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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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I don't feel ashamed. I am working out. I find this kind of message haughty and gross. I'd rather people be motivated through positive reinforcement and the idea that they can feel and look great. Not this "look at me, what's your problem anyway" garbage. It's pure ego and not about others.

Thats the thing though, to some people this is positive reinforcement. Not everyone views reinforcers the same way. I can give one money for good grades, while another wouldn't care.
Thats the thing though, to some people this is positive reinforcement. Not everyone views reinforcers the same way. I can give one money for good grades, while another wouldn't care.

Yes but the people who want that reinforcement can ask for it, not apply it liberally then complain not enough people are motivated to get in shape.


Sorry but if your the kind of a person that looks at that image and feels ashamed, than why not do something about it? Obviously if your ill or have some other disability than of course there are concessions to be made, but I have a feeling those aren't the people being offended. I really don't even think the intent was to shame anyone but to help motivate people, and it seems it has, why is that something that should be looked down upon?

Because they aren't ashamed, they're being shamed. Being shamed is what someone tries to do to you to make you feel ashamed of yourself. In this case, the people that are angry aren't ashamed of themselves, they just don't want to be insulted.

As I said in my post earlier, this is an aggressive message with a negative tilt. This isn't giving someone courage or energy to do better, it's basically bragging. If it was "I've got 3 kids and have this body. You can do it too!" then it probably wouldn't have gotten anyone up in arms.


Yes but the people who want that reinforcement can ask for it, not apply it liberally then complain not enough people are motivated to get in shape.

It's on one person's Facebook page though (in this case). This isn't some commercial being broadcast during the Super Bowl or a PSA on the national evening news. Instead of flaming this person's Facebook page, people should have just moved on.
I didn't see it so much as fat/body shaming, but rather lazy shaming.

If you have a legitimate reason for being unable to exercise or achieve an ideal body this shouldn't rustle your jimmies to the point of attacking her online.

Being "lazy", or not working out every other day, has absolutely nothing to do with being overweight. Plenty of people work out every day and are still overweight, at the same time, plenty of people do not work out ever and are thin/look great.

Our ancestors certainly didn't lift weights or run marathons every day. They took it easy and relaxed, conserved energy, until they needed to hunt or gather. Even while hunting it was only short sprints that were the extent of strenuous exercise.


I don't feel ashamed. I am working out. I find this kind of message haughty and gross. I'd rather people be motivated through positive reinforcement and the idea that they can feel and look great. Not this "look at me, what's your problem anyway" garbage. It's pure ego and not about others.

Ok. I get what you're saying, but I'm starting to feel as though that we need to turn the screws a bit and not be PC about this stuff. We need to treat unhealthy food like we do cigarettes.

Because let me tell you, I have small children, and I've been going to their activities over the past few years, and what is happening to American society is fucking horrific. Legions of fat little kids huffing and puffing around, their grotesquely obese parents, and the nonstop eating of shit these people do. It simply was not that bad when I was growing up in the 80s.

That is pretty much what got me to start losing weight. If we need to start making these fat parents to feel ashamed of passing their unhealthy habits on to their children, so be it.


Yes but the people who want that reinforcement can ask for it, not apply it liberally then complain not enough people are motivated to get in shape.

She posted this on her facebook to people that decided to follow her. The message going viral isn't something she can control though. It's not like she singled someone out and belittled them. She thought she was doing something positive but you have millions of people from different walks of life view this and you have millions of view points.


I don't feel ashamed. I am working out. I find this kind of message haughty and gross. I'd rather people be motivated through positive reinforcement and the idea that they can feel and look great. Not this "look at me, what's your problem anyway" garbage. It's pure ego and not about others.

It's not positive reinforcement to see a woman with a killer body and aim to achieve that same success? Positive reinforcement can be however you want to interpret it.

And yea it's ego boosting, but who cares? We all have ego's whether we realize it or not. I don't see anything wrong with somebody flaunting something they are happy and passionate about. Hopefully it encourages more people to want to get in shape and to express their success as well.
Ok. I get what you're saying, but I'm starting to feel as though that we need to turn the screws a bit and not be PC about this stuff. We need to treat unhealthy food like we do cigarettes.

