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HIV epidemic in Indiana county after Governor Pence opposes needle-exchange program

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I knew this was coming. Take all their needles maybe?

I don't see how you can be pissed at the Governor though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just doesn't sound right to me.

please tell me how this will stop them from getting new needles and sharing them thus increasing hiv
So you think Pence flip flops on a previous hardline stance because that stance wasn't causing problems?
This didn't happen after he opposed the program. It's an outright lie. No, it didn't cause anything. A status quo can't cause a jump from 5 to 70 something. This isn't a difficult thing to grasp. There needs some outside cause to create that jump.

The way the title stands now it implies after he took this stance this epidemic happened. This is 100% false.

The Beard

I can't believe people are stupid enough to begin injecting drugs into their veins in the first place, then to top it off they share the needles unless someone gives them free needles.


I can't believe people are stupid enough to begin injecting drugs into their veins in the first place, then to top it off they share the needles unless someone gives them free needles.

I can't believe that you don't understand how it works in the real world.

When you are addicted, you save money wherever you can so you start injecting and also save money on needles by re-using them.
I knew this was coming. Take all their needles maybe?

I don't see how you can be pissed at the Governor though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just doesn't sound right to me.

your first gut reaction is to treat a drug addict like a criminal. Not just any criminal either. One who's done something bad enough that they deserve punishment equivalent to that of a murderer. This is how America in general reacts, but it's really an inhumane way to approach the problem of addiction. These people need help. Not incarceration or lol a bullet. Taking away their needles isn't going to do shit. Like you could reasonably expect to take needles away from people we can't even keep drugs from. So while you and this politician continue to suggest tried , tested and failed policies, people are still using and sharing needles and causing public health issues.
I knew this was coming. Take all their needles maybe?

I don't see how you can be pissed at the Governor though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just doesn't sound right to me.


Prohibition days.

"Governor, the people won't stop drinking liquor!"
*Well son, they've forced our hand. Take all their glasses. Nothing else we can do.*

I can't believe people are stupid enough to begin injecting drugs into their veins in the first place, then to top it off they share the needles unless someone gives them free needles.

They are. Your refusal to believe only aggravates the problem.


I knew this was coming. Take all their needles maybe?

I don't see how you can be pissed at the Governor though. Two wrongs don't make a right. Just doesn't sound right to me.

Right, because drug addicts will just shrug and give up if you take away their syringes


Ummmm. WTF is up with these reactions? I know he opposed the needle exchange program in the pass, but he seems to be reacting how health officials want him to. Allocating state resources and what not.

Some of these reactions are WAYYYYY off base.


1. Governor Pence has a long-standing opposition to needle-exchange program.
2. HIV Outbreak Occurs after #1.

I don't know what is bullshit about the thread title. I don't think anyone is saying Mike Pence is going around sticking people with HIV needles, but its not like his policy helped curtail the outbreak since we know that needle-exchange programs tamp down outbreaks.

its like being opposed to getting a flu shot, you get the flu, then blame it not on you getting the flu shot but the fact that it would have happened anyway.

there are things you can do to prevent things like this, and if you don't do it you are being irresponsible, or at least you shouldn't be surprised it happened.

in this case, he's the gatekeeper to preventing people from doing a needle exchange program which resulted in 70+ people getting HIV.

I understand what you are saying, but HIV spread isn't all just prevented by having a needle exchange program. It is one of many tools communities and health officials have, so I am glad he has come around to it though.


I haven't even fully read the OP, but I'm going to guess he's a republican governor.

EDIT: Yep. I don't know why the republican leadership is so against strategies that have been shown to work many times. Hopefully they can get this under control now.
I see this song is still pertinent today.

