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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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I hope the kid's name is Brody.

Brody Brody.

They'll call him the Brodester.

I like you.

Dana is such an ugly person, inside and out. Feeling so sorry for herself and emo all the fucking time, not giving a shit for a second about her mother, and making the worst possible decision at every opportunity. Her brother had to put up with all of the same shit, yet he can somehow be stable and normal, and not angry at the world. Also, why does Brody not give a fuck about Chris? Every scene with Dana is such a turn off, because she literally has no redeeming qualities. She didn't even have the decency to tell her mother she was moving out beforehand, thats how little she gives a fuck about someone who actually cares for her, and treats her mother horrendously. We're still supposed to feel some sort of pity for this character? Regardless of what her father is/did, she's not a good person in the least. SO sick of her crying face. She has a few seconds with her dad, she can at least ask him some fucking questions- you know, she's spent the whole season whining how SHE JUST DIDNT UNDERSATND AND NEEDS TO ASK HIM WHHYYYY- and now after he tells her he didnt actually do it, suddenly she couldn't care less about the incident that made her try to commit suicide. No, instead it's "write down what you want me to say" emo bullshit.
That was an absolutely amazing episode of television. Damian Lewis was sublime. I've already been enjoying the Dana character a lot more than the typical Homeland viewer, but wow they used her character perfectly tonight. Just great performances all around.


I enjoyed it, but acknowledge that it doesn't make any sense. It jumped the shark last year anyway, at least it's entertaining this time around.

It also felt like a goodbye, but Carrie never dropped the "I'm pregnant with your baby" line so maybe not.

And LOL at Brody not even acknowledging his son or wife


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Umm, how or why did saying Saul had visited Caracas inform Carrie that Brody was there?

Gotta love Saul telling Carrie she's a psycho loose cannon constantly almost botching operations. Now if only he, or she, did something about it. It'd be one thing if she were an obstacle on some kind of principled stance, instead she's just risking everything constantly because Brody.

I like this season most when it's about Saul going down the rabbit hole. Put into this position of power atop the CIA, he cannot help but compromise himself and his country in the pursuit of grander and grander missions. Give a man these capabilities, he will exploit them and seek even farther reaching ones.
I just finished watching the latest episode. What happen to this show? I’ll tell you what. It’s overstayed its welcome and now become unbearably boring...

And that’s coming from someone who enjoyed season 2. Bleh, I just don’t care about any of the characters anymore. Utterly bored with it at the moment.


Fuck the haters, this show is back on form. Yeah, I don't buy the second phase of Saul's master plan for even a second, but that doesn't make the show as bad as people are claiming. At the end of the day, it's probably still far less outlandish than the back half of season 2, and there's a lot more of a focus on smaller scale spy stuff (although the final few episodes I expect to be quite action packed).

This show is good again, and I'm not sure I'm convinced by any arguments to the contrary. Even Dana was only used in a scene with Brody this week (which was much needed from a narrative perspective, although also absolutely insane on Carrie's part).

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the bearded Marines are awesome. Here's hoping they don't all die in Iran.
Fuck the haters, this show is back on form. Yeah, I don't buy the second phase of Saul's master plan for even a second, but that doesn't make the show as bad as people are claiming. At the end of the day, it's probably still far less outlandish than the back half of season 2, and there's a lot more of a focus on smaller scale spy fstuff (although the final few episodes I expect to be quite action packed).

This show is good again, and I'm not sure I'm convinced by any arguments to the contrary. Even Dana was only used in a scene with Brody this week (which was much needed from a narrative perspective, although also absolutely insane on Carrie's part).

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the bearded Marines are awesome. Here's hoping they don't all die in Iran.
People who are still hating on it are hating just to hate. It's fantastic TV.
Thinking of marathoning this during thanksgiving. Haven't even seen the first episode. AFter dexter being such a fucking failure and last season being shaky, I haven't wanted to spend the time watching unless I know it's good.


