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Hillary: Must elect "a president with a deep, personal commitment to Israel’s future"

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I guess I must have missed the joke, are you saying that Israel is not a democracy?

It's a semi democracy (ask the Muslim, Arab or other minority populations of Israel if they think it's a democracy) that has enacted some of the worst human rights violations in our time, is an apartheid state, that is systematically colonising another state by stealing more and more of its land, displacing millions, imprisoning thousands without due process, illegally occupying territory, oppressing an entire people, and more. Bloody great democracy to be championing and defending right?

Lest we forget that it's leaders actually privately ridicule the US for being so easily swayed to Israel's will, and about being lied to, and even sell American military secrets to China with little repercussion.

Great friend and ally.
Seems like a pretty standard, by the book AIPAC speech, not sure why this is newsworthy.

Find me a politician who's willing to legitimately stand up to Israel and I'll show you a person who won't be in Washington very long.


Obama's stance on Israel, at least publicly, has been a breathe of fresh air. That will be sorely missed come this time next year.


Yeah. People always talk up Hillary's foreign policy experience. Quite frankly I think her foreign policy is bar none her biggest detractor.

The real question should be What about Iran?

Everything points to Hillary being outright beligerant and not very prone to continue Obama's legacy in that regard. Which could mean a lot more tension and saber rattling that nobody needs.

I'd imagine iran is going to end up with some Russian bases near by. Like syria. They are trading with china, India, eu. The US was sort of alone with the whole.. Iran is the devil..idea.

Funky Papa

The cat's out of the bag, most sanctions have been lifted worldwide and investors have been flocking to Iran for business deals, especially from Europe.

Clinton can try to torpedo the fledgling US-Iranian relationship, but I sincerely doubt she'll be able to convince the rest of the world to follow suit and vindictively punish Iran again.

Iran is not a reliable actor. America going back to a belligerent position out of the blue would probably force them restart their nuclear programme out of fear*, which is something that would violate the current agreements. And then we'd be back to square one, only that this time around with a lot more tension and a Middle East that looks like a bigger clusterfuck each day it passes.

*Ukraine giving up their nuclear deterrence and then getting fucked by a foreign military is probably something that plagues Iran's mind.


Trump has been getting slammed for saying he wants to be neutral when it comes to Israel and Palestine.

Yet he wants to rip up the Iran deal and move the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Beyond rhetoric, there is not a single issue of substance on Israel where Trump is not further to the right of Hillary.

Let's nip this absurd and really stupid premise in the bud shall we?


remember me
This is typical AIPAC pandering and if this is surprising to you it's obviously your first election where you are paying attention.

Every candidate on both sides does it.


you can't put a price on sparks
its not like anyone but Trump takes a different stance on this issue. but its still the same position at the end of the day.
Clinton and Obama have functionally the same policy on Israel. Let's remember, Clinton was serving as Obama's secretary of state when she was negotiating the Israeli-Palestinian cease fire in 2010.

Remember Obama has repeatedly criticized Israel. Netanyahu was not exactly pleased that he went "behind his back" with Cuba, and Iran. It's the best we're gunna get, unfortunately


Against the weakest presidential nominee in decades with one party likely going Donald fucking Trump, this is the best the other party can offer.



This is typical AIPAC pandering and if this is surprising to you it's obviously your first election where you are paying attention.


People are sick of AIPAC pandering bullshit.

Just because you can toss out a condescending post.. doesn't mean people aren't allowed to be turned off by her jubilance in the face of Israels abuse of our relationship.


Yet he wants to rip up the Iran deal and move the American embassy to Jerusalem.

Beyond rhetoric, there is not a single issue of substance on Israel where Trump is not further to the right of Hillary.

Let's nip this absurd and really stupid premise in the bud shall we?

I am by know means defending Trump and it appears his speech changed his language greatly today (I have not read it). I was just pointing out that anything short of 100% support of anything and everything Israel does gets you attacked by both parties.
Seems like a pretty standard, by the book AIPAC speech, not sure why this is newsworthy.

Find me a politician who's willing to legitimately stand up to Israel and I'll show you a person who won't be in Washington very long.

Pretty much, we are too tightly stitched to Israel's side for any politician to ever say something not like this when regarding a AIPAC speech. And I sadly don't see this changing for a long time....


Remember Obama has repeatedly criticized Israel. Netanyahu was not exactly pleased that he went "behind his back" with Cuba, and Iran. It's the best we're gunna get, unfortunately
It's been incredibly refreshing and honest from Obama and one of the things I will miss most from him.
So like, what were people expecting to hear at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee? Were people expecting anyone to go in there and not talk up Israel and its needs/desires/future? I mean, really the only thing of interest today was who could come off as the least pandering. I missed Hillary's speech, really enjoyed Kasichs (even though he touched on all the same notes, he sounded a lot more passionate, that it wasnt just a checklist speech), Trump (who clearly was pandering as he flip flopped on all his beliefs) and Cruz who, well, pandered the whole time and lied about things (typical of Cruz).

Dead Man

nah, you just missed the bolded.

The idea of an obligate religious democracy is inherently contradictory.

The Jewish majority can only be maintained indefinitely through underhanded, non-democratic means.

