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Hollywood Hogan's nWo: Let's talk about it and remember

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Stealing your GIFs, Legitshook
Hogan said "New World Order" at the start of the promo, but ended up saying "new world organization" twice at the end. It was probably a result of him referring to "that organization" (aka the WWF) about a dozen times in that promo.

Also, I don't remember where I heard this from, but I remember hearing that Hall was offered the world title a couple of times in WWF, but turned it down due to feeling that he couldn't carry the responsibilities of being the top guy.


Hogan said "New World Order" at the start of the promo, but ended up saying "new world organization" twice at the end. It was probably a result of him referring to "that organization" (aka the WWF) about a dozen times in that promo.

Also, I don't remember where I heard this from, but I remember hearing that Hall was offered the world title a couple of times in WWF, but turned it down due to feeling that he couldn't carry the responsibilities of being the top guy.

Makes sense on both points. Hall should have gotten a WCW title though, since that has no responsibility.


hide your water-based mammals
I love how Virgil kind of does a face palm before ultimate doing a totally half assed NWO sign lol

I'm glad I lived through wrestling of the 80's, 90's, and early 2000's.

Much different than just catching up after the fact. Knowing that I was there and watching the angles play out can't be beat.


Great idea but went on for waaay too long. Sting should have beaten the shit out of Hogan clean at Starrcade and ended the nWo.

Also, "can't do it in the age of internet" - the Nexus. Nobody saw it coming, nWo style angle.. and WWE completely shat the bed on that
Also, "can't do it in the age of internet" - the Nexus. Nobody saw it coming, nWo style angle.. and WWE completely shat the bed on that

Difference is that The Nexus were already WWE employees so most knew it was an angle. When Hall and Nash first started showing up on Nitro people legitimately thought that Vince had sent them down there to fuck shit up.


fuck yeah brother!

nwo fo life

will never forgot how swollen hulksters arms were when the nwo returned to the wwf
Hogan had the greatest heel run ever. It's not even close. No wrestler was as hated as Hollywood Hogan and only he could do it because of his long, mainstream face run from the decades before, and you have to give credit to Hogan for just completely buying in and owning the role. You can tell he had fun with it.


But because Hogan could never allow anyone to truly beat him clean, the title was basically "held up" for grabs, and lo and behold, Hogan gets it back. Rinse Repeat.
How much of the whole angle was Bichoff's idea? While the nWo had a good run, isn't this basically the beginning of the end of WCW because Hogan was running the show? The inmates were running the asylum, and Hogan's arrogance and insistence that he was always going to be the top dog could never work long term.


good credit (by proxy)
God damn I've been enjoying this Nitro shit. When is 1997 nitro coming to the Network? I'll purchase the subscription ONLY if I know 1997 is coming soon, cause I'm almost through 1996.
God damn I've been enjoying this Nitro shit. When is 1997 nitro coming to the Network? I'll purchase the subscription ONLY if I know 1997 is coming soon, cause I'm almost through 1996.

Probably either when their Raw uploads catch up to the current batch of Nitros or when the commitment after SummerSlam ends, whichever comes last.
Hogan had the greatest heel run ever. It's not even close. No wrestler was as hated as Hollywood Hogan and only he could do it because of his long, mainstream face run from the decades before, and you have to give credit to Hogan for just completely buying in and owning the role. You can tell he had fun with it.

Was hogan really hated though? It was at a time when wrestling was changing and fans started rooting for the heels... Hell, nWo, for a heel faction, was ridiculously popular


ECW started the attitude ERA imo not NWO. I got to watch it and got to see Austin cut his WCW hate promos (some of the best promos of all time). WCW/WWE just copied that edgy attitude that they had in ECW.

You had Austin doing stuff like this:

You also had Lion Heart Jericho, Cactus Jack, Raven, Paul E Dangerously, ECW version of Rude, ECW Pillman, Dudley Boys and many more.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Was hogan really hated though? It was at a time when wrestling was changing and fans started rooting for the heels... Hell, nWo, for a heel faction, was ridiculously popular

He was getting huge boos before nWo rolled into town


DX was awful. It was just HBK and HHH acting as obnoxious as humanly possible and coming out in blackface. The only cool thing to come out of DX was Chyna, which probably won't garner much wrasslegaf support but her entire character was cool. She wasn't a great wrestler at all but fuck, it was a cool concept. (Except when JR goes on about how they should TREAT HER LIKE A MAN because she had the audacity to punch someone in dang wrestling show. Fuck JR.)

I don't even know what DX wanted. NWO was amazing because it was a huge story that the entire company was involved in, it was a war!

DX was..two guys coming out and doing crotch chops. cool.

A. HBK wasn't a part of the blackface thing
B. Chyna was stronger than most of the dudes, beat the shit out of them. It is in no way offensive to treat her like a man. In fact, that became a major part of her character.

Didn't Hogan initially flub on the mic and call it like "The new world organization" or something like, instead of New World Order?

He called it the New World Order, New World Organization, and New Blood. He said New World Order first.


Difference is that The Nexus were already WWE employees so most knew it was an angle. When Hall and Nash first started showing up on Nitro people legitimately thought that Vince had sent them down there to fuck shit up.

Yeah it's important to remember that Vince hadn't given the "yeah we know that you know this is all fake" speech yet.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I still think if they wanted to, they could pull another massive angle like this without anyone knowing anything. Just would take a little work.


I still think if they wanted to, they could pull another massive angle like this without anyone knowing anything. Just would take a little work.

