True. I think I need to make my profile better. I only have three pics in a wifebeater and I don’t even show my face. My bio is only one sentence about One Piece lmao pretty much zero effort into my Tinder. I’ll have to work on it. Can’t expect results without change I suppose
My dude, this is your problem. Here are the golden rules:
- No selfies ever.
- No pictures from your basement.
- No pictures of you holding a fish.
- Yes to pictures of yourself within a group of people doing something. You cant find any? Go find your local town hobos and take a picture of yourself making sandwiches for them or some shit.
- Yes to pictures outside of yourself landscaping, having fun, drinking at a bar, holding an animal etc. Anything that detaches you from your household.
- No reference to any nerdy pop culture, "geek", "nerd", "tech savvy" is enough. Girls don't know anything outside of quoting the office and tiger king.
- Bio: include your height, look up examples of good tinder bios on google images or reddit
and find what meshes with your personality. I can't stress this enough, once you're matched and you're not congruent with what the girl expected then you're done. Women are extremly good at this, one shit test and it's over. Having game is using the best strategies of pro players and adapting it to your style. If your matches aren't receptive go back to the drawing board, I did that many times and today I sit on 100 matches. Concept of abundance is great for game.
Finally good luck, girls are much much nicer and receptive right in this moment because they don't get validation from work, going out, school etc. They're also at their horniest so now is the perfect time. Good luck.