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Homefront |OT| of The Greater Goliath Republic

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Great impressions Bamelin.

Just spoke with KAOS CHEFS (Jeremy G, Community Manager) on the phone, he mentioned everything is going well on the show floor at PAX East, a lot of people playing the game. If any Gaffers are there head over and check out Homefront.
Still watching this stream and saw a white phosphorous airstrike :O

EDIT: stream is over but airstrike is around 44 minute mark. Lots of good gameplay in this vid.

AltogetherAndrews said:
uuhh... is this some official sponsored promo thread or something?

Deadly Cyclone is a mod over at the Homefront forums, if that makes any difference.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Just spoke with KAOS CHEFS (Jeremy G, Community Manager) on the phone, he mentioned everything is going well on the show floor at PAX East, a lot of people playing the game. If any Gaffers are there head over and check out Homefront.

uuhh... is this some official sponsored promo thread or something?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
AltogetherAndrews said:
uuhh... is this some official sponsored promo thread or something?

No, not at all. I moderate the Homefront boards for them though. Just wanted to see if any gaffers could post some impressions from PAX east.


Gold Member
Ok that MP footage looks fuckin vicious!! I am pumped.

Not to mention John Milius movies were a staple of my childhood. I think this game deserves to be bought.


Just asking cause this is a must. Will I be able to slap C-4 or some sort of explosive and drive a fast moving vehicle into someone or something? God I love doing that on BFBC2.


After watching the multiplayer, it seems every time you spawn, you get to see the names (and thus the positions) of the enemy team? Not sure if I like that. I know positions could change between the time you spawn and the time you actually get into the heat of battle, but that's still a bit unsettling.
vidal said:
After watching the multiplayer, it seems every time you spawn, you get to see the names (and thus the positions) of the enemy team? Not sure if I like that. I know positions could change between the time you spawn and the time you actually get into the heat of battle, but that's still a bit unsettling.

Maybe Bamelin or Deadly Cyclone can comment on this, but I haven't heard any players with a copy of the game complain about it yet. The game seems heavily geared towards balancing campers, so I'm sure it was an intentional design decision.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Mr. Snrub said:
Maybe Bamelin or Deadly Cyclone can comment on this, but I haven't heard any players with a copy of the game complain about it yet. The game seems heavily geared towards balancing campers, so I'm sure it was an intentional design decision.

I absolutely loved that feature in my playing time at the THQ event. It really helps to prevent spawn camping because you get a split-second view of where potential spawn campers are, and it kind of helped give you a general feel for where the battle was taking place, so you don't just run around aimlessly.
Deadly Cyclone said:
I absolutely loved that feature in my playing time at the THQ event. It really helps to prevent spawn camping because you get a split-second view of where potential spawn campers are, and it kind of helped give you a general feel for where the battle was taking place, so you don't just run around aimlessly.

Ah, didn't think about that, good point.

MP stream is back up: http://www.justin.tv/xg247#/w/955498512
So do we have any indication, other than the storyline and the setting, that the gameplay in the single player is going to set itself apart from the CoD style run and gun/linear/scripted style of shooters in any meaningful way?
Neuromancer said:
So do we have any indication, other than the storyline and the setting, that the gameplay in the single player is going to set itself apart from the CoD style run and gun/linear/scripted style of shooters in any meaningful way?

Not really...I think there are some vehicle portions, but most of the SP praise has been for the story/world/atmosphere, not necessarily the mechanics.


Forgive me if I'm being redundant by asking, but does this have any sort of coop, local multiplayer, or splitscreen?

Also, for those who have played Call of Duty or Battlefield on consoles: is there a Battlefield-like or "Tactical-like" (CoD) control scheme? Right stick to crouch, B to melee, etc.


nicholasbrutal said:
Just throwing this out there: online reviews (at least in North America) are embargoed by THQ until next Tuesday. Well, I mean, at least they're supposed to be.

But yes, those are very positive reviews!

Embargo was lifted. Sent you a PM Nicolas


Mr. Snrub said:
Maybe Bamelin or Deadly Cyclone can comment on this, but I haven't heard any players with a copy of the game complain about it yet. The game seems heavily geared towards balancing campers, so I'm sure it was an intentional design decision.

See here is the interesting thing. The devs have intentionally made the game a campers dream. So many places to hide ... lots of easy targets milling about. BUT with the Battle Commander system you can only get a few easy kills before everyone is "on to you". So it's totally balanced.

This works the same way with drones as I found out about an hour ago.

I was using my sentry drone and got up to a 3 star drone alert. Half their team came waaaay out to where I was hiding to find me. Well maybe not half, but at least 3 guys.

So picture this I'm tralal'ing up in the sky marking mans right left and centre ... I mark 3 more ... then notice in my drones sentry camera that those 3 mans I just marked are awfullllly close to the building I'm hiding in. OH SHIT THEY JUST WENT IN THE BUILDING!

I was on the second floor. You can actually snap back to your soldier leaving your drone on idle (and hope it doesn't get destroyed). I managed to take two of them out before the third one put a bullet through my head!

