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Horizon: Forbidden West |OT| Red Head Redemption - II -


Just seeing the credits now. Comprehension question:
Why is Nemesis still a threat to be fought when it wanted to kill the Zeniths which Aloy and her team practically did in their team effort?


Just seeing the credits now. Comprehension question:
Why is Nemesis still a threat to be fought when it wanted to kill the Zeniths which Aloy and her team practically did in their team effort?
How would it know that? Why would it believe it when it arrives? Why would it care if it did believe it? It is supposed to be crazy after all.




Crazy 😲
The final third was quite strong. Aloy finally understanding that she doesnt have to be alone while saving the world felt earned. She is totally gonna have a love interest in the 3rd game. The tribal stuff got long in the tooth though especially because I pursue a ton of sidequests.

The twist sounds like mass effect's Reapers though lol.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
So after 50 hours I finally got the flying mount and man, Id rather have a racing snail.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Beat it. Pretty much did everything. This game just sucks all around. The story is bad, the characters are whatever. The ending is laughable. Combat is frustrating and not fun. Side content isnt worth it. Cant wait for part three! GG really is just a mediocre developer. Killzione 2 is still their best work and that game had flaws too.


Gold Member
Beat it. Pretty much did everything. This game just sucks all around. The story is bad, the characters are whatever. The ending is laughable. Combat is frustrating and not fun. Side content isnt worth it. Cant wait for part three! GG really is just a mediocre developer. Killzione 2 is still their best work and that game had flaws too.
I can confidently say that I have never completed a game I did not enjoy.


Gold Member
Legit question here, and sorry for double posting. The lip sync in this game isn't the greatest or is it just me? There like 0.2s delay in there.


Finished up tonight. I'm at about 100 hours. I shared my thoughts in another thread, so I won't repeat all that.

I have mixed feelings about the ending. Combat was fun, and there were dramatic and emotional moments. On the other hand, I have some some reservations:

The writers threw too much into the pot in the last 5 minutes -- multiple motivation reveals, reversals, a new enemy, and plot twists. It's a lot to take in, all piled on at once.

I'm not enthused about Nemesis. It does not feel like a new enemy, just a rehashed version of the Zeniths. I mean, it's their corrupted AI. I just spent the whole game battling the Zeniths, thinking I defeated them, and now I have to deal with their bastard AI? I'm a bit tired of the "evil AI" theme, too.

Generally, the ending didn't feel satisfying. It was different in the first game. At the end of the original, I felt like I had saved the world (or at least Meridian). "Yay! Huzzah!" There was time to enjoy my victory. But here, I am left feeling like all that work just delayed the inevitable. I didn't even get a moment to enjoy my triumph over the Zeniths before I am told that an invincible AI that wiped out the Zeniths is on the way, hell-bent on destroying us, just because. I wanted to relish my victory, but the game allow time for that.

Forbidden West has a lot going for it -- fun combat, beautiful environments, in-depth quests and sidequests, improved visuals, lots of gameplay tweaks. I enjoyed it. Just not as much as the original. For me, there were things that dragged the experience down -- the upgrade grind, the "more, more" approach to complicating combat, nerfing some of my favorite weapons from the first game, making the machines so aggressive that careful strategy was harder, some intrusion of gender politics, Aloy's contrived character arc (she wasn't an irritated loner in the first game), and the ending.

Overall, I enjoyed it, though. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. I'd give the original 9.2/10.
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I finally started this up yesterday, fresh off of a 100% playthrough of the first game on PC, (sidenote: which was actually better than I remembered - double the framerate will do that, I guess!).

I legitimately thought there was like a 3 year time skip between games because of how much Aloy's face changed. Even her voice is a little raspier at times. I could not believe it when they said it's only been 6 months. Having said that, the improvements to facial expressions and general animations during conversations are really impressive, especially for the side characters. That Oseram chick in particular received the ultimate glow up (as the kids would say).

Anyway, I'm only a few hours in and was shocked to see that, according to trophy data, only 68% of players actually made it through the tutorial part of the game. That seems insanely low?
Well, I only made it to the point where you meet the humans riding machines. It jumped the shark for me there. The plot doesn’t feel right. The game feels bogged down with far too many systems.

I really dislike how casually Aloy kills humans. I mean, I’m doing a simple sidequest to see if a group of people are collaborating with an enemy, and I murder the entire group. What the fuck? Would Aloy do that? The group doesn’t even attack, you just sneak in and assassinate people while merely investigating, not even completely certain of their activities. It felt wrong.
Well they lost another 30% between the end of tutorial and the end of the game
After finishing the game: I can see why.

Once you get into Tenakth territory it kinda just becomes a slog. I personally didn't find those storylines engaging at all - I forced myself to push on for the sake of progressing the actual story (GAIA and such).

The best part of the game is when you unlock flying, and it's a shame that it happens so late into the game.

I don't know... maybe I burned myself out by playing both games back-to-back, but I sadly did not enjoy my time with Forbidden West as much as Zero Dawn.

That said, I'm still looking forward to the VR game.


I bought this game day one last year and am just getting into it now. For some reason I just wanted to get in and take down some dinobots.

I'm not sure how I feel about the game. I'm at least over a third in and I still feel under powered. I'm have full infiltrator and it's miserable. I find silent strike doesn't proc and then I'm up shit creek. Can't get tesonater blast to work either. Only once so far. I'm heavy into warrior tree as well.

I turned on easy loot and had to turn down damage to aloy. I fine the combat frustrating and unintuitive.

I'll get better as now I'm seeing weapon techniques and Valor surges help. Gotta learn that juggling act.

There are way too many cutscenes. Way too many.

And yes you guys were right Aloy is annoying. I wish she was a bit more lighthearted easy hoping and flirty. She also should not have been Caucasian. Leave green gables for that.

I'll get through it..


I finally decided to get back into this game and finish it before Spiderman 2 comes out. Been playing for a month and just finished it yesterday. Overall, I liked it a lot.

The upgrade system still takes a while to really get going. I ended up creating jobs for a whole bunch of stuff but in the end just bought the resources I needed from the merchants.

The combat system is still really good. You need to exploit elemental damage and most machines also have weak spots. If all else failed, I had my trusty bow with advanced hunter arrows.

The opening ten hours are really good and then it meanders about a bit before a strong finish. I didn't do all the side quests because I got to the level cap just before the end mission and said fuck it, I'll leave it for the after game. Also, face paint as a cosmetic was a horrible choice.


I finished the game as my first sequel of PS4 introduced game. Series are truly competent in terms of gameplay, graphics are sweet but the writing is lacking any sense.
Apart from a risky move of creating a relevance for some sort of strange "digital beings" named after greek gods that you cannot attach yourself to anyhow, Aloy arc is literally non existing, like "she'll never gonna pass a drug test" with her "Everybody GTFO for now, and at the end we will be holding hands".

Seriously, I thought that psychopatic Lara Croft created in recent trilogy was lame. But Aloy is a new low.
I'm waiting for the moment they bring back women dignity in video games. What these type of portraits of heroines are for ? Radicalization ?
If I had a daughter I would not let her play this game.
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