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HITMAN |OT| Blood Monthly

Wish there was an Opportunity setting between full and medium. I don't want to know exactly where to go at each stage, but a hint other than the picture in the menu would be nice.

Maybe highlight the section of the map for whatever stage of it

Got a glitch earlier, the woman in Sapienza's bodyguard kept hearing me when I killed her in the
detective meeting

Ended up
firing a cannonball at her


Wish there was an Opportunity setting between full and medium. I don't want to know exactly where to go at each stage, but a hint other than the picture in the menu would be nice.

Maybe highlight the section of the map for whatever stage of it

Got a glitch earlier, the woman in Sapienza's bodyguard kept hearing me when I killed her in the
detective meeting

Ended up
firing a cannonball at her

The same happened to me no matter how many times I tried.


The fact that the "bonus" episode is only available for people who plopped down $60 blind when the game had practically no content is ridiculous. Fuck IO.


Release notes for the Bonus Episode:


Looking forward to playing it later today. Wait, no, I'm not. Because I can't.

There's lots of quality of life upgrades at least...

New Additions

Leaderboards now display the Contract completion time of all players, when viewing their detailed score.

Added a detailed pop-up of the required Target Kill/Objective conditions on the Briefing Page and Notebook.

Added a tile to the ‘Destination’ page that shows the next upcoming destination.

Added Tips and Hints to the Loading Screen.

Added a filter on the Challenges menu that allows you to toggle which challenges are displayed. There are three options: ‘Show all’, ‘Show achieved’ or ‘Show unachieved’.

Added an option under Options:Gameplay to toggle the Challenge Completion pop-up. This is shown in the top-right hand corner when you complete a challenge. There are two options: ‘Show Challenge notifications’ or ‘Hide Challenge notifications’.

Added an option under Options:Gameplay to toggle ‘Target Indicators’ on the Mini Map. There are two options: ‘On’ or ‘Off’.

Challenges for Elusive Targets have been moved to their own category, allowing players to have a better overview of the challenges that have been completed on each mission.

When selecting a contract in the Contracts menu, the location and mission name will be shown.
Example: Marrakesh / A Gilded Cage.

The Featured Hub will now display the newest episodic content.

In the case of a disconnection from the servers whilst browsing the game menu, a ‘Reconnect’ option has been added.

The mission briefing videos for the first three Sarajevo Six missions have been added to the briefing page for each respective mission.
(PS4 only)

Changes to Existing Features

Unconscious targets can now be dumped into body containers that allow the player to then kill them. For example, unconscious targets can now be dumped in the shredder and acid containers in the World of Tomorrow mission. Sorry, Silvio.

Adjusted the design of the surveillance system so that all cameras are linked on a “global” system within the mission. All cameras are now connected to all recorders in a mission and if a player disables one recorder, all cameras no longer record 47.

Changes to how the ICA Remote Audio Distraction item functions. This item now attracts the attention of other characters only if is remotely activated, as intended. Previously, it would attract attention as soon as it was equipped. NPCs become suspicious of the device if 47 is carrying it or they discover it.

Changes to how the Remote Breaching Charge item functions. This item now has a small, lethal explosive radius.

The ‘Featured Contracts’ order has been 'reversed', so that the newest Contracts are shown first when viewing the list.

Elusive Target status is now only shown on the Featured Hub for the duration of the contract. The game will no longer permanently remind you that you failed an Elusive Target.

Updated the Escalation Contract Briefing page to show the newest objective/complication first, on the left side. You no longer need to scroll to the right to see the newly added complication.

Updated some of the Challenge descriptions to reflect that you can still erase evidence after being recorded.

Fixes for Existing Issues

General stability improvements across all platforms

Fixed a handful of issues that could lead to dips in performance in Marrakesh.

Fixed an issue that could result in 47 being spotted through the walls in a closed room in the markets during the A Gilded Cage mission.

Fixed an issue where guards in the ‘hunting’ state would know exactly where 47 was located after a crime had been reported to them by a civilian. Now, guards will investigate the area where the civilian witnessed the crime, and not where 47 is currently located.

Fixed an issue where using a syringe with the ‘Silent Attack’ prompt would result in other characters reacting to the action. This action is now silent, as intended.

Fixed an issue that could cause some decals to not appear in the Final Test mission

Fixed rare issues that could cause opportunities in Paris to not update.

Fixed an issue where dragging bodies could result in 47 hands shaking unnaturally.

