You just said there were hundreds of thousands of reasons for the US to support Israel. I don't seem to recall you giving one yet.
And honestly I wouldn't care so much about our support for Israel if they didn't shit on the Palestinians. Israel has a right to exist but so do the Palestinians. There is no logical justification for their never ending occupation. At least not in my opinion. To me at least it is indefensible.
It's impossible to give defenses of the US supporting
both Israel and Palestine in threads like these because the moment you say that you support Israel and Palestine and a two state solution, somebody quotes you, bolds the first part of the sentence about supporting Israel, and then says something to the effect of "So you support Israel murdering Palestinian babies."
But, fuck it, may as well take my chances:
I support a two-state solution for Palestinians and Israelis, where Israel remains the right to be a "Jewish democracy" but still grants representation to non-Jews in government, and Palestine is free to form whatever government it wants
as long as that government recognizes the fundamental right to exist of Israel. I support diplomatic efforts by the United States to broker this deal between Israel and Palestine
with the support of other organizations like the Arab League and the United Nations. I am
against expansion of Israeli settlement territory into areas that are generally home to Palestinians today.
Beyond that, I support funding for
both Israel and Palestine as the US has continued to do for my entire lifetime as "the carrot" for Israeli/Palestinian diplomacy. The US does not have a "stick" in this analogy for Israel, largely because there's solid evidence that the dozen or so hostile countries that surround Israel are enough of a stick should the US cut off funding for Israel.
While I support a two-state solution (like Hillary Clinton, OBama, Bill Clinton, etc), I
do not have strong feelings on the clear demarcations of where Israel ends and Palestine begins. I simply don't know enough about the present day region by region and the territory lost and gained through the decades of conflict... Compromises have been offered before that have been rejected by Palestinians, Israelis, other Arabs, the UN, etc., and compromises have been offered that others have agreed to as well. I don't know enough about the latest compromise proposal or the specifics of the last negotiation to furtively say "Yes! I whole-heartedly support that!" But I generally support a two-state solution around land captured by Israel during the Six-Day War; I support the
end of Israeli expansion of settlements as well.
There's been a prevailing argument that's seemed to skirt the Ron Paul/Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders, and Trump support groups of "Why should the US even be involved in this negotiation? Why not just leave it up to Israel and the Palestinians (or Arab states) and wash our hands of it?" First, I think this is a naive position. But more importantly, since the 1973 Yom Kippur War, there has been no country that has been able to successfully broker peace between Arabs and Israeli's other than the United States. Without US support during the war -- something that Richard Nixon largely opposed -- Israel likely would have lost the war; WIthout US diplomacy after that support, Egypt's military would have been completely destroyed (Kissinger negotiated the ceasefire just as Israel had turned the war militarily and the ceasefire was ordered at nearly the precise moment that Israel had surrounded and isolated Egypt's army), Israel would have maintained the hundreds of miles it claimed in battlefield victories, and the 1978 Camp David Peace Accords would have never begun. (A sidenote to this is that there would have been complex diplomatic relationships with the Soviet Union, China, and Arab states, and that US brokering ultimately displaced the Soviet Union as an influencer in Egypt and replaced it with the US.)
I also support funding both Israel and Palestine because the threat to Israel from the Arab states surrounding it are a legitimate threat. This is real and it's not imagined. There have been real wars in the last 70 years that were launched by a coalition of Arab governments against Israel, and while many have had partial aspirations tied to them like recovering land that Arab states lost in previously failed wars against Israel (like the Yom Kippur War), it's naive and wrong to think that those aims are
the primary aims of those offensive wars. The primary aim of Arab countries launching offensive wars against Israel is not to reclaim land, it is to destroy Israel because Israel is a Jewish state. That Arab countries might reclaim land that they lost in previous wars would be a side benefit, but the primary goal is to destroy Jews. Likewise, for groups like Hamas, while I'm sure they'd like to build a healthy community in Palestine for Arab Palestinians, their primary reason for existing is to destroy Jews by destroying Israel. When we pretend that Hamas exists for other reasons
ahead of the destruction of Jewish Israel, it is tantamount to pretending that the Confederate States of America seceded and launched a war against the US Government for some reason other than slavery.
So what about Palestine? Well, as I've said, I support continued funding for Palestine to setup a functioning government that can be enabled to provide social services for people living in a region that would be recognized as an independent Palestine.
But I do not support Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Hamas has no interest in supporting peace, continually rejecting peace accords and re-iterating it's objective: the destruction of the state of Israel and forming an Islamist regime in that region instead. Hamas has rejected every proposal for a two state solution and instead argues that the only effective peace in the region can be accomplished through jihad. This is an untenable position for me, and peace via the destruction of Israel is not a peace. Since 2006, some leaders in Hamas have seemed to become more moderate, and yet, Hamas still operates a large scale terrorist organization and because of this, is still considered a terrorist organization by many major, significant, reasonable world governments (not just the US, but governments around the world and even some Arab governments).