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Homeland - Season 5 - Sundays on Showtime

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Ok grant it may not be easy to identify a person voice, but we are talking about spies who are trained for this kind of things, also Carrie knew that had to be someone related to Saul, so what other female might that be? Yeah Allison

give it up already

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah dude this is far from the most outlandish plot hole in the season, haha. This doesn't even register as a blip on a radar in terms of inconsistency, in fact I'd find my suspension of disbelief more stretched if she had recognized the voice.


Yeah dude this is far from the most outlandish plot hole in the season, haha. This doesn't even register as a blip on a radar in terms of inconsistency, in fact I'd find my suspension of disbelief more stretched if she had recognized the voice.
Same, its one word in Russian.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, the phone thing doesn't bother me. It's one word, on a cellphone, in her non-native tongue, and she was probably doing an accent. Some people have an ear for recognizing voices on the phone, some dont.

I think that moment was just to clue in the viewer that Allison was being shady. I don't see how it helps Carrie, she doesn't have doubts and it isn't concrete proof.


Junior Member
Wow, this scene in the apartment with Allison was absolutely embarrassing.

This show is a fucking abortion now.
Wow, this scene in the apartment with Allison was absolutely embarrassing.

This show is a fucking abortion now.

Lol, that's what that guy gets for trusting a traitor.

Sure, let's all trust a traitor's words now. Why not. She shot herself and sort of immediately told Astrid what their plan was lol.

Also, I really, really, really, really hate Laura.

Allison be like:



Junior Member
Every time Allison and Laura are on the screen, I roll my eyes to infinity.

I can no longer look straight ahead.

The plot and conveniences and stupidity of the characters are all so pathetic and unbelievable.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
How many times in this episode alone does Carrie's quivering face get someone to fork over information that might put their own lives in danger? "That person whom I'm not supposed to know is here, and to whom you've been instructed to never let anyone talk, I need to speak with them. Just tell them it's urgent, that always works. They'll let me in while still believing I'm a danger to themselves and their family, because I'm the main character of a bad drama. People will always talk to me."

The fucking doctor himself grabbed comatose Quinn by the shoulders and yelled "hey! hey!" to try waking him up. What in the hell?

It's not possible for this so-called guard to be giving Allison a longer leash. What a fucking joke.

Allison still believes she could be a useful asset to the SVR. Not even out of a desperate plea for survival, but out of an true actual belief. Proof enough that she's a fucking idiot.

Oh, and now they're letting Allison share a bunch of time with someone even higher up the Russian chain than Ivan? Does anyone have a brain here?

The staging of that shooting, ridiculous.

Carrie is still running around Berlin with a gun while claiming to be an intelligence officer.

Without authorization, Astrid let Saul take that former convict into a completely and utterly unguarded and unwatched room. You're threatening to ruin his life, again. Let's just leave him alone for a few minutes...

The less said about Laura Sutton's inane television interview the better. I've heard more cogent and articulate arguments against violating civil liberties from sixth graders.

"Not delivered." Hysterical.

These terrorists have been so careful... which is why they left schematics and plans for their target sitting out in the open at their apartment.

Carrie, center of the universe, is the only one who can save us all!


Subete no aware
Everyone on this show is fucking stupid. Everyone. I want the attack to be successful so hopefully everyone dies and they can't make another season.

I have a feeling that IS will be playing a major role next season or next season being the final season dealing with IS. Ending this season with IS emerging and then ending the series dealing with IS.

Unless they start dealing the North Korea or China. They've already done everybody else besides the stereotypical Asian villains :/
I'm not even bothering with next season.

sighs I've been with Homeland since the beginning, I'm going to see through it until the end no matter how ridiculous it gets. I think.... I think I might need to start getting drunk when it airs though just to help me get through it.

