How much time left for the elusive(if its still live even)?
Has Square Enix commented on sales?
Oh, that's cool that it's actually useful now. Basically saves having to hide bodies then. Could be good on some of the escalations where you need to hide bodies quick.
you don't need to hide the bodies of accident kills?
Dang it. Only elusive I missed. Was on vacations and returned today, hopeful that I had a couple hours leftIt's over.
Not really. I know the game has sold rather poorly for a Hitman game on PC - maybe somewhere less than 250,000 users have bought it on Steam - but that has to do with the episodic nature.
I think they're banking on keeping the diehards until the end of Season One, and really hoping of a spike with the physical release. I would be mondo bummed if their botched ways of explanation and experimentation kind of killed the whole IP, for there is a great game unfolding here.
I just failed the elusive target by being incredibly stupid.Everything was set up, I had already cleared the egg room and opened the safe. And I was in the bodyguard disguise. So now I wanted to fry the dude with the puddle in the garden. And I forgot to turn off the power before exposing the wire ... -_-
LOL I did this too. Ruined my perfect streak of silent assassins on ETs
Well if someone 'accidentally' drowns in the toilet, and them someone finds them in a closet, it doesn't seem like a much of an accidentyou don't need to hide the bodies of accident kills?
I just failed the elusive target by being incredibly stupid.Everything was set up, I had already cleared the egg room and opened the safe. And I was in the bodyguard disguise. So now I wanted to fry the dude with the puddle in the garden. And I forgot to turn off the power before exposing the wire ... -_-
where was the egg i couldnt find it and ended up getting shot befroe i could restart
For players who own the Full Experience or own the combination of Intro Pack + Upgrade Pack, the Summer Bonus Episode is included at no additional cost and will unlock on July 19th. For all other players, the Summer Bonus Episode will be available for individual purchase later in the Season, packaged together with a third bonus mission for one price. At that time, Full Experience and Upgrade Pack owners will also get access to the third bonus mission at no additional cost.
I know I'm weeks and weeks behind, but do you really not get the bonus episode if you have bought each episode piecemeal?
I'm all in for Season 2.
Hopefully it comes to fruition.
if they are going to do more seasons, I hope they introduce some new mechanics each 'year'. I feel like the current game systems are already pretty much 'mastered' at this point. Just master that distraction or know the best sniping locations, or exploding fire extinguisher etc.
Honestly I hope that they just skip plot all together after Season 1.
Moreso, if anything, I'd want Season 2 (or 3) to be a Greatest Hits (Pun intended) season with the best maps from the first four games in the new engine.
Primarily Blood Money and Contracts though. As far as I can recall of them, C47 and SA were just clunkier prototypes for what would ultimately become Absolution. Let's not lie to ourselves, Contracts and Blood Money are the ones we all love.
Real Talk: Can we all agree that the greatest failing of the Contracts system between this and Absolution is the lack of a real editor?
Seriously I want something with scripting and stuff so we can make full on custom hits with logic-events and stuff so we can create a mission as good as the real ones.
Honestly I hope that they just skip plot all together after Season 1.
Moreso, if anything, I'd want Season 2 (or 3) to be a Greatest Hits (Pun intended) season with the best maps from the first four games in the new engine.
Primarily Blood Money and Contracts though. As far as I can recall of them, C47 and SA were just clunkier prototypes for what would ultimately become Absolution. Let's not lie to ourselves, Contracts and Blood Money are the ones we all love.
Real Talk: Can we all agree that the greatest failing of the Contracts system between this and Absolution is the lack of a real editor?
Seriously I want something with scripting and stuff so we can make full on custom hits with logic-events and stuff so we can create a mission as good as the real ones.
I agree about the story, but even this year it's to little story that it doesn't bother me at all. I am fine with a little mystery so I am happy how it is.
About the remakes, I take IO's stance here, new is better. Blood Money and Contracts are still perfectly playable today, I don't see why they shoul waste resources or even a whole season on remakes.
The biggest fail of the contracts system is in my opinion community features and rankings.
why should I put effort in creating a nice contract when it disappearts from the "latest contracts" list after a few hours and no one sees or plays it ever again?
Hi everyone
We're sorry for the wait on this, but we've been able to focus on this a lot more lately. Look forward to some significant improvements and new features coming for this in the upcoming releases, starting with the next episode we're releasing.
Keeping my fingers crossed for a search feature.
Yup, that's coming. Something simple but very useful and fundamental in the next update, and then you'll see us expand this much more in the following releases.
I just failed the elusive target by being incredibly stupid.Everything was set up, I had already cleared the egg room and opened the safe. And I was in the bodyguard disguise. So now I wanted to fry the dude with the puddle in the garden. And I forgot to turn off the power before exposing the wire ... -_-
Will this ever be discounted on Steam?
Maybe after the release?
Will this ever be discounted on Steam?
Hitman Player Panel Interview. Anyone else part of one this week?
I filled out the survey and didn't hear back.
I feel like this is probably because I have played no other Hitman games and so could not name any other levels from the series as my favorites / least favorites.
That interview for the Hitman Player Panel.
Question for you all. I'm looking for a fun new single player game for PC, and after hearing the Giant Bomb crew continually rave about this game, I'm thinking about picking it up.
One thing though: I'm not really much of a stealth gamer. I absolutely loved Metal Gear Solid V, but I largely enjoyed it because the game felt so damn good to play and I had tons of fun going full Rambo in situations I knew most would try and stealth past. The Hitman sandboxes look like they would be really fun to mess around in, but is there enough there for a gamer like me? Beyond everything else, does the game just feel good to play? Do guns feel good to shoot? Do bullets have impact? Are ragdolls well done? If the game is well made and feels impactful no matter how you play it, I'm sure I'd enjoy it.
Thanks for any insight!
This is absolutely, 100% not a game you should buy if you only want to get into gun fights.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I know the game isn't about that at all, but I do want to make sure those elements feel good.
Let me word what I'm asking a slightly different way: are there people here who don't typically find themselves fans of stealth games who are enjoying Hitman because of the wide array of choices and options it gives you in its sandboxes?
I'm not huge on stealth, but I love sandbox gameplay.
The sandbox is fun if you enjoy creative ways of killing people while not using guns to directly kill them. I don't recall the guns being very impactful or heavy and I feel like the entire game needs a good amount of polish so everything feels great to play.There's no weapon customization either.
Hmm, the polish comment is worrisome as that's absolutely essential for me in games. Blizzard is by far my favorite company largely due to how crazy polished their games are at release, so if Hitman isn't, that would be bad. That said, the Giant Bomb videos I've watched have looked quite solid and polished.
Anyone else willing to chime in on the overall level of polish?
is that the thing were the ask for your phone number at the end of the surveys? I always click no.
can you say what you did?
what happened?
looks massive
So... how should I be playing this? Should I completing the same map over and over doing different things, or can I just move on?
So... how should I be playing this? Should I completing the same map over and over doing different things, or can I just move on?