Was there a better/easier way of taking down the firstrobo than using the tripwire then melee once it's down? The bow did little damage otherwise. How do I freeze or shock with the bow (if possible) or is that a little later in the game?Cauldron boss
Oh wow, 40 hours in and just found my first vantage collectible. Those are really, really cool.
PS4 Pro delivered today. Download is completed. See you on the other side, GAF.
I'm not clicking with this game just yet, its all so boring...with stop and start gameplay, rubbish stealth sections, it's not always clear what or where you have to go next. Have to say the Gfx are awesome with the best HDR len flare in video gaming history, but game is dull as hell and I rather play RE 7 on my Pro
I'm not clicking with this game just yet, its all so boring...with stop and start gameplay, rubbish stealth sections, it's not always clear what or where you have to go next. Have to say the Gfx are awesome with the best HDR len flare in video gaming history, but game is dull as hell and I rather play RE 7 on my Pro
Turn on the way points? Is this your first open world game?
No it isn't my 1st open world game at all, that would be Elite on my humble ZX Spectrum. I'm just not finding the game very fun to play at all, it's all so boring and dull .
Sounds like open world games aren't your cup of tea.
congrats.PS4 Pro delivered today. Download is completed. See you on the other side, GAF.
No I'm a fan of open world games that are fun to play stuff like GTA V, The Division, Red Dead Ect... This game, I'm finding all rather dull and a boring.
No I'm a fan of open world games that are fun to play stuff like GTA V, The Division, Red Dead Ect... This game, I'm finding all rather dull and a boring.
They should make RPGs only from now on. No more shooters ever.
Already posted a few times and yes it's still coolBased CDPR:
You like guns. Got it.
I used the blast wire myself and thought it was pretty easy, but you could also use the sling for shock/frost damage. I'm pretty sure I saw a specific bow that does elemental damage at a merchant.
Horizon controls infinitely better than GTAV, and The Division is as boring as it gets solo.
That's your view and don't have any issues with it. I'm just finding Zero Dawn rather boring and dull, it's just not clicking for me.
That's your view and don't have any issues with it. I'm just finding Zero Dawn rather boring and dull, it's just not clicking for me.
Is it possible to get rid of the floating square?
I would like to reach mission objectives by pure exploration.
PS4 Pro delivered today. Download is completed. See you on the other side, GAF.
Is there a way to loot stuff just by running over it? So over pressing triangle.