Not sure you'll see this but apparently the DLC Deluxe Edition "Carja Mighty Bow" and the "Carja Storm Ranger Outfit" do indeed seemed bugged to be much more powerful than they should be.
Reddit - Guide to Understanding Weapons, Armor, Mods, and Farming 10J Shards & Easy Purple Mods
What it says about this DLC gear:
While this won't effect everyone, I thought it would be worth mentioning. 2 Pieces of Deluxe Edition DLC gear, the Carja Mighty Bow and Carja Storm Ranger Outfit, are currently performing far better that their stats suggest they should be. The blue tier Carja Bow out-damages its purple equivalent, the Shadow Hunter Bow, by a large margin (nearly double), even though the SHB can equip 3 purple damage mods. The Blue Carja outfit, takes 10% of the damage that the highest defense purple outfit you can obtain, even when that outfit is stacked with defensive mods. Were talking hits that would do 40 damage instead doing 4 damage. This is likely unintended and may be patched out in the future, but worth noting."