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Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters, gives a non-apology

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I don't see a big push in threads or in general for better access to healthy foods, better lunch programs in schools, more active and fun PE structures. I just see "lol fatties."

That should definitely be something that is focused on more, but that also involves political issues that don't belong in this thread.

Education on healthy living in general needs a much bigger push behind it.


I don't see a big push in threads or in general for better access to healthy foods, better lunch programs in schools, more active and fun PE structures. I just see "lol fatties."

Well, I can't control the first 3 things but I have given detailed input to some users and gotten lame excuses back.


It's on one person's Facebook page though (in this case). This isn't some commercial being broadcast during the Super Bowl or a PSA on the national evening news. Instead of flaming this person's Facebook page, people should have just moved on.

She is a fitness personality who has a fitness blog, has appeared in fitness magazines, and produces fitness products. This was not just some personal post on Facebook.


Those of you defending it as "hey, to some this is positive reinforcement" while simultaneously not giving a shit that to others it's hurtful are in a weird mindspace that I hope I never get into.

There will always be someone upset at you over any small thing. Are you a vegan who plants his own food , only rides a bike and recycles everything? If not someone will look down on you, if you are the majority will look down on you ;p

Demon Ice

To expand on my previous post, this is a quote directly from her website:

Requoting since I really think a lot of people have misinterpreted her intent with that pic.

Every woman is different and my intention was not to ask, “What’s your Excuse for not looking like me?” My intention was to imply, “What’s your Excuse for not exercising?” However you interpret the message is dependent on your emotional state when you read the caption.

I definitely agree that my results are not normal. At the same time, being ‘fit’ is no longer normal in society. 1/3 of Americans are obese and over half are overweight. So of course it’s not realistic for the ‘average’ person to be fit after pregnancy because usually they are not fit before pregnancy. If you take care of yourself, exercise and eat the correct foods, then my results can be normal for you too! There’s nothing wrong with being fit. It’s good for you, your family and your wallet towards the end of your life.


Fat shaming is the wrong way to go about getting fat people to lose weight. This is NOT fat shaming at all. It's terrible this hot mom is getting negative feedback. I totally see her pic as being a message for inspiration. The people saying she is fat shaming probably carry a lot of shame themselves for not being able to lose weight after pregnancy. They are just coming off as jealous people.


What timing too because around this time of year is when most people especially moms start putting on winter holiday weight just because.

When it comes to being overweight, I think most of it is because of ignorance and laziness. People say they "work out" or are on a healthy diet but probably don't have the experience, lifestyle, or knowledge on how to get and maintain results. And even if they do know better it's still really easy to balloon up like after graduating a boot camp when you don't have instructors and prepared meals forced on you

Being "lazy", or not working out every other day, has absolutely nothing to do with being overweight. Plenty of people work out every day and are still overweight, at the same time, plenty of people do not work out ever and are thin/look great.

Our ancestors certainly didn't lift weights or run marathons every day. They took it easy and relaxed, conserved energy, until they needed to hunt or gather. Even while hunting it was only short sprints that were the extent of strenuous exercise.

I think humans always hated those who couldn't carry their own weight so to speak. For what it's worth the so-called ideal human form has been seen to at least the ancient Greeks, who were probably also much more active in fat shaming than society today.

Our hunter-gatherer ancestors used their own body weight and had a pretty high activity level, we don't really see too many obese natives unless they trade for McDonald's. In tribal societies it probably doesn't pay to get flabby while a rival is out there hunting


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Wait she is only 31. Thought she was in 40s. If she keeps that up until then, that would be crazy. Nothing wrong with that picture.

My mom had three kids and was in better shape than this woman into her 40s, working more than full time (as a nurse, not a trainer) and raising two kids.
Then one day she cancelled her gym membership and started binging on junk food.
A year later she was 5' 5", 180 pounds and huffing and puffing. Two years later, she broke 220. Blamed her metabolism.
America in microcosm.


I agree with most of this post, but almost everyone has access to healthy foods. Food deserts are a myth.
Not only that but it's much cheaper to eat healthy than to eat junk. That's another myth that cracks me up. If someone can't be bothered to Google 'how do i eat healthy' I can't bother to have empathy for them.
Requoting since I really think a lot of people have misinterpreted her intent with that pic.

