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Homeland - Season 5 - Sundays on Showtime

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No, that's real life.

Her blouse would have been burned and had gunpowder on it, which would indicate the show was fired directly against her shirt, which doesn't fit the story.

Also, they would have been able to tell from the angle of entry that the show wasn't likely from another person.

Absolutely, but as someone pointed out earlier, she probably figured it'd buy her some time before bailing out.


special needs, sexual needs
The fact they let Allison out and about because "you'll need me" is so stupid. The only thing I got out of this episode is that the station has a Dunkin Donut.

Jesus, poor Quinn. "Hey!!! Hey!!" Doc probably just killed him :/

This season had me in the beginning, but it's mostly...well let's let Carrie sum it up for me



yup, no one is going to be checking for forensics for the shooting when something else big is happening, it's just time for her to get away


The shooting scene Allison made up makes no sense to me, I will love to see her explaining it. The season finale is going to end in a cliffhanger, nothing like the previous season, I really hope is not more dumb shit.

I think it was just supposed to buy her enough time to have her misleading information regarding the terror plot take hold, and give her an opportunity to escape thereafter. Because she didn't bother using gloves when firing off both handguns.


Hunky Nostradamus
‘Homeland’ Season 5, Episode 11: An Intelligence Expert Weighs In

One of the things I really thought was interesting was how they plant the sarin, because there’s plausibility there. There are a lot of former intel types that will say you can basically get anywhere with a hard hat and a clipboard and a reflective vest because people will assume you belong there. Especially in a place like a subway tunnel. No average person is going to be like, “Hey, what are you doing?” It’s one of the easiest disguises to use to infiltrate somewhere because you look like a worker. So the ability of Bibi and his fellow terrorists to wander into the subway is not outside the realm of possibility. It’s something that’s done pretty frequently, because you don’t pay any attention to workers. They’re pretty ubiquitous. And this actually brings up the question of why all of a sudden they’re worried about getting back into the tunnel to operate the weapon manually, because the guy got in there so easily. He was on the watch list before, he’s on the watch list now, but he’ll do the same thing he did before, right? He’ll go in with a hard hat and a clipboard like he’s going to work. So, that to me, was very realistic how they plant the weapon.

The ticket on Allison’s car is a nice combo signal/dead drop. Very well done. It’s one of these things that is not going to raise suspicion, particularly because her CIA handler, Conrad Fuller, is on her side anyway. When you’re talking about a signal or dead drop, it’s everyday things you might not notice. A piece of trash on the ground, or a ticket on the car, or a piece of tape on a lamppost – things that just seem like they would be there anyway. But if you know you’re looking for them, like Allison does, because she signaled to the woman walking her dog in the last episode, she’s ready to grab it.

Yet it’s very stupid to have the one-on-one contact that Allison has with the other woman, Erna Richter, in the bathroom. Everything Erna said to her could’ve been told to Allison in the recording. There’s no reason whatsoever to expose an agent to the potential of being caught. So the plan is very good until she meets with this woman face to face.

Also, a quick thing: Allison would have never been in the room where all the higher-ups are discussing the response. Dar Adal could’ve briefed her afterward on the various specific things that she needs to know, but somebody that’s under suspicion would never be allowed into a room where that conversation was taking place.

re: Allison’s Staged Crime Scene

Most people have seen enough “CSI” to know that this is total nonsense. Anyone with basic knowledge of crime scenes or medicine would realize that her wound was a contact wound; the gun was directly up against her body. You see the blood spatter from Conrad against the wall, not directly from Dr. Aziz in the chair. Also, there’s not a lot of safe places in the body where you can be shot and survive, especially from short range. Yes, she found a nice place in her shoulder, but it’s not only about missing organs. There are a lot of, especially in your shoulder, arteries there – there are a lot of places from where you can bleed out very quickly. So it’s not a great plan by Allison, but it is very Hollywood in the way you can stage a crime scene like that and the authorities won’t figure it out in five minutes.

