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Honest question: why is everyone around here so obsessed with the idea of a "pro" versions of current gen consoles?


Can’t Git Gud
For me and many others getting a PC doesn't help with PS day one releases on the horizon

Give me some extra juice for those

And I am one of those who buy a smartphone almost every year though I skipped the iPhone 14 last year but already have my 15 Pro Max
you are that extra juice they are squeezing.


Gold Member
Then don't buy it...

Does it though?
Oh I am buying it, likely two in fact

you are that extra juice they are squeezing.
I mean I am 56 years old and worked very hard to get where I am and honestly its no big deal to me

The price of the PS5 Pro my wife and I could easily spend that much on a night out in South Beach Miami
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How about just sticking to the ones we already have and letting the generation run its course before having to shell out another few hundred bucks?
The main reason people want a pro is because they want to get better performance. They want 60 fps or more at 4K res with ray tracing.

This could be had if people would just upgrade to a PC but most people don’t want to game on PC.

But I think if Sony continues to release a small number of first party games a pro model is a waste. You would get more value out of just getting a PC even more at that point.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
I want to play my games at the highest fidelity possible on my preferred console. It's not much different than upgrading a GPU 4 years down the line.

As time goes on, we're going to see a lot more 1080p 60fps performance modes on console and I would rather play those performance modes at a much higher fidelity.

I don't know why people complain about pro consoles when they're not the target audience.


Can’t Git Gud
Oh I am buying it, likely two in fact

I mean I am 56 years old and worked very hard to get where I am and honestly its no big deal to me

The price of the PS5 Pro my wife and I could easily spend that much on a night out in South Beach Miami
that's good to hear.
I am good too on that front (maybe not THAT good) and I will get it. I just feel it's not right


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
They love giving companies money, their dream is all consoles get yearly updates like phones so they can buy them up like Apples. But also they're too dumb to use a PC where components do get yearly updates and will pretend there's something wrong with the platform/its users instead there 🤷‍♂️

Bruh, some or many of us were building pcs since the 90s or even earlier before they became they became the modern easy to build variety that even folks like you can put together. Before the internet when you had to actually figure shit out on your own. Back when putting a pc together was actual work.

Modern pcmr is full of tards just like yourself, all self congratulating because they’re able to put together hardware that’s so easy to configure it may as well be the equivalent of digital lego and use software that handholds you through every step of the process like a toddler. Congrats I guess, keep thinking you’re smart.

We’re old and tired and just don’t feel like dealing with it anymore. I sit in front of a computer all day for work, and have for decades now and I don’t feel like dealing with it after work. It’s literally that simple.
Half your post is about how easy it is in an attempt to put me down (I never said it's hard so good job agreeing by arguing mate) and yet you still can't "deal with it" so who's the "tard"? Also I'm not pcmr and never suggested such, just talking facts & truths that offend your very being apparently...

Maybe you should play on a treadmill because you sit all day at work apparently so it must suck to do the same thing on your off time, lmao. what a stupid fucking argument, oh no I use a PC at work so it can't possibly be used for entertainment, oh no, I can't connect/stream to TV and play, no! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

you're still stuck maintaining and upgrading a pc, fucking with settings, and having to do shit other than simply sitting down to play.
Well that's a whole different argument just because I totally obliterared your previous one.

But again, you spent half your first reply telling me how easy and effortless that shit is, now it's still too much, lmfao. Oh no, letting GeForce Experience choose my settings is so much harder than choosing between "quality, rt quality, performance, rt performance" or whatever crap on a console :messenger_weary:

Anyway, next, try to not argue against what I said by doing exactly what I predicted with stupid comfy couch level arguments, lol. I'm not trying to sell you anything, change your mind, your ways, or whatever, just talking facts and truths, I just replied to a thread with my observations. Good luck :messenger_peace:
will pretend there's something wrong with the platform/its users instead
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How is that hurting you? Sony didn't do what Microsoft have this generation and launched with their base and pro console (allegedly) and the base console is now, funnily enough holding back titles because they're having to scale down vision.

On the other hand if I was offered a choice of 4K 60fps or potentially higher, then I'll pay for the extra. PlayStation 5 has established a standard of gaming that needs to be met as a minimum. The added bells and whistles they can add additionally I would pay for.

Very different than saying, well we could but what do we sacrifice to make it work on S?


And it is a lot more costlly.

