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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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Whichever focus group told Showtime that people wanted more Dana scenes...I loathe you.

Its what made me hate the end of last season and no doubt stop watching at some point because of it.

Pretty much half if not more of the show was her bitching about the barthroom been redone.

You're WHAT?!

wait what

Her story is interesting, its just when its the majority of the show and most of it is just alwkard teenager bitching instead of progressing said story then its not worth it.


The spy parts of this show are now back to being enjoyable, which by the end of season 2 they weren't. The Brody family stuff, as everyone here has said, is just irritating. Without Brody in the house too, there's nothing really interesting going on there.

I have to say, though, I'm really intrigued what season 4 onwards of this show will actually be like. I mean, there's surely no way they could ever bring Brody back to the US in a way that makes sense, but at the same time they can't leave him off in South America or wherever the fuck he is forever.

I'd be quite happy if his arc wrapped up at the end of season 3, with some small amount of redemption, and then they wrote out both him and his family, and focused much more on Saul / Carrie / Quinn / Dar Adal.


The spy parts of this show are now back to being enjoyable, which by the end of season 2 they weren't. The Brody family stuff, as everyone here has said, is just irritating. Without Brody in the house too, there's nothing really interesting going on there.

I have to say, though, I'm really intrigued what season 4 onwards of this show will actually be like. I mean, there's surely no way they could ever bring Brody back to the US in a way that makes sense, but at the same time they can't leave him off in South America or wherever the fuck he is forever.

I'd be quite happy if his arc wrapped up at the end of season 3, with some small amount of redemption, and then they wrote out both him and his family, and focused much more on Saul / Carrie / Quinn / Dar Adal.

They'll probably have Carrie proving Brody's innocence by the season finale but oops too late, they've already found him and shot him in the head.
Proceed to season 4 for more Claire Danes crazy acting being depressed over Brody, so she can win another Emmy.


I found that the Dana scene lengths were always in multiples of 30 seconds. I was able to use my commercial skip function on my DVR to blaze right past her without having to rewind back at all. I'll assume this is tacit acceptance by the writers that her scenes are garbage and they're making it easy on us to have a Dana-free supercut without much effort.


I liked how when Jessica told Chris that Dana was gone, he just walked away like a robot.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this, you wanna talk about a character that is just window dressing it's Chris. Please, enough stories about Brody's family I just want a show focused on the CIA. 24 learned long ago to stop having stories with Kim Bauer, they were stupid and distracted from the main plot and Jack being awesome.


I haven't had a chance to watch last night's episode yet, guys.

So, please, break the tension for me. DOES THE BRODY FAMILY ENTER THERAPY?

Members of the family? Yes. The entire family? No.



Another solid episode.

I hope this means this is the end of Carrie off her meds for a while. Carrie-Saul has always been my favorite part of the show so I hope it can survive being the focus of the show now (unlike... say Brody/Carrie)

I'm not particularly irritated by the Dana stuff, it's just boring. Obviously setting up for a return of some kind for Brody... since we know he's going to have some kind of role in this season.


I'm officially sick of Carrieface™, she needs another expression than popping her facial organs.

Quinn continue to be a badass tho which has been the saving grace so far.

Can't wait for Brody to come back.


I shot people I like more for less.
I don't think anybody could have guessed what the title was going to refer to beforehand :p
probably already been said and i havent read any of the replies, but looks like showtime is turning this another dexter, replete with contrived romances and outrageous storylines in order to perpetuate the series.


Dana is fucking ANNOYING I wish she was successful in killing herself so we dont have to deal with it anymore.

Also Fucking Saul

Where the hell is Brody?

They're still doing the whole bi polar crazy shit AGAIN? Are you kidding me?



Hunky Nostradamus
Her story is interesting, its just when its the majority of the show and most of it is just alwkard teenager bitching instead of progressing said story then its not worth it.

I do think there's good TV to be made out of the exploration of the experiences of a wanted terrorist's family, but I think the show is going about it the wrong way.


Really not sure I can handle Carrie and Dana being completely obnoxious at the same time. I was hoping we were past all the bi-polar BS.

Will continue watching for Saul and Quinn.



This can't be quoted enough

Thank fucking god, Brody is coming back to (hopefully) take away screen time from Dana. Talk about the opposite of riveting TV, holy shit Showtime.

Crazy crybaby Carrie is so played out, but hopefully we can move past that now.


Claire Danes really went full retard with her roles as Carrie in this episode. Not sure if that's good or bad.

And Dana is being annoying as usual. Does the writer want us to root for her or something?


It should have been a one season series. He should have gotten away with it at the end of season one, killing himself and everyone else. Otherwise, turn it into a series with a different villain each year or something, this is trash.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
(Watched the first two episodes last night.)

Saul's an asshole, but that's an interesting tact to take. I'm pleased there's some exploration of consequences from the previous seasons' events. On the other hand, I think it's slightly laughable that Saul and company actually believes there's a chance the CIA would be absolved. Might individuals be fired and agencies reorganized? Yes, but they're acting as if congress would pull the US out of intelligence and counter-terrorism operations entirely.

I wonder how Carrie comes back into the fold. They have to pull that together, right? I'm guessing that'll strain credulity given how far they've gone.

Dana could be interesting, if it's really dealing with what it's like to be a traitor's daughter and all that, but I have zero interest in her head-over-heels affairs with whatever guy is placed in front of her.
Saul seems like he has a plan to help Carrie and Brody because he told Quinn to wait to see how it plays out. I think even though it appears he is being an asshole it is really to help them. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Anyone know what episode Brody is coming back in?


Saul seems like he has a plan to help Carrie and Brody because he told Quinn to wait to see how it plays out. I think even though it appears he is being an asshole it is really to help them. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Anyone know what episode Brody is coming back in?