Fixed an issue where the complication timer during Escalation Contracts could skip a second, i.e going from 17 seconds remaining to 15 seconds remaining.

Following a scoring fix, leaderboards for all story missions, Escalation contracts, Sarajevo Six contracts (PS4) and Featured Contracts have been reset.


The fact that the "bonus" episode is only available for people who plopped down $60 blind when the game had practically no content is ridiculous. Fuck IO.

they really should have phrased it as a 'faith' bonus or a 'backer bonus' or some shit.


Ah, the so much needed "stability" improvements.
I wonder if I can finally play in Marakesh without the frames dropping to 30 in the market, in both DX11 and DX12


For you.
Man, some of thoses updates are pretty neat. And we finally can we put Silvio in the shredder while he's unconscious.
A little bit annoyed at the change to the breaching charges, I've used it to a quick takedown before, now they can be lethal :/.


The developers behind the scenes are crafting an amazing game, and the episodic format is giving them the chance to fix issues and improve the game over a longer period of time.

The people making decisions about how the episodic split, monetization and marketing are fucking atrocious.


Unconfirmed Member
Fixed an issue where using a syringe with the ‘Silent Attack’ prompt would result in other characters reacting to the action. This action is now silent, as intended.

I always thought that was a bug. The animation makes it look like a stealth kill but people would go nuts. I never really used it because of that.


It's not a bonus if you have to pay for it.

why? it's a bonus for those who bought sight unseen. If you didn't buy sight unseen, then you don't get the bonus for buying sight unseen and have to pay for it. That I understand. Their messaging fucking sucked though.

The people making decisions about how the episodic split, monetization and marketing are fucking atrocious.

The trailer marketing and the viral marketing people are fine. it's the messaging people that need a stern talking to by 47


Changes to how the ICA Remote Audio Distraction item functions. This item now attracts the attention of other characters only if is remotely activated, as intended. Previously, it would attract attention as soon as it was equipped. NPCs become suspicious of the device if 47 is carrying it or they discover it.

Fixed an issue where using a syringe with the ‘Silent Attack’ prompt would result in other characters reacting to the action. This action is now silent, as intended.


Following a scoring fix, leaderboards for all story missions, Escalation contracts, Sarajevo Six contracts (PS4) and Featured Contracts have been reset.

What scoring fix?


Elusive Target status is now only shown on the Featured Hub for the duration of the contract. The game will no longer permanently remind you that you failed an Elusive Target.

Good. I didn't like how they always reminded me that I had failed to kill the second elusive target.


Haven't seen almost any buzz for the game since the first episode was released. I wonder if it's performing up to their expectations. I'm still interested in the core gameplay so I'll buy it when they release a full, complete package.


Oh, so I don't get to take out Busey because I only just bought the game last night?

Busey is a special Elusive Contract, he'll be available to everyone with Sapienza. The bonus episodes are out today for people who bought the full game and in a few months for those who chose to buy piecemeal.


For you.
According to people playing it seems Sapienza has quite a bit of the map locked out in the night mission? Kind of a bummer, i'd like the option to access it even if there wasn't much to do there. Definitely limits the kind of contracts and escalations we can expect from it.
Oh, so I don't get to take out Busey because I only just bought the game last night?

You do get to take out Busey. He will be live starting 21st July.


I'm pissed at the game, but psyched to kill Busey. It's weird to say this, but he certainly he has an "assassinateable face".

The trailer marketing and the viral marketing people are fine. it's the messaging people that need a stern talking to by 47

You're not wrong about the trailers, they're fucking hype. This one sold me on the game.


For you.
it was super cheap, why use coins and all the other objects when you can simply shoot?
glad they changed that if true

I would be fine with it if they just fine tuned the distance and made it so you would have to hit closer, but it's been ridiculously nerfed. I'm shooting at walls 1 meter away from the dude I want to distract and it still doesn't work.

Edit: In addition to this, now they hear footsteps from a higher range as well. So it doesn't really make much sense. They can hear footsteps better and are almost deaf to gunshots?


:( I know I'll get some "get good" comments, but I don't like that missions completely reset if you make a single mistake. For example, I was doing the Paris mission and
killed the husband
which was done over the span of an hour or two, I then spent another 30ish minutes working my way to
his wife
and got shot by a few guards after I was caught trespassing.

Now I have to start all over...

It was okay in the training mission because I felt like I could breeze through to where I was earlier relatively quick. But in these larger environments it just makes me feel dumb/helpless.


