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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Yea that scene, while well acted, was still unintentionally hilarious.

Carrie's cry face has some new competition.

We need a gif of that scene, too.


SO the first scene in this episode with Dana is how the facade is crumbling with the boyfriend....

Why the hell is she going to Carrie for help?



Episode 4 aired in the UK Sunday Just gone.
Liked the twist at the end; I was wondering whether the episode was going, but she's obviously a double agent. Bit confusing to try and figure out where she was being genuine (eg saying "fuck you" to Saul and not).


Dana's acting was god tier.
I am glad that the creators did not cave in and say "yeah, it is directly related to the main story" just to please impatient watchers.
Is Maharg scared of losing his cool card by coming here and saying something positive about the show ? ;)

Seriously, this season is so much better than season 2. They really toned it down a notch; it doesn't feel like 24 anymore.


Are Gansa and co. writing this season with the intention of proving to Showtime that they don't need Brody for the show to survive? We're nearly halfway through and he's only been in one (useless) hour.


So the whole purpose of the Dana/Leo storyline was to find a way to make Carrie blow her cover.

Also to have Jessica admit to Carrie she was right about Brody.

(I still loathe how Brody'sNicholas' wife and best friend call him Brody. Call him Nick, for fuck's sake.)


I feel like they got back on track with this ep. Hopefully the Dana shit is done and Carrie's story is interesting again.


This season is really odd so far. Like, nothing has happened.

Brody has been in half an episode. Really not sure where it's going, but everything feels like padding until they can show the important stuff at the end of the season.


The weirdness isn't Jessica not taking Brody's last name (if that's the case).

The weirdness is a spouse calling his/her partner by their last name. I'm sure it happens in real life, but hey, we need something to bitch about.
Where do you live and why is it illegal?

I'm in Québec. Article 5 of the Civil Code of Québec states that "Every person exercises his civil rights under the name assigned to him and stated in his act of birth." The reason it is that way and no exception is made for marriages or civil unions is for man-woman equality. The tradition of the wife taking her husband's name is a patriarchal one, which equates the wife to a possession meant to be marked by its owner. The government wanted to curb this so since April 2nd 1981, everyone who gets married in Québec has to keep their name. If a foreign couple were to get married in Québec and one of the them wanted to take the other's name, they would have to get remarried in their home country (or in another Canadian province) as the law makes no exception for foreigners.


My circle of friends all refer to a particular friend by his last name, it's not that unusual
Even his wife does it around us
The weirdness is a spouse calling his/her partner by their last name. I'm sure it happens in real life, but hey, we need something to bitch about.

Yeah, it's weird. I worked with a girl who would sometimes call her boyfriend by his last name, which would anger him and have him tell her to not do that.

I'm sure it's like this for most people. I mean, Christ, when you're dating someone or are married to him/her, you should damn well better be on a first-name basis.


The weirdness isn't Jessica not taking Brody's last name (if that's the case).

The weirdness is a spouse calling his/her partner by their last name. I'm sure it happens in real life, but hey, we need something to bitch about.

I call some of my friends by their last name and I know some people that use their last name pretty much exclusively. I bring up Jessica's name because I think it is far stranger to refer to a relative/spouse by the last name you share (and she does share it afaik -- either way her kids certainly do).


- I liked this episode outside of the Dana material. They reeeeeally need to make Dana relevant to the broader storyline beyond "I'm sad and betrayed and think my father is a terrorist poopy head and it hurts." In the right situation that would be a fine story to tell, but it's clear that this is not that situation. It is not a good enough portrayal of "the war at home" to justify itself on its own.

- A+ for having Virgil and Max, but we need more Virgil quips!

- Even though he's being massively insensitive towards Carrie, I'm going to give Saul the benefit of the doubt that in the end he'll do what it takes to do the right thing for her. The "twist" from the previous episode wasn't a twist to me, it was just a confirmation that the writers hadn't forgotten where Carrie and Saul were at the end of season 2. His agency problems (not to mention his perpetual marriage difficulties) are making him all the worse, and we haven't even seen the bottom yet. He'll probably reach out to Dar Adal and make a very sketchy deal in order to get something done before he's drummed out of his position. But Good Saul will win out in the end. Even if it costs him everything.


This was the best episode of the season for me thus far. Dana was kept to a minimum, and although she did almost ruin Saul's plans, she didn't in the end. As for Saul, the guy clearly gives zero fucks about Carrie at this point, which Carrie probably should have realized before she got stuffed in a van. Dana's mom going to Carrie was really the one weird moment of the show for me, considering that by this point it had been on the news that she was fucking her husband.

I guess Brody is just lounging around and chasing the dragon in Venezuela. I don't know why he's still on the show or what he could possibly contribute at this point. I guess he could eventually try to tell the world that he didn't do it, but no one would believe him. I suppose his function is to be one of the only people left that cares about Carrie at all (or so we've been led to believe).

Her brother?

oh, is that who he is, have we seen him before?


isn't this guy the mastermind behind the CIA bombing?

Yes most likely, but that still wouldn't make him a terrorist. Terrorism is specifically defined as the use of violence against (keyword here) a civilian population for the purpose of advocating some type of political change or action (think 9/11). The CIA would not fall into this definition as a "civilian population/target" it is more akin to a military command and control center. Afterall, it wouldn't be terrorism if the US bombed the Iranian spy agency nor is it called terrorism when we destroy terrorist training camps.

Remember, the Iranians are responding in the show to the US support of the Israelis bombing campaign against Iranian nuclear power centers. Thus, the Iranians bombing of the CIA is more akin to a cover strike of retaliation, or sabotage as part of a larger guerrilla war and would not be classified as terrorism. Now, if they were to say blow up a shopping mall then that would be terrorism.
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