My congressman says I can't give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get AIDS and die, that's just too bad
My senator says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get Hepatitis and die, that's just too bad
My president says I can't give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get Hepatitis and die, that's just too bad
The policeman says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get AIDS and die, that's just too bad
My county supervisor likes to think he's so much wiser
Than all the doctors put together
Who say we should give away clean syringes
My city councilman says it's not a problem
We're only gonna spend millions on treatment that won't work
For people who will die
My community likes to claim immunity on the basis of homophobia
And a lack of medical fact
Hey America there's needle users sleeping with your children
With your daughters, with your sons and with your husbands.
We got a law, says you can't own a needle.
Without a prescription
Do you think that ever kept anyone from shooting up?
All the politicians say, we can't legalize exchange
Because that would be sending the wrong message
But did you ever notice,
On every billboard, in every magazine, in every corner store, on every TV screen.
The message is "buy cigarettes and alcohol"
Don't you know drugs are everywhere , you can't stop it
Criminalize it, make it profitable, ensure its longevity
Don't you know drugs are everywhere, you can't stop it
It's not a law enforcement issue,
Addiction's a disease
If you find your self in the position of having to share a needle with another person,
Take the steps to ensure that you don't get infected.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step one
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck bleach up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step two
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
Suck water up to the top of the needle, and squirt it out.
That's step three, you're done
We got a law, says you can't own a needle.
Without a prescription
Do you think that ever kept anyone from shooting up?
All the politicians say, we can't legalize exchange
Because that would be sending the wrong message
But did you ever notice,
On every billboard, in every magazine, in every corner store, on every TV screen.
The message is "buy cigarettes and alcohol"
Don't you know drugs are everywhere, you can't stop it
Criminalize it, make it profitable, ensure its longevity
Don't you know drugs are everywhere , you can't stop it
It's not a law enforcement issue,
Addiction's a disease
My congressman says I can't give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get AIDS and die, that's just too bad
My senator says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get Hepatitis and die, that's just too bad
My president says I can't give my brother a clean syringe
If he should get Hepatitis and die, that's just too bad
The policeman says I can't give my sister a clean syringe
If she should get AIDS and die, that's just too bad
My county supervisor likes to think he's so much wiser
Than all the doctors put together
Who say we should give away clean syringes
My city councilman say's it's not a problem
Were only gonna spend millions on treatment that won't work
For people who will die
My community likes to claim immunity on the basis of homophobia
And a lack of medical fact
Hey America there's needle users sleeping with your children
With your daughters, with your sons and with your husbands.


Also, to some people who don't understand the logic behind giving people needles to continue drug use, it isn't just about giving clean needles, which is a good thing. It is also about having an opportunity to reach out to people struggling with addiction so they can get resources (rehab, information, HIV tests).

And to the people saying OMG WHAT A FUCKING MONSTER, needle exchange programs aren't the "remedy" to intravenous drug use HIV spread. There's actually a lot of research on it and sometimes these programs aren't super effective. It needs to be well designed and implemented. However, it is relatively cheap. Sadly, it is also politically unpopular.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Not serious about the bullet. But can't we find a better solution than giving them needles?

They already have the needles. Nobody is going "oh boy, now that the government is giving away free needles, I can now afford to get addicted to herion!"

The Beard

you can't believe because you're too stupid to understand what makes an addict.

Oh ok. I grew up in the 90's and I couldn't tell you how many times I heard "Never share needles because it puts you at high risk of contracting HIV". I also have an addictive personality and I did drugs when I was younger, but I always knew once you start using a needle, you've basically just given up on life.

This isn't adding to the conversation though. Do I think needle exchange programs are good ? Yes, but without any other kind of support, help, or education, it's kind of like "Are you thinking about slitting your wrists and killing yourself ? Come by and get a fresh razor. Because if your suicide fails, we don't want you getting tetanus from a rusty blade"
Oh ok. I grew up in the 90's and I couldn't tell you how many times I heard "Never share needles because it puts you at high risk of contracting HIV". I also have an addictive personality and I did drugs when I was younger, but I always knew once you start using a needle, you've basically just given up on life.

Here's the prob.

The same propaganda that told you that going into the needle meant death also said that weed would kill you.

You know that the second is patently false, so why shouldnt the first also be?

Turns out that, in the proper settings, it also is.


This longitudinal study focused on 126 long-term heroin users who had never been in specialist treatment for use of any drug. The primary aim of the study was to assess whether this 'hidden' population resembled heroin users identified with drug treatment agencies, or alternatively, to test whether heroin could indeed be used in a controlled, non-intrusive fashion for an extended period of time.

Recruitment was achieved through chain-referred purposive sampling methods, and data were collected through two semi-structured interviews. 67% of participants were re-recruited for follow-up.

Participants had levels of occupational status and educational achievement comparable to that in the general UK population, and considerably higher than typically found in heroin research. At the conclusion of the study, six participants had entered treatment. While there was evidence of intensive risky patterns of drug use among the sample, there was equal evidence for planned, controlled patterns of use. Some drugrelated negative health and social outcomes had occurred on a lifetime basis, but ongoing problems were rare, and heroin was not a significant predictor in either context. In contrast to typical samples of heroin users, high levels of negative health and social outcomes did not appear to be inevitable within this sample. Frequency of heroin use was predicted by attributional items, indicating the importance of psychological factors in drug use and addiction.