The preview of next week's episode gave a quick glimpse of him so let's hope we see him on Sunday.
The season finale of the show should turn it from espionage to horror when it turns out that Chris Brody is a diabolic psychopathic serial killer with zero empathy. He murders Saul, sending Carrie into another bipolar manic episode, and then murders Dana's boyfriend for kicks.

Season 4 is a serial killer thriller that takes place across the world as Chris Brody goes on the run and Carrie and Dana hunt him down, whilst also becoming the worst character pair on television.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

This is perfect. Decent episode but way too much Dana crap. Wish we could just drop Brody's family altogether. Are they ever going to explain where Mike went? I know the actor is on another show but they didn't even bother trying to explain his absence unless I missed it. Weren't he and the mother officially together (publicly) at the end of last season?
This is perfect. Decent episode but way too much Dana crap. Wish we could just drop Brody's family altogether. Are they ever going to explain where Mike went? I know the actor is on another show but they didn't even bother trying to explain his absence unless I missed it. Weren't he and the mother officially together (publicly) at the end of last season?

Chris killed him and hid the body in the crawl space.


Saul seems like he has a plan to help Carrie and Brody because he told Quinn to wait to see how it plays out. I think even though it appears he is being an asshole it is really to help them. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Anyone know what episode Brody is coming back in?

I doubt it.

Brody might not be the Langley Bomber, but he IS still a terrorist. The nation knows about his original plan to blow up the president and the world has seen his confession. Frankly, there's no coming back from that, and I don't even want to see the show try, because they'd have to pull a metric shit-ton of stupid to make it even halfway plausible, and even then I'd find it hard to believe that anyone but Carrie would be able to see Brody as anything but a traitor and a terrorist. There's also no way any terrorist cell with half its wits would trust Brody enough to bring him in close enough to be an asset. He's damaged goods on both ends.

They've already given Brody a season more than his storyline could handle. But now, it's really time to wrap it up with him. There's literally NOWHERE they can go with him that makes any sense at this point.


The season finale of the show should turn it from espionage to horror when it turns out that Chris Brody is a diabolic psychopathic serial killer with zero empathy. He murders Saul, sending Carrie into another bipolar manic episode, and then murders Dana's boyfriend for kicks.

Season 4 is a serial killer thriller that takes place across the world as Chris Brody goes on the run and Carrie and Dana hunt him down, whilst also becoming the worst character pair on television.

Then gets plastic surgery, moves to Miami and changes his name to Dexter Morgan. dun dun DUN! Also, Astor is really Dana.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
where is the saul hate coming from? Is it from making farah cry?

I'm not sure it's hate per se, but it's primarily about throwing Carrie under the bus and having her committed. The former is rather dickish, the latter is probably for her own good.

Making Farrah cry was pretty weird and off the rails. I would agree with Andy Greenwald's assessment that the diatribe against her was fairly out of character.


I'm not sure it's hate per se, but it's primarily about throwing Carrie under the bus and having her committed. The former is rather dickish, the latter is probably for her own good.

Making Farrah cry was pretty weird and off the rails. I would agree with Andy Greenwald's assessment that the diatribe against her was fairly out of character.

in terms of the carrie situation...just how long can he keep protecting carrie? What he did didn't seem like a dick move to me. Carrie isn't stable at all and getting crazier by the second. Probably was best that he did that


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
in terms of the carrie situation...just how long can he keep protecting carrie? What he did didn't seem like a dick move to me. Carrie isn't stable at all and getting crazier by the second. Probably was best that he did that

I would mostly agree. I think people are just seeing how it was all done without her knowledge or consent. But yes, in these circumstances, I'm not sure what else Saul could really do. His hand was forced by the leaks, and by Carrie going off her meds and trying to go public with secrets.


At least when Mike was around we got to see more of Mrs Brody, sans clothes

Seems like Homeland, ala Dexter can't cut bait with pointless side characters that nobody really cares about. At least when 24 was dumb, it shed the dead weight quickly


There is no reason for Brody or the family to even be on this show anymore. Homeland should have taken notes from the Wire, and just had every season be about a different aspect of Homeland security/CIA. Them dragging on this story when it clearly should have ended at the end of Season 1 is making this show's seasons poorly developed.


This is perfect. Decent episode but way too much Dana crap. Wish we could just drop Brody's family altogether. Are they ever going to explain where Mike went? I know the actor is on another show but they didn't even bother trying to explain his absence unless I missed it. Weren't he and the mother officially together (publicly) at the end of last season?

Kaiju ate him.

Making Farrah cry was pretty weird and off the rails. I would agree with Andy Greenwald's assessment that the diatribe against her was fairly out of character.

Yep...I was surprised by that scene actually. Out of fucking nowhere.


Good Art™
People are acting like the whole Dana stuff is some kind of filler but it's pretty obvious that this is a slow build to the show's actual story. The carpet scene was not there for nothing. Something will happen with Dana and it will affect Brody and Carrie. Dana has just too much screen time to be a filler. It's part of the main story. (Or there is nothing to tell anymore in the show..)

Actually i like how the show slowly but surely build something here. Indeed, last season was a 24 level of cliffhanger every 10 minutes, but this wasn't what the first season was.. And that's why it became ridiculous.

Now this can still be really bad in the end :p


I think the pressure Saul is under led to the snapping on Farah etc. F Murrays Character is the black ops kill people to solve problems type. I would wager he would be much happier scattering carries brains on a road than keeping her alive but Saul is not going to have any of that.

He is trying to protect her and save the agency at the same time while F Murray is working against him with his own methods.
Man, the scene where Saul talks to Farah almost made me shut the whole thing off. It was already bad in S2 when Abu Nazir suddenly went from mastermind to tantrum spouting madman, but goddamn!
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