Of course Carrie rushes through the train station by herself, which is the perfect Hollywood setup. I wouldn’t expect anything less from “Homeland.” The interesting thing here is, there is no reason for Saul to initially disregard the evidence that Carrie presents him for Allison’s word. Especially because we know now that he obviously doesn’t trust Allison; he wouldn’t have gone to the hospital and grilled her the way that he did if he wasn’t suspicious of what she had said. So I don’t know why he doesn’t at least put the word out – tell Dar, tell someone that there is conflicting information, because Allison’s word is one thing, but Carrie has provided evidence. I know everyone is tense and everyone is freaking out because it’s the airport, but this is something where people would take a step back and say, “OK, well, maybe this is misdirection, because Allison isn’t someone we tend to trust.”

But then Carrie throws all good will out the window when she doesn’t evacuate the train station after she spots Qasim. There are all these people standing on the platform looking into the tunnel as Carrie runs in with her gun. She didn’t say, “Hey, go somewhere else! Run away!” At that point, you pull a fire alarm – that’s not an intelligence expert talking, that’s common sense. How about saving some people’s lives here? But that’s Hollywood – they’re setting up the big ending for next week’s season finale.


Junior Member
yup, no one is going to be checking for forensics for the shooting when something else big is happening, it's just time for her to get away
The people who would check the veracity of the shooting are not trying to solve the terrorist case.


Allison subplot was fine, until they stretched it out too long. Now its comical

Laura is a terrible character, and getting Quinn into that cell was too contrived but otherwise its a great season
The shooting scene Allison made up makes no sense to me, I will love to see her explaining it. The season finale is going to end in a cliffhanger, nothing like the previous season, I really hope is not more dumb shit.

The cliffhanger should end with Brody but the twist is that it's his long lost twin brother that nobody knew about and this was all according to keikaku. Allison thinks she's safe with the SVR. She's in a room by herself shivering and exhausted from running away from the US and GER. The SVR comes into her room all calm and shit, telling her what a great job she's done but she's not needed anymore. Allison, still recovering from her bullet wound and exhaustion, questions them as to why they are getting rid of their best asset. One of the SVR agents is about to close the door but somebody comes in and a familiar voice can be heard.

The camera pans up and it seems to be Brody. He looks exactly like Brody but something is off. He speaks with a Russian accent but corrects himself. He speaks to Allison in his "American" accent. Tells her that she has failed to kill the one person they have been trying to get rid of this whole time:

Carrie Mathison

Allison, in a fit of rage and confusion, swears up and down that he should be dead and that he shouldn't be alive. In a last ditch effort she grabs Twin Brody's shiny pistol and demands answers from him. In a split second he uses the special training he's learned from his Russian superiors and disarms her and pushes her to the ground. The agents in the room not moving an inch, all quiet. Twin Brody looks at Allison for a second.... The camera pans out to the both of them. Brody standing over a bawling Allison and he presses the trigger.

Her lifeless body falls to the floor with her brains scattered all on the floor. Cut to black. Title appears.

Lmao that would be so stupid and crazy and wouldn't make any sense but it would be so ridiculous that I would want it to happen lol9


Junior Member
Allison subplot was fine, until they stretched it out too long. Now its comical

Laura is a terrible character, and getting Quinn into that cell was too contrived but otherwise its a great season
So it's a great season aside from the fact that three of the four major plot points are garbage?



It's taking some serious suspension of disbelief to carry on watching this show. At least the finale is nicely set up.

Out of all the stupidity in the last episode, I think Carrie stumbling upon that apartment with all the fucking models and schematics just sat there in plain sight was the worst lol. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, let's just leave a nice little photo stuck to the notice board to help her out even more. Jesus wept!


This might be the last season I go through Homeland. This past episode really bugged me on a number of levels and my patience (and entertainment) with Carrie has been over with for a season and a half at least at this point.


