't put a price on sparks
I love that he is anti-abortion and yet doesn't support laws that would hinder women from getting them, now that's someone I can get behind.

The whole point about pro-choice is choice. Getting it conflated with being simply "pro-abortion" has always been the wrong way to go about it.


Like, I get that people wanna be coddled by the supporters of the candidate they aren't too hot on. "My guy lost, so y'all better be nice or else I won't vote for your guy!"

But I don't have time for niceties considering the other guy is literally an existential threat to racial minorities, anyone not making six figures, everything good governance stands for, you fucking name it

Amen. You want to be coddled? Go play a game where the stakes aren't this high. Republicans wanted to nominate an authoritarian sociopath racist bigot xenophobe? Now we're at battle. The battle lines are drawn. Millions are set to be irreversibly damaged by this monster. The stakes are too high to cradle those with a weak constitution for being told the truth in the harshest possible terms.

Maybe stop following politics if it's too much. I can't give a fuck, and millions don't have the privilege to casually destroy millions of lives for their own pathetic egos.


So, he says bad things about abortion so pro-life people like his sensibility, but intends to do absolutely nothing about it so pro-choice people like his rationality?


Didn't have that much knowledge of who Tim Kaine was before this announcement but I've spent hours looking him up and what he stands for, speeches he's made, interviews with the press...

It's not the insane pick of Elizabeth Warren or the completely implausible pick of Bernie Sanders but I think this is the absolute correct pick for Hillary.

Very well done.


Seems to be quite a few people who don't understand what pro-choice means.

If you are personally against abortion but you think it is not your or the government's right to tell women what to do with their own bodies, guess what, you're pro choice.


Also I have come around on Kaine, as a Virginian I feel he is a good choice after my initial disappoinment it wasn't Warren. I like that he'll very likely pick a Dem senator as his replacement and move VA even further to the left and help in establishing it as a solid blue state. He is against TPP, against the death penalty, against housing discrimination, speaks Spanish fluently, has great records on Civil Rights, Gun Control and Planned Parenthood and I feel he is competent enough to be president if something horrible were to befall the POTUS.

I can not wait for him to eviscerate Pence.

Also Trump literally gives me nightmares. As a member of several minorities (bi-pan, biracial, atheist), doubly so. So many times have I woken in a cold sweat thinking Trump could be president and feeling terrified.
Twitter pundits and all around are selling the Kaine pick as the best thing since slice bread; it's not a terrible pick but come on. As for the abortion thing, as he became closer to the national stage he increasingly veered towards the party line of pro choice, so, /shrug.

Driven by Jesuit ideals, he represented death row inmates and victims of housing discrimination in Richmond, winning a $100.5 million verdict in a redlining case against Nationwide Insurance (it was overturned on appeal, and his team negotiated a $17.5 million settlement). He was so touched by his clients that Rhonda Harmon, a lawyer who worked with him on the housing case, said she once found him poring over papers at his desk “with tears in his eyes.”

Trump practiced housing discrimination, Kaine fought it. Great.

But he was by all accounts instrumental in bridging the city’s racial divide. Viola Baskerville, an African-American colleague, worked with him on an explosive issue: restricting black newspaper vendors, members of the Nation of Islam, from hawking papers on city-owned median strips. Mr. Kaine framed the debate as one of public safety, not race, and black and white council members voted to allow papers to be sold on city sidewalks instead.


I was pretty unfamiliar with Kaine, but after doing a bit of research, I'm convinced that he's a great VP pick.

Experienced, intelligent, and well spoken.

May not be the most glamorous choice - but I like him a lot.
He's a boring choice, but he's completely qualified, personable.

He should make a fine Veep.

I always wanted the choice to be Warren, but I always knew this was the most likely choice. A completely Hillary move.



This may or may not be the final signage but it's what is for sale on her site.

So... will we be celebrating with a bottle of CK Won in November?


I'd say this is the most pessimistic as of now, which would result in a Trump win if I'm not mistaken.
In the middle of Trump's success in the GOP primary he lost Wisconsin to Cruz 48/35 with Kasich taking 14%.

So when Trump was starting to look like an inevitability 65% of Wisconsin Republicans voted against him. The guy most of them voted for publicly supported not punching the ticket for him at their own convention and the guy every other non-Trumper voted for refused to attend the convention in his own state, endorse Trump, and recent stated he didn't see Trump as able to win Ohio, a far more conservative state than Wisconsin.

RCP has the average at a +5.6 Clinton with the range being Clinton +4 to Clinton +8.

Wisconsin hasn't voted for a Republican at the POTUS level since 1984.

Hillary Clinton will Wisconsin, no amount of pessimism should make you think otherwise, unless she starts sodomizing dairy cows while wearing a "Go Bears!" T-shirt.