Because let me tell you, I have small children, and I've been going to their activities over the past few years, and what is happening to American society is fucking horrific. Legions of fat little kids huffing and puffing around, their grotesquely obese parents, and the nonstop eating of shit these people do. It simply was not that bad when I was growing up in the 80s.

That is pretty much what got me to start losing weight. If we need to start making these fat parents to feel ashamed of passing their unhealthy habits on to their children, so be it.

There's nothing PC about actually tackling problems rather than shaming people. Shaming people is the real lazy shit here. There are definite issues of education, physical fitness and available food for people. Start there rather than "lol you so fat."

She posted this on her facebook to her people that decided to follow her. The message going viral isn't something she can control though. It's not like she singled someone out and belittled them. She thought she was doing something positive but you have millions of people from different walks of life view this and you have millions of view points.

I don't really care about her facebook or this argument of it being on her fb, I'm tackling that attitude. That kind of attitude does more harm than good. If some people want the boot camp style, they can seek it out. Otherwise I'd really they rather keep that shit to people who want to be encouraged in the manner and leave well enough alone with others. It's more alienating than it is encouraging.

It's not positive reinforcement to see a woman with a killer body and aim to achieve that same success? Positive reinforcement can be however you want to interpret it.

And yea it's ego boosting, but who cares? We all have ego's whether we realize it or not. I don't see anything wrong with somebody flaunting something they are happy and passionate about. Hopefully it encourages more people to want to get in shape and to express their success as well.

It's positive with a message that's not steeped in such negativity. I'm frankly perturbed at how much I need to explain this.
The Fit Mom said:
“I'm sorry you took an image and resonated with it in such a negative way. I won't go into details that I struggled with my genetics, had an eating disorder, work full time owning two businesses, have no nanny, am not naturally skinny and do not work as a personal trainer,” she wrote, in part. “What I WILL say is this. What you interpret is not MY fault. It's yours. The first step in owning your life, your body and your destiny is to OWN the thoughts that come out of your own head. I didn't create them. You created them. So if you want to continue ‘hating’ this image, get used to hating many other things for the rest of your life.”

I think this lady has a point right here. I'm not in nearly as good a shape as her, and I own that. My excuse is that I'm fucking lazy when I get home after work, and I like to play videogames.

Demon Ice

If it was "I've got 3 kids and have this body. You can do it too!" then it probably wouldn't have gotten anyone up in arms.

I feel like that's how the majority of people took it. That's certainly how I took it.

Is it right to blame her for people misinterpreting her post? I've posted several examples of other images with similar wording previously in this thread, I don't think anyone found those offensive.

Actually, now that I think about it, I think the reason people found the pic in the OP offensive and not the ones I posted is because nobody envies the people in the pics I posted. Nobody envies a child with multiple prosthetics or an elderly, 102 year old man.
I feel like that's how the majority of people took it. That's certainly how I took it.

Is it right to blame her for people misinterpreting her post? I've posted several examples of other images with similar wording previously in this thread, I don't think anyone found those offensive.

Actually, now that I think about it, I think the reason people found the pic in the OP offensive and not the ones I posted is because nobody envies the people in the pics I posted. Nobody envies a child with multiple prosthetics or an elderly, 102 year old man.

"He's in shape, but at least I have 2 legs."

Hmm, has the ring of familiarity.


It's positive with a message that's not steeped in such negativity. I'm frankly perturbed at how much I need to explain this.

If people view it cynically and negative than so be it, I'm sorry but I just can't care anymore about people who choose to get upset about each and every little thing. In today's age you can't say or express anything without seemingly pissing people off. To those people who are pissed or feel shamed than I'm sorry you feel that way, but come on.

If you had showed me that picture out of context, the thought that people would be upset would never even cross my mind. My immediate reaction would be, and was, "damn that's a pretty killer body." If people choose to be upset about that because they feel they are being attacked than oh well. I guess continue being ashamed.
If people view it cynically and negative than so be it, I'm sorry but I just can't care anymore about people who choose to get upset about each and every little thing. In today's age you can't say or express anything without seemingly pissing people off. To those people who are pissed or feel shamed than I'm sorry you feel that way, but come on.

If you had showed me that picture out of context, the thought that people would be upset would never even cross my mind. My immediate reaction would be, and was, "damn that's a pretty killer body." If people choose to be upset about that because they feel they are being attacked than oh well. I guess continue being ashamed.

I'd feel like "cool she did that" without the "what's your excuse." As I've already said, it turns something inspirational into negative territory. It's accusatory rather than "get on board."


I don't really care about her facebook or this argument of it being on her fb, I'm tackling that attitude. That kind of attitude does more harm than good. If some people want the boot camp style, they can seek it out. Otherwise I'd really they rather keep that shit to people who want to be encouraged in the manner and leave well enough alone with others. It's more alienating than it is encouraging.

How would you propose that? I don't see a good way of that even happening. Like everything else, that type of thing has its own community but sometimes it escapes into the mainstream and everyone just has to deal with it.

Demon Ice

"He's in shape, but at least I have 2 legs."

Hmm, has the ring of familiarity.

I'm saying it's an unconscious thing.

When I see a pic of a child competing in the Special Olympics with that exact same caption, the comment thread is literally chock full of nothing but well wishers and admirers for that child.

When a mother of 3 young children (which, it goes without saying, is an absolutely gargantuan responsibility to bear) posts a pic showing her fitness, she's "fat-shaming".

I mean, you tell me.


By definition, positive reinforcement is the presentation of something that increases the targeted behavior.

So...literally anything could be a positive reinforcement.

Sorry, the wording some of you guys were using was bugging the hell out of me.
I'm saying it's an unconscious thing.

When I see a pic of a child competing in the Special Olympics with that exact same caption, the comment thread is literally chock full of nothing but well wishers and admirers for that child.

When a mother of 3 young children (which, it goes without saying, is an absolutely gargantuan responsibility to bear) posts a pic showing her fitness, she's "fat-shaming".

I mean, you tell me.

I think you misread me.

What's your excuse? :p


I'd feel like "cool she did that" without the "what's your excuse." As I've already said, it turns something inspirational into negative territory. It's accusatory rather than "get on board."

Actually now that I think about it she is shaming me. In fact I've been a very naughty boy, I think I need even some more shaming.


It pisses me off this guy is a pharmacist, looking down on his clientele.

I believe it is a real condition, and I know people who legitimately suffer from fibromyaglia. However, when you work in healthcare you see tons of people who purposefully lie to gain access to medication, not to mention a healthy amount of hypochondriacs. There is definitely a common thread seen in many people who claim to have fibromyalgia, and I'm sorry if my making light of that has upset you.
Being "lazy", or not working out every other day, has absolutely nothing to do with being overweight. Plenty of people work out every day and are still overweight, at the same time, plenty of people do not work out ever and are thin/look great.

Our ancestors certainly didn't lift weights or run marathons every day. They took it easy and relaxed, conserved energy, until they needed to hunt or gather. Even while hunting it was only short sprints that were the extent of strenuous exercise.

Right, and that falls under a legitimate reason. If you workout and nothing changes that's not an "excuse" it's a genuine medical issue.

If you smash a bag of Doritos and then hop on Xbox for several hours regularly and your excuse for not exercising is "I'm tired and have to be up early" then there's really no sympathy for that.

Pretty sure it's those latter people she was targeting. The ones who drink tons of pop and bought a bunch of exercise tapes/equipment hoping it'd motivate them only to let it sit there collecting dust for years.

That said, she could have definitely went about it better to resonate with a wider demographic and not come across so egocentric.


Considering its one pic on this ladies facebook page I don't feel like she's going out of her way to shame fatties, I feel like they've gone out of their way to find this and pretend to be irate about it so they don't have to exercise today.
It doesn't take ten hours to be healthy and in decent shape.

Talk about what you know. You don't have any fucking clue what it is like to be a young mother. It's more demanding than anything you could imagine. Asking women to look like her 8 months after birth is outrageous.
Those of you defending it as "hey, to some this is positive reinforcement" while simultaneously not giving a shit that to others it's hurtful are in a weird mindspace that I hope I never get into.
Those of you defending it as "hey, to some this is positive reinforcement" who are able to simultaneously not give a shit that to others it's hurtful are in a weird mindspace that I hope I never get into.

Mostly it's funny how people want to deal with the obesity problem in the laziest way possible, by calling others lazy.


Wait she is only 31. Thought she was in 40s. If she keeps that up until then, that would be crazy. Nothing wrong with that picture.

Demon Ice

The great irony here is the massive outrage about the pic has caused to spread all over the internet.