Why is it ok on PC and not on a console?
Nah, it's not more costly. I've been assembling PCs for more than 20 years and the most expensive upgrade that I ever did in one purchase was 200 bucks. You're not forced to buy an entire new PC whenever you want to upgrade. You can do it incrementally by only swapping specific components at a time, and it will provide significant performance boost even if you don't upgrade anything else. Plus second hand parts are a lot cheaper.

With a console you only have one option - buy a new one, used and in good condition if you're lucky.
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@OP why are you so obsessed with the idea of upgrading your phone every couple of years? It's much more expensive than a console and I would argue brings a lot less meaningful benefits vs the previous model


Im all in if they do and im obviously missing nothing if they don't make one.
Assuming they target the lower system (PS5) and scale up, no one is missing out. But if i can get higher Resolution and or frame rate and other stuff through a pro patch.. im going for it.
I dont smoke and gamble money down the drain, so throwing a few hundred at something like this is nothing. And the best part is... its a choice. No one is forcing this down your throat.
Just like no one forced me to buy a new phone 3 years later for a small screen upgrade and camera etc..
No one is forcing anyone to upgrade there PC components.. but choices exist.

I honestly find it baffling people hate the idea of a pro system when it wont affect them at all.
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But also they're too dumb to use a PC where components do get yearly updates and will pretend there's something wrong with the platform/its users instead there 🤷‍♂️
Bruh, some or many of us were building pcs since the 90s or even earlier before they became they became the modern easy to build variety that even folks like you can put together. Before the internet when you had to actually figure shit out on your own. Back when putting a pc together was actual work.

Modern pcmr is full of tards just like yourself, all self congratulating because they’re able to put together hardware that’s so easy to configure it may as well be the equivalent of digital lego and use software that handholds you through every step of the process like a toddler. Congrats I guess, keep thinking you’re smart.

We’re old and tired and just don’t feel like dealing with it anymore. I sit in front of a computer all day for work, and have for decades now and I don’t feel like dealing with it after work. It’s literally that simple.
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Little Mac

Gold Member
Because I am a graphics whore who likes Nintendo games.

Debra Morgan Dexter GIF


@OP why are you so obsessed with the idea of upgrading your phone every couple of years? It's much more expensive than a console and I would argue brings a lot less meaningful benefits vs the previous model
Idk what gave you that idea. The only reason for me to buy a new phone is if the old one is literally broken or no longer supported, and even then I won't be in a hurry to do so.

I was still using this thing until 2020 and at that time, most of the App Store apps were not working on it anymore, and the receiver was broken and I had to use earbuds to receive calls, lol. The only reason I finally upgraded was that I was required to use a mobile authenticator to login to my work email after we started working from home.
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If it's going to be like the PS4 Pro, in many games there will be an increase in resolution to some degree, and in 30 fps games, the fps will either remain the same or fluctuate around 40-45. It might be worth waiting for those who are getting a PS5 for the first time. The PS4 Pro didn't sell very well, and I don't think this will be any different. Console users don't care about these things as much as most of us do here.


Gold Member
I make good money and bought housing over a decade ago. I have money to burn so I’m absolutely in for PS5 Pro day 1.

Hell- I upgraded my PC from a 6700xt to a 7900xt in six months, and now am upgrading my 5600 cpu to either a 7600x or 7800x3d today.

I like top tier gaming. I’m not going to feel bad about it. 🤷‍♂️
I never got the idea of pro consoles. I have a ps5 right now, why would I need a new one?

It's not like the stock ps5 is akin to something like ps1 graphics and the pro is akin to ps2 graphics - like a drastic difference. I'd understand it then. But minor stuff? Nah..


30fps will never be dead.

Maybe people should watch that recent interview with the developer from Remedy.
To me a stable frame rate > high framerate. As long as it doesn't dip or spike wildly during gameplay, your eyes can adjust to it. A very easy test for it can be done if you have a 120 Hz monitor or higher. If you put that refresh rate at maximum possible, everything will be so buttery smooth that suddenly 60 FPS will look like dog shit choppy nightmare, but play the game for 5 minutes on that lower refresh rate and soon enough you will stop noticing it and just play the damn game. The trick is to keep it stable so that your brain won't have to keep adjusting and distracting you from the game.
Idk what gave you that idea. The only reason for me to buy a new phone is if the old one is literally broken or no longer supported, and even then I won't be in a hurry to do so.

I was still using this thing until 2020 and at that time, most of the App Store apps were not working on it anymore, and the receiver was broken and I had to use earbuds to receive calls, lol. The only reason I finally upgraded was that I was required to use a mobile authenticator to login to my work email after we started working from home.
You are aware though, that the vast majority of people have a 1 to 2 year upgrade cycle for their phone right? Being surprised that someone after 4 years would pay another $400 or $500 for a decent upgrade that will last them another 4 or so years is kind of weird.
Especially in a forum of enthusiasts where we dedicate a good % of our spare time talking about our favorite hobby with other enthusiasts.