Mind you, that obviously does not mean that everybody should start shooting up heroin cuz lol no problems.


Ummmm. WTF is up with these reactions? I know he opposed the needle exchange program in the pass, but he seems to be reacting how health officials want him to. Allocating state resources and what not.

Some of these reactions are WAYYYYY off base.

Mr Pence, a Republican, has opposed such programmes in the past on the grounds that they are not effective in controlling drug use.

he's a fucking idiot and the law he signed today doesn't help.


You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.


No Scrubs
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

You have to look at this as a matter of degrees. Yes, heroin and other intravenous drugs are bad, addiction can be overcome though; but HIV, AIDS, the various Hepatitises and other diseases are far far far worse. People are always going to want to shoot up for one reason or another, nothing we do can change that, but what we can do is eliminate the risk of these diseases spreading like wildfire.
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

They're not criminals, they're sick. Their health is the primary concern and needle exchange programs address that very concern. It's a good solution.


You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

You can either accept that people will get access to drugs and try to get people off them or work on some blind drug ban and be shocked when people addicted to highly addictive drugs still use drugs.

Look at the topic this thread is about, taking away the needle exchange hasn't really helped public health. Access to needles isn't the gateway into drug use here.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

Needle exchanges aren't a bad solution to an HIV epidemic. It's just a solution that doesn't solve multiple problems at once.

Drug use really shouldn't be a crime. Drug use should be treated as a public health issue, not a criminal one. We have too many non-violet drug offenders in the prison system. It's costing the country too much as is.
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

WIth drugs, it's not about winning.

It's about minimizing losses.

Legalizing drugs would help a fuckton, btw. Having a proper, regulated, "safe" source of heroin would do wonder for OD deaths while also instantly removing nearly all the power that drug dealers have over their victims.


Not completely related but... I think I heard a few months ago about an HIV vaccine that had been developed in Mexico on the TV news... but I've never heard anything more about it, has anyone heard about that?


you can't put a price on sparks
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.

The Beard

WIth drugs, it's not about winning.

It's about minimizing losses.

Legalizing drugs would help a fuckton, btw. Having a proper, regulated, "safe" source of heroin would do wonder for OD deaths while also instantly removing nearly all the power that drug dealers have over their victims.

Wait, what ? This is a bad idea all around. Instead of dealers having power over their "victims", drugstores (dealers) would have power over them ?

As of right now you have to be involved with some shady characters to get introduced into heroin. Do you really want it accessible to anybody that walks into a convenience store ? This isn't like weed or alcohol, where you drink or smoke socially on weekends. This is some make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life kind of shit, that makes you want to keep going back until you fall into addiction.
I can't believe people are stupid enough to begin injecting drugs into their veins in the first place, then to top it off they share the needles unless someone gives them free needles.

The way addiction and maladaptive personalities work is that you don't have choice, that's what psychopathology is. What's really bafflingly stupid is thinking that people do this sort of thing with full will or cognizance. People who are mentally healthy and well adjusted get to say "hey, being high for a few hours probably isn't worth all of this." People with problems don't. It's really not that hard to understand. But some problems are just easier if you can mentally distance yourself from it with disgust, because then we don't have to think about them, or try to have empathy for people who are clearly living miserable lives that no sane person would freely choose.


Wait, what ? This is a bad idea all around. Instead of dealers having power over their "victims", drugstores (dealers) would have power over them ?

As of right now you have to be involved with some shady characters to get introduced into heroin. Do you really want it accessible to anybody that walks into a convenience store ? This isn't like weed or alcohol, where you drink or smoke socially on weekends. This is some make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life kind of shit, that makes you want to keep going back until you fall into addiction.
Yeah, there'd never be an alcohol addict with negative repercussions for themselves and others, if there were we could call them like alcohol junkies or something like that. Can you imagine how absurd that'd be lol


Found this - an article in 2002.


So the question is: Why is there only one such program in Indiana? According to the state police and pharmaceutical code, needle exchange programs are illegal. Pasco said he is allowed to operate due to a research exemption to pharmaceutical law. The exemption is the same one that grants legal immunity to the Chicago Recovery Alliance.

Needle exchanges in Indiana have been illegal since at least 2002, 11 years before Mike Pence took office.


You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

They are going to shoot themselves up regardless. That is the point of the needle exchange program. Without it they just save a quick buck a re-use needles as needed. This program isn't the thing that is keeping drug users using drugs, addicts will find a way to get high regardless if this is in place or not. Implementing things like social support, housing, or other support structures would be more ideal but its vastly more expensive. Not to mention would probably be just as contentious as the needle-exchange program because people don't have a favorable view of helping "junkies." This program at least tries to prevent the spread of a costly, dangerous virus. The damages of drug use is at least localized to a single person, not potentially so with something like HIV.

