Didn't one of the old games have knockout handkerchiefs?
It would have to be single-use, but there's your nonlethal garrote.
It would have to be single-use, but there's your nonlethal garrote.
Didn't one of the old games have knockout handkerchiefs?
It would have to be single-use, but there's your nonlethal garrote.
I haven't been reading too much, but are the summer bonus episodes or whatever going to have a mastery rank? If so, 2 seperate ones, or level 20 between the 2? I really like unlocking extra stuff, even if it is stuff I don't use lol.
They have their own set of challenges and opportunities so i'd say yes.
To be fair, those are merely introductory tutorial levels and little else.So does the ICA Facility level or am I wrong? It doesn't have a mastery level.
I feel like it was mentioned somewhere that the bonus episode has unlocks. As usual, I can't find where I first saw this.
And another escalation was stealth-released yesterday! Now we're killing gardeners.
Also comes with a nice new complication i don't think has ever been done before.
Rapid Elimination Streak was introduced with the sniper rifle escalation (you may not recognize it because the graphic was changed to be non-location-specific).
Of course, that complication didn't really matter when you were using a sniper rifle.
are there any new rewards for the new escalations?
What are the rewards for older escalations?
Debating whether to pick this up for 20% off at GMG now on PC or wait to see if it's in the Steam summer sale.
I have a feeling it probably won't go on sale at all, and if it does, likely not for more than 25%.
Are the PS4 added missions worth paying extra for over just getting it on PC (difference is about £10)?
Are the PS4 added missions worth paying extra for over just getting it on PC (difference is about £10)?
Is the bug that randomly kills targets you subdue still present? I recall subduing people in the first two episodes (Paris, Sapienza) and them dying as soon as the subdue was done.
I did the same thing. Is there any news on when the next new location is going to be released?Wow I'm an idiot. This entire time I read the Summer Update's release date as June 19th, so here I am on the 19th just waiting until I re-read the announcement. lol. I thought a Sunday release was weird but I waved it off because it was more Hitman.
Oh well, I'll be back for the next Elusive I guess.
I did the same thing. Is there any news on when the next new location is going to be released?
Mine too - I ended up buying the first episode myself today, while it was 20% off at GMG - going to buy the Upgrade pack if I like the Intro.I bought the first episode on Steam and I'm loving Paris. Definitely buying the rest of the episodes if there is a sale and buying anyway if there isn't.
My opinion is that there might be no sale.
Thanks - in the end I decided to go with PC as it was quite a bit cheaper with GMG's 20% off voucher. The PS4 extras sound like "nice to have"s, but not essential, which is fine with me. Maybe they'll eventually release them as paid DLC on the other platforms down the line.The Sarajevo Six missions are like replayable elusive targets with added challenges.
You are not missing anything essential but they are great for reaching the mastery level quicker.
I bought the first episode on Steam and I'm loving Paris. Definitely buying the rest of the episodes if there is a sale and buying anyway if there isn't.
My opinion is that there might be no sale.
Considering how Square Enix handled Life is Strange: likely a good discount on the intro pack, and very small or non existent one for the rest.
And bought the upgrade pack at GMG for 32
I reached level 20 in Paris. God damn such fun there was that episode. Can't wait to test Sapienza and Marrakesh
I wonder like a lot of episodic games if they will consider giving the first episode away for free, possibly as part of ps+. I think a lot of people after playing would buy additional episodes, especially those in the "i'm not gonna buy episodic b.s. / i'll wait until final release" crowd.
But man, I can't even imagine how I will do Silent Assassin, Suit Only
man i still haven't even found the market intern in marrakesh. not that i've played for a week or so, but still.
man i still haven't even found the market intern in marrakesh. not that i've played for a week or so, but still.
By the way, the square-enix interview session on Giant Bomb After Dark during E3 was really good. I'd toss a link up but I'm at work right now.
So I bought the intro pack and I enjoyed what I played of the training (specifically challenges in free training and trying out the multiple ways to complete the mission) so much I ended up buying the upgrade before even playing Paris. The variety of challenges and way to complete the mission was enough for me to know I'd enjoy the rest of the game.
In my opinion they should really just put the training and free training out as a free demo, it would get some of those who might be on the fence about committing to a purchase like I was initially to try it.
So do we know if we are getting a new episode some time soon?
Or is it only the summer missions we are getting for a bit?
It seems the past elusive targets were available for a bit today as featured contracts.
It's probably a glitch, and the servers are down for maintenance so it will probably be fixed when they're up again.
hmm, I hope not, that would be a neat compromise