So this is what I mean about campers ... great game for camping in terms of map design, but TOTALLY balanced by checks to ensure that if you DO decide to camp, there is going to be a price you pay (in that eventually everyone on the enemy team knows the area you are in, AND there is a nice bounty put on your head).

Some other comments from 3 hours of play this afternoon ... the mini tank drone armed with machine guns is freaking fun ... I drove it into a house, up the stairs and murdered the guy sniping out the window. I bet he had a oh shit moment when he turned and saw my mechanical turret in his face haha

Love the maps. Got to play on two new one's today ... Suburbia and Cul de Sac. Both take place in Americana suburbia .... something really cool about fighting in those environments. Suburbia is 360 exclusive I believe ... both rock.

You've got (sub)urban fighting, you've got fighting in the farmlands, some cool fights on a map featuring an overhead expressway .... lots of cover on most maps too available to avoid annoying napalm bombs or hellfire missiles.

This is the first FPS game I've played where playing pure "support" role (that isn't medic) is actually useful. I had 0 kills one match but 21 "Assists" (all from my sentry drone markings of hostiles). So far loving it.

edit: One other note ... the game I was in last there were alot of choppers. Best way to take them out is to spawn in one yourself ... the attack chopper has missile locks for air combat.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Bam, your posts just keep getting me more and more hyped for this game.


Flunkie said:
Forgive me if I'm being redundant by asking, but does this have any sort of coop, local multiplayer, or splitscreen?

Also, for those who have played Call of Duty or Battlefield on consoles: is there a Battlefield-like or "Tactical-like" (CoD) control scheme? Right stick to crouch, B to melee, etc.
no coop in the campaign as far as I've read.
Just watched the official trailer. Damn, this game looks good.

None of my friends are gonna get it though.

Anyone want a new 360 friend? :)
Bamelin said:
This is the first FPS game I've played where playing pure "support" role (that isn't medic) is actually useful. I had 0 kills one match but 21 "Assists" (all from my sentry drone markings of hostiles). So far loving it.



We should make a GAF clan. What system is everyone getting it for? Obviously I'll be on 360. Gamer tag is bamelin if anyone wants to add me.

I can get the clan up and running if you guys like for 360 players. Need a name though.


Bamelin said:
This is the first FPS game I've played where playing pure "support" role (that isn't medic) is actually useful. I had 0 kills one match but 21 "Assists" (all from my sentry drone markings of hostiles). So far loving it.

How does it compare (or improves) to the battlefield series in that regard?


Everything is tsundere to me
Alright, preordered on steam. Gave the Metro 2033 copy to my uncle to bribe him to keep in touch with my dad more often, but normally I wouldn't have gotten Homefront. I got it so I could use it for a school research project, and part of that is having a focus group play a video game. It's a new release so I'll be able to get some cleaner data, plus Kaos is real close by to me. Actually, does anyone know my chances of having some of the senior team leads sit down with me and discuss the game? It would be nice to know the authorial intent to a certain extent. I'll be sending the emails anyway, I just think it would be neat.

Also, does the PC version have 360 pad support? I want to give them the option between KB&M and gamepad, since some people prefer one or the other.


buy teh haloz said:
What's the difference between all the classes, like 'Assault', 'Heavy' etc? I thought they were all fully customisable?

From what I can see eventually there is no difference.

As you level p you slowly unlock equipment that you can customize into your loadset.

The initial 5 classes you can pick have some equipment that doesn't unlock (if making a custom character) until very high levels (but you can use at the start in that preset)

I'm level 14 and have a few customized loadouts but I also use sone of the preset ones too (although you can event still customize presets with unlocke equipment if you want)


Beaulieu said:
How does it compare (or improves) to the battlefield series in that regard?

I think it's better than bf but that's my opinion in terms of playing full on support. Especially if you like drones.

Have to drive my wife to work but when I get back I'll answer this better.
Bamelin said:
I think it's better than bf but that's my opinion in terms of playing full on support. Especially if you like drones.

Have to drive my wife to work but when I get back I'll answer this better.

Thanks for all the great impressions and answering questions.
Flunkie said:
Forgive me if I'm being redundant by asking, but does this have any sort of coop, local multiplayer, or splitscreen?

Also, for those who have played Call of Duty or Battlefield on consoles: is there a Battlefield-like or "Tactical-like" (CoD) control scheme? Right stick to crouch, B to melee, etc.

Default control scheme is same as CoD.


Beaulieu said:
How does it compare (or improves) to the battlefield series in that regard?

Ok I'm back. Comparing the game to Battlefield I'd have to say the size of the maps are similar. When I play CoD the maps feel small (to me, and that's comparing to Modern Warfare 2, I passed on Spec Ops), when I play Battlefield I feel small because the maps are so big.

Homefront falls more into Battlefield territory with huge expansive maps. I feel that Homefront offers more cover, better placement of objects on the map ... like you can tell while playing "damn this is a great place for a window" or "thank god that overturned car was here to provide me with some cover". Homefront however doesn't have the same "blow static items up" type gameplay that Battlefield has ... I prefer this as it allows me to be more strategic in my cover, I know if I make it behind something it isn't going to get blown to shit. No bullet penetration that I could see either.