Unconfirmed Member
:( I know I'll get some "get good" comments, but I don't like that missions completely reset if you make a single mistake. For example, I was doing the Paris mission and
killed the husband
which was done over the span of an hour or two, I then spent another 30ish minutes working my way to
his wife
and got shot by a few guards after I was caught trespassing.

Now I have to start all over...

It was okay in the training mission because I felt like I could breeze through to where I was earlier relatively quick. But in these larger environments it just makes me feel dumb/helpless.

the game creates loads of autosaves as you're playing. You can always load one of those and carry on it doesn't affect anything. You'll probably only lose about 30 odd seconds of play.

edit: if you're trying to do is all in one go the only answer is to play it over and over. The gameplay is designed to be repetitive. The only way to learn the systems is to play and explore.


:( I know I'll get some "get good" comments, but I don't like that missions completely reset if you make a single mistake. For example, I was doing the Paris mission and
killed the husband
which was done over the span of an hour or two, I then spent another 30ish minutes working my way to
his wife
and got shot by a few guards after I was caught trespassing.

Now I have to start all over...

It was okay in the training mission because I felt like I could breeze through to where I was earlier relatively quick. But in these larger environments it just makes me feel dumb/helpless.

You can make manual saves and reload those. Or load the auto saves. I didn't know that while I completed Paris. It kinda feels cheaty to me, but do what works for you. Sapienza and Marrakesh can be even longer.

Slow learning curve for each map is part of the fun. All of them took me an hour+ the first time I completed them. Now I can blaze through Paris and Sapienza within minutes. Use Opportunities, they teach you the maps and strategies, even if they aren't the most time efficient.


:( I know I'll get some "get good" comments, but I don't like that missions completely reset if you make a single mistake. For example, I was doing the Paris mission and
killed the husband
which was done over the span of an hour or two, I then spent another 30ish minutes working my way to
his wife
and got shot by a few guards after I was caught trespassing.

Now I have to start all over...

It was okay in the training mission because I felt like I could breeze through to where I was earlier relatively quick. But in these larger environments it just makes me feel dumb/helpless.

Uh, Did they remove saves or something?


:( I know I'll get some "get good" comments, but I don't like that missions completely reset if you make a single mistake. For example, I was doing the Paris mission and
killed the husband
which was done over the span of an hour or two, I then spent another 30ish minutes working my way to
his wife
and got shot by a few guards after I was caught trespassing.

Now I have to start all over...

It was okay in the training mission because I felt like I could breeze through to where I was earlier relatively quick. But in these larger environments it just makes me feel dumb/helpless.

There are a bunch of autosaves you can probably jump to, that should bring you back to a relatively safe spot in the mission.

You can also manually save.


Bonus is an ~11GB download (Xbox). So much for playing it on the 19th...

Thanks, didn't know about the autosave. I'll go attempt Paris again. :)

Why don't you create your own saves?


Saving is part of the Hitman experience for me. I'm always creating a save before trying lots of stuff, seeing what's possible and finding out how guards react and seeing what the limits in the game are.


This whole Bonus stuff is so lame.

IO (or Square-Enix, whoever) was really pimping the episodic format, but now they "punish" people who actually bought into that idea, instead choosing to reward people who bought everything at once (which isn't bad per se).

But in the end it feels like they didn't really try to propose a new way of making and playing the game, they just wanted to get paid upfront and still be able to release the game piece by piece.

You can't have your cake and eat it, guys.


This whole Bonus stuff is so lame.

IO (or Square-Enix, whoever) was really pimping the episodic format, but now they "punish" people who actually bought into that idea, instead choosing to reward people who bought everything at once (which isn't bad per se).

But in the end it feels like they didn't really try to propose a new way of making and playing the game, they just wanted to get paid upfront and still be able to release the game piece by piece.

You can't have your cake and eat it, guys.

The worst part is the people defending it.
I wasn't going to pay $60US for a game with next to no content on release, and an ephemeral release date for future episodes. I was content to pay the extra $5US and buy things as they were available, but fuck me for not preordering five
six now
dlc packs right?


It's saying I don't own the bonus missions, even though I have the full experience and the achievements for the bonus missions have been added to my Steam library page for the game. This is peculiar.

Edit: Damn, another 6.5 gig download. I won't be able to play these until tonight now.


Likewise. Does anyone know if the bonus missions have their own mastery levels or will the use our current Sapienza and Marrakesh levels?

There are challenges:
But no Mastery stuff:


Why is the bonus mission an ~11GB download on Xbox when it's ~6GB on Playstation and Steam?
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