It's taking some serious suspension of disbelief to carry on watching this show. At least the finale is nicely set up.

Out of all the stupidity in the last episode, I think Carrie stumbling upon that apartment with all the fucking models and schematics just sat there in plain sight was the worst lol. Oh, and if that wasn't enough, let's just leave a nice little photo stuck to the notice board to help her out even more. Jesus wept!

I don't know -- I'd say the worst was them choosing to ignore all the models and schematics because the suspected russian spy gave them other intel


I don't know -- I'd say the worst was them choosing to ignore all the models and schematics because the suspected russian spy gave them other intel
Apparently all of Germany's emergency services can't stretch to evacuating two locations - even with the help of the army.

Hell, last week a solo agent didn't even get backup to search some of the 30 potential hide-out locations and had to settle for a an American civilian (who's allow to carry a concealed weapon...). But they can send three vehicles to kidnap a witness.


So it's a great season aside from the fact that three of the four major plot points are garbage?


If you want to be overly negative, by all means. There was alot more to the season than that, and even some good in the parts that soured a bit


So it's a great season aside from the fact that three of the four major plot points are garbage?


It's very poorly (and lazily) written, but that doesn't mean it isn't enjoyable. It just isn't living up to the potential of homeland -- or any premium cable show. You can get this same experience from a shitty ABC show

Deku Tree

The whole Allison going back into the field thing is totally ridiculous, and the people at Langley not already knowing about what is happening with her is also ridiculous. Just keeping the Allison information to themselves would get Dar and the whole crew sacked, or jailed. Other than that this whole season is standard Homeland. Still enjoying it.

The most unrealistic thing to me in the last episode was everyone standing around and doing nothing while the terrorists were putting the big fat bike locks on the gates in the train station. Are Germans really that docile? This is 2015. If that was happening in NYC people would tackle at least some of them, and they would scream and shout, and the cops would find out about it in seconds. The station wouldn't just keep operating As normal for the next minutes.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
This season is just getting goofier and goofier, it's like 24 except potentially even sillier.

From the gunshots not even attracting attention at the university campus to the wound being clearly self-inflicted to Carrie going there by herself and not even evacuating the place to Saul not alerting the others about what Carrie found to the evidence + photo just conveniently lying there in the apartment to the Hezbollah guy conveniently knowing about that doctor AND agreeing to tell Carrie to the doctor suddenly shaking up Quinn despite being all "don't wake him up you'll kill him you assholes" before that to Allison walking around freely (and armed?!) with just one watcher (who apparently is on her side because reasons) to her getting a convenient excuse to access the professor (alone, again because reasons) to Saul not even warning others about what Carrie told him to people trusting the word of a spy under suspicions of treason to the civilians barely reacting to the terrorists locking up the gates

I get it, this is TV, and it's exaggerated for drama and suspense and all. I can deal with one eye-rolling contrivance, perhaps even two or three. But all that in just one episode (and I might have forgotten a few -- incidentally I wouldn't even count the lack of cell phone signal as one, because that does happen in subways -- of course Carrie shouldn't have just gone by herself without telling anyone to begin with), it's just too much suspension of disbelief.

I'll finish the season since there's just one episode left, but I'm not sure I want to continue. This is getting too insulting to my intelligence.

Edit: I actually did forget one; leaving that cellphone vendor guy alone in a windowed room without any surveillance because sure, why not? >_<


that WSJ article makes a great, incredibly obvious, point: someone pull a fucking fire alarm! someone call the police! someone do something!
I can't believe this, Laura is really the worst investigative journalist ever. Is this show anti-snowden? Are they trying to feed the audience with fictional propaganda or something?


I can't believe this, Laura is really the worst investigative journalist ever. Is this show anti-snowden? Are they trying to feed the audience with fictional propaganda or something?

The show has always had a right-wing slant, but it's usually mostly manifested in its depiction of Israel/Al Qaeda/Hezbollah.