I'm just waiting for my other shows to air - House of Lies, Penny Dreadful, and Shameless.
calling it now, Carrie's tears will disarm the bomb and also dismantle ISIS

Allison is one cold hearted bitch though. Choosing a life in Russia over saving 10k+ people. I guess as long as she can have Fendi handbags Amazon Primed to her, she is good. Love the character, she is the only ruthless spy in the whole show.


calling it now, Carrie's tears will disarm the bomb and also dismantle ISIS

Allison is one cold hearted bitch though. Choosing a life in Russia over saving 10k+ people. I guess as long as she can have Fendi handbags Amazon Primed to her, she is good. Love the character, she is the only ruthless spy in the whole show.
Allison's dead, she's just too stupid to realize it.


Junior Member
sighs I've been with Homeland since the beginning, I'm going to see through it until the end no matter how ridiculous it gets. I think.... I think I might need to start getting drunk when it airs though just to help me get through it.

I'm just waiting for my other shows to air - House of Lies, Penny Dreadful, and Shameless.
So have I. I have been with the show since the show's première.

The show that is on television now simply isn't Homeland. The characters aren't even acting like the characters I once knew and loved. This whole thing is a complete and utter mess. It's quite sad.


The first half of the season was good, and then they had to figure out how to extend it light years beyond when it should have ended.


The absolute lengths of FUCKERY that Alison went this episode are unprecedented in the history of the television medium and possibly in the history of terrestrial fiction.

The utter carnival of ridiculousness on display this season is simply admirable for its sheer blind audacity. My children's children's children will remember that someone was paid handsomely in American dollars rather than in a homicidal, mercy-killing spray of smite-infused bullets to write this, the 11th episode of the 5th season of Homeland.

In sum:




That is this season of Homeland in a perfect sequence of emotionally resonant GIFs.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
seriously wtf, someone needs to shoot laura, then Alison. When she got the gun, I knew exactly what was going to happen.

still looking forward to how it will wrap up in next episode. But seriously, so fucking dumb.





Great fucking episode, holy shit, the tension was amazing. Already fixed last years mistake and the season finale won't be garbage. :) All of you are nitpicking on a plan that DIDN'T EVEN WORK for Allison - she got caught in her fuckery less than an hour after it happened and is now on the run.



this episode may just be it for me. i'll stick around for the finale but i think i am finally done with this fucking show...


the terrorist plot only succeeds every other season (ie. 2, 4). 0% chance it succeeds, not when they've set up so many ways for it to fail


I could almost (almost) the previous hour of utter stupidity, then it had to pull the dumbest plot device in the history of dumb plot devices when Carrie couldn't get a fucking signal to tip off Saul about an impending terrorist attack

and then

Saul's first reaction isn't to, I dunno, call Dar or the fucking German police or someone or anyone about the fact that a terrorist attack is about to occur in like 10 minutes, but to go chasing after Allison?!?!? are you fucking kidding me????


Hunky Nostradamus
The tension was pretty high in those last few minutes, so I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ends and - especially - how they intend to bring Carrie back into the fray next season. I mean, the plot is pure fantasy at this point, so I suppose anything is possible, but I just don't see how the writers can twist things to the point where she rejoins the CIA, yet at the same time I don't see them repeating themselves either with another "she's the head of security/a consultant to someone important" type set up.

Maybe next year she'll become a freelance terrorist hunter along with Saul, Quinn, Virgil, and Max?




It's just so disappointing after last season was a really strong return to form. Even when the plot took a turn for the stupid, it always had a very strong thematic center and maintained a credible level of moral ambiguity. this... this is just dumb.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I thought this was a decent episode. Yeah, the cellphone not sending a signal was a little convenient so there will be a delay between Carrie storming in and Saul sending backup. But cellphones not getting good signal in a subway isn't that outlandish.

Allison not having more eyes watching her is what bothered me. She is suspected of being the cause of the biggest infiltration of the US intelligence community in decades. Even if we're giving her the benefit of the doubt, her getting the information needed and then everyone except her getting killed...yeah, I'm going to want eyeballs on her every second. She sly though, she sly.

The staging of the shooting sucked, but it was supposed to. It only had to look good enough for her to pass on the information and get away. It wouldn't stand up under scrutiny because of the angle of the shot, gunshot powder results, fingerprints, etc. But Allison plans on being on an island sipping banana daiquiris by the time those tests come back.