Guess people don't believe that devs will getting better with the ps5 hardware, So instead they want the hardware to brute force stuff like on PC. Like games still won't come out jank on a pro console too. But because people want to throw money instead of being patient we will likely see consoles become like cellphones, and you just hope the console you bought this year will be supported for more then two years.

Got to love consumerism.


My thinking is - if you are going to by a replacement console (or a second one for another room etc), why not get a refreshed version with better specs. Win-win?

Also - the new PS5 looks great. Sorta like a clone trooper.
I am no fan of Pro consoles, just because it makes devs rely on more power instead of optimising the hell out of lesser machines. Proper next gen jumps, hell yes, but upgrading like the PC master race every now and then, hell no.
Might be wrong about it, but at least with Assetto Corsa and Monster Truck Championship I would say that those had weird stutters in the PS4 version while both run fine on PS5, in Pro mode, and naturally also in their PS5 ports.
I also don't see what point marketing will make with these Pro things. It won't be 4090 power, RT will still suck, AMD did not really catch up at all and offer an upgrade with some 2.0 tech in whatever, native 4k will stay a pipedream, not many care about 60fps... it can be better in all regards though while still feel underwhelming like the whole gen has to be, after fauxk is already standard since years and noticable jumps are hardly possible anymore.


You are aware though, that the vast majority of people have a 1 to 2 year upgrade cycle for their phone right? Being surprised that someone after 4 years would pay another $400 or $500 for a decent upgrade that will last them another 4 or so years is kind of weird.
Especially in a forum of enthusiasts where we dedicate a good % of our spare time talking about our favorite hobby with other enthusiasts.
To paraphrase some of the other sentiments from this thread - I don't care what others are doing with their phones.

The difference is that, if similar trend sets in on console market, it would have a wider impact on games as a whole. And that's what people who are clamouring for Pro consoles fail to understand. You and others like you argue that we should just STFU and let you enjoy your hobby of spending money on new things, but you also couldn't care less about the negative effect that having 5 different versions of the same console would make on the industry as a whole.

Consoles used to be about simplicity. You popped the game into a console, turned on the TV and you were ready to go. Everyone played the same games and you didn't have to worry about any of that auxiliary bullshit about performance or resolution because everyone had the same hardware and developer could optimise games for that one build throughout the entire generation. Nowadays consoles feel more like Mac computers and this whole obsession with upgrading them every couple of years is just another smelly byproduct of that trend.


Pro is there so devs can adjust their “creative vision” and allow proper 60 fps mode at non terrible resolution (before FSR upscale).

Again, as many said, this is for about 20% or so of folks who want that, base systems will still be the target.

You already have games coming out they perform not so well and it will only get worse, hence the option to buy “Pro” console.

It’s similar to upgrading GPUs on PC… but less expensive, lol.


First & last pro console I will ever have is PS4 pro....not worth the money !!!
From now on I will get cheapest options for my gaming hobby. I hope Sony will have option like Series S with next console so I can game dirty cheap.
Also getting all new games on discounts because all new AAA games suck donkey balls without patches so 1 year wait to sort their mess sounds about right.
Going cheap is the way !!!

To paraphrase some of the other sentiments from this thread - I don't care what others are doing with their phones.

The difference is that, if similar trend sets in on console market, it would have a wider impact on games as a whole. And that's what people who are clamouring for Pro consoles fail to understand. You and others like you argue that we should just STFU and let you enjoy your hobby of spending money on new things, but you also couldn't care less about the negative effect that having 5 different versions of the same console would make on the industry as a whole.

Consoles used to be about simplicity. You popped the game into a console, turned on the TV and you were ready to go. Everyone played the same games and you didn't have to worry about any of that auxiliary bullshit about performance or resolution because everyone had the same hardware and developer could optimise games for that one build throughout the entire generation. Nowadays consoles feel more like Mac computers and this whole obsession with upgrading them every couple of years is just another smelly byproduct of that trend.
Well if we're all going to just not care and ignore valid points, there's no discussion to be had.

I think the valid concern for multiple SKUs was raised by several people when MS release the series potato console. We already know what are the base specs for the generation and as we've seen in the last one, pro consoles released and the world didn't collapse.
These same games are already being released on PC where you indeed have a much more complex set of variables to control, incomparable more than a bump in resolution and frame rates.