Brody seemed like a regular marine returning from a tour in the 1st half of that episode, what was the big fuss about? He's still got about 3 tours in him before he shoots up his local Wal-Mart, calm the fuck down Saul.


I still have yet to comprehend this Iranian plot Saul is hatching, So the plan is to have Brody get captured in Iran where he will be hailed a hero, meet the defense minister, kill him, and then hopefully be able to extract him.

-Why would Iran hail him as a hero? The whole point of the CIA bombing is that it was done covertly through a terrorist organization meaning it couldn't be linked back to Iran. By holding some sort of ceremony for Brody that is essentially Iran admitting they had something to do with the attack and publicly support it.

-How is the CIA suppose to maintain this as a covert action if it succeeds? So, let's say Brody succeeds and kills the defense minister, now what? Let's assume the original plan is put in place and Brody tries to get extracted by the bearded special ops guys and let's assume all that works out. How is Iran not supposed to conclude that the CIA and America was behind the plot? You've got an American Marine who killed an Iranian official and somehow managed to gain powerful support to aid him in his mission. You also can't chalk it up to him being part of what's left of Nazir's crew because they know he isn't a terrorist, but a traitor. So not even Javadi can pretend like he was working with the terrorists to weaken Iran.

-What happens to Brody if he survives? Assuming he survives what happens to Brody? You can't exonerate him and let him live life in the States that would all but tentatively confirm the hit on Iran was US backed. What then, give him a new name and let him wander the globe free? Dude's face is everywhere around the world and after the Iranian hit it will be even bigger, plus the Iranians will always hunt him. So the story seems to necessitate that he die.


At first I was willing to buy that becoming the director and dealing with the bombing aftermath warped Saul but he's a monster now. It's fine that they want to have him reflect what happened to Jivadi but it's so rapid and drastic that it doesn't seem real.

And I remember reading someone's prediction that Brody would be used to elevate Jivadi up the chain of command but I didn't want to believe it. This whole plan is ridiculous, even for Homeland. Even ignoring that somehow Brody is able to function despite being repeatably broken and put together so he can be a tool in someone other person's plan so many times, the whole op sounds like a desperate attempt to keep Brody relevant without thinking about the logistics of it.

Also to be honest, I forgot about Chris too.


I came here to also point out that Brody forgot about his son, glad to see I'm not the only one.

It's ok, though, guys, at least we remember Chris.
another great episode, and because of solid episodes so far I didn't skip the Dana episode.
Especially as a cleaning lady. No there's nothing wrong about cleaning ladies
Thank god for being able to fast forward during the fucking DANA scenes. Cant stand her so I decided 5 episodes back to always skip her scenes. Make for a hell of a show.

Let´s kick some Iranian ass!


I like how the plot of Homeland is becoming even more outlandish in light of the recent deal between Iran and the West.

The one thing this show has been lacking from season one is that sort of moral ambiguity. You don't agree with Abu Nazir and Brody or their methods, but you understand why they are doing what they're doing. Seasons 1 and 2 made the VP and Estes practically into villains, so again the viewer doesn't know how to feel about what happened.

Now there's much less subtext and just a "Let's go get the bad guys" feel to the plot.


special needs, sexual needs
Dana...oh Dana. That face she makes when she cries. Yikes! I was hoping Brody would have taken the notepad and wrote something for Dana to say. Dana is great when observing from a distance like in a sound proof car, but damn as soon as you approach her the waterworks start. Lesson: stay far away.

How can Brody forget about Chris?! How do you forget a son that wears a t-shirt in a pool?


I do wanna say that when Saul stated to Carrie: "You know the assumptions behind that question are so misguided, it frightens me."

Is probably the greatest thing he has said all year and really shows how goddamn stupid, dumb, and crazy Carrie is. Her entire thought process at all times is "BROODDDYYYY!!!"


So dont know if this has been said before but i am now 100% convinced that
. ..... saul ....... .
is behind the langley bombing
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