I hope you thought really hard about your stance that using drugs should be a crime. Because one of the better solutions to this program would be to decriminalize these drugs. It would stop pushing addicts underground to get their fix, farther away from support systems that can help them cope with their problems.
You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

Do you have any concept of how health and social costs work? Prevention would be a thousand times more morally and economically effective than just turning a blind eye.

The only reason drug use being a crime is relevant to this discussion is if you're concerned with legalism over doing the right thing or even the sensible thing. Not a good platform to stand on.

Dead Man

Wait, what ? This is a bad idea all around. Instead of dealers having power over their "victims", drugstores (dealers) would have power over them ?

As of right now you have to be involved with some shady characters to get introduced into heroin. Do you really want it accessible to anybody that walks into a convenience store ? This isn't like weed or alcohol, where you drink or smoke socially on weekends. This is some make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life kind of shit, that makes you want to keep going back until you fall into addiction.

You must have missed the word 'regulated' in there.


good credit (by proxy)
There's an article that my friend and former drug user wrote that I wish I could post here, but he's trying to get it published like on Vice or somewhere, I'll post it whenever it's published, it's really really good. But the gist is that these should be available at pharmacies without prescription. It's the best solution for all parties except those that desperately want control over everyone else.


You have to look at this as a matter of degrees. Yes, heroin and other intravenous drugs are bad, addiction can be overcome though; but HIV, AIDS, the various Hepatitises and other diseases are far far far worse. People are always going to want to shoot up for one reason or another, nothing we do can change that, but what we can do is eliminate the risk of these diseases spreading like wildfire.

I don't know if this is true this day in age.

My older Brother is HIV positive and outside of a pill he takes at night it has no effect you can tell from the outside. Hard drug users on heroin and opiates have much worse outward signs than I have ever seen from him since he has been on medication.
As of right now you have to be involved with some shady characters to get introduced into heroin. Do you really want it accessible to anybody that walks into a convenience store ? This isn't like weed or alcohol, where you drink or smoke socially on weekends. This is some make you feel better than you've ever felt in your life kind of shit, that makes you want to keep going back until you fall into addiction.

Your whole premisse is incorrect. In order to get introduced to heroin, all you have to do is take pain meds. Seedy characters known as "doctors" prescribe those. Prescription opioid abuse is very common.

I'd rather have it accessible to anyone of age that walks into a a pharmacy, than have it accessible to anyone that goes into a back alley in some seedy neighborhood, which is the current system. The point is to minimize harm, increase safety and to reduce money outflow into the pockets of traffickers.

I don't know if this is true this day in age.

My older Brother is HIV positive and outside of a pill he takes at night it has no effect you can tell from the outside. Hard drug users on heroin and opiates have much worse outward signs than I have ever seen from him since he has been on medication.

In his context, you're adding AIDS and the other stuff to a heroin junkie, so yeah, it'd be worse overall. Just take your idea of a heavy heroin user, sprinkle some AIDS on top, and that's his "far, far worse".

Straight HIV nowadays? Probably still more expensive than a needle swap program.


Your whole premisse is incorrect. In order to get introduced to heroin, all you have to do is take pain meds. Seedy characters known as "doctors" prescribe those. Prescription opioid abuse is very common.

I'd rather have it accessible to anyone of age that walks into a a pharmacy, than have it accessible to anyone that goes into a back alley in some seedy neighborhood, which is the current system. The point is to minimize harm, increase safety and to reduce money outflow into the pockets of traffickers.
Yeah, but your way doesn't increase the amount of violence and danger because of lack of access to the "legitimate" justice system. Or the safety of companies being held accountable for their drug quality.

I put legitimate in quotes just for you.
Ummmm. WTF is up with these reactions? I know he opposed the needle exchange program in the pass, but he seems to be reacting how health officials want him to. Allocating state resources and what not.

Some of these reactions are WAYYYYY off base.
I think it's just frustrating because these are public policies that have been illustrated again and again to make sense and to be beneficial for everybody -- drug addicts and regular citizens. It's like, how can we make progress as a society when we already see and decide that something makes sense, works, makes society better, and then people still don't want to support it? We just keep repeating history over and over and over and over.


You guys win. Let them keep shooting themselves up. Lets pay for their needles too.

I'm sorry for thinking using drugs is a crime.

