I still don't see the gripe about the price. I know they went overboard with the two jobs analogy and it reeked of arrogance, but perspective is needed here.
HD was just coming into its infancy. I was still gaming on my SD monitor. Sony put this fancy high tech crap in there and MS did not have these things. Space limitations, lack of WiFi, small HDD, not many ports, couldn't buy your own HDD, controllers needed batteries, etc etc etc.
I jumped into 360 later on and I have to admit the PS3 spoiled me because during set up I kept thinking wtf my ps3 has this or that.
On top of that, you get free online multiplayer gaming, which MS charges you for. You had BC with PSOne and some PS2 games before they took it out. You could install Linux on it. You had DLNA. You had an optical out and an HDMI out.
The PS3 was good value for what you were getting at the time. How much were Bluray players at the time of first release? Weren't they already like 299 and up AND you couldn't upgrade some of them?
I didn't think of it as just a gaming system, it was a premium price for the first step into HD AS WELL AS a gaming system. If you wanted games only, then you would go Nintendo. Even after all these years, the PS3 is still the only one with bluray playback and it's comparable to price to the Xbox.
On top of all this, some people reported problems on their PS3, the YLOD, but I believe the 360 crowd outdid us with stories of people getting 3 or 4 360s before sorting their problem out when there was a clear design flaw in the console. I haven't heard of any 360 problems recently, but again, perspective as my white Jpn launch PS 3 is STILL going strong after 8 fucking years.
I don't play it as much as I used to since I vastly prefer PC nowadays, but the exclusives cater to my tastes more than 360 exclusives as well.
Example was last e3 where MS showed a bunch of fucking shooters.
PJ Monsters
The superior version of Burnout
The better RR
Ni no kuni
are all fantastic and I loved the HD remakes as well.
What exclusives did I miss on MS worth playing? Halo? Shooter. Gears? Shooter. ME? Released on PS3. AW? Fable? Sucked, BUT I got the better version on PC, which I could say for practically most other MS exclusives.
On top of that PS+ gave you free games while subscribed. Free full games. Who the fuck does that? You pay for online gaming for MS and you get discounts, but you got free games with plus!
It took a LONG ass time to start the piracy scene up as well, and you figure people forced to pay for 3rd party games had a ton of pirates on 360.
It wasn't all sunshine and happiness though. PS3 ports sucked. I believe most devs simply refused to put in the effort to optimize for the PS3. Skyrim, Bayonetta, AC, Dragon's Dogma were the glaring examples. I bought into the Move hype and Sony basically dropped the ball on this. I don't think there are any further games worth getting coming out and FUCK that Wonderbook bullshit.
Bluray doesn't mean as much now since online content came about. I would MUCH rather stream than put a BR in and watch.
The PS Store is a piece of shit. It looks ugly and runs slow and I can't find what I want and it updates so late.
Sony got hacked and personal info got leaked.
They removed BC and Linux, which was bullshit. And now there is piracy as well though games can be prohibitively huge.