It's a semi democracy (ask the Muslim, Arab or other minority populations of Israel if they think it's a democracy) that has enacted some of the worst human rights violations in our time, is an apartheid state, that is systematically colonising another state by stealing more and more of its land, displacing millions, imprisoning thousands without due process, illegally occupying territory, oppressing an entire people, and more. Bloody great democracy to be championing and defending right?

Lest we forget that it's leaders actually privately ridicule the US for being so easily swayed to Israel's will, and about being lied to, and even sell American military secrets to China with little repercussion.

Great friend and ally.

Pretty much guys. Thanks :)


What I don't understand is why Americans seem to like Netanyahu way more than the Israelis do. Like, what?

The media and lobbies are extremely powerful and essentially consistently push through an impressively one sided and distorted version of reality. Doesn't help that the vast majority of American politicians essentially do the same, as it is politically prudent for them to do so.
It's religous. Israel unlocks some secret gold armor in 1000 years or something for Christians.

Like, the political discourse in America treat Israel like a monolith, whereas Israel, like any democratically elected government (and thank God for that), is full of contradictions and opposing view points.
Obama's stance on Israel, at least publicly, has been a breathe of fresh air. That will be sorely missed come this time next year.

Worth noting that Obama and Hillary Clinton have the same policy on Israel.

There were two key differences between Obama & Clinton when it comes to Israel:

- Obama had a bad relationship with Netanyahu. Clinton likely has a positive relationship with him.
- Obama did not have to appeal to the AIPAC lobby in his second term because he was not running for president again, so he could be more blunt in his rhetoric.

But other than those two things, the policy is the same.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Republican support? Lol. You think Hillary has that? You realise most Republicans think Hillary is a massive liar and a criminal, and that she should be in prison rather than running for president?

This isn't to appease Republicans, it's to appease Israel and the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, Eg AIPAC.

No, it's also to appease Republicans. Fundies fucking love Israel. They don't give a shit about Israelis, (although they like Jews more than even other Christians) but they love Israel.


Expected, but still disappointing. I don't mind supporting Israel,but not with the blind devotion so many politicians seem to have.
What I don't understand is why Americans seem to like Netanyahu way more than the Israelis do. Like, what?

Many Americans do not like Netanyahu, but, honestly, you could say the same thing about many leaders of foreign countries and their support abroad..... Obama walked down the streets in Havana today to cheers, and in the US several news networks are dedicated to criticizing him. Likewise, George Bush was well received in Israel, Iraqi-Kurdistan, and a few other places, while having rock-bottom approval numbers in the US.


is there any candidate running that doesn't agree with her? Bernie agrees, right?
On policy Bernie agrees 100%. He did add a caveat that he doesn't like the fact that Netanyahu is right wing. Keep in mind that Bernie spent time on a kibbutz in Israel in his youth.

I am by know means defending Trump
I think that's bullshit. You were definitely promoting Trump, or at least trying to contrast Hillary unfavorably, which amounts to the same thing. The intent behind posts like yours and the OP are very transparent and frankly you should be ashamed of yourselves; in your haste to smear Hillary and fellate Trump you forgot to actually check and see what he said today at the same conference.

Funky Papa

Can you explain to me why she would destroy the currently in progress US-Iran relationship after the nuke deal she was part of is currently in progress?

It is not a secret that Hillary is a lot less open minded than Obama when it comes to Iran and the place he's given to its relationship with America.

While she supports a nuclear deal, she only wants one in order to preserve the status quo. Unlike Obama, she doesn't seem to be comfortable defusing the volatile relationship between America and Iran. Which is a problem by itself when coupled with an attitude clearly shaped by her Cold War convictions.

Defense One had an interesting article that touched this subject.

The language echoes Clinton’s attack on Obama after he pledged in a July 2007 debate to meet leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea without preconditions—a pledge she called “irresponsible and frankly naive.” That attack, like this one, was contrived: Obama wasn’t planning to rush out to meet Iran’s supreme leader any more than Sanders would rush to build an embassy in Tehran. The real debate was about America’s broader relationship with Iran. In 2007, Hillary supported a nuclear deal with Iran but didn’t support thawing the broader U.S.-Iranian cold war. Obama, by contrast, sensed that only if America thawed that cold war would nuclear diplomacy have a chance. That’s part of the reason she voted to label Iran’s Revolutionary Guards a terrorist group and he did not. Clinton wanted to fortify diplomatic efforts by pressuring Iran more effectively than George W. Bush had. Obama wanted to build a relationship with Iran that wasn’t built on pressure alone.

Almost a decade later, the Clinton-Sanders debate is similar. Hillary supports the Iran nuclear deal but insists that it does not herald the beginning of a fundamentally different relationship with the Islamic Republic. In a speech on the agreement last September at the Brookings Institution, she declared that, “This is not the start of some larger diplomatic opening.” In a debate last October she called the Iranians “enemies.”

Obama's deal with Iran is one of his biggest accomplishments and it would be a crying shame if Hillary were not to take it further.
Disgusting, in the end everyone care only about themselves. You americans can fight against your governments, poor people on the other side of the world with to nothing can't defend themselves from the bombs and weapons of the US.

I'm leaving it here because this shit make so fu******* mad

FWIW there's a lot of racism directed towards Blacks in Palestine too...
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