Y'all must just be burnt out on this show. I skipped Season 2 and 3 and I'm having a ball with this. This show jumped the shark when Brody didn't set it off at the end of Season 1. After that, I just hope for a slightly more grounded 24 with better acting. And it delivers that.
I don't the trust the opinion of someone who claims Miranda Otto starred in Rubicon.


Also great ep, yeah stupid moments but the tention was real like in S01.
Looking forward to the final.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Heh, sure, there's also the problem with that expressed opinion. You want to claim that Rubicon, especially episodes 4-12, weren't amazing? Nah, don't think so.


I mean, despite how shit the plot is, it's still preferable to S2-S3 Dana-drama, and Abu Nazir hiding in a warehouse on US soil.



The same tricks over and over again. CIA is blind and fooled with no reason by Allison, SVR knows every loophole and makes no mistake, Carrie is the only one that sees the truth and saves the world thanks to evidences and testimonies literally laying on tables. They just completely failed at keeping the same characters and changing their playground based on the most recent international news. It's mediocre plot, action, acting, photography. Nothing to save.

For those who want to see a good intelligence series which isn't a comic one like Homeland, try Le Bureau des Légendes (it may have english subtitles or release somewhere)


Tried to make a mental list of the stupidity this episode, but lost count half way in. A lot of shows (good ones too) dumb down characters to keep the plot moving - but you sacrifice pawns, not the apparent intelligent foundation of your show. The Russians aren't even trying and they're running rings around Saul - fuck, even Alison took pity on Saul and tried to him tip off when the doctor entered and she said "Who are you? I told the other doctor", and Saul still took a walk even though he suspected her story.

And yes, Rubicon was too good for this world.


I like this episode and how it all coming together. But this season has been pretty weird because I really want the Allison and Laura fuckery to be resolved yet I already dread that they won't.
I mean seeing how last season ended, I'm not sure they'll even bother to address what the hell happened to those two.

This season will just ends with the terrorist threat dealt with, Carrie returning to her daughter and Saul inviting her to join CIA where she decline as some sort of cliffhanger.

*looks up in the sky*

Someone lit the dead souls signal. Hate might be strong, but holy shit was Rubicon a complete and total mediocrity. I stood up and applauded when it was canceled.


Look I defend this show from time to time, but that apt. scene was fucking laughable. Who could think that was a good idea?


Junior Member
The Allison and Laura plots are more embarrassing and pathetic than last-seasons professor-nimrob-turned-enemy-agent plot.
The shooting scene Allison made up makes no sense to me, I will love to see her explaining it. The season finale is going to end in a cliffhanger, nothing like the previous season, I really hope is not more dumb shit.


1) I'm not sure if this is a fictional TV thing, but couldn't they have told from the gunshot wound that it was likely self-inflicted? Since she put it right up to her shoulder. You think Astrid of all people would be suspicious of her, since she said she didn't believe her in the last episode.

2) Wasn't the university full of students and faculty? How did not anyone not hear the gun shots?


1) I'm not sure if this is a fictional TV thing, but couldn't they have told from the gunshot wound that it was likely self-inflicted? Since she put it right up to her shoulder.

2) Wasn't the university full of students and faculty? How did not anyone not hear the gun shots?

All of those points and more are why that scene has to be the laziest thing ever in Homeland. Maybe there's dumber scenes but you can tell they didn't give a fuck about thinking things through for that one.


Junior Member
1) I'm not sure if this is a fictional TV thing, but couldn't they have told from the gunshot wound that it was likely self-inflicted? Since she put it right up to her shoulder. You think Astrid of all people would be suspicious of her, since she said she didn't believe her in the last episode.

2) Wasn't the university full of students and faculty? How did not anyone not hear the gun shots?
No, that's real life.

Her blouse would have been burned and had gunpowder on it, which would indicate the show was fired directly against her shirt, which doesn't fit the story.

Also, they would have been able to tell from the angle of entry that the show wasn't likely from another person.

Yes, this happened in 2016 on a college campus in a major European city, so there's no way the place wouldn't have already been stormed. There were people all over the place.

This show is cutting so many corners just to move its asinine plot along.
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