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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Carrie blowing the op and Saul's wife's affair dude being an agent are groan worthy. Besides that, I was enjoying it. I was about to say two episodes with no Brody's, but dammit Saul
Carrie's actually preggers. Ugh. And her obsession with Brody and her willingness to fuck things up is so damn tired.

Other than that great episode. Can't wait to see what happens with Saul and Brody next week.

[edit]: Oh, and I'll take Berenson marriage drama over Dana bullshit drama any day. At least Mira's ex-lover seems to be a nefarious spy.

I could definitely do without this pregnancy bullshit, though.
This show is so good and so bad!

Carrie is fucking things up all the time, can the writers just please stop fucking things up? It was pure happiness I felt as they shot carrie! If she aint done working for the CIA now I dont know what, they cant keep such a lunatic on the team.

This pregnancy shit is going to ruin the show even more.

Sauls girlfriends lover is obviously a spy.

I wonder what Saul has planned for Brody?


It's a little odd that they shot Carrie and no one heard the sound of the gunshot, isn't it? Quinn wasn't that far away. The guy continuing with his plan after hearing a woman go "AAAAHHH" was also a little bit...mmm..

I guess the plan is to make sure that people still think Brody did it (to protect the cover of the guy they recruited) but I don't understand why they'd risk it by going after the guy that actually did it at this point. Going after the law firm seems equally as pointless when they've got the guy pulling their strings recruited already.

Carrie's right; It doesn't make sense.

There is no way she will actually birth that kid, guys.

I figured the bullet was going to take care of that, but I guess not.


Nice episode with a lot of interesting stuff. Brody is so fucked up. Also, I am pretty sure that Carrie's baby gonna die or something, need to relax and avoid being shot.


It's a little odd that they shot Carrie and no one heard the sound of the gunshot, isn't it? Quinn wasn't that far away. The guy continuing with his plan after hearing a woman go "AAAAHHH" was also a little bit...mmm..

I guess the plan is to make sure that people still think Brody did it (to protect the cover of the guy they recruited) but I don't understand why they'd risk it by going after the guy that actually did it at this point. Going after the law firm seems equally as pointless when they've got the guy pulling their strings recruited already.

Carrie's right; It doesn't make sense.

I figured the bullet was going to take care of that, but I guess not.


The shout from Carrie would have been louder than the gunshot most likely(assuming subsonic ammo).


Count of Concision
I for one am SO happy that Quinn shot Carrie and didn't let his feelings for her interfere. I'm sick of her bleeding heart and emotionalism/impulsivity compromising investigations and letting the bad guys get away. I felt like punching her in the face myself when she got out of that car lol. Like, how many times will she be allowed to bollix up investigations with her recklessness and disobedience?


This show is strange, at this point. Each season bas been different, imo, with a weird mix of good stuff and bad stuff.

Its attempts at showing the "personal lives" of its characters almost always fail and feel unnecessary. Brody family, Carrie's issues, etc.

Overall, if just feels very scatterbrained. But I keep watching for the compelling parts.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Just saw the promo

Are they thinking turn Brody into a kind of Jack Bauer killing machine?

Seems like Saul's plan is to have Brody take out the Iranian officers above Javadi, allowing him to climb the chain of command.


This show is strange, at this point. Each season bas been different, imo, with a weird mix of good stuff and bad stuff.

Its attempts at showing the "personal lives" of its characters almost always fail and feel unnecessary. Brody family, Carrie's issues, etc.

Overall, if just feels very scatterbrained. But I keep watching for the compelling parts.

Completely agree but this season so far has been miles better than the train wreck that was season 2. Still, Carrie almost blowing the operation in the last episode was just stupid.


This ep should be titled How Saul Got His Groove Back.

Carrie still being pregnant...sigh. Also almost blowing that operation, that's just fucking stupid. Also is she pregnant with Brody's baby? I just refuse to believe this, I don't want to believe this, please no.

Ex Bf is a spy, that's dandy.

And I guess Brody is back for realsies, which is just dandy.

I still found a lot of the scenes in this ep engrossing as all heck, But I sense danger, I sense a crazy pulpy future of magnifying glasses and Carrie going terrorist hunting with a lead pipe. Hopefully the show can keep itself together, and continue to take it's lithium medication.
For a second there I thought the guy sleeping with Saul's wife was the bomber.

This might sound incredibly stupid, but can blood loss lead to a miscarriage?


For a second there I thought the guy sleeping with Saul's wife was the bomber.

This might sound incredibly stupid, but can blood loss lead to a miscarriage?

I'm not a doctor, but I'd imagine that the mother would probably die first.

I honestly thought Quinn was gonna tragically shoot Carrie's unborn fetus. That would've been awkward.

I half expected Carrie to yell "I'm preheh heh heh HEGNANT YOU DOUCHE!"


Jesus christ saul. Is this your first relationship? Be with your lady!

I like how Saul's wife expects him to put matters of national security on the back burner so that she can get some nooky. It's almost as if the writers need to add a shallow secondary conflict for the character.
You guys are being too harsh. That episode was great. Or fine, at the very least. And Carrie carrying Brody's child isn't the end of the world. It's perfectly fine to me.


I'm not sure what the consensus here is on the past week or 2, but I am loving this season right now. I thought this episode was great, very tense. The only problem I have is with Carrie. Goddamn is she stupid. But really enjoying everything else.

I like how Saul's wife expects him to put matters of national security on the back burner so that she can get some nooky. It's almost as if the writers need to add a shallow secondary conflict for the character.

Where did she do this? She asked if he could stay home, he said no, she said ok.


Does anyone feel like Saul is different this season? Characters change and the writers have the freedom to change whomever they like. But there's something about him that feels weird. I can't really pin down what it is though. Just a vibe. He was the standout in season 1 and tied with Quinn in season 2. I'm not digging him as much.
I started laughing my ass off when Carrie defied orders and jumped out of the car. I completely buy that she would do that, however, and i think this instance was more justified, at least from her perspective, than when it happened last season. Quinn taking the shot was rather satisfying too. :)

I'm not too optimistic about where they're taking Brody, but i'm willing to give this storyline time to play out before i condemn it. They've earned back some goodwill with me this season, although they did test my patience with the pregnancy development.


Welp, it was good while it lasted. Sad to see Homeland become shit again.

1. Carrie. Oh, Carrie. How many times must you (try to) fuck up an operation? If she's still on the CIA after this latest bout of insubordination, I'm fucking done with this trash. She's a goddamn liability to everyone involved.

Quinn should've put the bullet in her midsection, relieving us of her constant stupidity and sure to be groan-inducing pregnancy subplot.

2. Homeland apes Breaking Bad's made famous corpse-removal method, and they still fuck it up? BATHTUBS ARENT MEANT TO HOLD THE ACID, YO.

3. Mira's boyfriend is a spy? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA




Showtime. Homeland. Never change. You bring the lols to my sundays.

Deku Tree

Welp, it was good while it lasted. Sad to see Homeland become shit again.

1. Carrie. Oh, Carrie. How many times must you (try to) fuck up an operation? If she's still on the CIA after this latest bout of insubordination, I'm fucking done with this trash. She's a goddamn liability to everyone involved.

Quinn should've put the bullet in her midsection, relieving us of her constant stupidity and sure to be groan-inducing pregnancy subplot.

2. Homeland apes Breaking Bad's made famous corpse-removal method, and they still fuck it up? BATHTUBS ARENT MEANT TO HOLD THE ACID, YO.

3. Mira's boyfriend is a spy? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA




Showtime. Homeland. Never change. You bring the lols to my sundays.

Yeah it seems like Showtime missed that Breaking Bad episode...


Saul explained he had to take a trip for work and she was noticeably disappointed.

Of course she was. They had just agreed to work harder on their relationship, and she just left her "love" because she thought Saul had changed. One of their biggest relationship issues was that he was too busy with work.

I assume Saul has not told her the details of what the fuck is going on. And now, the same day, he drops a bomb that he's going away for a few days, and then a week at the most. She has no idea what he is going out for and is upset. Completely normal and expected behavior.


Of course she was. They had just agreed to work harder on their relationship, and she just left her "love" because she thought Saul had changed. One of their biggest relationship issues was that he was too busy with work.

I assume Saul has not told her the details of what the fuck is going on. And now, the same day, he drops a bomb that he's going away for a few days, and then a week at the most. She has no idea what he is going out for and is upset. Completely normal and expected behavior.

By this point anybody involved in a relationship with a top CIA operative would know that Saul's work isn't something he just puts down for quiet time at home. And it's not something he can just talk about openly.

It's not normal or rational to feel sorry for herself because Saul is "busy with work". He's busy with much more than that.
It's a little odd that they shot Carrie and no one heard the sound of the gunshot, isn't it? Quinn wasn't that far away. The guy continuing with his plan after hearing a woman go "AAAAHHH" was also a little bit...mmm..

also weird was that carrie apparently just passed out after that initial yell instead of yelling more and writhing in pain

definitely laughed at the breaking bad connection with the guy in the tub


Why doesn't the director of the CIA have a proper security detail and why isn't his place of residence secure?

STOP, please don't try and use logic when it comes to this show, you're just along for the ride not to make sense of things. You might as well ask why Saul, Carrie, Quinn, and Dar Adal seem to be the only person working in the CIA? Why is Saul personally handling missions like some field agent? Why is the CIA operating within the US with impunity? Why does the FBI or anybody seem to not care about this? What the hell exactly is Carrie's job? What is Quinn's? What the fuck does Dar Adal do other than look creepy and menacing? How did Farrah get hired with direct access to the Director of the CIA in such a short time? And, as you mentioned why does the Director of the CIA not have a security detail or a secure house?

I tend to just tune by brain out from all that stuff.


By this point anybody involved in a relationship with a top CIA operative would know that Saul's work isn't something he just puts down for quiet time at home. And it's not something he can just talk about openly.

It's not normal or rational to feel sorry for herself because Saul is "busy with work". He's busy with much more than that.

It's completely normal for someone to feel sad about a situation. Did she try and stop him? Did she ask for anything? No. You blame the writers for making her shallow but if u had your way she would be a shallow emotionless robot.

This show has plenty of problems. This isn't one of them. This isn't fantasyland where every character reacts selflessly every time.


It's completely normal for someone to feel sad about a situation. Did she try and stop him? Did she ask for anything? No. You blame the writers for making her shallow but if u had your way she would be a shallow emotionless robot.

This show has plenty of problems. This isn't one of them. This isn't fantasyland where every character reacts selflessly every time.

Way to miss the point entirely. Now you're just muddying the conversation and obnoxiously putting words in my mouth.

They've written in an affair to tell people Saul has neglected his wife. Then they've written in a scene where after reconciling, she expresses disappointment that he has to go away for work.

If you think it's normal for someone who's been married for 20-30 years, knowing how important and demanding their spouse's job is, to expect his/her spouse to prioritize family life over matters of national security, you're fooling yourself.

She knows what she's getting into in a marriage with Saul. To express disappointment that he can't be with her when she wants, given his responsibilities, is irrational.


Man, I didn't expect that. Why the hell did they go to the "Carrie ignoring direct orders" well again.

I'm going to take a break from the show and see how I feel about watching it in a month or two.


Welp, it was good while it lasted. Sad to see Homeland become shit again.

1. Carrie. Oh, Carrie. How many times must you (try to) fuck up an operation? If she's still on the CIA after this latest bout of insubordination, I'm fucking done with this trash. She's a goddamn liability to everyone involved.

Quinn should've put the bullet in her midsection, relieving us of her constant stupidity and sure to be groan-inducing pregnancy subplot.

2. Homeland apes Breaking Bad's made famous corpse-removal method, and they still fuck it up? BATHTUBS ARENT MEANT TO HOLD THE ACID, YO.

3. Mira's boyfriend is a spy? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA




Showtime. Homeland. Never change. You bring the lols to my sundays.

Way to overreact.


2. Homeland apes Breaking Bad's made famous corpse-removal method, and they still fuck it up? BATHTUBS ARENT MEANT TO HOLD THE ACID, YO.

According to Mythbusters, Breaking Bad was wrong about this. The Homeland writers actually got that one right.


Who knew it would be so easy to bug the house of a man was almost the chief of the CIA.

Unless they know about it and setting the French guy up etc....


This show can be a hot mess but I can't stop watching. LOLOL @ Mira's boyfriend. Wtf.

And Carrie getting shot. Sitcho ass down! *Felt guuuud*

Was I the only one who thought Dar Adal (dude from amadeus) was the bomber? Hell, I even suspected Fara at one point.


As much as I hate this show, I continue to watch. If only because Saul is the only good character.

When he
locked Lockheart in the conference room
... I am sorry, BA status.
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