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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Oh brother , I didn't know there was going to be so much Caracas in this season. It's like someone designed a show for my mother, she's going to lose it when she sees the heroin guy's apartment, might even drop the show altogether.

Funky Papa

But I have a feeling the way they present it is a bit too misleading. Do they ever really give us any indication she's faking it in the mental hospital? It all seemed pretty real and raw to me.

She was not faking in the mental hospital. She really did go off her meds, she really was getting drugged into oblivion in the hospital, she really was miserable there. When she calls her dad telling him to give the message to Saul that she 'can't do this any more', she's talking about the mission.

Deku Tree

Great episode!

Biggest bombshell on it IMO:
wasn't that an Iranian Special Forces dude (from earlier in the episode) in Saul's Dining Room hanging out with his lady?


The scene with Dana and Dexter Jr. made me laugh out loud. Dana running out of the car in the street, awkwardly moving toward the truck, then running into the grass...
Almost fell asleep actually. Too much Dana as usual and now she's run back home to cry. Seriously, these episodes are short but I'd rather they be 10 minutes shorter if we'd just cut Brody's family out of it.

As for Saul/Carrie plot, it's not bad. Too bad Carrie got caught up in the Brody escapades again.

Best line was Quinn when Saul told him the whole mental hospital had been a lure. "Fuck me."


I think I'm done if things don't pick up after next episode.

This episode was so bad it gave me a headache. The Brody family being on this show stopped making sense last season, and every leap the show takes to make them relevant to the overall plot just drags the entire show down to Shitsville. Despite the fact that Jessica going to Carrie for any reason whatsoever at this point makes not a damn bit of sense, that Carrie was so willing to jeopardize the mission she's spent all season building up just to help find fucking Dana was a bigger leap than the show should have expected anyone to take. Just continuing the trend of Carrie becoming a fucking idiot anytime the name "Brody" is mentioned, and the twist at the end wasn't enough to make up for the 50 minutes that came before it.

Also, I can't deal with Dana's teenage bullshit anymore, and believe it or not its taken up the VAST majority of screentime this season.


That was really awful. Wasn't Dana's plot supposed to tie into the main show? If they meant it would ruin Carrie's cover there were ways of doing it that wouldnt waste 20 minutes an episode

Also what a surprise that mentally unstable Carrie blows her cover as soon as its convenient for the show and yet we're meant to believe that she and Saul pulled off their incredibly complicated ploy without a hitch
Damn when are they going to show Brody again? Bad day for Saul. Get's fucked over by the President for the CIA job and then by his wife who is fucking another guy.


This was the best episode of the season for me thus far. Dana was kept to a minimum, and although she did almost ruin Saul's plans, she didn't in the end. As for Saul, the guy clearly gives zero fucks about Carrie at this point, which Carrie probably should have realized before she got stuffed in a van. Dana's mom going to Carrie was really the one weird moment of the show for me, considering that by this point it had been on the news that she was fucking her husband.

I guess Brody is just lounging around and chasing the dragon in Venezuela. I don't know why he's still on the show or what he could possibly contribute at this point. I guess he could eventually try to tell the world that he didn't do it, but no one would believe him. I suppose his function is to be one of the only people left that cares about Carrie at all (or so we've been led to believe).

why would she.... ughhh

btw who was that guy in the house when Dana came home?

Her brother?


i just wanna gouge my eyes as soon as dana shows up. my god what a pathetic plot for this character. It seems that the writers themselves don't know what to do with Brody's character. He showed up in one episode and we still haven't seen him again. Maybe his big moment will be towards the end of the season.

carrie off her meds again...hope we don't venture into that territory again of her going crazy. Quinn as usual remains my favourite part of the show.

Chris R

I laughed out loud.

Also, thank god Dana is home. But WTF at the arc in the first place.

Episode was big step down from last week, which I loved.

I wonder if psycho boyfriend is going to kidnap Dana in a future episode now...

And it wasn't really a step down, rather part 1 of a bigger episode.
They got Dana all over it, and infected Carrie with Dana, so a step down.

Why in the hell would Jess go to Carrie, of all people, for help? Seemed very contrived just to get Carrie to risk the mission for some cheap suspense. It really felt like padding the season to draw out the time until the meeting.


tonight's episode was pretty good. Nice return to actual spy thriller kind of stuff.

Saul seems to not be the nice guy we all imagined him to be it. I suspect at this point he just views Carrie as a useful asset that as long as she is useful he will do what he needs to do to keep the asset in play.

Quinn seems to be the only one whoa actually gives a shit


It's kind of crazy that we're nearing the midpoint of the season and so far Brody has only been in (half of) a single episode.

Pretty good episode aside from the Dana stuff.


Hunky Nostradamus
Sooo why did Jessica go to Carrie for help? What? Why didn't she just report her car as stolen or whatever it was that the cop suggested last week?

Why did Carrie risk everything to help Dana? (Because if Brody ever tried to contact someone it would be her, I know I know. Ugh)

And Carrie flushing her pills again? She's going off her meds again??? After everything she went through in the first 3-4 episodes?

Oh my god.

That said, at least Dana's misadventures with Leo appears to be over with (though I'm sure he'll show up again at some point) and the actual spy stuff (yoga call, strip search, Quinn keeping surveillance) was fairly interesting.
Good stuff form the spy/CIA front tonight (for some reason I never really thought of the idea that Saul wouldn't actually be named permanent director of the CIA, which seems silly of me). Good to see Quinn back after a few weeks, quality character.

The Dana stuff thought is straight up some of the worst shit I've seen on a TV show that is otherwise pretty decent most of the time (even if it strays out of the believable). I mean seriously, it's so shockingly bad I just find myself audibly saying "what the fuck am I watching" at that arc.


Dana's shit is so bad, it's not even funny. The actress is terrible, I was literally laughing when she 'cried' in her room after the day long melodrama.

Jessica going to Carrie makes zero fucking sense either, the Brody family is a blight to an otherwise entertaining show. Shit is going sideways for Saul unfortunately lol


Hopefully the awful Dana bits are over. I'd rather this be a filler, waste of time, storyline than any possibility of it continuing. I'd rather watch Brody get high in South America than watch Dana again.

Sepinwall review is a good read. I like that he just continues to shit on that cheap twist from last ep.


Nah, I'm sure they'll find a way to waste more time with Dana's bullshit. The other guy will probably release her selfie nude pics to the public or something and the drama will continue.
Carrie's meds drama is tiring. The Dana bullshit is tiring. But other than that, I thought it was a good episode. I don't even miss Brody. Set things up really well for next week.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I laughed out loud at the preview for next week.
"The machine says you're lying!"
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