So, like Trump's VP pick, this gets announced on a Friday when it'll have least impact. What's the deal?

From their perspective, they get the weekend news cycle+Saturday unveiling+ Sunday morning news+ 60 mins interview leading into hopefully a string of good momentum going into the convention, which the campaign hopes will snowball into further positive press/momentum.

Most of America has zero clue who Tim Kaine is, but they will find out who he is through those shows/interviews/speaking slot at the convention.


listen to the mad man
The Citizen Kaine of Vice Presidents

Just like people who aren't very bright think Rosebud is just a sled, people who aren't very bright go from never having heard of Tim Kaine to being Very Worried About His Troubling Views On Some Thing They Just Read Online.

So, like Trump's VP pick, this gets announced on a Friday when it'll have least impact. What's the deal?

the evidence is mixed on whether or mot there's any real upside to a VP pick. most of the conventional reasons pundits claim you might pick a vp -- to win their home state, to win some demographic, to cover a policy weakness, etc -- don't seem to have much evidence predicting anything. on the other hand, we're all aware of the potential downsides of a nutcase vp.

so, one possibility is that the campaign, rather than being superstitious, just picked someone who was unlikely to have any downsides, and who had a good relationship with clinton, and who they thought would be good playing his role as an advisor in the white house, and possibly for the setup to be a future president.


*yawn* What a boring pick. Should have been a woman or a minority.

Oh well, still have to vote for her. I have no choice anymore since the GOP has gone with fucking Donald Trump. I can't have him in the white house making decisions that will effect millions of lives.


listen to the mad man
cynically, it's the definition of a catholic politician who isn't really against abortion but doesn't want to get in trouble with his church or have the bad optics of being denied communion like kerry was that time ;)


So, like Trump's VP pick, this gets announced on a Friday when it'll have least impact. What's the deal?

Palin and Biden were both announced on a Friday. Ryan was a Saturday. I think we better put a stop to these announcements until we figure out what is going on


listen to the mad man
Palin and Biden were both announced on a Friday. Ryan was a Saturday. I think we better put a stop to these announcements until we figure out what is going on

tim kaine, extremely strung out on heroin, awkwardly mumbles the lyrics of stone temple pilots - days of the week on the dnc stage. after being ushered off, hillary clinton announces BOTH julian castro AND elizabeth warren as dual VPs. then she is arrested for emailgate and sanders becomes the nominee.

this is NOT fanfiction. this is fanfact.


I was pretty unfamiliar with Kaine, but after doing a bit of research, I'm convinced that he's a great VP pick.

Experienced, intelligent, and well spoken.

May not be the most glamorous choice - but I like him a lot.
I was the exact same. The more I read I better I feel. It's a great choice


What's next for Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), politically? (C-SPAN)

Tim Kaine On Meet The Press (Full Interview) | Meet The Press | NBC News

Senator Tim Kaine On Being Vetted For Hillary Clinton's Vice Presidential Pick | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Senator Responds To Vice President Talk: 'I Like My Job' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Tim Kaine Gives Emotional, Powerful Speech on Gun Violence

Feature Interview - Senator Tim Kaine (2014)

Kaine is likable as heck and comes off far more personable than the other three WH candidates and as knowledgeable as Clinton. I have a suspicion that over time some people who were sour with his pick might come to prefer him over Hillary.

Thank you for posting these. Kaine seems like a really smart, good-hearted, and charming guy. Don't understand why people would say he lacks charisma.


The animal thing is left field and weirdly hilarious to me. Whatever though, they have my vote. There's a slight chance they might do something actually progressive in the next four years. The court picks alone are worth the vote.


Kills Photobucket
Seems like the safe pick for Clinton. While I would have liked someone more progressive like Warren, she's going up a against Trump and needs to win. If a safe pick lets win easier, then go for it.
Seems like the safe pick for Clinton. While I would have liked someone more progressive like Warren, she's going up a against Trump and needs to win. If a safe pick lets win easier, then go for it.

Warren will also be in the senate where she will actually be able to argue against Clinton when she needs to. She would hav been awesome in a debate and on the campaign trail but she would have been neutered as VP. And she will still be campaigning anyway and getting under Trumps think skin.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
TIM KAINE owned by banks! Bernie Sanders fans VERY MAD! Sad!

I can't wait for Sanders to rip apart Trump on Tuesday. He better because the fact he did not drop out in 1984 basically really hurt Hillary this cycle so he better do a good job!


I think that Clinton is far more hated by rank and file Republicans than Obama could ever be. But you're right in that it probably evens out when you consider that some rank and files won't vote for Trump.

Anyway I hope you're right.


Hillary can actually visit places like West Virginia.
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