Going back to support classes ... I feel that Homefront lets you play how you want to play. No more fighting over vehicles for instance ... want one? Spawn your own when you have enough points. You can choose to save up for better shit or spend as you please, there are items, vehicles and abilities all over the battle point scale.

So maybe your vision of supporting your team is that you are going to drive Humvee's all match (the cheapest vehicle at 400 bps) to provide a roving spawn (remember a teamate can spawn into your vehicle), and extra firepower from the 50 Cal ... if so no problem! Or maybe like me, your going to fly a drone around all match and spot out enemies to help the team. Believe me when I say spotting is useful ... I saved MANY people's lives on my team.

There isn't any support in a traditional Battlefield sense ... no medics and vehicles can't be repaired. It doesn't really matter though there's almost always a teamates vehicle to spawn into, and if not you have the option to grab one after your next death. Support in this game is more about choosing your role (be it the camping sniper, the guard of the capture point, an offence capper, the drone guy, the guy that saves up for airstrikes exclusively -- perhaps using the pennypincher perk at 3 pts which makes abilities cost less bps, or maybe you are the guy that is carrying RPG's/launchers all the time to take out those pesky choppers, or maybe you are the guy who makes it his mission to kills anyone who pops up on the Battle Commanders alerts.

Everything from your guns to your perks to your vehicles, your vehicles perks, your special abilities, the type of grenades (EMP or flash) ... everything in this game is about player choice.

I think that's why I like it so much. It's my choice to pick out exactly how I want to outfit my solider, to choose what I'm going to do throughout the match, and the gameplay mechanics are set up that I inevitably end up doing shit that helps my team because that's what gets me BPS for more toys.

You can tell the devs know their shit based on the system. If you want to camp the maps are set up to that, if you like to kill campers the game encourages that too. The Battle Commander system is a ego boost to the camper (oh shit I'm WANTED! woohoo), the maps support camping in every possible way but the battle commander system is a nice check and balance that says "Hey the motherfucker is over here and we'll give you a fat reward if you take him down" for those that hate campers. So the game plays to both gamestyles.

The Battle Commander thing is almost a game within a game ...

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
I hope this game has the COD tactical control scheme. Can anyone confirm button B can be used to melee instead of right stick?


Played a review copy of a close friends for an hour in SP... He knew I was super excited and while presentation is great the SP game is a mess...

Controls are not as tight as you would expect, the graphics (360) look terrible..washed out low res with pop ins, and it's just a crap load of enemies spawning everywhere way too scripted

I'll pick it up to play thru the story but I think this will not end well


Trucker Sexologist
TwIsTeD said:
Played a review copy of a close friends for an hour in SP... He knew I was super excited and while presentation is great the SP game is a mess...

Controls are not as tight as you would expect, the graphics (360) look terrible..washed out low res with pop ins, and it's just a crap load of enemies spawning everywhere way too scripted

I'll pick it up to play thru the story but I think this will not end well
You've basically just described every console FPS game released this gen.


Gonna pick this up for 17.99 with the 40$ credit i got on Amazon. then use the 10$ on Crysis 2 next week.

Good times at Amazon!!
TwIsTeD said:
Played a review copy of a close friends for an hour in SP... He knew I was super excited and while presentation is great the SP game is a mess...

Controls are not as tight as you would expect, the graphics (360) look terrible..washed out low res with pop ins, and it's just a crap load of enemies spawning everywhere way too scripted

I'll pick it up to play thru the story but I think this will not end well

I agree to everything you say (PS3 version) except the presentation part, it is fine but i didn't find it so great.

Bboy AJ said:
I hope this game has the COD tactical control scheme. Can anyone confirm button B can be used to melee instead of right stick?

I checked the controls. While default scheme is same as CoD, only alternative scheme is southpaw. It explains itself i guess :)

Mikey Jr.

valentine71 said:
I agree to everything you say (PS3 version) except the presentation part, it is fine but i didn't find it so great.

I checked the controls. While default scheme is same as CoD, only alternative scheme is southpaw. It explains itself i guess :)

How's the ps3 version in relation to the 360 version? Mainly framerate I am concerned about. Visuals are probaby worse I'm guessing?
Mikey Jr. said:
How's the ps3 version in relation to the 360 version? Mainly framerate I am concerned about. Visuals are probaby worse I'm guessing?

I haven't played the 360 version so i can't compare really. 1 hour into the SP campaign or so and haven't noticed any frame-rate issues. When it comes to visuals, they do suck imo, there are really some nice set pieces in SP but graphics are so bad its hard enjoy it. Expect MoH (latest one) quality. It's really a bad bad port. Also i loved one certain companion
as much as i loved Rico in KZ series!
valentine71 said:
I haven't played the 360 version so i can't compare really. 1 hour into the SP campaign or so and haven't noticed any frame-rate issues. When it comes to visuals, they do suck imo, there are really some nice set pieces in SP but graphics are so bad its hard enjoy it. Expect MoH (latest one) quality. It's really a bad bad port. Also i loved one certain companion
as much as i loved Rico in KZ series!

How can you say its a bad port if you have no 360 version to compair?.
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