Rated-Rsuperstar said:Seriously? THQ is doing the dumb EA online pass thing as well. I was planning on renting this for the multiplayer. What's the point if I can only go to level 5.
Diablohead said:it's not that 480p is unwatchable, it's the way the video was captured like it was through some old shitty 1980's tv cable.
BloodySinner said:Is there any PC footage? At all? I'm really starting to doubt my $50 pre-order purchase.
Mr. Snrub said:
Doesn't seem to be many game modes...Sn4ke_911 said:
buy teh haloz said:Doesn't seem to be many game modes...
CozMick said:That HD footage has intrigued me.
Is there more footage of the multiplayer knocking about?
Might have to pick this up.
As a Homefront multiplayer match escalates with players saving an ever larger amount of Battle Points, helicopters will begin to slowly dot the sky! With the introduction of helicopters into the match, the game play will begin to shift from a more ground and infantry-based match to a more dynamic mechanic of a full on three dimensional war. Helicopters are definitely powerful and good pilots can help their team win but they also have their weaknesses that can be exploited by infantry and other vehicles alike. In this blog post about the helicopters, Im going to cover the two different types of helicopters, their strengths, weaknesses, some tips on tactics and how to bring those bad boys down.
AH-700 Scout Helicopter
The Scout helicopter is shared by both factions and is distinguished by varied markings and camouflage between the two sides. For the most part, this will be the first player-occupied air vehicle you will begin to see appearing during a matchs escalation. The Scouts cost less in Battle Points than their stronger big brothers and make for a very useful tool to have in the sky before the heavier ground vehicles begin to show up. Armed with dual, under-wing mini guns, this helicopter is a formidable attacker versus infantry and lightly armored vehicles. The downside you ask? Well, its pretty vulnerable. The Scout has no armor and is susceptible to small arms fire and can be fairly well chewed up by larger caliber machine guns, lock on missiles and proximity detonation rockets. To counter its light armor, this helicopter is swift, speedy and maneuverable making it a challenging target to take down. A deft sniper can shoot out the glass and snipe the pilot if the helicopter pilot stays idle and in one place long enough. As with other vehicles, this helicopter uses the Vehicle Over Armor System to display damage on a visual level along with FX and UI on the HUD to alert the pilot of vehicle damage. The helicopter HUD also has warnings for incoming missiles, machine gun over heat bars, distance to target, the Vehicle Missile Defeat System and horizon orientation bars. On the PC version of Homefront, the Scout can carry a passenger that has recon abilities and of course both pilot and passenger will have first person cockpit views.
AH-64 Apache and Z-10 Chimera Attack Helicopters
When the big boys come to play, they come to play hard. These are the most expensive Battle Points items and as such, are powerful, menacing and tough in the sky. Slower and more heavily armored than their little brothers, they make up for the lack of maneuverability with a powerful arsenal and a second seat gunner. The pilot has access to a dumb fire barrage of 6 missiles and a dual-firing lock on air-to-air missile system. The second seat gunner has control over a thermal view chain machine gun for combating and seeking out infantry threats on the ground, as seen below from this low res PC screen shot.
Being less mobile in the air means its an easier target and as such, it can take more hits from rockets and does not take damage from small arms fire. The vehicles HUD is equipped with lock on reticules, reload notifications, incoming missile warnings, distance to target, horizon orientation lines and damage notifications. The Vehicle Over Armor System is used in combination with FX to show visual damage on the outside of the vehicle as seen below in this Maya screen grab of the Apache damaged zones.
Infantry working in teams with proximity rockets, LAV lock on missiles, LAV main cannons, Humvee Gatling guns and AntiTank Ground Drone lock on missiles are great approaches to taking down the attack helicopters. A very well placed RPG shot will do it as well, or if youve acquired enough skill with a tank cannon obliteration.
Helicopter control schemes differ by platform for obvious reasons. On the XBOX and PS3, helicopters are relatively easy to control but still leave room for expert pilots to flaunt their skills. With analog controls, the helicopters fly to where you look with the controller and orient themselves as such. On the PC, there will be 3 control options as was previously posted.
Meant to be powerful, meant to be expensive saving up Battle Points for one of these bad boys is both rewarding and challenging. Enjoy the helicopters in Homefront Multiplayer
Mr. Snrub said:
Mr. Snrub said:
Mikey Jr. said:Is there bullet penetration in this or no?
Relax.MX said:That is all?? nah..60dlls? nah...
Go with my BC2/Vietnam
Aaron said:and you die from two shots before you have the chance to react. Pass.
Aaron said:From the vid, it looks like your screen goes red from a fall of two feet and you die from two shots before you have the chance to react. Pass.
KAOS Studios should be proud as they have done a highly commendable job of reinventing ideas we've seen in Frontlines , piecing them into a more cohesive palatable story and releasing a new game which feels accomplished and easy to play. With so many shooters on the market it's a shame there's not more on offer for solo players or co-operative play which seems to be gaining more prominence these days. Whilst it could be easy to mark off Homefront as just another shooter, the reality is that although it is, there's enough substance under the hood well worth experiencing. It's a great game, which only lacks vision of its own grandeur which slightly holds it back from being the ultimately amazing game it could be. As it stands, if you're a shooter fan and like big team battles, a decent story, engaging solid gun-play, then Homefront offers it in spades, buries you in it and leaves you to be consumed by its bombast premise. The subject matter could be seen as topical for the sake of it, if you take off the cynical spectacles and just bask in what's thrown at you, you'll find a comprehensive, substantiated game which is well worth the investment.
Bamelin said:I managed to get a attack chopper today. Very easy to fly in the 360 version ... Not a lot of people have figured out these things really need to be shot down asap .... They are deadly in a way no chopper has been before in any game i have played.
