Good thread, OP
A Personal Side Story, for those interested:
I just recently purchased a PS3 (only to open once my current big examination is done with) as a reward. I'll have some free time, and look forward to getting in some games I have missed over the past several years.
Its actually my third PS3, and a its a 500GB super slim (black, with 1 year PS plus).
I have owned a 40GB fat, and a 120 GB slim in the past, and a 60GB fat (backwards compat)
By fortune, I got both the slim and 40GB PS3s for free, the 60GB I didn't.
I gave the fat ones away to friends (who each at different times were going through some personal hardships) and my slim away to a friend's family in Calgary (who couldn't afford a PS3)
and it felt great. Honestly, the situations were very complex, and when I need to focus on things I have a tendency to sell my systems and re-purchase them a few years later, catch up on the main titles, and redo it. I know not everyone can afford to something like that (and you don't lose $ if you're smart about it), but I have of recent been just giving stuff away rather than selling .... sounds weird but I feel its almost like a karmic thing. Have done similar things with my 3DS, PSP, PS2, Vita, Xbox 360, and Wii in the past (and why I don't own anything but a PS3 and Wii U as current).
Some involved secret santa presents around Xmas time to kids who can't afford them. Some have involved giving them to close family friends, to cope with deaths. And honestly the few hundred dollars doesn't mean much when it helps people cope with greater things or when it really makes a kids Christmas because his family couldn't afford X system(s).
Just wanted to share

its probably the main reason I never truly gave up gaming no matter how many times I get rid of my stuff.
Last games I played were Uncharted 2 and God of War 3, around the time GoW3 came out
Will catch up on:
- Bayonetta
- Vanquish
- Last of Us
- God of War: A
- Uncharted 3
- Metal Gear Rising
Will enjoy other titles like Tokyo Jungle from PSN and PS plus; this PS3 though I will probably trade it in for a PS4