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HITMAN |OT| Blood Monthly

So close to the SA...

I started in the tower, took out the guard who patrols the stairs and the two in the security room and just dropped a chandelier on the target's head, but got spotted by a camera on my way out, realized I had no clue where the footage was kept in this part of the map (I now think I must have been right next to it), looked up the location, had to knock out a guard to get back in the building and got spotted dragging his body. Arrggh. I just dropped him and, with Hunted status, ran down to the docks to leave. Didn't blow the target, but that had to be one of the easier Elusive SAs.
So close to the SA...

I started in the tower, took out the guard who patrols the stairs and the two in the security room and just dropped a chandelier on the target's head, but got spotted by a camera on my way out, realized I had no clue where the footage was kept in this part of the map (I now think I must have been right next to it), looked up the location, had to knock out a guard to get back in the building and got spotted dragging his body. Arrggh. I just dropped him and, with Hunted status, ran down to the docks to leave. Didn't blow the target, but that had to be one of the easier Elusive SAs.

the security footage is directly opposite the chandelier controls.


Pretty easy SA.

Started at the top of the tower, walked down and took out the two guards in the security room and the one walking the stairwell. The target at one point walks right under the chandelier in the lawyer's office. Easy peasy.

Three ETSA's down, two to go.

I succeeded by
poisoning his coffee
but I did it in broad daylight in my suit.

I kinda just went for the Pitbull suit with gloves. I love
too much.

4 SA Elusives till Winter Coat...

At least I still got the gloves though.


Pretty funny and easy run. A bit iffy if he'd get ganked in the drop zone but I got to put my newly discovered grab a dude through the window subdue move to use so it was pretty nice all up
Unfortunately, just as I killed the Elusive Target, two other NPCs got alerted and I got spotted by guards and killed eventually

Oh well, maybe next time


First successfully completed elusive target for me.

Started as security in the mansion with a remote breaching charge. Ran into attic to grab propane tank and simply walked up to where the target was eating lunch outside and dropped both the tank and the charge a couple of feet behind him to blow just him up.


Unconfirmed Member
Dropped a chandelier on his dumb face. Might have killed the mayor or whomever in the process. Who can say? I *CLEARLY* wasn't there to know about it.

Not SA, but it did get me the Italian Suit with Gloves which looks pretty rad. PITBULL SUIT.


I wonder how many Elusives IO has planned for Season 1...

I still gotta get 4 more SA Elusives lol.

Probably a lot, especially considering physical release isn't out yet and they'll want those people to be able to get the rewards. I don't think they've confirmed season 2 for 2017 even though it's basically a given.

I'm going to have to watch someone else do the elusive since I didn't experience any of the banter. This was the first one where I didn't take the time to follow the target or practice. Just
spawned in the tower, took out the guards, waited by the chandelier winch, and boom, easy SA.
Exit was still tense though because I had no idea what was waiting for me outside, but no one was suspicious of my guard outfit.
Probably a lot, especially considering physical release isn't out yet and they'll want those people to be able to get the rewards. I don't think they've even confirmed season 2 for 2017 even though it's basically a given.

I'm going to have to watch someone else do the elusive since I didn't experience any of the banter. This was the first one where I didn't take the time to follow the target or practice. Just
spawned in the tower, took out the guards, waited by the chandelier winch, and boom, easy SA.
Exit was still tense though because I had no idea what was waiting for me outside, but no one was suspicious of my guard outfit.
Damn, I should have
spawned in the tower
but I wanted my
coffee kill.
I'm going to have to watch someone else do the elusive since I didn't experience any of the banter. This was the first one where I didn't take the time to follow the target or practice. Just
spawned in the tower, took out the guards, waited by the chandelier winch, and boom, easy SA.
Exit was still tense though because I had no idea what was waiting for me outside, but no one was suspicious of my guard outfit.

It's a very nicely scripted elusive since there are four unique NPCs.

The target and the kid start outside, go inside and upstairs, meet the local lawyer, then they all meet the family lawyer. We get an explanation for why there are guards everywhere - the local lawyer is in league with the target and hired them to try to strongarm the family.

The exit car
being gone was a nice final surprise for everyone. I had to figure out the next fastest route on the fly, then "Searching" popped up and I started worrying that the one undressed body I left in the open could get found...

Fortunately that didn't happen!

Damn, I should have
spawned in the tower
but I wanted my
coffee kill.