Was ruining people with it, but i think as people get more used to the game you'll see a lot more people trying to take the choppers out. They are also expensive as he'll at 3800 or so points to buy so you won't see them out till mid late game.
Love the sentry jaguar drone ... Awesome to roll around in ... Will often go in first with a drone to a capture point to try to clear a room before the rest of the troops toss in flash bangs and move in.
Air surveillance is awesome as well and makes a huge difference for the team in spotting out incoming enemy rushes as well as camping snipers. Air surveillance is rewarding too, each spot is 30 bps with another 40 bps awarded if somebody you spotted is killed by a teammate. Tanks and humvees are a blast to drive around in but aren't too overpowered in terms of being taken out with RPGs.
Ground control is a fantastic mode with a hitting battlefield and so far the maps are VERY balanced. Cooperating players will rule this game, a squad if 3 can ruin the enemies day.
Love the combination of perks and load outs ... You can really customize to mark fun charachters and with the way the unlock system works it will be easy to have a broad range of characters with different load outs to play with.
The battlefields are huge, yet ground control keeps the action confined, 32 players is perfect for these maps.
FINALBOSS said:I'm not too interested in the MP in this game (sort of as a wait and see deal--especially since I have KZ3 and loving it with the Move). But the plot of this game very much intrigues me. Things that involve people enslaving and occupying Americans really gets me fired up.
Mr. Snrub said:This sounds GREAT, thank you.
Is there any rhyme/reason to the spawn system? Doesn't seem like you can select where you spawn.
FINALBOSS said:I'm not too interested in the MP in this game (sort of as a wait and see deal--especially since I have KZ3 and loving it with the Move). But the plot of this game very much intrigues me. Things that involve people enslaving and occupying Americans really gets me fired up.
Bboy AJ said:Yes, yes, great scores! Fuck Edge's misleading score. IDGAF about single player.
Awesome!!!!!!Bamelin said:I managed to get a attack chopper today. Very easy to fly in the 360 version ... Not a lot of people have figured out these things really need to be shot down asap .... They are deadly in a way no chopper has been before in any game i have played.
Was ruining people with it, but i think as people get more used to the game you'll see a lot more people trying to take the choppers out. They are also expensive as he'll at 3800 or so points to buy so you won't see them out till mid late game.
Love the sentry jaguar drone ... Awesome to roll around in ... Will often go in first with a drone to a capture point to try to clear a room before the rest of the troops toss in flash bangs and move in.
Air surveillance is awesome as well and makes a huge difference for the team in spotting out incoming enemy rushes as well as camping snipers. Air surveillance is rewarding too, each spot is 30 bps with another 40 bps awarded if somebody you spotted is killed by a teammate. Tanks and humvees are a blast to drive around in but aren't too overpowered in terms of being taken out with RPGs.
Ground control is a fantastic mode with a hitting battlefield and so far the maps are VERY balanced. Cooperating players will rule this game, a squad if 3 can ruin the enemies day.
Love the combination of perks and load outs ... You can really customize to mark fun charachters and with the way the unlock system works it will be easy to have a broad range of characters with different load outs to play with.
The battlefields are huge, yet ground control keeps the action confined, 32 players is perfect for these maps.
MarshMellow96 said:The default MP gun sounds AWESOME.
I can say unequivocally that the multiplayer in Homefront is, by far, my multiplayer of choice in the FPS genre.
Deadly Cyclone said:Added some new reviews from smaller sites to the OP.
Xbox Addict - 93%
MS Xbox World - 8.5
HardGame - 9.5
Multiplayer.it - 8.5
XboxAddict said:THQ has already set personal records for preorders and I have no doubt that Homefront will be their hit this year. Combining so many elements into such a cohesive story, THQ has reminded me why I love gaming. The only fault I could find other than the character models was the relatively short single player campaign; on the hard level I finished the game in less than 7 hours. As a casual gamer I found the hard setting just difficult enough to be engaging while allowing steady progression. I didn't find all the collectibles and there are plenty of achievements I'll be going back to hunt for but I was disappointed that there wasnt' more. As much as this is a fault I think it speaks volumes to the quality of the story itself, you see, I wasn't disappointed that the game was short....I was disappointed that I couldn't spend more time in the Homefront universe. With that being said, I offer an open invitation and request to THQ and KAOS....get on some DLC...NOW!!! You've created a detailed and emotionally charged game world...now you need to expand the experience by giving us more. It seems that your greatest strength may become a developers weakness....you've set the bar and like you have stated time and again; Home is where the heart WAR is!
Homefront is a Steamworks game too. You win this time, D2D.vidal said:Heads up for those on the fence about Homefront on PC. Direct2Drive has a coupon that allows 20% off on games including pre-orders.
From CAG
Brings Homefront to $40 USD. The Direct2Drive pre-order still includes Metro 2033 (but not the TF2 hat).
Bamelin said:I think that Xbox Addict comments sum up how I feel too. There's so many cookie cutter me too shooters out there ... Homefront does something very different story wise, and the multiplayer is unique enough that it feels different from CoD, KZ3, Battlefield and the rest.
I felt the same way about Frontlines ... very fun unique feeling multiplayer, and map design that is by far some of the best out there.
Can't stress that enough, the multiplayer map design is phenomenal, not a bad one in the rotation.
THQ is rapidly becoming one of my favorite publishers ... I've always seen them as the underdog in the fight against the giants that are Activision and EA .... it puts them in a fighting position, willing to take big (and risky) chances to establish their own brands/IP's.
Mr. Snrub said:HD SP walkthrough with commentary: