The episode was good but the stupid twist was just eh.
Also it makes no sense that these people are still working at the CIA.
The CIA is run by idiots in the show.
They might actually be making a commentary on real life there.
The episode was good but the stupid twist was just eh.
Also it makes no sense that these people are still working at the CIA.
Why is the CIA operating within the US with impunity?.
I really enjoyed the episode but of course it had more of the usual dumbness the show is renowned for.
Could that incoming CIA chief be any more of a cartoon character? He seems to solely exist to oppose Saul in anything he does or say, no matter how illogical it may be.
Welp, it was good while it lasted. Sad to see Homeland become shit again.
1. Carrie. Oh, Carrie. How many times must you (try to) fuck up an operation? If she's still on the CIA after this latest bout of insubordination, I'm fucking done with this trash. She's a goddamn liability to everyone involved.
Quinn should've put the bullet in her midsection, relieving us of her constant stupidity and sure to be groan-inducing pregnancy subplot.
2. Homeland apes Breaking Bad's made famous corpse-removal method, and they still fuck it up? BATHTUBS ARENT MEANT TO HOLD THE ACID, YO.
3. Mira's boyfriend is a spy? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
Showtime. Homeland. Never change. You bring the lols to my sundays.
.The problem is that they always give Carrie an excuse for acting like a deranged lunatic: "She's bipolar!" "She's off her meds!" "She's on her meds!" "She's upset!" "She's in love!" "She's pregnant!" I mean, it would be nice if we could go for a stretch of episodeswithout Carrie turning into a dumbass in distress whenever things get real.the rest of the series
Also, Brody isn't Carrie's family. He's a terrorist.
I wish quinn would have shot carrie in the face.Shes done some stupid shit in this show, but that was by far the worst.
Way to miss the point entirely. Now you're just muddying the conversation and obnoxiously putting words in my mouth.
They've written in an affair to tell people Saul has neglected his wife. Then they've written in a scene where after reconciling, she expresses disappointment that he has to go away for work.
If you think it's normal for someone who's been married for 20-30 years, knowing how important and demanding their spouse's job is, to expect his/her spouse to prioritize family life over matters of national security, you're fooling yourself.
She knows what she's getting into in a marriage with Saul. To express disappointment that he can't be with her when she wants, given his responsibilities, is irrational.
It's a little odd that they shot Carrie and no one heard the sound of the gunshot, isn't it? Quinn wasn't that far away.
I'd be quite happy with season 3 ending with Brody taking out some high-level Iranian guy (who is visiting Venezuela for some contrived reason) and dying in the process.
Then, season 4 is all about running Javadi, who is now in a very senior position. Basically, I want to see more of Javadi's actor!
GAF loves to harp on the women in TV (Mad Men, BrBa, etc) and expect the wives to be these obedient, emotionless robots. While I agree with the complains most of the times, this is just beyond ridiculous. She didnt even yell at Saul or do ANYTHING. She showed sadness, God forbid.
Stiehm quietly returned to Homeland earlier this year to co-write the upcoming Season 3 finale with series co-creator Alex Gansa. (The two also co-penned the Season 2 closer.) “We’re thrilled to welcome Meredith back, as she’s been an integral part of Homeland from the beginning,” said Fox 21 president Bert Salke. “She’s a fantastic writer and this deal returns her to this hugely valuable asset as well as allows us to develop with her down the road.”
Though a showrunner shakeup is rarely ideal, the move proves advantageous for the staff of Homeland, lead by showrunner Alex Gansa. Stiehm, who was part of the initial six-member staff that was widely dubbed a “murderers row,” had been the only female voice in the room for the show’s first two seasons. (Judging Amy's Barbara Hall was brought aboard in Stiehm's absence.) As such, she was particularly hands-on in writing for the show’s lead, Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes), and brought personal experience (through her sister) to the character’s bi-polar storyline.
It's one thing for Carrie to compromise the mission because clearing Brody's name is important to her. It's another thing for her to think anybody else would remotely care about that.
Brody admitted on tape, later broadcast to the world, that he was going to kill many top officials. He didn't follow through but nevertheless Carrie should know that there is no such thing as clearing his name at this point.
And he isn't innocent anyway. He murdered the Vice President which Carrie seems to conveniently forget
Meredith Stiehm, one of the key original members of Homelands A-list writing team, is returning to the Emmy-winning terrorism drama full-time, resuming her previous duties as executive producer.
Showrunner Shakeup: 'The Bridge's' Meredith Stiehm Departs for 'Homeland'
Maybe Carrie will stop sucking now?
You think the showrunners or the typical watchers of the show remember that? LolAnd he isn't innocent anyway. He murdered the Vice President which Carrie seems to conveniently forget
To be fair, the VP was kind of a douche.I think the show writers have seemingly forgotten this as well, somehow we're supposed to be sad for Brody and cheering for Carrie prove his innocence despite the fact that he killed the Vice President of the United States.
It's too late for this show. This is Dexter all over again. At least Dexter was good for 4 seasons.
Lol. Dexter at its strongest can't really compare to Homeland at its best.
You won't find a bigger Jimmy Smits fan on GAF than me, but there's no way season three of Dexter is anywhere near as good as this season of Homeland.
Ah, you're using the weakest of the first four seasons of Dexter as a benchmark for that show against Homeland. Now I see the problem!![]()
This show at its worse (which isnt the current case) is nowhere near as bad as Dexter.
Gaf being retarded again.
Gaf being retarded again.
Give it time, Dexter wasn't abhorrent until Seasons 5-8. Nothing in the first four seasons of Dexter matches last year of Homeland
I think the show writers have seemingly forgotten this as well, somehow we're supposed to be sad for Brody and cheering for Carrie prove his innocence despite the fact that he killed the Vice President of the United States.
I thought people generally liked season 7? (It was voted the 8th best show of the year in the last TV show of the Year thread...)
Season 8 is far worse than any other season, it is a complete embarrassment.Seriously? I haven't watched S8 of Dexter, but S7 was so bad it's pretty much the reason I haven't bothered with S8 yet...
But he didn't 'kill' the Vice President. He was forced to give the code for the pacemaker in exchange for Carrie's life. Did Brody want him dead? Of course. But he never would have done what Nazir wanted him to do without Carrie being his hostage. However, it is still unclear on how much he really turned to the CIA...
I'm not quite there where I look forward to it every week, but I admit that I love the spycraft stuff. Carrie coming home and reaching into a cabinet to find the phone -- burner? -- that she uses to talk with Saul. Dar Adal's "scare tactics" conversation with that guy, "softballing" him because he knew he had Carrie as the catcher on the inside should such a conversation cause a phone call. Definitely things they are doing that suggest not only that they are working in the intelligence community, but also require intelligence from the viewer to follow along. I'll admit they're "bang you over the head with this here club" with a lot of the plot lines, but I like the subtle touches and how they're using them. I've seen TWD use this to great effect this season as well, adding characterization without saying a word.I gotta admit, the writers have done a heck of a job bringing me back. I was so down on this show because of season 2 but they have actually made me look forward to each episode again.
I gotta admit, the writers have done a heck of a job bringing me back. I was so down on this show because of season 2 but they have actually made me look forward to each episode again.
Brody: "I'm killing you."
Seriously? I haven't watched S8 of Dexter, but S7 was so bad it's pretty much the reason I haven't bothered with S8 yet...
One Last Time
Saul gets a win from an unlikely source. Dana grapples with her new life.
That second sentence in the preview