ohhh, yes sorry I misread it. They should add a permanent effect to the sedative poison. Makes more sense too.
ohhh, yes sorry I misread it. They should add a permanent effect to the sedative poison. Makes more sense too.
IO also missed the ball with unconscious stuff earlier in the games development. You used to not be able to kill knocked out targets with explosions, as because they were not conscious, they were immune to the blasts. This is no longer the case, but a fun fact to show they have had very simple systems for knocked out elements in the game.
Then there's the recent video showing that being unconscious also grants immunity from lethal poison:
But the game clearly can model sleeping NPCs. Sedatives would be interesting if someone who is sitting down could "nod off" quietly without attracting attention.
(Right now the game clearly can't even handle the physics of an NPC sitting down as an unscripted action, if you recall what happens when you do the Bad Blood opportunity in Marrakesh. Plus it seemed pointless for 47 to leave him in that chair given that any player would hide the body anyway.)
Just failed the elusive target.I'm never gonna get that blood money suit at this rate.blew her up with the phone, then slid down the pipe on the wall. 2 security guards at the bottom of the pipe proceeded to shoot me in the back.
Someone found an easter in Marrakesh today:
Basically it feels like every single easter egg in this game has been insanely obscure and is only even found thanks to challenge names and pictures giving hints, or developers outright posting hints on forums.
Someone found an easter in Marrakesh today:
Basically it feels like every single easter egg in this game has been insanely obscure and is only even found thanks to challenge names and pictures giving hints, or developers outright posting hints on forums.
Someone found an easter in Marrakesh today:
Basically it feels like every single easter egg in this game has been insanely obscure and is only even found thanks to challenge names and pictures giving hints, or developers outright posting hints on forums.
Have there been changes to frisking in a recent patch? Because since playing this ET, I've noticed many guards frisking me that previously never have. For instance, the harbor entrance to the lab on Sapienza. Never had a guard there before. Now there is a frisking guard.
That guy has always been there.
Likewise, nothing has ever changed with Paris - the two lower pairs of guards check your invitation, the top pair of guards frisk.
Maybe you're remembering differently because Helmut Kruger and the Sheikh don't get frisked.
I dunno. I was dressed as AV crew. The only time I've ever been frisked while in disguise has been on the 3rd floor stairs.
I just went in and killed the ET with a rubber duck. Quick and dirty, but that's one more dead ET.
The AI is very poor when you climb, they seem to congregate at the point you jumped over and make no attempt to communicate with the guards downstairs, keep track of you, or cover the points at which you can get back onto the level proper.
I feel like they'll keep the sniper briefcase until season 2.
Lol, does that mean we are made of paper in real life too?I still hope one of the two LV20 rewards left is a bulletproof vest. You have like 100 different non-silent guns with basically no use since you're made of paper.
I've used heavier weapons than a pistol once other than sniper obviously.Level 10 unlock for Colorado:
I guess it helps for the helicopter easter egg.
I feel like they'll keep the sniper briefcase until season 2.
I'm okay with that but I hope S1 unlocks carry over to S2.
Can you explode targets through the glass door?
I'm okay with that but I hope S1 unlocks carry over to S2.
Remember in Absolution when you killed people in a cornfield disguised as a scarecrow?
Maybe one of the 5 best moments in the whole series. Almost redeems the whole game.
Remember in Absolution when you killed people in a cornfield disguised as a scarecrow?
Maybe one of the 5 best moments in the whole series. Almost redeems the whole game.
Is there a way to tell what's detected and not during frisks? Sometimes I'm surprised at what gets past and then I've had escalations fail 10 minutes in because I failed a frisk ><
A while ago the inventory screen was patched to show you which items are detected during frisks (look for the yellow icons on the left).
General rule is that anything that makes you visibly armed and is concealable is also detected during frisks - so far that should be guns, mines, audio distractions, some lethal melee (like knives), and some non-lethal melee (like lead pipes).
It would be a good way to make the level tougher by having fewer random items around and make you really think about what you're taking with you
Bad advice!
Some disguises makes it okay to carry certain weapons without being visibly armed.
press the left/right d-pad and you'll see what's detected in frisks and what would make you visibly armed while wearing the current disguise.
Maybe we'll eventually get a sniper rifle that doesn't look like ass. Hate the colour scheme on most of the loadout weapons.Level 10 unlock for Colorado:
I guess it helps for the helicopter easter egg.