Having said that, no one is forced to buy a pro console as they won't be locked out of any games, just a great option for those that can afford and are passionate enough to purchase these consoles.

You're also missing the point that generations used to last 4/5 years and now we're well into 8+ years, that's a tough pill to swallow to be stuck with ancient hardware like that. The phone model should become much more popular for consoles and hopefully becomes the norm.


Well if we're all going to just not care and ignore valid points, there's no discussion to be had.

I think the valid concern for multiple SKUs was raised by several people when MS release the series potato console. We already know what are the base specs for the generation and as we've seen in the last one, pro consoles released and the world didn't collapse.
These same games are already being released on PC where you indeed have a much more complex set of variables to control, incomparable more than a bump in resolution and frame rates.

Having said that, no one is forced to buy a pro console as they won't be locked out of any games, just a great option for those that can afford and are passionate enough to purchase these consoles.

You're also missing the point that generations used to last 4/5 years and now we're well into 8+ years, that's a tough pill to swallow to be stuck with ancient hardware like that. The phone model should become much more popular for consoles and hopefully becomes the norm.
Once again, you're just repeating the same BS about letting you enjoy what you want and ignoring the potential drawbacks. The mobile phone argument is also nonsensical because trends that rule that market are completely different from the console market. Also, mobile market is a cesspool so even providing it as an example to support your argument is ridiculous. What are you even suggesting, that it's okay if consoles become the same kind of consumerist wasteland as mobile market as long as you can satiate your thirst for buying new things?

Also, 8+ years? What are you even talking about? Current gen started in late 2020 in case you didn't know.
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I would change the question, why is it so ANNOYING that they release a PRO model 4 years later? It doesn't matter what you buy, cell phone, TV, car, refrigerator, PC, etc... that in a matter of months there will be a new more powerful or better model and nothing prevents you from continuing to enjoy what you have, the only real reason to oppose it One pro is that you don't find it funny that others have a better console and that's it.


Once again, you're just repeating the same BS about letting you enjoy what you want and ignoring the concerns of others. [...]
I get the impression that you dont really want a discussion about the topic. You have your point of view (fair) and that is it. You "shoot down" every opinion that does not validate your own.
At least that is my impression. If im wrong im sorry. It's not my intent to attack you, just wanted to voice that you are not really engange in a discussion either.


I get the impression that you dont really want a discussion about the topic. You have your point of view (fair) and that is it. You "shoot down" every opinion that does not validate your own.
At least that is my impression. If im wrong im sorry. It's not my intent to attack you, just wanted to voice that you are not really engange in a discussion either.
And how would you engage with opinions that are equally as selfish? So far anyone who was fully on board with the idea of a Pro console sounded like a living example of that "38 year old consoomer" meme and it's actually kinda funny. It's like all they care about is to scratch the itch of buying a new toy, and when I try to provide some possible reasons why Pro consoles are actually a terrible idea, all I get in response is "well, no one's forcing you to buy it."

Yeah, no kidding, thanks for letting me know. Any other brilliant suggestions? Like "don't stick a fork in a wall socket", maybe? (Not asking you specifically, ofc. I'm just yelling at clouds here.)
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Gold Member
And how would you engage with opinions that are equally as selfish? So far anyone who was fully on board with the idea of a Pro console sounded like a living example of that "38 year old consoomer" meme and it's actually kinda funny. It's like all they care about is to scratch the itch of buying a new toy, and when I try to provide some possible reasons why Pro consoles are actually a terrible idea, all I get in response is "well, no one's forcing you to buy it."

Yeah, no kidding, thanks for letting me know. Any other brilliant suggestions? Like "don't stick a fork in a wall socket", maybe? (Not asking you specifically, ofc. I'm just yelling at clouds here.)
Sometimes it just comes down to because I have the means and I want it

If that’s not a good enough answer for some then the discussion ends


Some just don't care about that extra performance as talking to people over the last few months I know a lot that can afford it and wont buy it and it seems a lot just do not want to support that kind of model of new consoles every 3-4 years

I on the other hand would buy one every other year given the chance

To each their own
My main reason for not looking forward to it is simple lack of interest. Like if one wants it, then all power to them, but I don't really think I'm turning on my PS5 to the point where it's justifiable to go for the upgrade.


I'm convinced that those against pro models can't afford them and don't want to be left behind at the same time.
I don't think that there are many that truly are against it, but rather don't see a need for it.

For me it's simple, just like PS Portal, I wouldn't miss it if it wouldn't be released, but if it's there, I buy it.
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