This season has made it clear that the producers HAD to keep Brody around and screwed the pooch by putting him on a bus last season.
However contrived the plotline machinations to keep him around, Homeland is a better show with him in it.
I don't know man. I am really liking the Carrie/Saul/Quinn/Farah team we got here. I could go with that for 50 minutes without any Brody family bullshit. I'm getting tired of it.
You know what I would have liked ? That Dana had been written to lose her mind throughout the whole season, culminating in her blowing herself up as her father tried to do once. Maybe it sounds weird, but I'm sure the writers could have done something great with this idea. It would have been better than the boring family drama that we've had thus far.
I mean, christ, Zach Hamilton came and went so quickly. Every time he was on screen was time wasted. Now he's just gone. Nothing good came out of him.
Do you remember Carrie's recruit back in season one ? The hot blonde who posed as a secretary for the prince ? I was pissed when she was killed and now I'm even more pissed considering the potential I am seeing in her character. She could have been a main character, staying with the prince, who could have been rewritten as an actual terrorist. So instead of each episode being 2/3rds Carrie/CIA/Spy stuff that we like and 1/3rd boring Brody family stuff, we could have gotten CIA/Spy stuff for the whole episode. The writers could have satisfied all of their love story/greek tragedy urges with her and the prince. They could have played with the story of her falling in love with an
actual terrorist who truly murders people, all the while spying and reporting to Carrie, keeping shit interesting and not 100% a soap opera. It could also have been refreshing to see the environment change from scene to scene, had they filmed most of her scenes in the Middle East.
I think it would have been a great dynamic and definitely better than what we have now, as everytime the Brodys occupy the screen, it's as if the main story gets paused. It's frustrating.