But this season just seems to be far-right fan fiction - self-righteous and irresponsible journalists are just the beginning. Of course her leak causes the immediate release of convicted jihadis, and they're not put under any surveillance, and they're able to walk around discussing their plan freely. Our experienced, 'real talk' special forces solider wants a ground invasion. Naturally Israel has no negative involvement and just wants to help Saul. Meanwhile, not only does Russia not warn Germany about the chemical attacks, but they actively work to ensure its success because it's what Putin wants. Oh and shootouts in the streets are commonplace in Germany and don't immediately become headline news or get everyone's attention.

That's just what I can remember, no doubt there's been more nonsense.


Junior Member
that WSJ article makes a great, incredibly obvious, point: someone pull a fucking fire alarm! someone call the police! someone do something!
I literally said "All right, Carrie, tell everyone to evacuate now that you know someone went into the tunnel."

And nope.

This show is a dumpster fire of stupidity.


I still like this season, even though it feels a lot more like 24 than original Homeland, I don't mind. The only thing that really bothered me (except for the stupid Allison plot) was how the terrorists were trying to "close" the Hauptbahnhof, lol. Maybe at least put on vests next time so people might maybe think you're working there?

The show isn't great anymore by any means but there's nothing comparable to it (or 24), so I'll take it.
I literally said "All right, Carrie, tell everyone to evacuate now that you know someone went into the tunnel."

And nope.

This show is a dumpster fire of stupidity.

I know right? Carrie, everytime you are crazy and have a hunch, you know you are right.

Those damn Germans just standing around and not noticing a random person closing the gates lol.

Don't get me wrong, this season has been enjoyable but some of these characters and their actions lately have me shooting myself.


Carrie gets a slight pass, her established personality disorder has shown that she's not particularly logical when the situation demands it. She's super focused on getting to Quassan, and having already uh... tried to contact Saul, it's like that part is just done. Plus her screaming fire might just cause the local security/samaritans to tackle or arrest her, preventing her from stopping the gas. She doesn't have a badge after all.

Although she did pull out her gun...
Carrie gets a slight pass, her established personality disorder has shown that she's not particularly logical when the situation demands it. She's super focused on getting to Quassan, and having already uh... tried to contact Saul, it's like that part is just done. Plus her screaming fire might just cause the local security/samaritans to tackle or arrest her, preventing her from stopping the gas. She doesn't have a badge after all.

Although she did pull out her gun...

Screams "Social Experiment!" You Youtubers, get on it. Jk

Yea that's weird. She knows there's an incoming attack, she tried to at least contact the security offices but she decided against it. When she was trying to get people to help her she did try and sort of explain her actions but people generally are like that.

If a random person comes up to me and says the shit she says, I wouldn't trust her but I do watch alot of Homeland and movies so I might give her the benefit of the doubt lol.

Like some of us have said, some of the actions these characters have done are downright stupid. Saul trying to get the person some breathing room but should have seen how unstable that guy was.

Astrid who wanted to help Saul and Carrie bring Allison down but doesn't question the shooting.

Letting Allison run around with just one bodyguard and it's somebody she trusts just screams for something dumb to happen and it did. Let's not forget that she is now an enemy to both The US and GER.

Laura being a stubborn ass reporter and only caring about her ego and "reporting".


Junior Member
Carrie gets a slight pass, her established personality disorder has shown that she's not particularly logical when the situation demands it. She's super focused on getting to Quassan, and having already uh... tried to contact Saul, it's like that part is just done. Plus her screaming fire might just cause the local security/samaritans to tackle or arrest her, preventing her from stopping the gas. She doesn't have a badge after all.

Although she did pull out her gun...

Nope. Shit excuse.

Pull a fire alarm. They're everywhere in metros.

She's thinking logically enough to beg strangers to send a text message for her (which is already piss-poor writing to have her conveniently not have service).


The not having service thing is also probably intended to explain why no one in the subway started calling their friends/using social media/etc. when they saw multiple guys closing the gates knowing that a possible terror attack was imminent.