The obvious thing to do is make the internet darlings the new nWo, right? Well, not called the nWo, but the same kind of thing... but like someone already mentioned, they had that with The Nexus or whatever (I wasn't watching then) and screwed it up, yeah?
A. HBK wasn't a part of the blackface thing
B. Chyna was stronger than most of the dudes, beat the shit out of them. It is in no way offensive to treat her like a man. In fact, that became a major part of her character.

A: My bad on the HBK thing. Thought that was like early DX but forgot X-Pac was there.
B: I have no problem with her getting beat up every now and then, especially as she's a heel. My problem is the commentary with JR barking about how if "she wants to be treated like a man, then treat her like a man!!" which is "this woman needs to be taken down a peg" The reverse would never happen.


A: My bad on the HBK thing. Thought that was like early DX but forgot X-Pac was there.
B: I have no problem with her getting beat up every now and then, especially as she's a heel. My problem is the commentary with JR barking about how if "she wants to be treated like a man, then treat her like a man!!" which is "this woman needs to be taken down a peg" The reverse would never happen.

I agree. The phrasing and implicit meaning behind it are gross as fuck. However, she DID want to be treated like a man. Then she wanted to not be treated like a woman, a man, or like you knew her.
As a kids in the mid-late 80's I was a huge Hogan fan, around 90-91 I stopped watching wrasslin. A few weeks after BATB '96 I was at friends house and he turned on Nitro and I remember watching as Hogan came out in the black and white and strutted to the ring like a boss and cut some ego-driven promo... and I was back in. In my opinion, Hogan as Hollywood Hogan is one of the best gimmicks ever. It only got better when he adopted Voodoo Child as a theme. Of course it all went to shit at some point.


N W O...
4 life

Man do I remember this. Staying up late on a Friday or Saturday night, tuning into RTL (German satellite channel that we UKers could get on the old BSkyB). German commentary over the top didn't detract in any way - you could still hear the promos and original commentary.

I was properly shocked (you could say legit shook) when Scott Hall first turned up (no internet, no rumours, no nothing), but when he said he had a big surprise for Sting, I somehow knew it was Nash. I think JR made an announcement on Raw about Hall and Nash no longer being employed by the WWF (before JR went batshit crazy with his imitation goons).

Watching Hogan come down the ramp was... interesting. The leg drop almost wasn't a surprise to me (not sure why) - but the whole outcry was just incredible.

It was a great angle for so long, but should really have ended at Starrcade. Somehow I imagined that it would have been better for WCW to face the NWO at Fallbrawl, to earn the right to get Sting's title shot (Hogan could've said he's not going to face a non-active member of the roster or something like that).

I still don't think having Bret Hart come into the mix the way he did was a good idea. They should've just moved on with new talents and storylines. Mind you, then they might not have hired Russo...


To this day, I'm amazed that wrestlers and marks alike get offended by this angle. Like... they know it's an angle right? And that the whole thing was Kevin laying down for Hogan because Hogan couldn't beat Goldberg?

Worried about the prestige of the title or whatever when the same title would be given to Vince Russo and David Arquette. Not to mention Vince having the WWF title which no one ever said a word about.

This isn't really remembered as offensive, mostly as incredibly stupid and one of the many bullet points when citing WCW's downfall. You have to put it in context. This was in early 1999, and the WWF had actually been winning the ratings war for a few months. The major angle in WCW was NWO Wolfpac (good guys) vs. NWO Hollywood (bad guys). Nash was the leader of the Wolfpac, and Hogan was the leader of Hollywood. Instead of putting Nash vs. Hogan, easily the biggest match you could have done at the time in WCW, on PPV, they gave it away for free on TV. Not only that, they did what no one wanted: merging the two groups and once again showcasing the NWO as an unstoppable powerhouse, the same thing they had been doing for nearly three years now.

Meanwhile on WWF, Foley was set to win the title that same night. Tony Schivone actually gave away the results and announced that Foley would win the championship before it happened. This caused hundreds of thousands to flip to Raw and watch Foley win the title, giving Raw its highest rating ever at the time.

So line up those two major events: the Fingerpoke of Doom, a non-match that completely throws away the biggest main event a company could have and ruins a year long storyline vs. Foley, someone who had basically killed himself for years in both WCW and WWF and was the biggest underdog the WWF had, wins the championship against WWF's biggest heel faction. WHICH ONE IS MORE APPEALING?


I was watching it when it happened. Last day I watched wrestling myself. As an adult I realize what great theater it was. But as a kid, it was just completely shocking. Wrestling was dead to me after the heel turn of the Hulkster.


WCW became a joke after all of the following:

1. Finger poke between Hogan and Nash
2. David Arquette being champion
3. Not pushing any new talent besides the older guys

Really, the main problem was not giving new talent a chance. Only Goldberg was given a chance beyond the usual Sting/Hogan/Giant, most other guys were shuffled into the B-tier matches.
ECW started the attitude ERA imo not NWO. I got to watch it and got to see Austin cut his WCW hate promos (some of the best promos of all time). WCW/WWE just copied that edgy attitude that they had in ECW.

You had Austin doing stuff like this:

You also had Lion Heart Jericho, Cactus Jack, Raven, Paul E Dangerously, ECW version of Rude, ECW Pillman, Dudley Boys and many more.

ECW was fantastic and far ahead of Attitude, but it also didn't have the TV presence that WWE and WCW had. I think it was on at 1 or 2am in my area which was just insane.


So not worth it
Does that make him as bad as K-Dogg?

Strobogo respond

I think we should make a list of bad things the both of them have done and assign a 5-star ranking to each point and add up the results to come to an objective conclusion on who's worse, Hulk Hogan or Konnan.
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