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Hillary: Must elect "a president with a deep, personal commitment to Israel’s future"

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Bernie outlined his thoughts on Israel today: https://berniesanders.com/sanders-outlines-middle-east-policy/

Wish he would have said them in front of AIPAC though. It's definitely an area I agree with him more than Hilary as a supporter of the latter.

People should give this a read. This is more of the stance that America, and the Middle East actually needs. Support, but not blind, and the ability to offer a far more fair and balanced outlook and response, irrespective of political and lobbyist pressure to the contrary.
I see nothing wrong with those remarks. America isn't going to abandon the only legitimate democracy in the Middle East which is surrounded by enemies. Not even Trump disagrees with this.


I'd seriously prefer Trump if i was sure he would stop the aggressive foreign policy of the US.
This is why sane people consider Trump.


Today he sucked Israel's dick harder than anyone else. The fuck are you talking about?

Full Transcript

My number-one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran.


Thank you. Thank you.

I have been in business a long time. I know deal-making. And let me tell you, this deal is catastrophic for America, for Israel and for the whole of the Middle East.
With President Obama in his final year — yea!




He may be the worst thing to ever happen to Israel, believe me, believe me. And you know it and you know it better than anybody.
When I become president, the days of treating Israel like a second-class citizen will end on day one.


Thank you.

And when I say something, I mean it, I mean it.

I will meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu immediately. I have known him for many years and we’ll be able to work closely together to help bring stability and peace to Israel and to the entire region.

Meanwhile, every single day you have rampant incitement and children being taught to hate Israel and to hate the Jews. It has to stop.
(CHEERS, APPLAUSE) We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem.


And we will send a clear signal that there is no daylight between America and our most reliable ally, the state of Israel.


The Palestinians must come to the table knowing that the bond between the United States and Israel is absolutely, totally unbreakable.


They must come to the table willing and able to stop the terror being committed on a daily basis against Israel. They must do that.

And they must come to the table willing to accept that Israel is a Jewish state and it will forever exist as a Jewish state.


The more I see/hear about Hilary the more it feels like she tolls the party line and really not much greater than those she challenges. Probably why I like Sanders, he feels like he wants to do things different.
So basically she's attacking Obama ?

In that sentence, she's likely criticizing Trump who said that he'd evaluate the relationship between Israel and the US as president, but then like a month later said that "Israeli's love him, he marched with Israeli's," and has since deflected most questions about Israel and spun them into pandering monologues on ISIS.


While I dislike this stance and the whole appeal of Israel, it is a stance needed to get Repub support.

Republican support? Lol. You think Hillary has that? You realise most Republicans think Hillary is a massive liar and a criminal, and that she should be in prison rather than running for president?

This isn't to appease Republicans, it's to appease Israel and the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, Eg AIPAC.

Ironically I feel like in the past Trump has been more divisive on Israel than Hillary has. Isn't that a sad thing. Though the front runners all seem to be kissing ass these days with the exception of Sanders.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
How convenient, for anyone to just say "Oh no this is not her problem, this is a US problem." or "Everyone is doing it so it's ok that she's doing it too."

Precisely why none of the leader of the US are willing to take a hard stance on Israel that the world succinctly view US as Israel's lapdog that will be glad to wag its tail and kiss its asses whenever its master tells it to.

Disgusting, and disgusting that Hillary stated in such strong and definitive tone that she will make the US help Israel waives all its responsibilities regarding everything that its done.

So uh... what about a deep commitment to the United States' future? Or will that be put on the back burner for the supposed second coming you're all fucking pining for?

Bernie outlined his thoughts on Israel today: https://berniesanders.com/sanders-outlines-middle-east-policy/

Wish he would have said them in front of AIPAC though. It's definitely an area I agree with him more than Hilary as a supporter of the latter.

Really good read.


Republican support? Lol. You think Hillary has that? You realise most Republicans think Hillary is a massive liar and a criminal, and that she should be in prison rather than running for president?

This isn't to appease Republicans, it's to appease Israel and the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, Eg AIPAC.

Ironically I feel like Trump has been more divisive on Israel than Hillary has. Isn't that a sad thing.

Is it November yet? Every season I try not to get riled up. Just so transparent. But a vote for her is better than a literal racist comic book villan.

Le sigh.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
What about Palestine?
AIPAC needs to go already

Also damn I worry she is gonna decimate the us/Iran relationship when she takes office

Obama had to play the game too but it was refreshing how openly annoyed he was at the Israeli government.

Funky Papa

What about Palestine?

