Dana is such an ugly person, inside and out. Feeling so sorry for herself and emo all the fucking time, not giving a shit for a second about her mother, and making the worst possible decision at every opportunity. Her brother had to put up with all of the same shit, yet he can somehow be stable and normal, and not angry at the world. Also, why does Brody not give a fuck about Chris? Every scene with Dana is such a turn off, because she literally has no redeeming qualities. She didn't even have the decency to tell her mother she was moving out beforehand, thats how little she gives a fuck about someone who actually cares for her, and treats her mother horrendously. We're still supposed to feel some sort of pity for this character? Regardless of what her father is/did, she's not a good person in the least. SO sick of her crying face. She has a few seconds with her dad, she can at least ask him some fucking questions- you know, she's spent the whole season whining how SHE JUST DIDNT UNDERSATND AND NEEDS TO ASK HIM WHHYYYY- and now after he tells her he didnt actually do it, suddenly she couldn't care less about the incident that made her try to commit suicide. No, instead it's "write down what you want me to say" emo bullshit.