I think I'm doing something wrong in regards to challenges.
So I was playing Bangkok yesterday after seeing the new Himmapan Horror challenges that were added to that map. However, as I am completing the challenge, I am not seeing anything pop to show that I did complete it. For example, one of the challenges asks you to assassinate 3 targets by pushing them while disguised as hotel staff (while not being spotted and the bodies must be found).
I did this and the challenge remained unfulfilled. I figured that maybe this was because I loaded a save and that probably resets it. So I tried again starting fresh, no saves or loads, dressed up as the hotel staff, pushed three different people off of ledges. All bodies were discovered, but nobody noticed me. Unfortunately, still no challenge complete. When I look at the challenges in the menu, it is still greyed out showing that it's incomplete. It wasn't just this challenge, I tried a few others that I felt I completed but the same issue occurred.
Am I doing something incorrectly or just missing something? I could have sworn that previous challenges would have something pop up on screen as soon as you completed it. Or am I crazy and that just doesn't register until you finish the map and getting your score?
On a different note, I'm looking forward to playing Hokkaido!