I have more outrageous solutions. Maybe you guys should chip in instead just accepting a bad solution.

This is why I love GAF so much sometimes. For every person who has idiotic thoughts like this guy, there are ten people to put him in his place.

Locking people up for drug use has never stopped the drug addiction problem. Once an addict gets out of prison, what do you think he or she is going to turn to?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Indiana and Wisconsin are pathetic. Incompetence everywhere. Glad I live in mn
Needle exchange programs really sum up the Democrat's agenda.

1) Find a group of people who have put themselves in a bad spot based on stupid decisions.

2) Claim the group are victims.

3) Take money from people who are responsible.

4) Give money to people who are irresponsible.

5) When someone disagrees with the policy, call them names.

This one's got it all!


Clean needle programs are all about harm reduction (the same way that handing out free condoms to teens is). Sometimes, you have to accept that people are going to engage in risky/dangerous behavior, and while working on solving the greater issues that cause people to behave in that way, you provide some way to minimize the amount of damage that behavior causes. It's just a common sense thing to do.

Sadly, it means treating people like humans and not animals to be tossed in jail. Conservatives have a long track record of doing the latter, since it plays into their strong belief in retribution over rehabilitation. Of course, they're wrong (as always), hence the massively higher teen pregnancy rates in the states they run, and now the increased incidence of HIV in red states too.

Needle exchange programs really sum up the Democrat's agenda.

1) Find a group of people who have put themselves in a bad spot based on stupid decisions.

2) Claim the group are victims.

3) Take money from people who are responsible.

4) Give money to people who are irresponsible.

5) When someone disagrees with the policy, call them names.

This one's got it all!

I'm sure that Jesus would have loved to toss all these people in jail. I mean, Republicans love their Jesus and all, yet strangely don't actually listen to what he preached for some reason. Also, you sure seem to have the 'I've got mine, F U' conservative philosophy down pat - the same philosophy that has consistently put states run by them in last place in nearly every measure of societal progress.


you can't put a price on sparks
Needle exchange programs really sum up the Democrat's agenda.

1) Find a group of people who have put themselves in a bad spot based on stupid decisions.

2) Claim the group are victims.

3) Take money from people who are responsible.

4) Give money to people who are irresponsible.

5) When someone disagrees with the policy, call them names.

This one's got it all!

Apparently it's kryptonite to republican critical thinking skills, too.

The Beard

Your whole premisse is incorrect. In order to get introduced to heroin, all you have to do is take pain meds. Seedy characters known as "doctors" prescribe those. Prescription opioid abuse is very common.

I'd rather have it accessible to anyone of age that walks into a a pharmacy, than have it accessible to anyone that goes into a back alley in some seedy neighborhood, which is the current system.The point is to minimize harm, increase safety and to reduce money outflow into the pockets of traffickers.

Do you actually feel this way, or do you just like arguing ?

Instead of having heroin available in select areas, essentially hidden and difficult to obtain for people not deep into the drug scene, it's better to have it in every city on store shelves next to the cigarettes ? I can't even.

Also, lol at back alley in a seedy neighborhood. Aside from TV shows, I don't think that's how the current system works.


Needle exchange programs really sum up the Democrat's agenda.

1) Find a group of people who have put themselves in a bad spot based on stupid decisions.

2) Claim the group are victims.

3) Take money from people who are responsible.

4) Give money to people who are irresponsible.

5) When someone disagrees with the policy, call them names.

This one's got it all!

Nah you're wrong

The Beard

Needle exchange programs really sum up the Democrat's agenda.

1) Find a group of people who have put themselves in a bad spot based on stupid decisions.

2) Claim the group are victims.

3) Take money from people who are responsible.

4) Give money to people who are irresponsible.

5) When someone disagrees with the policy, call them names.

This one's got it all!

There's definitely some truth to this, but a needle exchange doesn't fall into this category for me. It's really the least that can be done to prevent these addicts from spreading HIV. The less people with HIV, the safer it is for everyone.
Do you actually feel this way, or do you just like arguing ?

Instead of having heroin available in select areas, essentially hidden and difficult to obtain for people not deep into the drug scene, it's better to have it in every city on store shelves next to the cigarettes ? I can't even.

Also, lol at back alley in a seedy neighborhood. Aside from TV shows, I don't think that's how the current system works.

How do you think the current system works?


You legit believe that it's hidden and difficult?

Here, let us engage in a theoretical exercise: if you tried to acquire heroin (and for some reason not through the prescription route, obv), how would you go on about it?
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