The real question should be What about Iran?

Everything points to Hillary being outright beligerant and not very prone to continue Obama's legacy in that regard. Which could mean a lot more tension and saber rattling that nobody needs.


AIPAC needs to go already

Also damn I worry she is gonna decimate the us/Iran relationship when she takes office

Obama had to play the game too but it was refreshing how openly annoyed he was at the Israeli government.

Yeah. People always talk up Hillary's foreign policy experience. Quite frankly I think her foreign policy is bar none her biggest detractor.


Bernie also supports Israel.

He's not perfect and his position has softened since his earlier days in politics, but even now - he supports Israel without blindly supporting Israel to such an extent where he's unwilling to hold them accountable for their bullshit.


this is completely unsurprising tho

she's a hawk. failing to condemn the overt aggression of allies is the best case scenario for a hillary presidency, if we're unlucky the us will invade palestine alongside the idf


I can't blame Hillary since I think every single politician is pro-Israel to a point (or more) but I really wish we'd stop being so joined to the hip. It's becoming more and more of a hindrance and Israel abuses that alliance way too much for my liking.
I can't blame Hillary since I think every single politician is pro-Israel to a point (or more) but I really wish we'd stop being so joined to the hip. It's becoming more and more of a hindrance and Israel abuses that alliance way too much for my liking.

Funny how we try to support Israel harder and with more money than our own fucking citizens. Hell, we try to support Israel more than our troops that come home.


AIPAC needs to go already

Also damn I worry she is gonna decimate the us/Iran relationship when she takes office

Obama had to play the game too but it was refreshing how openly annoyed he was at the Israeli government.

There is no US/Iran relationship. Iran is completely and utterly hostile to the US. A stable ally in the mideast is kind of important to the US. That's what this is about.

As we gather here, three evolving threats — Iran’s continued aggression, a rising tide of extremism across a wide arc of instability, and the growing effort to de-legitimize Israel on the world stage — are converging to make the U.S.-Israel alliance more indispensable than ever.

None of this is untrue.


benjipwns, now that you've joined the ranks of the Bernie bros turned Trump boosters, maybe it would've behooved you to actually watch Trump's AIPAC speech today before posting this thread.

Hillary supports the Iran deal. Ripping it up is Trump's number one priority.

Hillary will not move the American embassy to Jerusalem. Trump will.

Trump is running far to the right of Hillary on this issue.


The real question should be What about Iran?

Everything points to Hillary being outright beligerant and not very prone to continue Obama's legacy in that regard. Which could mean a lot more tension and saber rattling that nobody needs.

The cat's out of the bag, most sanctions have been lifted worldwide and investors have been flocking to Iran for business deals, especially from Europe.

Clinton can try to torpedo the fledgling US-Iranian relationship, but I sincerely doubt she'll be able to convince the rest of the world to follow suit and vindictively punish Iran again.
But she is gonna pick the liberal SCOTUS nominations so its cool right guys? This Israel circle jerking in politics needs to end already.


And people wonder why so many are anti-Hillary :/

This is a legitimate beef. Yet you don't have pages of people claiming they aren't going to vote..

She's an asshole. But.. better than anyone else as far as qualifications and experience. Minus bernie. Bernie should be our next president. But he sucks at the game of getting in the door.

But this is compromise. And that's democracy.
Obama was Pro-Israel in the sense he didn't bend over backwards to appease them.

Clinton and Obama have functionally the same policy on Israel. Let's remember, Clinton was serving as Obama's secretary of state when she was negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian cease fire and two-state negotiations in 2010.
The cat's out of the bag, most sanctions have been lifted worldwide and investors have been flocking to Iran for business deals, especially from Europe.

Clinton can try to torpedo the fledgling US-Iranian relationship, but I sincerely doubt she'll be able to convince the rest of the world to follow suit and vindictively punish Iran again.

Can you explain to me why she would destroy the currently in progress US-Iran relationship after the nuke deal she was part of is currently in progress?


Trump has been getting slammed for saying he wants to be neutral when it comes to Israel and Palestine.

Hilary said:
Yes, we need steady hands, not a president who says he’s neutral on Monday, pro-Israel on Tuesday, and who knows what on Wednesday, because everything’s negotiable.

Well, my friends, Israel’s security is non-negotiable.

Ted Cruz said:
“My leading Republican opponent says he will be neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Let me be very, very clear,” the Texas senator told the crowd gathered at Washington DC’s Verizon Center basketball stadium, “as president I will not be neutral. America will stand unapologetically with Israel.”
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