Dammit, didn't even figure out that was possible since
they seemed to be holding their coffees constantly until they got up

Ironically that seemed to be the faster route.


For you.
Probably a lot, especially considering physical release isn't out yet and they'll want those people to be able to get the rewards. I don't think they've even confirmed season 2 for 2017 even though it's basically a given.

I'm going to have to watch someone else do the elusive since I didn't experience any of the banter. This was the first one where I didn't take the time to follow the target or practice. Just
spawned in the tower, took out the guards, waited by the chandelier winch, and boom, easy SA.
Exit was still tense though because I had no idea what was waiting for me outside, but no one was suspicious of my guard outfit.
Euler13 has a video with the tidbits of dialogue that happen throughout. https://youtu.be/o7NAmEu1obg


The exit car
being gone was a nice final surprise for everyone. I had to figure out the next fastest route on the fly, then "Searching" popped up and I started worrying that the one undressed body I left in the open could get found...

Yeah I had the exact same reaction, good one devs.

Euler13 has a video with the tidbits of dialogue that happen throughout. https://youtu.be/o7NAmEu1obg

Perfect, thanks.
Euler13 has a video with the tidbits of dialogue that happen throughout. https://youtu.be/o7NAmEu1obg

Okay, scripting more stuff to happen after completing the objective was a really nice touch. This is by far the most realistic-feeling elusive target so far.

I think that video did leave out the dialogue events happening in the other room at the same time, though.
The target and the local lawyer plotting "accidents" that could happen to the family lawyer.

Which is another nice touch from this mission - things happening in different rooms at the same time.


Okay, scripting more stuff to happen after completing the objective was a really nice touch. This is by far the most realistic-feeling elusive target so far.

I think that video did leave out the dialogue events happening in the other room at the same time, though.
The target and the local lawyer plotting "accidents" that could happen to the family lawyer.

Which is another nice touch from this mission - things happening in different rooms at the same time.

I mean I'll only give the scripting some credit, the conversations are filled with awful awkward long pauses (more so than usual), but it also makes it funnier especially when he busts in every 20 seconds. And yeah I thought that video was gonna show the convo from both sides.

also from the subreddit: Hitman: Pokemon Go


Just tried my first elusive target. The kill itself wasn't too hard (strangled him as he repeatedly walked between those two rooms) but I was really nervous when I decided to erase the camera evidence afterwards (gotta get that Silent Assassin). A church worker got suspicious but ultimately walked away. It's funny how such a little thing could get my palms sweating.

Game's pretty great.


That's correct. It's also the case for poison kills as well.

Also note that if you set up a good accident or poison and someone sees the target die, wait until "Accident Kill" or "Poison Kill" pops up to exit. I got screwed by this a couple elusives ago; I set up the poison, waited by the helicopter and the second it said he was dead I left. I got penalized for a body being found because it takes a couple seconds for the AI to clear it as a non-murder body.


For you.
Okay, scripting more stuff to happen after completing the objective was a really nice touch. This is by far the most realistic-feeling elusive target so far.

I think that video did leave out the dialogue events happening in the other room at the same time, though.
The target and the local lawyer plotting "accidents" that could happen to the family lawyer.

Which is another nice touch from this mission - things happening in different rooms at the same time.

I mean I'll only give the scripting some credit, the conversations are filled with awful awkward long pauses (more so than usual), but it also makes it funnier especially when he busts in every 20 seconds. And yeah I thought that video was gonna show the convo from both sides.

also from the subreddit: Hitman: Pokemon Go

I pointed that out to him and he re-did it now with the lawyer and target dialogue.


Damn it, I missed out on getting Silent Assassin. I did one play through to scout the area and settled on
dropping the chandelier. Sadly on the second run the target and mayor walked a slightly different path across the office and I ended up dropping the chandelier on a non-target too.

On the plus side, this was my 13th Elusive so I've got all the suits associated with that side of things at least.


How do you even know what items Harry and Marv are going to take before they do? Is it like a checklist or something? Don't see how you can do it without knocking them out first or them getting something first.


How do you even know what items Harry and Marv are going to take before they do? Is it like a checklist or something? Don't see how you can do it without knocking them out first or them getting something first.

Follow one of them watch what items he steals then restart, follow the other one and then restart and get the items, you may have to knock at least one of them out so you have time.


Man I feel really stupid right now.

