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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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If someone had *hypothetically* seen the episode, they might say that it was
(mostly!) a really enjoyable one...


The leaks come straight from the showtime anytime site, they put the episode up, but don't link to it on the actual page til it airs.


Carrie has Saul's baby.


30 minutes!


REDEEMED. 2nd half has been amazing, last 3 episodes in particular, especially tonight's, which was classic Homeland, epic cliffhanger.


Having watched tonight's leaked episode, at this point I don't even know if I genuinely like the show or I'm just hate-watching. Probably both.


did not see that coming. wow!!

lol Saul.. he's pissed at Carrie "big time" again. Empty threats, he'll get over it. I guess he's over it as Brody's plan worked.

Good episode, but a little slow.


Hunky Nostradamus
That was a pretty tense episode. For the first time since before the season premiered, I'm actually looking forward to the next episode.
Hey I want Brody to live, but we know Saul already ordered the hit on Brody. They know he's at the IGR now or whatever it was called so he definitely sent the assassins there to take him out.

The only way I see Brody dying is if Javadi kills him personally before he realizes Brody killed the IRGC head (thinking he was going to give him away). Unless there's some radio silence BS.


There's gotta be some big setup for next season. They've pretty much killed off the big bad guy in the last two seasons. It simply can't be Brody getting killed off.
Great episode. Big operations like that always make me nervous as hell. lol I actually thought that was the season finale. Glad to hear there's one next week!


Hunky Nostradamus

On the whole I was left wishing the creative team had compressed some earlier episodes of the season so the events of this one could have been spread out over a couple of hours.

In particular, I would have liked to actually see some of the events of the six days we skipped over — including Brody's rise to Iranian celebrity (and American embarrassment) and Brody's refusal to be exfiltrated by Saul — rather than simply hearing about them.

Yeah, I wish they'd have cut out all of Dana's shit and given Brody's storyline in Iran more time to breathe.
Lol if you thought that episode was bad or boring you need to stop watching the show.

Just finished it to be honest but the first 30 - 35 minutes were so much of the same recycled dialogue just between slightly different characters

Ending was decent but the whole thing portrays the CIA as held together by matchsticks and sticky tape which grows tiring after awhile


Good episode even if there are a number of implausible moments, ad no I'm not talking about Ackbari being alone. In fact, that part makes sense Brody just told Nazir's wife that he had information on Javadi, this is something Ackbari would want only himself to hear before allowing anyone else to. No, what really had me rolling my eyes was the phone call between Carrie and Brody. Seriously? Does Brody not have Iranian agents tailing him making sure he doesn't get into trouble? I'm pretty sure they would notice he was on the phone and as far as we know they never gave him one? So yeah...

Anywho, everything else was pretty good ecept of course crazy Carrie once again going on her "BRODY!" thing. I also found it odd but also pleasing that Sen. Lockhart is no longer the cardboard cut out antagonist for Saul, they're finally portraying him as a real person with real concerns over the direction of the CIA.

Well, cant wait for the finale.

Ha! Mass Effect 3 music in the season finale trailer at the end.

Yes they did, and it sounds so out of place.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
The idea that America is simply embarrassed that Iran is openly harboring someone admitting to killing 200 Americans, largely CIA agents, is absurd. The idea that Iran would do that is also rather ludicrous. This exists in a world where there is no politics or diplomacy or public outrage. Hell, the show itself started season 3 by telling us the president and the country were demanding blood for the Langley bombing. Now there's a man being harbored by Iran who's on TV flaunting his direct involvement in that bombing and all we hear is the president's kinda upset with Saul's incompetence. (Edit: Also, absolutely no representation with this episode of any concept that some in Iran might not be overjoyed about harboring a terrorist, like say the moderate movement in which Fara's uncle is a member.)

Saul, please stop being a fucking idiot and all but telling Carrie that you intend to kill her beloved. What the fuck do you think she's gonna do? How exactly is it that she has a career? She's beyond openly disobedient. At this point it verges on treasonous.

Carrie, could you be any more condescending to everyone you spoke to this episode?

Carrie flew right into Tehran. Really? Let's remember that this season opened with Iranian intelligence knowing everything about her. Unless all those files were somehow only in Javadi's hands, even before he had been turned, it's patently absurd that she could waltz into Iran.

I feel like there was a time this show at least pretended to operate in the real world. It certainly doesn't anymore.
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