Carrie get your shit together good god.
Is this fucking star wars. OH MY GOD those blasters are awful
did i miss the part where they said that. also wouldnt it be too fast to see the light go by...?Those would be tracer rounds. They are real things.
did i miss the part where they said that. also wouldnt it be too fast to see the light go by...?
did i miss the part where they said that. also wouldnt it be too fast to see the light go by...?
did i miss the part where they said that. also wouldnt it be too fast to see the light go by...?
Carrie has become a complete psycho caricature of herself and she needs to go away. Bring her Dad into fix things.
I thought knowledge of tracer rounds were common knowledge at this point, I mean they broadcast enough footage from Afghanistan and Iraq and there are enough video games like Battlefield that show them at work. Anywho, no, tracer rounds are not too fast to be unable to detect, in fact the whole purpose is to be able to see them. When using them I believe it's every third bullet is a tracer round and they are used for accuracy purposes, especially at night. Since you can see where your rounds are going you can more accurately judge whether or not you are on target.
Now back on the topic of tonight's episode, it was pretty darn good. The only thing that bothered me of course was crazy Carrie almost breaking down and crying throughout the whole episode. I also laughed at the fact that she seems to not give two shits about the soldiers on the ground and only cares about Brody's well being. I swear if the entire team died in an explosion her first and only question would be "Is Brody okay?"
I thought for games it was because of games but now that you mention it; i do recall news stories with gunfire w/ tracers. But they're multi-colored?
And Brody and beard talking about the mission in the cell with no one listening haha
I wanted to throw something at my TV every time we got a reaction shot of Carrie.
As wacky as it is that Quinn peaked at her medical records, I wish he'd used that information and gotten her removed from the operation. She's a complete fucking wreck and exceedingly unprofessional.
Saul running off to sulk the second they decided to abort the mission.
Saul and Carrie sharing a congratulatory moment because everything worked out in the prelude to a CIA assassination plot.*
Iranian soldiers pulling a 'surprise motherfucker' on everyone.
The CIA has no operatives or friends of any kind in Tehran, so they go inquiring about Fara's uncle? Sounds real smart. Yes, let's entangle the legitimate moderate movement in Iran with a CIA assassination plot. There's like one way for this to go right, and a million ways for it to fail and push Iran further into extremism.
*except for those two Americans and three Iraqis, because who cares, Carrie's baby daddy is still alive!
Yeah... that was hilariously stupid.
Carrie get your shit together good god.
lol what, how did they not see the Iranians sneaking up.
And Brody and beard talking about the mission in the cell with no one listening haha
Someone on the web should edit random reaction shots of Carrie into random scenarios, like finding out Vader is Luke's father or that the planet of the apes is Earth.
At least they gave confirmation that the kid isn't Brody's. Awesome episode. Jevadi had to kill the soldier to protect the operation. He knew he would talk eventually and it keeps up appearances to the Iranians like he is the same old guy. Really no idea what happens next and that's a good thing.
Confirmation? Ahahahahaha. That was Carrie trying to get Quinn to shut up and convince him the pregnancy wouldn't be affecting her judgment.
I don't get all the Carrie hate. She's a great character and yes, she looks distraught, because she's goddamn bipolar and her emotional stability is fragile. Jesus, you guys are assholes. It's like she gets no credit for making everything possible in the first place...I wanted to throw something at my TV every time we got a reaction shot of Carrie.
I do agree with the rest, particularly the bit about that woman's uncle (seriously, the CIA has no one in Tehran? Give me a fucking break), the Iranian stealth ninjas, and Brody and Beard (lol that's his official name now) chatting it up in that cell for all to hear. >_<Saul running off to sulk the second they decided to abort the mission.
Saul and Carrie sharing a congratulatory moment because everything worked out in the prelude to a CIA assassination plot.*
Iranian soldiers pulling a 'surprise motherfucker' on everyone.
The CIA has no operatives or friends of any kind in Tehran, so they go inquiring about Fara's uncle? Sounds real smart. Yes, let's entangle the legitimate moderate movement in Iran with a CIA assassination plot. There's like one way for this to go right, and a million ways for it to fail and push Iran further into extremism.
*except for those two Americans and three Iraqis, because who cares, Carrie's baby daddy is still alive!
Yeah... that was hilariously stupid.
and why did the guy with the best beard have to die![]()
Let's be real though. The timeline doesn't match up. The kid can't be Brody's.
Yeah I was sad too, but I expected it. Still, isn't it funny how it's very likely no one would have cared about that dude if not for his beard?I know, right? ;____;
I don't get all the Carrie hate. She's a great character and yes, she looks distraught, because she's goddamn bipolar and her emotional stability is fragile. Jesus, you guys are assholes. It's like she gets no credit for making everything possible in the first place...
She was a great character, until they went all Metroid: Other M on her.
Carrie : Brody :: Samus : Baby
It's not about her looking distraught, it's about why she's distraught, and how she has a one-track mind. She wants Brody safe and sound and absolved of the Langley bombing, except that's a stupid fool's errand considering he's still a known terrorist whether he pressed a trigger or not. He's got a confession video that the world has seen describing his turn against the US and desire to blow people up.
Things she's done this season:
* Jeopardized the Javadi entrapment by spending a day eluding her secret babysitters to force the FBI to find Dana Brody
* Jeopardized the operation with the lawyer by disobeying orders and running into the field to literally disrupt the op
* Let Javadi go run errands instead of following Saul's instructions, thereby allowing him to murder his ex-wife and daughter-in-law
* Jeopardized the entire operation, and at this point in this universe also the CIA's continued existence, by taking Brody off base to meet with Dana
* Now she's pushing to bring Fara's uncle into the mix, which as said before, is disaster in the making
* All of this while constantly putting Brody, his safety, and disproving his involvement with the Langley bombing above everything, while second guessing and disobeying everyone around her who are addressing with relatively bigger and more realistic concerns
She had a few smart moves in the early part of this season when she was being Saul's good little marionette, but on her own, she's been awful. She hasn't initiated any good plans or really successfully done anything smart on her own volition.
It's no longer the complex Carrie from season one (or the first half or so of S2) who was trying to get a handle on her mental issues and her feelings for Brody while butting up against her own clever intellect. There's barely an intellect there now. It's just her blind devotion to a fantasyland idea of America forgiving Brody and letting her raise a baby with him. She's been reduced to a crazy hormonal caricature of Carrie.
I wanna talk about the promo for next week's episode,really Carrie is actually IN Iran? WTF? So, they can't get fucking Brody into the country with a Spec Ops team but Carrie can just waltz her way in and blend right into the country as a fucking white ass girl and nobody questions her presence? I'm sorry wearing a headscarf does not somehow make you invisible, this isn't Assassin's Creed Carrie you're white. You know, there was a reason why that entire Spec Ops team were Arab Americans. This show...
I think that was the only viable way that Brody could have entered Iran and become a public figure. Carrie is still CIA, and im sure the public in Iran don't know about her.
I hope we get a passionate prison cell sex scene with Brody and Carrie.