Failed the target before even doing anything because I knocked out the lawyer. Honestly all NPCs look exactly the same to me so it was kinda bullshit. Oh well, live and learn.


Unconfirmed Member
Follow one of them watch what items he steals then restart, follow the other one and then restart and get the items, you may have to knock at least one of them out so you have time.

yep you just have to follow them around and see what they take. It's always the same stuff so you can find a list if you want now.

Just knock them out at the start and take all the stuff then get somebody to find the bodies so they wake up. They'll still run their route and but they'll meet up empty handed.
Tested the issue out some more. Loading into and out of the original tutorial map missions works fine without issue, but my infinite loading issue seems to trigger on anything else. Not sure why it's happening, but I dunno if I can handle the annoying process of having to restart the application from scratch each time I need to reload a save.




What's the deal with shooting the windows/church bell?


Gah! Got compromised following a guard up the stairs which initiated a punch-out instead of a choke. Have I lost my SA?
Since it was a punch, probably. As long as you haven't completed an objective, you can restart (assuming Elusive).

How do you even know what items Harry and Marv are going to take before they do? Is it like a checklist or something? Don't see how you can do it without knocking them out first or them getting something first.

List and locations: https://www.reddit.com/r/HiTMAN/comments/5i3r46/list_of_items_the_thieves_are_going_for_in_paris/
Start in the AV center, knock out Harry when he enters the room with the letter opener (nobody visits it), and then take Marv's items in the list's order, Harry's in any order, and then lure a guard into the room with Harry's body. They will meet up by the propane tanks after a few minutes
Gah! Got compromised following a guard up the stairs which initiated a punch-out instead of a choke. Have I lost my SA?

In addition to the advice someone else gave: never try to choke people on stairs - it will never work and you will do a punch because you are not at the same height.

Instead, throw something at their head, which still works normally on stairs.


Neo Member
I bought the first episode during the last steam sale not sure if I would like the game. Turns out I love it. If I buy a full season key from other retailers later on can I redeem even if I have ep 1?


I ran into a weird mishap during my scouting run, and... well, at least I cleared the Elusive Target.

So once I figured out where they were, I got into the basement of the Town Hall and took the disguise of the bodyguard on the stairs. From there, I just wanted to figure out how I could get some kind of unnoticed or accidental kill. Seeing that there was a chandelier in the room he walks into with the lawyer guy, I wanted to see if the floor above it would provide a good vantage point.

So I go in there, and see there are two "enforcer" bodyguards. Fine, whatever, it's just a scouting run. I didn't have any blunt objects on hand, so I figured I'd just punch them both out and then scope out the floor. It turned out it was tougher to keep them both down than I thought. Before I can land a knockout blow on one, the other would get back up. So I wound up just punching them to the ground two or three times...

Until I knock one guy down, he stumbles into the winch, and it breaks, dropping the chandelier and killing the target. Oops.

I finally put them both out cold and made a clean getaway from there.
But it was pretty awkward.


Huh...I was absolutely sure I managed silent assassin on Colorado, but it says there was a body found. I was just following opportunities this time (second run) to try and get as much mastery as possible.There's no way it could be 2 of the targets, so it had to be either Rose or Parvati.

The former I
blew up with the watch.
The latter,
I followed the Point Man opportunity and battering rammed her.
I'm sure I can find a way to do it differently and unseen, just a bit confused which one didn't count.
Huh...I was absolutely sure I managed silent assassin on Colorado, but it says there was a body found. I was just following opportunities this time (second run) to try and get as much mastery as possible.There's no way it could be 2 of the targets, so it had to be either Rose or Parvati.

The former I
blew up with the watch.
The latter,
I followed the Point Man opportunity and battering rammed her.
I'm sure I can find a way to do it differently and unseen, just a bit confused which one didn't count.

Your run sounds exactly like my first Colorado run. Same opportunities used, same approach of doing everything in one go, and same unexplained body found at the end.

I think someone else reported the same thing earlier in the thread too. Either it has to do with one of those opportunities or it happens if you log a really long time in one Colorado run (I had nearly 3 hours).
Marv's AI seemingly broke during Holiday Hoarders. I knocked out Harry early on, collected all the items and did so before Marc collected them. I later found him standing in a bathroom in front of a toilet and he no longer does anything unless there's an alert. Harry still walks back and forth near their meeting place with the propane tanks.

Any way to get him back on track?
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