But yeah, likely just shit writing.


The thing that blew my mind is that no one at all questioned where the intel came from, that the attack was at the airport.

Carrie calls Saul and says "hey I think it's at the train station" and Saul says "naw, it's at the airport" and Carrie literally says "huh that's strange. ah well."

Never once does she say, hey Saul, where'd you get that intel from? Allison? Oh, maybe we should vet that a little bit.



You would think Saul would at least try to send a few people to the train station just in case. Even if he didn't like Dar enough to tell him, he could've at least made an effort since he was starting to waver on Allison's information.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
According to this show, the German public are the most docile, passive people on the planet. Random guy runs into a subway tunnel? Just stand there. Crazy lady with a gun does the same? Just stand there. Men closing gates at a very busy train station? Just stand there. Man slowly closes a gate while guiltily picking some to come through? Just stand there. Actual sheep would be more reactive than this. Even in a world without evil, people would be pissed off if you fuck with their commutes.


Junior Member
What is really disconcerting is that most of the terrorists don't have metro worker outfits. They look suspect as hell with their backpack.
The ones in construction vests are convincing.

No one really pays attention to those kinds of workers.

The guys who just started closing gates, however, had no business being able to get away with what they did without much more backlash.

This is season-five Homeland, though, so the writers have long given up.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The no cell service in the metro thing didn't bother me much. It was convenient, but at least it has the credit of being a thing that actually happens all the time.

The rest though... good gods.

Even in a world without evil, people would be pissed off if you fuck with their commutes.
Haha good point.


This season of Homeland is so strange. Its the most with the times and out of touch show ever, simultaneously.

Its still entertaining though.

Just that some of the dumb shit is totally unnecessary.
I mean, i'm enjoying it... but this season is fucking coincidence city.

also, when did Dar Adal become such an idiot
& why do they keep inventing new snoozfest romances for Carrie?
& that reporter chick annoys my balls off
& Quinn better snap out of it and throat punch some fucks again.. if they kill him off, i'm done with the show.

..... I can't wait to see the SVR grandma with a dog assassinate Allison.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Actually happens when you're underground, which Carrie wasn't.
Wasn't she? It's hard to say with all those escalators, some stations have elaborate undergrounds with multiple levels. In some places in Montreal I still get service two escalators down, and in others I don't get service barely a few steps downstairs.

If she wasn't even underground at all, though... well that's just dumb. :S


does dar adal need to have sex?
Hes been on this show a while and seems to be the only one that doesnt get sex scenes. hes been on since like season 2


Wasn't she? It's hard to say with all those escalators, some stations have elaborate undergrounds with multiple levels. In some places in Montreal I still get service two escalators down, and in others I don't get service barely a few steps downstairs.

If she wasn't even underground at all, though... well that's just dumb. :S

This was literally the shot when she was asking people to take her phone. Not only is it the ground floor, but the doors are huge and the station has a glass ceiling. She'd get better reception there than the CIA station.

This was literally the shot when she was asking people to take her phone. Not only is it the ground floor, but the doors are huge and the station has a glass ceiling. She'd get better reception there than the CIA station.
yeah I didn't understand why she was getting no signal there

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't remember the scenes well, but this screenshot is a bit blurry and I can't be sure what I'm looking at. I've seen underground places in Montreal that looked kinda like this (though, well, I think there was still service). But didn't she ask the lady to go "upstairs" to get a signal, suggesting she was at least one level downstairs?


I don't remember the scenes well, but this screenshot is a bit blurry and I can't be sure what I'm looking at. I've seen underground places in Montreal that looked kinda like this (though, well, I think there was still service). But didn't she ask the lady to go "upstairs" to get a signal, suggesting she was at least one level downstairs?

Over her left shoulder is the massive exit to outside. Above that is the glass ceiling. All the brightness you're seeing is daylight so it's not even remotely underground.
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