Yeah and it's a total bullshit quote. If her target was the people who are obese before pregnancy, then her target is just obese people, it would have nothing to do with pregnancy and/or raising a young family. That would call for a Before and After comparison, like is so common with weight loss commercials. Instead, she took a shot at all young mothers by taking a photo displaying her washboard abs while her brood sat in the foreground only 8 months after giving birth.

FitGAF just wants to use this as a "lol fatties" talking point, when the truth is that this got national recognition due to the insinuation that young mothers should shed their baby weight and look like her only months after giving birth. That's an unhealthy perspective that causes more harm than good.


She is a fitness personality who has a fitness blog, has appeared in fitness magazines, and produces fitness products. This was not just some personal post on Facebook.

They chose to visit her page, is my point. It wasn't on the front page of Facebook or broadcast on network television. These people voluntarily visited a fitness page (many of which are known to feature motivational posts similar to the one in question), and got upset when they found typical fitness page content on a fitness page. They can simply leave the page and never have to see it again.

Yeah and it's a total bullshit quote. If her target was the people who are obese before pregnancy, then her target is just obese people, it would have nothing to do with pregnancy and/or raising a young family. That would call for a Before and After comparison, like is so common with weight loss commercials. Instead, she took a shot at all young mothers by taking a photo displaying her washboard abs while her brood sat in the foreground only 8 months after giving birth.

FitGAF just wants to use this as a "lol fatties" talking point, when the truth is that this got national recognition due to the insinuation that young mothers should shed their baby weight and look like her only months after giving birth. That's an unhealthy perspective that causes more harm than good.

Here you go:

13) You must have been fit before you were pregnant.

I was fit and varying degrees in all my three pregnancies. In my first pregnancy I already considered myself 20 pounds overweight. (I think most moms say this) Thankfully, I lost the weight and more before conceiving my 2nd son. Being generally fit before pregnancy is the biggest influence on how you will look within the year after giving birth so my recommendation for all moms is to be fit before getting pregnant. You can read my fitness journals here.
Not only that but it's much cheaper to eat healthy than to eat junk. That's another myth that cracks me up. If someone can't be bothered to Google 'how do i eat healthy' I can't bother to have empathy for them.

It's cheaper to eat grains maybe. Meat and veggies are not cheaper than mac n cheese, especially if you're feeding a family.


They chose to visit her page, is my point. It wasn't on the front page of Facebook or broadcast on network television. These people voluntarily visited a fitness page (many of which are known to feature motivational posts similar to the one in question), and got upset when they found typical fitness page content on a fitness page. They can simply leave the page and never have to see it again.

Except the beauty of social networking means you don't have to actively put your ad out there--your fans do it for you. People are coming across this because it's getting shared to their networks.
I think the reason people are up in arms is because of the "what's your excuse?" caption. As if you need an excuse not to have a perfect body.

That said, she put in the effort and got results. Props to her.

Demon Ice

Yeah and it's a total bullshit quote. If her target was the people who are obese before pregnancy, then her target is just obese people, it would have nothing to do with pregnancy and/or raising a young family. That would call for a Before and After comparison, like is so common with weight loss commercials. Instead, she took a shot at all young mothers by taking a photo displaying her washboard abs while her brood sat in the foreground only 8 months after giving birth.

She "took a shot" at all young mothers? Sorry but you just sound like you are either massively projecting or just have some sort of persecution complex. She said the goal of that pic was to highlight what happens when you stop using certain justifications to not work out. She also said she only spent 30-60 minutes per workout.

FitGAF just wants to use this as a "lol fatties" talking point, when the truth is that this got national recognition due to the insinuation that young mothers should shed their baby weight and look like her only months after giving birth. That's an unhealthy perspective that causes more harm than good.

Did you stop reading before you got to the part where she said her results were not normal or average?

Demon Ice

Except the beauty of social networking means you don't have to actively put your ad out there--your fans do it for you. People are coming across this because it's getting shared to their networks.

So then they should be blaming their friends for sharing it and Facebook for allowing it to appear on their feeds. Why even have a Facebook account if that's all it takes to ruin your day?

How is it her fault that FB's weird ass sharing algorithm decided to put it on random people's feeds?

I'm an atheist and I get super Christian propaganda on my newsfeed randomly, I just ignore it and move on.


Except the beauty of social networking means you don't have to actively put your ad out there--your fans do it for you. People are coming across this because it's getting shared to their networks.

Then the problem is with the people you're networked with, not her. If someone sends you a link to 2 Girls, 1 Cup, are you going to get mad at the people who made it or the person who disguised it and sent it to you?


Then education from an early age is a must. People are still avoiding it for a reason. But here, there is a definite price barrier for healthy food, especially meat.
People avoid it for the same reason they drink Coke and not water, really.



Cost of food most definitely isn't a myth.

There is a small percentage of people who can't afford healthy food, but that problem doesn't apply for most overweight people. Besides, you can eat fast food and junk food and still not gain weight, you just need to burn the same number of calories as you eat.


It's cheaper to eat grains maybe. Meat and veggies are not cheaper than mac n cheese, especially if you're feeding a family.

The issue seems to be that cheap bad food is fucking addictive not so much the cost factor. Poor people have always had it hard but they have been getting fatter and fatter.

[According to a 2011 study by the Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, the average Mexican consumes 163 liters of soda, or 43 gallons, per year, making our own 31-gallon-per-year soda habit pale in comparison. Is it any wonder that Mexicans have also surpassed us in obesity rates?

31 lbs of soda per year for the U.S equates to around 13 lbs of fat per year, which is something that no one fucking needs.


Then education from an early age is a must. People are still avoiding it for a reason. But here, there is a definite price barrier for healthy food, especially meat.

Frozen broccoli is super cheap, filling and healthy.

Frozen skinless chicken tenders are also super cheap, filling and healthy.

Taste is probably a major reason. Not the only one, sure, but a major one.

Definitely. There's so much sugar in things that don't even need it and shouldn't have it. Sauces and even broths are loaded with it. I just go "god damn" when I go to the grocery store these days. We're programming kids fairly early to like sweet, they just ingest more of it as they get older and want that particular taste. I'd like to see people up in arms over this more than anything. Also investing in school lunches where kids can taste really great food without all of that shit would be nice. Teaches them they can eat healthy and it can taste good. But where's the profit in it?
Frozen broccoli is super cheap, filling and healthy.

Frozen skinless chicken tenders are also super cheap, filling and healthy.


This is true. And I'm sure there are a fair number of other cheap/healthy dishes people could suggest. But there's also the matter of time needed to prepare, and the fact that a family is rarely going to be disciplined enough to all want to eat such a meal most days.

Personally, something I'd like to see more would be a bigger push for more food that's actually healthy (or at least portioned correctly) from takeout/fast food joints. The regular staples don't necessarily have to go, but I think it's time to react to the fact that busier families often rely on eating out, and stop working under the assumption that a meal out is a "treat."

Really, when someone goes to a fast food place and orders the #1, I think there should be a bigger push to ensure that it's not garbage that's awful for you.


This is true. And I'm sure there are a fair number of other cheap/healthy dishes people could suggest. But there's also the matter of time needed to prepare, and the fact that a family is rarely going to be disciplined enough to all want to eat such a meal most days.

Personally, something I'd like to see more would be a bigger push for more food that's actually healthy (or at least portioned correctly) from takeout/fast food joints. The regular staples don't necessarily have to go, but I think it's time to react to the fact that busier families often rely on eating out, and stop working under the assumption that a meal out is a "treat."

Really, when someone goes to a fast food place and orders the #1, I think there should be a bigger push to ensure that it's not garbage that's awful for you.

I can agree with that.

It's pretty much why the only place my wife and I regularly eat at is chipotle.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Frozen broccoli is super cheap, filling and healthy.

Frozen skinless chicken tenders are also super cheap, filling and healthy.


True, but lack of variety is a discipline-killer. Beef, and especially fish, aren't cheap.
But conveniently, almost every awful food choice is.
Nothing offensive about it. Just insecure people bitching and overanalyzing.

"No excuse" has been a motivational thing for a long time. She's saying don't let having kids make you think you can't keep your shit together.


True, but lack of variety is a discipline-killer. Beef, and especially fish, aren't cheap.
But conveniently, almost every awful food choice is.

I've gotten to the point where I can eat and enjoy anything.

Like...I'll eat oatmeal, cooked in water, with a bit of cinnamon. No sugar or sweetener.
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