She just posted it on her Facebook. It's not like she was going around plastering it all over the town or in some TV ad.

She's not going out of her way to attack people who don't work out.

Do you think that is what she is doing? It's a simple question.

Yes, I do.

Has she posted her work out routine? I could very well be wrong, but when I looked at the pic in the OP, I did not think 10 hours a week of exercise.


To expand on my previous post, this is a quote directly from her website:

17) I hate images like this. It creates unrealistic expectations for mothers.

Every woman is different and my intention was not to ask, “What’s your Excuse for not looking like me?” My intention was to imply, “What’s your Excuse for not exercising?” However you interpret the message is dependent on your emotional state when you read the caption.

I definitely agree that my results are not normal. At the same time, being ‘fit’ is no longer normal in society. 1/3 of Americans are obese and over half are overweight. So of course it’s not realistic for the ‘average’ person to be fit after pregnancy because usually they are not fit before pregnancy. If you take care of yourself, exercise and eat the correct foods, then my results can be normal for you too! There’s nothing wrong with being fit. It’s good for you, your family and your wallet towards the end of your life.

Bonus quote:

6) How do you find the time to workout all day?

I don’t workout all day. I work out for 30-60 minutes sometimes in the morning or in the evening when I have my husbands assistance or can utilize the gym’s daycare. (although, after enduring a long day it’s often difficult to workout in the evening) I believe it’s a huge myth that you need to workout for several hours in a day to gain results. What’s most important is the intensity of your workout and what you also do throughout your day. Besides working out, I am chasing after my kids, taking them to the park, carrying them up and down stairs and loading them in and out of my car!


Because they aren't ashamed, they're being shamed. Being shamed is what someone tries to do to you to make you feel ashamed of yourself. In this case, the people that are angry aren't ashamed of themselves, they just don't want to be insulted.

As I said in my post earlier, this is an aggressive message with a negative tilt. This isn't giving someone courage or energy to do better, it's basically bragging. If it was "I've got 3 kids and have this body. You can do it too!" then it probably wouldn't have gotten anyone up in arms.

Anyone getting angry or feeling insulted about a picture posted on Facebook, with that caption, are ashamed and don't like being forced to look in the mirror. You don't get insulted by things like this unless they hit a nerve and you feel like they are directed at you.

The bottom line is people would rather live in a fantasy world where they can pretend that this stuff is out of there control, and they don't like it when reality slaps them in the face with the cold, honest truth. What's your excuse isn't negative, it's just pointing out that all of the reasons the average person gives for not being healthy are bullshit and they need to start owning that fact. People don't like responsibility these day so of course it gets twisted to make her the bad guy. Only on a planet where the majority of people are fat is this even a serious conversation.


Those of you defending it as "hey, to some this is positive reinforcement" while simultaneously not giving a shit that to others it's hurtful are in a weird mindspace that I hope I never get into.

Because those kinds of people will choose to get offended and upset by just about anything, sorry if I've stopped feeling sympathetic towards those people. I have real issues like the apocalypse and my mortality to be concerned about, not whether someone sees a fit lady and feels ashamed and called out. To everyone else who is motivated and positively reinforced, than more power to them and I wish them all the luck in the world.


You don't think she spends 10 hours a week exercising? I find that extremely hard to believe.

Probably not. It really doesn't take a lot of time to get into shape. Quite a few fitgaf guys are big and strong and put in about 3 hours a week of heavy lifting.

It's eating right and rest that take time

Mostly it's funny how people want to deal with the obesity problem in the laziest way possible, by calling others lazy.

Just a guess but they could be sick of all the excuses they get when they try to help people. It gets extremely frustrating after a while. People at work always ask my input on stuff and then say things are too hard, don't have time, can't do it, blah blah blah
Just a guess but they could be sick of all the excuses they get when they try to help people. It gets extremely frustrating after a while. People at work always ask my input on stuff and then say things are too hard, don't have time, can't do it, blah blah blah

I don't see a big push in threads or in general for better access to healthy foods, education, better lunch programs in schools, more active and fun PE structures. I just see "lol fatties."
Those of you defending it as "hey, to some this is positive reinforcement" while simultaneously not giving a shit that to others it's hurtful are in a weird mindspace that I hope I never get into.

If we used "someone might not like this" as our basis for what we can and cannot say, we'd be able to say very little these days.
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