No. Obama is more cautious than he should be but what he and Kerry pulled off with Iran is tremendous. Clinton is back to the bad old days before 2008.
Those are Obama's actions, which are not at all what he had to say at his own campaign AIPAC speech. You have to say this stuff as a U.S. politician to get elected. Only Bernie has hedged (and he's still really pro-Israel), and he's getting creamed worse than any second candidate I can think of. Hillary will be Obama 3.0 on this, which means she'll basically forget that she ever spoke to AIPAC at all.
This comment around Drumpf is non-sensical... Here is a photo of Hillary Clinton with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas & Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the 2010 Arab-Israeli Peace Negotiations that
Hillary Clinton was brokering as Secretary of State
Not only does Clinton advocate "talking to both sides," she's actually done it, and has been advocating for a two-state solution and has actually negotiated with both Palestinian leaders and Israeli leaders to work to that goal.
To be frank, I wouldn't even bother unless you feel like they're arguing in good faith. I've had way too many people tell me that Hillary likes Citizens United (for example) this election for me to think that people are actually participating in a learning debate.
Hillary has got to love the Iran deal, and she would love to get her sleeves rolled up again to negotiate in that region with such a deal on the table. After a couple of years of dealing with Iran and the region not going to shit because of it, I think Hillary could pitch that sort of regional renewal to the Israelis. You have to win the people before you win their politicians, and Hillary understands this.
How'd those negotiations go? Do you seriously think Netanyahu was negotiating in good faith?
That Obama couldn't stand Netanyahu said so much about the man.
What are you arguing for here? Like, the only other option if you aren't going for a peaceful negotiation is non-peace. I don't want to misrepresent you, but it comes off here like Republicans talking about Iran. "You just know they won't stop building nukes! So I'll make them stop!" and then they just kind of wink since the audience knows that means boots on the ground (the only other option).
Like I said, I suspect that isn't your position, but it sounds like it might be. Even if someone isn't negotiating in good faith, you still try since the public display can sway people in those regions. Netanyahu can't just show up to a negotiation and scroll Reddit the whole time without the other people at the table ratting him out to the public, and I can guarantee a whole lot of Israelis won't like hearing about peace talks being a sham when violence is happening.