For someone who hasn't purchased this on PC I have a few questions.
1. Has performance been improved since launch? I am running with a GTX 980 and a 3970x and 32gb ram with SSD (GPU and CPU both OC'd) could I get 60fps at 1080p with all settings barring AA maxed?
2. Is it worth buying in terms of content? I heard Paris was kind of lacking in that regard but hearing good things about the second episode and how it has far more replayability.
3.I think I have asked this before but I will ask again, does it have online contracts and can you create online contracts?
1. I couldn't tell you what you'd get with your rig, but I'd say performance has slightly decreased since launch. I was getting a solid 1440/60 in Paris but now my game has frequent drops even at 1080. It seems more like hitching/lag than poor performance though, so there could be a fix on the horizon. Sapienza also has some areas where my game slows to 40fps for no discernible reason.
2. If you're willing to replay the same level over an over again then both levels so far have a ton of replayability. Being able to unlock new starting points in each level (most with their own unique disguise) can take the edge off doing the same level multiple times too. If that's not up you're alley then you'd probably not get your money's worth. Game also has 'escalation contracts', which have you completing an increasingly difficult number of tasks over 5 levels (1. kill this guy, 2. kill this guy and this other guy, 3. kill this guy in this disguise and that guy in that disguise etc.) There's 10 of them for Paris and 2 out already for Sapienza.
3. It does have contracts, but it pales in comparison to Absolution. All of the social (search, friends) features are gone as well as the string of qualifiers for each contract (specific weapon, no disguise change, no bodies found, never spotted etc.). It's basically "kill this person with this weapon in this disguise... if you want, if not you'll just get a lower score". They have said an overall for Contracts is in the works to add (at least some) of these features down the line.